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Enquiries, Registration Entry Procedure 2025 Onwards

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18 Enquiries, Registration & Entry Procedure 2025 Onwards


The Admissions Tutors are responsible for all aspects of the registration and entry procedure. They will answer your questions, and arrange for you to make a visit to Marlborough, which will include a tour of the College to see the school at work and its boarding houses and facilities.

Entry at 13

On request, we shall send detailed information on the applications procedure and explain how a visit to the College may be arranged. If applicable, we shall also enclose information on the admissions procedure for a particular year and a registration form. We would ask you to return the registration form, should you so wish, with the registration fee of £300. Please note that parents may not register a child earlier than five years before the September of the proposed year of entry (e.g. not before 1st September 2022 for entry in September 2027).

In June, four years before entry, we contact parents of registered pupils and invite them to book Visit Days for the coming Michaelmas term.

In the Michaelmas term three years ahead of entry there is an Open Day for all prospective parents. The Open Day allows all parents to visit two boarding houses. After the Open Day parents are invited to enrol their children for Assessment in the Lent term, 30 months ahead of entry. A number of Assessment dates are offered to parents.

Soon after Enrolment we request a reference from the Head of a child’s current school and we ask the child to sit the iseb pre-test at their school in the Michaelmas term.

Admissions criteria for entry at 13 will comprise: ★ success in the iseb pre-test, positive interviews and interactions in the boarding house and suitability for full boarding ★ a positive confidential reference from the applicant’s present school (if applicable) ★ commitment to the College’s ethos as described in the College’s aims.

In March (28 months ahead of proposed entry), a Confirmed List or Waiting List place may be offered. Successful Confirmed List candidates will be invited to visit the school again to make House choices. Once this has been done, House places are offered in the Summer term of Year 6, as far as possible, according to parents’ choice. Should a particular House have more requests than places available, family connections, performance in the assessments and the balance of the House community will all be taken in to account when making allocations.

Parents of children who are offered a place on the Confirmed List will be asked to accept the House place offered and to pay a deposit of £1,950. For overseas pupils an additional confirmation deposit of one term’s fees is also required.

Candidates who require a Visa to study in the uk will also be required to pay an additional £450 administration fee at this time.

In the Lent term of the year of entry Music, Academic, Art, Drama, Design Scholarships are taken by children holding confirmed places. Sports awards are taken in the Michaelmas term. For details of these awards please apply to the Admissions Department for a copy of the Scholarship Prospectus or access this publication on the College website under Admissions Publications.

In March or June of the year of entry all children who have been offered places after Assessment will be expected to sit either the Academic Scholarship Examinations or achieve a respectable average mark in the Common Entrance Examinations.

For candidates attending schools which do not prepare for Common Entrance, different expectations apply. Please contact the Admissions Department for further information.

19 Late Applications to the College

The College will award the majority of its places to those candidates who apply in Year 6. However, it recognises that for a variety of reasons, candidates may not present until Year 7 or even Year 8. Candidates wishing to apply for Year 7 assessment must enrol by October of Year 7 and will follow the same procedure as for those being assessed in Year 6. A number of places will be awarded to applicants in Year 7. Those applying in Year 8 will be assessed in January of Year 8 via the same process for Year 6 and 7, except that the iseb Pre-test, will be replaced with a Midyis Test sat at Marlborough College on the day of assessment. Approximately 5% of places will be awarded to applicants in Year 8. At each point those on the waiting list will be considered alongside those applying for the first time.

Equality, Diversity and Disability

All applicants for admission will be treated equally, irrespective of their or their parents’ race, sexual orientation, religion or belief, pregnancy or maternity, sex, gender reassignment or any disability. Applicants will also be treated equally in respect of their parents’ age, sex or marital or civil partnership status.

The College is inclusive and welcomes applicants with disabilities and special educational needs. The College currently has limited facilities for the disabled but will do all that is reasonable to comply with its legal and moral responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 in order to accommodate the needs of applicants who have disabilities for which, with reasonable adjustments, the College can cater adequately.

Parents of a child who has any disability or special educational needs should provide the College with full details on enrolment. The College needs to be aware of any particular requirements which may affect a child’s ability to participate in the admissions procedure and to take full advantage of the education provided at the College. The College shall determine the reasonable adjustments that are required for the applicant based on the information provided, in accordance with the College’s obligations under equality legislation. The College will consult with parents about the adjustments which can reasonably be made to ensure that the application procedure is accessible for the child and that the College can cater adequately for the child should an offer of a place be made.

Admission to the College

The admission of a boy or girl is conditional on written acceptance of the Standard Terms and Conditions which are attached to the Acceptance Form. The School Rules are printed in the Almanac each term. A copy of the Almanac may be obtained from the Admissions Office.

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