Your Questions About How To Fly Fish For Bass

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Your Questions About How To Fly Fish For Bass

Robert asks…

How much should I expect to pay for a beginners fly fishing rod? I was wanting to try out fly fishing; my uncle and cousin have done it all their life. I go regular bass fishing all the time and wanted to try something new. I was hoping to not go over $100 looking for a good pole… Is this possible? I went to walmart and they don’t even sell fly fishing rods, lol….. Any fly fishers out there? I already made a bunch of flies for some fish in my area.

LMBassFish answers: . Did some checking Cabela’s Cahill Fly Rod and Reel Outfit is on sale now online. Rod and reel for $49. Cant beat that as far as i know.


John asks…

How to fish bass in fall… tips or hints? Fly fishing for bass? I am going to fishing at some reservoirs in Idaho. Supposed to be good bass fishing, but does bass fishing slow down in fall? How should I fish for them. i want to outfish my buddy so I need an ‘edge’. Also, can you fly fish for bass right now? How can i do it? this will be happening at the end of October, btw.

LMBassFish answers: I’m not a bass fisherman, but I can tell you that most reservoirs in the western states are LOW right now, especially the reservoirs used for agricultural purposes. They are at their lowest point of the year and will be for another few weeks — the water has been drawn off for the year’s final agricultural uses, but there hasn’t been a lot of incoming moisture. Less water means better fishing. If I were going bass fishing at the end of October, I’d fish the way you normally do — fish structure, weedbeds, and bars or points. You’ll likely run into brown trout or rainbow trout — stockies or naturalized nonnatives. During the few spin fishing trips I made this summer, I concentrated on Texas-rigged worms (Google it or search here in Y!A) and had just enough success with it that I’ll be doing it more in the future. I see a lot of bass and sunfish coming to the surface in the fall — I don’t know if it’s the season or the available forage, or what, but I’ve always assumed they are after minnows, so imitating baitfish is something I’d try, too.


Yes, by all means take your fly pole and fish for bass (and whatever else is in the lake), especially if you see surface action. There are many kinds of bass poppers for fly fishing, and you can use streamers to imitate minnows, crawdads, etc. If you’ve never used streamers, it’s not unlike spin fishing. Clouser Minnows, Micky Finns, Bunny Tails, and other fly patterns can be really deadly for imitating minnows. You’ll want a heavier rod — at least 5 weight but maybe 6 to be safe. Lots of streamers have bead or bullet heads, but if yours don’t, use a sinking leader or add some splitshot. Assuming you’re fishing from a boat, cast into shore or at an angle to the shore and retrieve as you would a spinner bait. For bank fishing, wade out if you can and cast back to shore. Good luck skunking your buddy!

Mark asks…

how to fly fishing local pond waters? I’ve always wondered if it’s possible to fly fish a local pond or lagoon. Sometimes I’ve been there all day without a bite; and yet fish are jumping all around me. These aren’t trout or something I would normally associate with traditional fly fishing. Anyone have any tips how to catch these bass, panfish, crappie carp, ? I don’t even know really what’s jumping but I’d like to catch one on a fly rod.


LMBassFish answers: James, has the right idea about flies & popping bugs, but lately, WAL-MART, at least in south florida, have VERY LITTLE in the way of fly fishing baits. The best place that i have found for poppers & flies, is Good luck & better catching

Donna asks‌

What fly fishing equipment would be good for panfish and small bass.? I have never fly fished before and am wanting to learn, I live in an area where there are mainly panfish, bass and catfish. I think I found some good equipment: but it is expensive and I am worried that it’s a bit big for smaller panfish and I am wondering if there are better things.


LMBassFish answers: Great outfit! But $495 is a LOT of money unless you’re a very experienced fly-fisherman and LOVE the sport. A good fly rod weight for smaller bass & bluegill would be a 4wt or 5wt fly rod. A very nice, cheap fly rod/reel combo for a beginner would be the White River Fly Shop® Hobbs Creek™ Fly Outfits which retail for about $120. Here is the link : /wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_98581_175001003_175000000_175001000_175 -1-3 The HC1R 5wt which is currently IN STOCK, would be a good choice. You could also back order the 4wt version which might do better for smaller fish.

Carol asks…

Where is the best place to fly fish near Edmond Oklahoma? I am new to fly fishing and want to try it out without having to drive to Colorado or Arkansas. Any advice for a newbie would be appreciated.


LMBassFish answers: Wyoming. I have found that I can pretty much fly fish anywhere. I have used my 5-6wt rod for bass and crappie in SC and my 8wt is kicking the crap out of redfish and seatrout in the saltwater. Go check out your local fishing hole and just do it. You’ll need to tailor your flies to the species that are present, large buggy poppers and such for bass, wooly buggers around size 10-8 and smaller poppers for crappie and bluegill. I wouldn’t use anything less than a 5-6wt for anything other than trout. If you stick a good sized bass hell shred a light wt fly rod. You can fly fish for any species anywhere. I am in Iraq now and I have been fly fishing here and catching catfish and carp and this bass type fish called an Asp. I know there are great fishing holes in OK so find one close and hit it! Tight lines and good luck!!

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