Your Questions About Catching Bass In Cold Weather

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Your Questions About Catching Bass In Cold Weather

Chris asks…

I feel like fishing but is getting colder, what kind of fish can I catch still and where near Philly? I don’t have ant ice fishing gear and I don’t know hoe to ice fish so ice fishing is not possible. I wanted to get in some last minute fishing before it gets too cold. What kind of fish can I still go after in November, and where do I go? No place to far, no longer than an hour drive. I was thinking striped bass maybe? But I am open with almost any fishing.

LMBassFish answers: Fish never stop feeding; therefore, you can catch them all year long. Many people (including myself) fish year round. Being out on the lake with sheets of ice isn’t out of the ordinary for me. You have to be patient though. Their metabolism slows way down, which makes them very sluggish. In most cases, you’ll need to fish slow and deep in cold weather. Fish aren’t willing to chase down their prey in cold water like they are in warm water; they simply don’t have the energy to do it. My favorite cold water lures are jig/pig combos, suspending jerkbaits, and deep diving crankbaits.


Donald asks…

How do the fish bite your bait? Hi ..i have some questions… 1. Striper bass….are they bite in the bottom(ground) or hanging bait. 2. Sturgeon…..same question 3. Catfish….same question…. 4. Can we catch them in cold weather(spring) Thx for share the answer

LMBassFish answers: For stripe they usually bite the bait kind of in the middle to the top part of the water. Not sure about the sturgeon Cats are primarily a bottom feeding fish because they stay near the bottom most of the time. Yes these fish can be caught year round.


Ruth asks…

Why aren’t humans immune to the common cold? In an episode of Star Trek, Data keeps sneezing. Wesley Crusher asks him if he has a cold; “something people use to get”, if only it were true. For millennia, humans have been plagued by the common cold. Colds are caused by a virus. Why don’t humans develop immunity, like with the small pox virus? It would seem that after all of this time and with the vast number of people affected; the immune system would recognize the cold virus? Also, how does weather affect the cold virus?

LMBassFish answers: A cold is a virus, and you only catch viruses once. That’s why you can only get chicken pox one time. The problem with a cold is that there are many different strains of cold, and we only build immunity to the strains we catch. I think that’s why you can’t play “cold ping-pong.” That would be when you catch a cold, you pass it to your friend, your friend passes it back to you, you bass it back to him, he passes it back to you, and so on. As to the weather affecting a cold virus the answer is simple: it doesn’t. That’s a common misconception. The cold weather obviously isn’t good for you, and I guess it can produce cold-like symptoms, but it doesn’t affect the cold virus.


In fact, there are some places that are actually too cold for the cold virus to live.

Lisa asks…

Can anyone compare and contrast northern and southern fishing? I live in CO , the best time to fish is from march-early july and late august to october. After that it is slow, I do remember from living in CA I could basically fish whenever but I have to deal with crowds and more trash

LMBassFish answers: Well, I think you’ve done a good job of this yourself — where you live, in the mountains of the western United States, you get really good fishing in the spring and fall, but other times of the year can be challenging. In California and maybe some other western states (Arizona, Washington), fishing is a year-round thing, but there are more crowds and fishing pressure. However, I’m not sure that everyone is going to agree with your use of terms — to most people, “the north” is north of the Mason-Dixon and/or New England, while “the south” refers to east


Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, etc. (i.e., the Southern States). In these terms, there are some fairly huge differences between fishing in the north and the south — in the south there is a lot of stillwater and slackwater fishing, a lot of bass, panfish, and catfish. Spin fishing and bait fishing are more commonly practiced than fly fishing. The weather doesn’t limit your fishing as much, but some other seasonal factors do, such as spawning. In the north, you’ve still got bass and panfish, and most people practice spin fishing and bait fishing. You’re also likely to encounter more large, coldwater fish such as lake trout, pike, and muskie. However, you’re more likely to see fly anglers fishing for trout on the various streams and cold rivers. You’ll see people icefishing, and for a lot of people, open water fishing ends when the snow files. But forget all that. You’re comparing two regions of what most people consider the western United States — Colorado and California. And I’m not sure you’re being fair to your own home turf. You say that the best fishing in Colorado is in the spring and fall, and you’re right. However, you CAN fish western trout streams all year round. I fish mostly in Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming and I fish all year, every month of the year. I try to fish at least once a week all that time, and I catch fish regularly. I guess what I’m saying is, yes, you can fish with good weather and warm temperatures all year long in certain areas of California or other states, but you can fish all year in Colorado, too, as long as you prepare for the weather and change your technique based on the season. For example, they say that fishing mountain streams slows down in the summer, but I think it’s more accurate to say that you will catch fewer fish in the summer IF you keep fishing the way you do in the spring. In other words, you have to change techniques for summer. I’m a fly angler, and although I prefer dry flies, you have to fish under the surface a lot more when summer comes — if I try to fish on top all the time, I get skunked. The same thing goes for winter. Some people think that the fish just quit eating during the winter, but that’s not true. If you can find open water in the winter, you might have some of the best fishing of the year. First, you’ll have the whole place to yourself — seems like 90 percent of even the most dedicated anglers stop fishing December through February (that’s when all my friends start tying flies instead of fishing them). Second, trout forage becomes very scarce, and the fish can get pretty desperate for a meal — if you can match what the fish are eating, they’re yours for the taking. It’s not always that way, but winter fishing can get really hot, so to speak. So, I suppose what I’m saying is don’t write off your whole state’s fishing for all of summer and winter. The conditions may not seem ideal, but if you have the right gear and tactics, the fishing can be great.


George asks…

How do I fish in freshwater in Florida?!? There is this lake near my neighborhood and I went there just with a basic lure and I didn’t catch anything and I go there sometimes when I’m bored and I still never catch a single thing. I know there is fish in there because on some parts of the shore there are fish corpses laying around. What is the best type of lure to be used for fresh water? Best type of that fish attraction oil crap?

LMBassFish answers: Ugh…..the “fish corpse’s laying around” might tell you the reason your not catching anything. Fish kills happen frequently in ponds/small lakes in and around Florida (esp this time of year) usually due to the abnormally cold weather. If the fish are “stressed” it won’t matter WHAT you throw at them- they won’t bite! Other reasons for a Fish Kill? Pesticides, Low O2, Etc. The best possible lures for stressed Bass & Bluegill would be: 1. 1/16 – 1/4 OZ Beetle Spin lure- This has been a “fish killer” for years. You can also take the spinner off and you have a nice little jig-


duct_10151_-1_10001_15602____SearchResults 2. 4? Texas-rigged Power Worm- (Colors? Red Shad, Black, Camo)- ebapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_73985____SearchResults -Here’s a diagram on how to rig a 4? worm Texas style- 3. 3 1/2? Original Floating Rapala- 10151_-1_10001_2842____SearchResults One of these three will catch a fish in your lake- unless, of course, there are NO fish IN the lake or the fish are slowly dieing for some reason. Otherwise, if you go to the bait shop, (or catch your own) minnows and use them on a float rig you will DEF know if anything is there. Hope this helps ya? Good luck!

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