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PAPER 1 – Visual Analysis and Themes We study ways of approaching Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, before looking more closely at how art interacts with nature, human identity, and war. Our examples are drawn widely from all parts of the world. PAPER 2 – Periods This is where pupils have a chance to develop in-depth knowledge of particular moments in human history when art has played an important role. We will be looking at courses on: • The Italian Renaissance (1420-1520) • The Baroque (1597-1685) • British and French Avant-Garde Art (1848-1899) • Modernism in Europe (1900-1939) • Pop Art – British and American Contemporary Art (1960-2015).

Latin: H443

The aims of the course are to deepen pupils’ experience of Latin literature and culture by extending their knowledge of Latin and by their personal response to authors studied in the original language. The texts will be chosen from the central areas of Roman literature, including Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Cicero, Livy and Tacitus.

Topics to be studied:

UNIT 1 Unseen Translation (33%) - Translation into English of a passage of Latin prose and a passage of Latin verse. UNIT 2 Prose Composition or Comprehension (17%) - EITHER: Translation into Latin of a short passage of English (of at least 100 words) OR : Short translation into English, with comprehension and grammar questions. UNIT 3 Prose Literature (25%) - Questions on the set texts studied from Groups 1 and 2, including comprehension questions, set text translation and an analysis question. In addition, an essay on the set text studied from Group 2. UNIT 4 Verse Literature (25%) - Questions on the set texts studied from Groups 3 and 4, including comprehension questions, set text translation and an analysis question. In addition, an essay on the set text studied from Group 4.

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