Your Questions About Largemouth Bass Images

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Your Questions About Largemouth Bass Images

Sharon asks…

Do fish that live in creeks and rivers ever “slow” like largemouth? Im watching some videos on youtube of guys tossing spinners and hooking trout,smallmouth,pike,and even sunfish and rock bass. So do these fish remain active year round?

LMBassFish answers: In most cases, Fish in rivers and lakes will react similar as humans do when it comes to cold or hot weather. Examples? A. Hot- Fish will move deeper (or to shade) to escape heat, just like humans escaping inside a air-conditioned environment to keep cool OR using a Bimini top on a boat to provide shade. B. Cold- In cold weather many fish react JUST like humans- IE- lethargic, slow, Etc. On a cold Winter day outside, don’t you just want to sit in the Sun and drink coffee and (maybe) eat a hot breakfast? Fish are similar. Afterall, Fish are cold-blooded creatures SO, basically, if your cold, “generally” fish will be colder. (There ARE exceptions- such as Hot


water discharge areas around dams and industrial plants; places where Man has created warmer water through industry.) Hope this helps?

Mandy asks…

George Walker Bush is still haunting the Republican Party? There is no way anyone can dispute this. Barack Obama won that election because George W Bush was a failure of the greatest magnitudes. The memories of his inept presidency are why the Democrats will keep winning presidential elections. It doest matter how useless Obama is–at least he’s not a complete idiot and complete failure like George W. Bush. Bush invaded the wrong countries, struggled with the English language, and was mostly incapable of answering questions at a press conference. He went blasting away in the Middle East and we are still suffering from his reckless presidency.

LMBassFish answers:


Apart from the damage Ex-President Bush done to the image of the Republican Party during his tenure from 2000 to 2008, he was found not to be the smartest and ‘educated’ President of the USA in our memory. See a few of the quotes from his time as president those would explain flaw in his schooling, just not to blame him as a person: The 50 Dumbest Bush Quotes of All Time. A compendium of idiotic and maniacal utterances by President Bush, 2000-2008 “We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease.” –Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001 “You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.” -Townsend, Tenn., Feb. 21, 2001 “I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5 pound largemouth bass in my lake.” –on his best moment in office, interview with the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag, May 7, 2006 “I’m the commander — see, I don’t need to explain — I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being president.” –as quoted in Bob Woodward’s Bush at War and more….. Hope above helps.

Ken asks…

125gal aquarium. What should I put in it?


Was thinking a couple largemouth bass and some bluegill. I have plenty of space but I want something interesting besides oscars or cichlids.

LMBassFish answers: Largemouth bass and blue gill might be a liiiittle tight for a 125 gal. You could probably get away with 1 or 2, but more than that would be too much. Anyway, you could go with a variety of tetras. You know, lots of plants, maybe some shrimp, and 9 or 10 schools of tetras: neon tetras cardinal tetra lemon tetra harlequin rasbora s/fish_profiles_heteromorpha1.jpg glowlight tetra zebra danio ‌ The list goes on and on and on. You could do a gourami tank. Some of them are on the aggressive side, but many are placid, like pearls: dwarfs: Also, there are a LOT of cichlids out there. Have you seen peacocks? Http://

4/8 Or discus or angelfish? Http:// Or tanganyikan shellies? Http:// _tretocephalus/Mvc-896f.jpg Or you could get a ‘wet pet’ like a lung fish Anyway, there’s no shortage of possibilities with a 125gallon. Go with waht you want. If you have lots of cash, you could even go saltwater.

Maria asks…


where can I find downloads of largemouth bass images?

LMBassFish answers: You can get them here at

Nancy asks‌

Some bass fishing tips for tommorow? I live in Northern virginia and im fishing in a rocky creek with some muddy bottom, logs at the top or the water in some spots, slow moving, ad some spots where it is like 6 feet deep. there are some rapids. i think i saw like 12 or 13 inch largemouth bass in there or smallmouth and there is also sunfish. i am using there but they are red


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LMBassFish answers: In the calm spots where you think the bass are, i always use fake worms like robo or yamaguchi and i use a texas rig, i just cast it in there and slowly bring it past the area. If that doesn’t work try some crankbaits. Sunfish will go for small crank baits, spinner baits like panther martins and big ones will even go for the worms. If none of that works just use night crawlers or worms. Good luck!!

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