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Scholarship Eligibility
A Marlborough College scholarship is a titular honour awarded on merit and determined by a candidate’s performance in the assessment(s). More than one scholarship can be applied for and awarded and for candidates who apply but narrowly miss achieving two or more individual scholarships the College may make discretionary all-rounder awards.
Scholarships at Marlborough do not secure a fee reduction. To support families who would not otherwise be able to afford College fees, applications for means-tested bursaries are welcomed. Please find further information relating to bursaries on our website here. The bursarial support application deadline is 1st September, Year 11.
Candidates for all 16+ scholarships must be under 17 years of age on arrival at the College.
The deadline for Sixth Form entry enrolment and scholarship application is 1st October of a candidate’s Year 11. No further applications can be considered after this date.
Scholarship application is made via the enrolment form, which may be requested from the Admissions Department.
At the time of enrolment and scholarship application, a confidential reference will be requested from the Head of a candidate’s current school.
Scholarship assessments take place at the same time as the Sixth Form entry assessment in early November of Year 11. All assessments and interviews are held at Marlborough College.
The performance of each scholarship holder is reviewed on an annual basis by the Master in collaboration with other relevant staff and the scholar’s Housemaster or Housemistress.
Further information regarding the requirements for each type of scholarship can be found in this prospectus.