Your Questions About Largemouth Bass Pictures

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Your Questions About Largemouth Bass Pictures

David asks‌

Difference between creek chub and largemouth bass? I have two what I think are largemouth bass I had had them for 8 months. I got them from a pond when they. Were only a milometer long and now they are two inches long. Now in the past month they have not been growing and since they were bass I was expecting them to grow faster anyway researched videos of bass in captivity around the size of mine but people were saying they are creek chubs. Mine look exactly similar to the ones people were sayig were creek chubs so can someone please tell me what the difference is.

LMBassFish answers: Here is a picture of a baby large mouth bass. They will look like this from a very early age( around a inch). There basically miniature versions of the adults.


Here is a creek cub. Http:// The main difference between a baby large mouth bass and a creek cub is there mouth size. The creek cub will also be much more skinny than the baby large mouth bass. Hope this helps!!

George asks‌

How much can I sell wild fish for and where can I sell them at.? I can catch native sailfin mollies, least killifish, bluegill, largemouth bass, large gar, sailfin pleco, Florida flag fish, and red ear sunfish.. If I could sell these guys how much could I get? Would anyone buy them?


LMBassFish answers: All you need is a email address! I have fish on the website right now and looking for a few species in my local area…. The issue you may have is shipping. You probably won’t be able to sell locally because the fish are native to your area. So people can catch the fish themselves…. I totally could be wrong- it maybe worth a try! But, if you can ship fish you could target your Craigslist add to different states! Ebay would be the same deal. But it’s an online auction and you better be ready to ship the fish. I would definitely take pictures and post them on CL. Check out my add…. (please dont flag as spam. Im trying to get leader boards. Im just presenting you with an example)

Mandy asks…


What kind of fish can you catch near Yuma Arizona in the Colorado River? I want to know because i `ve been there and there has been times were my dad and i had a huge fish on it and it was huge but we lost it so we want to know if there are any species that can grow huge there and or stories or pictures of the huge fish?

LMBassFish answers: Bluegill, crappie and other sunfish/panfish, channel catfish, flathead catfish and bullheads, tilapia and carp, stripers, largemouth bass and possibly smallmouth bass. Smallmouth are in the river as far south as needles l know for positive. Whether they get as far downstream as yuma, l’m not sure. L would guess probably yes. Flatheads have been caught in the river up to 90 pounds.

Ruth asks‌


How do I know when I catch fish fry (more specifically bass fry) and not minnows? What are the differences between fry and minnows? I am trying to catch both but how do I know which is which.

LMBassFish answers: The bass fry will look like well small bass. They look like they will when they get older so just look for the markings that will say they are bass. I’ll leave a picture of a largemouth bass fry. Look at how it looks just like a big one. Minnows look like small silver carp which they are closely related to the carp. Good luck fishin’! Http://

Laura asks…


What’s the best way to taxidermy a fish if all you have left of it is it’s frozen head and pictures? Caught a fish, hadn’t intended on taxidermy, but I kept it’s head anyway (27 inch long spotted sea trout) now I sort of regret that decision.. I have pictures… and obviously his head.. I kind of want it stuffed because its the best trout I’ve caught, was hoping for suggestions or wondering if it was even possible without the body to have a fake one made for it

LMBassFish answers: Almost all fish mounts these days are fiberglass replicas. A good photo and measurements are all you need. Old-style “skin mounts” have the problem that they tend to decay over the years. The fiberglass mounts are sculptures, carefully painted and finished, so over the years all you have to do is dust them and they’ll look great. I recall seeing a mount of a 20+ pound largemouth bass caught in So. Cal. In the 1990s — the fish was weighed, measured, photographed, and released, so there was no actual fish for the taxidermist to work with, and he did a great job. It looked just like the real fish, and the markings and pot-belly matched the photos. Anyway, make sure you check out samples of a taxidermist’s work before you hire him — check out the jobs he’s done on other fish of the same type, as a guy who is good with sailfish might not be good with spotted sea trout.

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