Your Questions About Largemouth Bass Recipes
Mary asks‌
is it legal to keep largemouth bass? and how are they best cooked?
LMBassFish answers: Depends. Do you have a fishing license? Also on where it is caught and how many you caught. As for a recipe: make a batter of 7-up and flour then either fry or grill until golden brown ENJOY
Richard asks…
How long have you been fishing…? Please say in years how long you have been fishing. I’m only 15 so I don’t have many under my belt but I have picture proof saying I caught my first fish when I was 2 haha. So I guess I’ve been fishing for 13 years. As always good luck fishin’!
LMBassFish answers: My first fishing trip wasn’t until I was 11. I had went on a field trip in the 4th grade to the local lake to fish. I instantly loved it, but didn’t catch anything. When I came back, I told my dad I loved it, and me and him should go fishing some time. He had fished probably 10-years before this happened but for some reason quit. I remember he had 4 fishing rod & reels in his old building. He kept two to use and gave me two. His two was a Zebco 33 from the 70?s, and a Johnson Sabra reel. My two were a Zebco 202 from the 70?s and some Shakespeare reel. I still have those two, and he still has his two. I went fishing the next afternoon. The only hooks we had were the old rusted ones that was still on the line. We also all had one sinker on each line. For bait, we went in the backyard and dug about a dozen earthworms. We went down to a local creek and fished. My first fish I caught was a Largemouth Bass. I can’t remember it’s size, but is was close to a pound. We both caught similar sized Bass that day. I think that’s all we caught, but we only fished for an hour or two. I soon went to Wal-Mart and bought floats, sinkers, cheap hooks, stuff like that. It was the
beginning of me being “hooked”. My step-brother soon started fishing with me and my dad, and we went to a new spot. It was a pond, me and my dad and my step-brother went up to the spot and sat down. My dad noticed a piece of peanut butter roll lying on the ground. He remembered that he uses peanut butter flavored dough-bait to catch Carp 10-years before this. He soon caught the first Carp I had seen caught, it was only around a foot long. After that he only had a small piece of the roll left and missed another fish on it. He also caught a small little bullhead that day, the FIRST bullhead I had saw. He remembered a dough-bait recipe and thought it would work on these Carp, he made it the next day, we went fishing, and caught around 4 of these Carp on it. I caught my first ever Carp on a Zebco 202, and it was my last Carp on the reel, since I stripped the gears out of it. It soon got too cold to fish, since it was down in the 30?s and 40?s and was approaching December. On Christmas, I received $20?s from my sister. My dad, me, and my step-mom went off to Wal-Mart. I purchased the first reel I had bought in my life, a Zebco 33. I took the junky 202 off and put on my 33. It was a very nice rod though, a medium/heavy action graphite rod, I know this because I still have most of the stuff from back then! Then I started exploring into lures, new spots, catching bigger fish, and that’s what turned me into the brain-dead fisherman that I am today. I hope my story wasn’t too long. Oh, and this February (my birthday) makes it 12-years of me fishing.
Donna asks…
catfishh baits?????? hi so i go to a small pond by my house for fishing and i used abait thats made out of bread and cheese all smooshed together with lots o garlic salt and real granulated garlic that imade at home so i use it the first time and i get a huge catfish that breaks my line [ i caught it with in the
first ten mins of casting] so i cast another piece out and i got another catfish with in first ten mins so i real it in and its a 31 in, 17 pound catfish and i give a piece of the magic bait to aome one else and he gets one in the first ten mins that breaks his line [hes using 10 pound test fireline and im using 8 pound test mono ] then the next day i go to the lake at the same time with 2 lines out in the water and same bait and i catch nothing so then my mom bought some large cut garlic for a recipe and she has some garlic juices left over that almost makes me gag just sniffing them becuz its so strong so do u think if i soaked the same bait in that stuff it would work relly good?? ps. i switch to 14 pound fireline and also whadt do u think of the south bend colapseble eclipse rod it landed me a 31 in catfish and a 22 in largemouth bass and many more so it cant be total crap?
LMBassFish answers: First of all with the lines breaking‌thats easily avoidable. U just need to set the drag on your reel so that when there is high tension and your line is about to brake the fish will pull out some line. So he wont break your line and then he will get tired and u will be able to pull him in without the line breaking. Keep using the baits u r using sounds like it is working well but when in like a lake or river i catch some good catfish on chicken livers‌ Answer me in the additional facts just click edit and answer my Q‌by any chance do u live in Northern Virginia?
Ken asks…
Carp….Is it a Game Fish in your Country? Here in the Unites-States the Carp is considered a rough fisn and not a game fish like other countries. Do you consider the Carp a Game Fish like we consider our Largemouth Bass? How do you fish for them in your country. What bait do you like to use for Carp? there is an American Fisherperson joke that goes like this. How to prepare Carp. You place the Carp on a wooden board and place it in the oven at 375 degrees. After 30 minutes of cooking you remove the Carp and board from the oven. You throw the Carp away and you eat the board.
LMBassFish answers: If a carp could leap like a bass I wonder how many anglers would shift to carp fishing from time to time. There is a long history about the carp that most don’t know. They didn’t ask to be here. Back a long time ago when people more concerned about filling bellies than catching trophies, the U.S. Goverment shipped carp every by railroad to meet the need. Carp can survive in oxygen deprived water. Their tough scales make them impervious to easy infection. They grow to huge weights. They are omnivorious. They are tremendous swimmers and put up an amazing fight compared to other freshwater species. However, in the end their success was their downfall when commercial fishing started booming. Thus, they were dubbed trash fish in some of the forgotten waters they were left in. They are survivors and they are here to stay. A 20 pound carp is 50,000 dollar fish in Europe. People will pay money there to have a chance to catch that fish. No, I don’t consider them trash fish. I’ve fished them for 19 years in Texas. We used a secret home recipe for doughbait to catch them. We were just bored. I didn’t realize we were trendsetters in an unground movement of carp anglers. Bass were once eaten at any size and nailed to boards in bass derbies. The creation of B.A.S.S. Helped change the image of the largemouth bass and look how far they have come today. I only wonder and dare to dream how carp and the men who chase them will be viewed 20 years from now. Fish On!
Robert asks‌
I have a 1/4 acre pond been stocked for 7 months with bluegill, redear, channel cats and now largemouth bass.? Its now spring and I started throwing out my minnow traps and been pulling up bluegill and channel cat fingerlings. In the trap I pulled up an adult green sunfish (4?) that I did not stock. I did not return it back to the pond. And now it seems that alot of the fingerlings are hybrid bluegill. Killing the pond and starting over is not an option. So what are my other options as far as ridding or at least keeping my pond balanced. Someone said every spring trap and remove as many greenies as possible. Is this a viable option? What are your ideas?
LMBassFish answers: The green sunfish may not be the only one as you can imagine. It may have been inadvertently stocked with the other fish at a small size since they are hard to tell apart when very small. If there are tributaries it may have come from there. The green sunfish will out-compete the bluegill in a relatively short time frame. There is no good way to single this species out, even by trapping. They are all prolific species. You can try to catch some or all fish but that is a lot of
trouble and not 100 percent reliable. In any case you will overpopulate if you don’t have more predators, although the catfish as they grow will remove some of the panfish and their eggs. Welcome to the world of invasive exotic species. Options include: 1. Find a good recipe for panfish. 2. Wait for the largemouth bass to compete and balance the population with some diversity. 3. Wait until the oxygen depletes on a hot day and they all go belly up, then save the ones you want. 4. Don’t worry about it, they will continue to hybridize and create a range of fish including some very well adapted breeds. 5. Let the neighbor kids fish for free in spawning season and give them instructions. 6. Build special gravel spawning areas in shallow water and monitor them, then catch them on the beds and then wade in and intervene after spawning.
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