Your Questions About Largemouth Bass Record

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Your Questions About Largemouth Bass Record

Richard asks…

Are there any small species of sunfish that would make good pets in a 250 gallon tank? Small members of the sunfish family Centrarchidae, of the order Perciformes. Up to 12? long, preferably not much bigger than that. And I don’t want a small largemouth bass, either. No bluegills, no crappie, etc. SMALL sunfish suggestions only, please.

LMBassFish answers: James, you must have a lot of experience with small bluegills, then. You are aware the IGFA World Record bluegill is 5 pounds, 7 ounces, right? That’s not a small sunfish. Where I regularly fish, it’s not uncommon to come across bluegills 3 1/2 pounds or more. And PACUS?? A pacu, as in Colossoma macropomum?? Are you nuts? They are nowhere near similar to sunfish! For one, they get a hell of a lot bigger than the average bluegill… Like 2 feet long or more! And not to mention, they need at least a thousand gallons to start! Jeez, do some research before you start making crazy suggestions. And the legality of keeping certain fish alive in a home aquarium depends entirely on the state’s fishing regulations. Some states, it could be completely illegal, in others, live fish may count


against a total bag limit. Anyway, my apologies for carrying on. Here’s a short list of native sunfish that get up to 12 inches long… 1) Banded pygmy sunfish, Elassoma zonatum… 1 1/2 inches. 2) Bluespotted sunfish, Enneacanthus gloriosus… 3 inches. 3) Flier, Centrarchus marcopterus)… 6 to 10 inches. 4) Spotted sunfish, Lepomis punctatus… 6 inches. 5) Green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus… 8 inches. 6) Longear sunfish, Lepomis megalotis… 5 to 7 inches. 7) Orangespotted sunfish, Lepomis humilis… 3 to 4 inches. 8) Redbreast sunfish, Lepomis auritus… 6 to 8 inches. 9) Redspotted sunfish, Lepomis miniatus… 6 to 8 inches. 10) Rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris… 8 to 10 inches. 11) Shadow bass, Ambloplites ariommus… 6 to 8 inches. 12) Suwannee bass, Micropterus notius… Seldom gets bigger than 12 inches. So far, that’s all I can come up with. I’m sure there’s plenty more. If there are, I’ll gladly edit my answer and add those. EDIT: 13) Bantam sunfish, Lepomis symmetricus… 3 1/2 inches. 14) Blackbanded sunfish, Enneacanthus chaetodon… 4 inches. 15) Dollar sunfish, Lepomis marginatus… 4 to 5 inches.

George asks…

Where besides California would be a good place to catch a world record largemouth bass?


Name a lake, state, and it’s record LM bass please. Ok, maybe you will tell me the record bass for your state. Mine is New Mexico, Bill Evans lake 15lbs 13oz caught in 1995 by Steve Estrada, and I mean to break his record soon. Ok…let’s include CA too. They have the best chance of any US state. I saw a fish that was picked up (dead, floater) at Lake Fork that was over 20lbs and that was over 10 years ago so maybe TX has a chance? Japan??????? Hmm now there’s an idea !!!

LMBassFish answers: Well California is the best place, but since you said besides California then Florida would be next best, then Georgia you get the idea, the lower states, they are warmer and can hold the Florida strain Largemouth. Check out this website In Oklahoma the record is 14-11 It was caught in Broken Bow lake ( that’s where most the big ones com from here), and its in the extream SE corner of the state, this is the part of my state where The Florida strain is stocked. Florida’s record is 17.27 pounds from big fish lake. Georgia which holds the current record, then Mississippi and Texas would be your best bet. 22 of 25 of the largest largemouth bass ever recorded has come from California. And you said Japan, I don’t even know if they Largemouth there. Mexico sound like a good place, and I hered Cuba has huge Largermouth, but good luck getting in there. Good Luck. Edit: Well since you said CA was OK to talk about then there is the best for sure, if your going after the record then CA is the place to go. Edit: Did you notice that the three earliest fish on the list came from GA and FL and the rest all came from CA after that date? Edit: Brandon is right about the florda record somewhat. Florida’s record bass is 17.27 pounds, but others often cite an uncertified fish of 20.125 pounds (a fisheries biologist did not physically see the fish to certify it). So the largest is 20.125 in Florda but it sadly wasn’t offical, but I still think it was the largest.



Chris asks…

At what age do largemouth bass start and stop spawning? Do they spawn until they die like a flathead catfish, or is a certain age range?

LMBassFish answers: Their maturing age depends entirely on the area they live. Sure, general age for a spawning male is roughly 4 years old, but in my area, a spawning pair can be 1 to 3 years old each… Which is pretty much a couple of 12- to 18 inch bass. Just like a flathead, largemouth bass spawn until they die of old age or something worse, say… Being filleted out for instance. The average lifespan of a bass is 16 to 20 years old, but given the perfect conditions, there’s no reason in hell why a big female wouldn’t live to 25 or 30 years, possibly even longer. Go**amn, can you imagine how big a 30 year old bass would be? Manabu Kurita’s 22 pound, 4 ounce Lake Biwa record contender was just over 13 years old!


Although she would be huge, she wouldn’t necessarily be all THAT huge… A bass’ growth slows considerably the bigger they get. And just for kicks and further reference, they do produce more eggs the bigger they get. I’m not sure what the number is for flathead catfish exactly, but a bass will have about 1000 eggs per pound of body weight.

Maria asks…

What is the world record for largemouth bass on 4 lb line? I did research, and I can’t seem. To find it.

LMBassFish answers: Like erik said they don’t keep up with that. I looked on that website and it wasn’t there. That site is for salt water a lake record in nc this year was broken on 4lb test and it was an over 11lb bass it was, 11 and 4oz or so that link still didn’t say it. They only keep up with it on larger fish and that is what that web site


was designed for and where your money goes is for marlin.. Sailfish ect. And if u know they do u could tell us the answer

Paul asks‌

What is the biggest largemouth bass you have ever caught? Mine is a 7lb10oz. Cahght him on a #0 Mepps minnow.

LMBassFish answers: 14.3 lbs. The latest strike was an estimated 18lb Bass that jumped out of the water and shook my trap loose. This happened two weeks ago here in Georgia where temperatures hit the low near 29 degrees. It was a cold morning and very difficult to fish because of the cold. I had to stop fishing and warm up my hands in the truck and then hit the lake again and cast out that trap and finally I got the hit of the life time. I hooked into the biggest fish of the pond the one


I have been after for 12 years and she got off again. !2 years ago I lost a 10 lb bass in the same pond over and over again. This fish is the only Bass to escape my trap. The fish became special in away and I have tracked this fish todate. Everyone knows she is the biggest one in the lake. I hooked her again and again I lost her. My biggest challenge already this year is to put this challenge to rest and catch this fish once and for all and close out this persistance that has had me plagued for over a decade. It’s time for the fish to come out and I will set a new record for this lake that will live for many years to come long after I am gone. I am the current holder of catching a 14.3 Largemouth out of this lake 3 years ago and I thought she was Mrs. B, but it wasn’t. Mrs. B is the 18 lb Bass everybody wants to catch. She is a very beautiful Largemouth Bass and If I land this girl this year, I may throw her back, but I want to at least land her to say I caught her. Everybody in this town knows about Mrs. B, but nobody has ever caught this fish and I’m the only one to have seen her for the first time this year two weeks ago and she is very, very big. You can put a cantelope in her mouth that’s how big her mouth is.

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