Introducing the School
The Photobook is the Central Form of Expression within Photography. The Photobook Masterclass is an innovative and unique workshop program by & Lichtblick School focusing on the conception, editing and production of photobooks. The Masterclass is organized in cooperation with local partners, institutions and festivals.
Introduction .............................................................. 3 Workshop .................................................................. 4 Program/Schedule .................................................. 5 Target Group ............................................................. 6 Masters ...................................................................... 7 Previous Masterclasses ......................................... 12 Requirements .......................................................... 19 Budget ....................................................................... 20 About ............................................... 22 About Lichtblick School ........................................ 23
„Photography is no longer about the wall. The book from is basic to photography“ Quentin Bajac, Chief Curator of Photography, MoMa, New York, 2013
The photobook is the most original form of photographic expression. A collection of photographs becomes a personal concept of the world. The selection of the photographs, the dramaturgy of the series, the design and layout of the pages, the touch and feel of the cover and the paper and many other details have to point out the idea of a book to have a lasting effect on the viewer. Producing a book requires special diligence: An exhibition can be reorganized again and again, but a publication influences the perception of a photographic work for generations. The Photobook Masterclass raises the participants‘ awareness for the varied questions, that have to be considered producing a photobook. The whole process from the image to the dummy and the finished book will be discussed intensely. The objective of the workshop is to highlight the special qualities of the photographs and the personal view by the combination of the photographs. Only a consequent image selection and an appropriate dramaturgy form the basis for a photobook that is above average. We - Markus Schaden, Wolfgang Zurborn, Thekla Ehling, Frederic Lezmi & Nina Poppe - are an experienced, lively and harmonizing team, that knows how to have a motivating influence on the workshop participants.
THE WORKSHOP The basis of the workshop is the joint sifting and evaluation of the image material. What do we have and how do we underline the special feature of the project? Therefore, we will invest lots of time in the elaboration of a good edit or rather a good choice and structuring of the image material. How do you create a strong thread of photographs that is the backbone of each photobook? What is the right flow? How does a layout look like that emphasizes the effect of the photographs? The workshop also deals with the question how the images become books, that reach the public. In addition to basic questions concerning the book market, the workshop brings up different publication strategies: Do I need a publisher or are there other ways to publish my book such as Book on Demand or Crowdfunding? Markus Schaden is an expert of this unclear field and passes on his knowledge. Furthermore, the Photobook Masterclass introduces the participants to the history of photobooks, illuminates the highlights and delivers detailed insights into the world of editions. This input of varied strategies to make a book out of photographs inspires the participants to specify their own photobooks. In addition to the conceptual aspects and the elaboration of a good edit and layout, the practical part of the workshop gives priority to the manual production of the book dummy, for example the possibilities to simulate the haptic characteristics of the final photobook. Printers (A3 and A4), diverse papers and cardboards and a box full of materials for bookbinding e.g. linen, glue, staples, screws, cutting mats and bone folders are ready to be used by the participants for making a dummy. The binding of the dummies or the cutting of the inner book is possible at bookbinders nearby or can be done during the workshop. The participants will be proud owners of a photobook dummy and a PDF. At the end of the workshop the results will be presented to the public in a small event or exhibition in order to get a first feedback.
Day 1
Kick-Off: Introduction of the instructors and participants and first sifting and discussion of the works brought along
Day 2
Morning: Developing the Photobook – Lecture by Markus Schaden Afternoon: Conception of the book projects
Day 3
Morning: Sequencing the Photobook – Lecture by Wolfgang Zurborn Afternoon: Editing the book projects
Day 4
Morning: Object & Desire – Lecture by Nina Poppe or Frederic Lezmi Afternoon: Editing and designing the book projects
Day 5
Finalizing the edit and design
Day 6
Dummy production (printing, sticking, cutting...)
Day 7
Daytime : Dummy production Evening: Presentation of the results during public event
The Masterclass program can also be made a day shorter or longer depending on the number of participants.
TARGET GROUP The workshop is planned for photographers and artists who have been working for some time on a photographic project that they would like to publish. The project should be finished or nearly finished. A sufficiently large and good selection of photographs is important. First ideas and conceptions for the edit and layout would be a plus. If possible, every participant brings along a laptop and print-outs of the photos (something between A5 and A4) and high-resolution image data. An installed version of Adobe Indesign and Photoshop would be an advantage. Participants are encourages to bring along texts, archive material or other finds related to their work and topic.
„It‘s not about making good pictures anymore. Anybody can do that today – it‘s about good edits.“
Alec Soth, Magnum Photographer, 2013
THE MASTERS Markus Schaden (*1965) is a trained bookseller and together with his brother Christoph Schaden the founder of Schaden Verlag, a publishing house focusing on photography. In 1998 he opened the bookstore specializing in photobooks in Cologne. As one of the first bookshops went online in 1999, published more than 100 photobooks, participated in numerous international fairs and festivals and has organized more than 250 events and book signings until 2011. As an expert for photography, Markus Schaden is part of the jury for the Dummy Award of the Photobook Festival Kassel and the BlurbPhotoBook Award. Since 2002 Markus Schaden is, together with Agnes Sire (HCB Fondation, Paris), jointly responsible for the Arles Photography Book Prize. Since 2008 he has been curating photography projects such as “The La Brea Matrix” and exhibitions relating to the photo novel “Love on the Left Bank” by Ed van der Elsken at the ParisPhoto 2011. From 2004 to 2009, he was member of the Editorial Board of FOAM magazine and in 2012, he was Guest Editor of the second edition of the Photobook Review by Aperture. In 2009 Markus Schaden taught at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Currently he works as a temporary lecturer at the University of Applied Science in Dortmund and as lecturer at the Lichtblick School in Cologne. At the beginning of 2012 Markus Schaden gave up the trading activity and is now concentrating on the development of Photobook Culture.
THE MASTERS Wolfgang Zurborn (*1956) works as freelance photographer and teaches Photography at several universities and photography schools in Berlin, Bremen, Braunschweig, Florence and Liptovský Mikuláš (Slovakia). In 2010 he founded the Lichtblick School together with Tina Schelhorn. The experience of 28 years of exhibitions and activities at the photo gallery Lichtblick is integrated into the varied courses with international photographers. Regularly photobook workshops in collaboration with Markus Schaden are an important part of the program. Since 1998 Wolfgang Zurborn has been campaigning for the support of artistic photography as member of the executive committee of the German Photographic Academy (DFA). His works have been exhibited worldwide. In 2009 the Haus der Fotografie/Deichtorhallen Hamburg exhibited his works with the focus on his book projects “China! Which China?” and “Drift”, for wich he received the German Photobook Award he in 2008. His latest book project “Catch“ was nominated for the Photobook Dummy Award 2012 and was presented at Le Bal in Paris and featured in ZeitOnline.
THE MASTERS Frederic Lezmi (*1978) worked as assistant to German photographer Wolfgang Zurborn at gallery Lichtblick in Cologne and studied Visual Communication from 2001 to 2009 with an emphasis on Documentary Photography and Book Design at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen, Germany. Since 2004 he has been concentrating on topics concerning the Middle East. In 2005/2006, he spent a study year in Beirut as a recipient of a grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Since 2006 he has been working as assistant of Markus Schaden and together with Nina Poppe has been overseeing numerous book and exhibition projects at His graduation series “Beyond Borders“ has received the BFF-Promotion Award as well as the Reinhart-Wolf Prize 2009 for best final degree work in photography. “Beyond Borders“ was published at White Press, designed as an 11-meter accordion fold-out and was nominated by Garry Badger for the Photobook Award in Kassel and the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize. In 2011 he has founded his little imprint SUNDAY BOOKS, where he has already published highly acclaimed titles as „Poor Politicians“ and „Taksim Calling“, that was selected as part of Martin Parr‘s Protest Book exhibition at Paris Photo 2013. Since 2012 Frederic Lezmi lives in Istanbul where he regularly gives workshop, aside of being a temporary lecturer at Lichtblick School in Cologne. Since 2013 he teaches book making in the photography department of Mimar SInan Fine Art Univeristy in Istanbul.
THE MASTERS Nina Poppe (*1979) studied Photography at Utrecht School of Arts from 1999-2003 and from 2005-2011 studied at the Academy of Media Art Cologne. During her studies she made the documentary film “Sunrise Dacapo“ that has made it‘s way into the “Next Generation“ selection of German Films in 2009 and was shown at the Cannes International Film Festival. Since 2003 Nina Poppe has been working as assistant of Markus Schaden and was in charge of numerous publications and projects e.g. the ‚La Brea Matrix‘ and “Next Stop-Next One“ for Ruhr-2010. Since 2008 she has been curating several exhibitions like the photo book project “Marks of Honour“. This project deals with the inspiration different international photographers got from photo books and results in a library of special editions combining an original book with new work in tribute to it. In 2012 Nina Poppe worked for Aperture on the photo book project Aperture Remixed. Her graduation work “AMA“, about female Japanese divers, which was published as photo book by Kehrer Verlag in 2011 was nominated for the Aperture First Photobook Award and the German Photobook Prize. The exhibition AMA in which she shows films of her projects references next to her own pictures was shown in international exhibitions and museum shows, i.a. at FOAM Amsterdam, Museum of Contemporary Art Arnhem, Berlin and Rome. In 2012, Nina Poppe received the GWK Art Prize for her work.
THE MASTERS Thekla Ehling (*1968) was born in Bielefeld. After doing
an apprenticeship as a bookbinder she studied Photography at the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund and at the College of Fine Arts in Limerick, Ireland. Thekla Ehling is best known for her remarkable portraits. She always succeeds in capturing the essence of each individual, regardless whether they are famous or not. Her very personal approach highlights the idiosyncrasies and the unique presence of the person portrayed making her photographs stand out, with an imagery all of their own. Thekla Ehling first became known through her photobook “Sommerherz”, in which she deals with the subject of childhood. In this project her sensitive portraits and atmospheric settings document her own children growing up. This process supplies the viewer with a frame of reference they can associate with allowing them to delve into their own childhood memories. “Sommerherz” was shown at the Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie in Arles and in galleries and exhibitions in Hamburg, Paris, Rome and New York. It has been published in 2009 by Kehrer Verlag, who also published her second book „vergiszmeinnicht“ in 2012. Both books have been nominated for the German Photobook Prize in 2009 and 2012. Apart of giving portrait workshops at Lichtblick School in Cologne Thekla Ehling is teaching Photography and Editorial Design at Universität der Künste (UDK) in Berlin since 2013.
PREVIOUS MASTERCLASSES ARLES 2012 02.-07.07.2012 @LES RENCONTRES D‘ARLES, FRANCE 2012 The first Photobook Masterclass was held in Arles in the South of France, during the international photofestival Rencontres D‘Arles. The workshop took place in a beautiful villa with a big terrace and a garden to work, get together and relax. At the end of the workshop the results were presented to an international festival audience in a pop up exhibition in downtown Arles.
PARTICIPANTS: Christine Rose Divito, Yasutaka Kojima, Paco Mesa and Lola Marazuela, Wendy Mc Murdo, Claudia Rorarius & Josef Schulz MASTERS: Wolfgang Zurborn, Markus Schaden, Frederic Lezmi & Nina Poppe
Coming back by Yasutaka Kojima
Are You Talking To Me by Wendy Mc Murdo
Leaving Else by Claudia Rorarius
45 by Paco Mesa and Lola Marazuela
PREVIOUS MASTERCLASSES JAKARTA 2013 16.-22.01.2013 @ GOETHE INSTITUT - JAKARTA Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara & Goethe-Institut Indonesia invited Markus Schaden and Wolfgang Zurborn to make a photobook workshop with thirteen young Indonesian photographers. The covers and layouts of the results have been published as a magazin. The workshop was accompanied by lectures and portfolio reviews. PARTICIPANTS: Agus Susanto, Andi Ari Setiadi, Arum Tresnaningtyas Dayuputri, Bobby Haryanto , Dedy Sinuhaji, Irma Chantily, Jerry Adiguna, Kurniadi Widodo, Mamuk Ismuntoro, Mohammad Safir Makki, Prasetyo Utomo, Rony Zakaria & Taufan Wijaya MASTERS: Wolfgang Zurborn & Markus Schaden
Sugar by Rony Zakaria
Welcome to Indonesia by Kurniadi Widodo
White Smoke by Prasetyo Utomo
Fear Hope by Taufan Wijaya
Requiem by Mamuk Ismuntoro
PREVIOUS MASTERCLASSES ARLES 2013 28.-07.07.2012 @LES RENCONTRES D窶連RLES, FRANCE 2012 After the sucess of our first Photobook Masterclass we came back to the South of France, during the international photofestival Rencontres D窶連rles. Again the workshop took place in a beautiful villa with a big terrace and a garden to work, get together and relax. And again at the end of the workshop the results were presented to an international festival audience in a pop up exhibition in downtown Arles.
PhotoBook MasterClass Join the Scha
tblick School
Arles Session 2013
PARTICIPANTS: Greg Andruszczenko, Silva Bingaz, Dagobert Hartmann, Laura Hynd, Michaela Reisinger, Sandra Stein, Britta Strohschen & Eric Tchテゥou MASTERS: Wolfgang Zurborn, Markus Schaden, Frederic Lezmi & Thekla Ehling
Keine Ahnung by Sandra Stein
Milongueros (tango es mi vida) by Michaela Dreisinger
The Cicada‘s Song by Eric Tcheou
Pop Up War by Dagobert Hartmann
Japan Coast by Silva Bingaz
UPCOMING MASTERCLASSES ANKARA 2014 12-18.03.2014 @ GOETHE INSTITUT - ANKARA, TURKEY The next Photobook Masterclass will be held in Turkey‘s capital Ankara. Organized by the independent art space Torun and kindly supported by the Goethe Institut and CAR. Application is by open call. It will be a two Master workshop with eight participants. At the end of the Materclass there will be an exhibition at the Goethe Institut showing a selection of books from the archive of the Kassel Fotobook Festival as well as a photobook related program in the CAR and Torun art space locations. A series of talks and lectures and a pop up bookshop featuring independent photobooks from Turkey are also planned.
REQUIREMENTS For a Photobook Masterclass we need: # 5-12 highly motivated young photographers with great pictures and open for good ideas # a big working space/atelier (preferably with daylight) # an additional screening room (if the working room cannot be darkend) # an idea for a nice and publicly accesible location for the final dummy presentation event # 2-3 big tables to work on # wireless internet access in the working space
# a beamer for the lectures * # a mac workstation with a color calibratable screen (Adobe Photoshop and Indesign installed) * # 2 professional color inkjet printers in A3 and sufficient ink * # enough paper A3/A4 in sufficient quantities and in different weights and surfaces * # cardboard in different sizes and thickness for covers and boxes * # 1-2 big cutting mats / several cutters / several rulers * # bookbinding material (glue, tape, linen, staples, screws...)*
* Dependig on the destination these items can be brought over from Germany if they cannot be provided. Extra cargo fee may occur.
BUDGET Depending on the budget and the amount of participants the Masterclass comes in 2 different sizes: 2 masters for 5-6 participants 4 master for 10-12 participants The masters assigned to a Masterclass are chosen due to availability. Budget Calculation: For 2 Masters (5-6 participants) 2 x masterclass honorarium 1600 Euro per master for a 7day workshop 2x 2x 2x 2x
flight CGN to destination* hotel room or other adequate accommodation transportation: airport - hotel - space/atelier food/catering (a meal a day)
300 Euro working material: paper/ink/photocopies for edit and pre dummy** 600 Euro final dummy (2 copies each) printing and binding** + possible cargo fee for equipment * Frederic Lezmi would fly in from IST ** Prices depend on the local prices payed at destination
BUDGET For 4 Masters (10-12 participants) 4 x masterclass honorarium 1600 Euro per master for a 7day workshop 4x 4x 4x 4x
flight CGN to destination* hotel room or other adequate accommodation transportation: airport - hotel - space/atelier food/catering (a meal a day)
600 Euro working material: paper/ink/photocopies for edit and pre-dummy** 1200 Euro final dummy (2 copies each) printing and binding** + possible cargo fee for equipment
* Frederic Lezmi would fly in from IST ** Prices depend on the local prices payed at destination
The Masterclass can either be fully sponsored, then the admission would be for free, or partially funded and the particpants would pay a certain fee. For the Masterclasses organized by Lichtblickschool, like the one in Arles, we have been charging 990â‚Ź per participant.
ABOUT SCHADEN.COM started as a publishing house and book store specialized on photobooks. It has been founded in Cologne, Germany, in the mid-nineties by an art-historian and a bookseller: the brothers Christoph and Markus Schaden. With more than 120 published photobooks and stocking a huge selection of photobooks from all over the world was one of the first photography-only bookstores in Europe and was the first bookstore starting to travel worldwide with booths on photo fairs like Paris Photo, Armory Show NYC, Photo LA ,Rencontres D‘Arles and many more. Besides publishing and selling photobooks has always been developing and organizing events, exhibitions and projects focusing on the development of the photobook as a central medium in photography. Projects like „Marks of Honour: A Striking Library“, „The Vintage Reprint Series“, „White Press“, „The La Brea Matrix“ and „PhotoBookStudies“ have been widely shown in Europe, the US and Asia. In 2012 turned into a non-profit foundation aiming to develop Photobook Culture. In 2014 will open the worlds first PhotoBookMuseum.
SCHADEN.COM FOUNDATION Körnerstrasse 6-8 50823 Cologne, Germany +49 171 483 24 44 facebook:
ABOUT LICHTBLICK SCHOOL Based on an experience of showing more than 180 exhibitions over 27 years in the Gallery Lichtblick in Cologne and cooperating with artists from all over the world, Tina Schelhorn and Wolfgang Zurborn are open for all different artistic photographic strategies and expressions. In October 2010 this led to the foundation of Lichtblick School aiming to organise photo workshops and seminars for professional photographers, artists and amateurs. The program of the school is directed to everybody fascinated by the medium of photography and interested in developing a personal visual language. The philosophy of Lichtblick School is to react very individually to every participant. There is no dogmatic concentration on one style of photography. Lichtblick School is offering a wide range of weekend workshops on conceptual, aesthetical, theoretical, practical and technical questions concerning photography. An important focus in the program of Lichtblick School is the creation and publishing of photobooks. In addition to this Lichtblick School is organising photography workshops in Istanbul and is cooperating with a lot of international institutions and festivals like Kolga Tbilisi Photo in Georgia, Antara Gallery in Jakarta, Fondazione Studio Marangoni in Firenze and the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, India.
LICHTBLICK SCHOOL Steinbergerstr. 21 50733 Cologne, Germany +49 221 72 91 49 facebook: Lichtblick-School PHOTOBOOK MASTERCLASS | PROPOSAL