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Computer Science
Computer Science: AQA 7517
Computer Science deals with the theoretical foundations of information and computation, taking a scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. Computation is any type of calculation or use of computing technology that follows well-defined models (such as algorithms and protocols) in the practice of information processing (transforming data in computers), and is considered to be a foundational science - one which makes other knowledge and achievements possible.
The study of computer science involves systematically studying methodical processes (such as algorithms) in order to aid the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information.
It’s a great subject to support ambitions in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, but it has many other uses too through fundamentally developing your problem-solving skills. You will find it easier if you are studying some Mathematics at A level, but it is not necessary to have studied Computer Science at GCSE if you are prepared to build a basic competence in a procedural programming language like Python by following a 20-hour web-based course during the Summer holidays.
Topics to be studied:
1. Fundamentals of programming 2. Fundamentals of data structures 3. Fundamentals of algorithms 4. Theory of computation 5. Fundamentals of data representation 6. Fundamentals of computer systems 7. Fundamentals of computer organization and architecture 8. Consequences of uses of computing 9. Fundamentals of communication and networking 10. Fundamentals of databases 11. Big Data 12. Fundamentals of functional programming 13. Systematic approach to problem solving 14. Non-exam assessment – the computing practical project
PAPER 1 - What’s assessed This paper tests the ability to program, as well as theoretical knowledge of Computer Science from subject content 0–3 above and the skills required from section 12 above.
• On-screen exam: 2 hours 30 minutes • 40% of A level • Pupils answer short questions and write/adapt/extend programs on-screen.
PAPER 2 - What’s assessed This paper tests a pupil’s ability to answer questions from subject content 4–11 above.
• Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes