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San Francisco shines at night, and one of my favorite places to photograph in the city is near the waterfront. Embarcadero is a main street which once served as a transportation hub for waterway ferry traffic and shipping. As i crossed the street heading back to my car, the cobblestone island and railway for the streetcar trolley caught my eye.I thought about how the road must have looked generations ago, before these crowded streets were dominated by neon and electric. Gazing down the street, the cobblestone is now accompanied by modern structures, traffic lights, and there is a hidden symbiosis between modern and retro shown in the architecture. __Tech INfo__ Sony Alpha a390 DSLR Rokinon 14mm F2.8 lens Shutter 43 seconds Aperture F22 ISO 200 focal length 14mm Generate income on-line with Web marketing advice and tips about tips on how to earn money on-line with marks make money working from home secrets, social media, seo, working from home and make a full time earnings working from home additionally recommendation on software packages and ways of getting free site visitors to your websites, that will save you time and make your life easier to free up more of your time with different earning profits on-line projects. Retaining you updated with among the greatest money making opportunities available on the Internet.
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