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Scholarships & Bursaries
Art scholarships are awarded annually to individuals of exceptional ability and promise. Extra tuition is given to art scholars on a weekly basis. Workshop sessions are held to broaden the variety of artistic skills that the scholars cover and encourage independence and self-direction. During the Lent Term, an art scholars’ exhibition is held, providing a valuable opportunity for scholars to curate and show their work.
Jonathan Parnham MA (RCA) Head of Visual Arts Promotion and Photography
The College can offer means-tested bursary places of up to 100% of fees paid, including the Robin Child art bursary a new full-fee Sixth Form bursary which will be first awarded for September 2022.
marlboroughcollegeart www.marlboroughcollege.org
The scholarship and bursary awards process is overseen by Edward Twohig RE, Head of Art & Director of Visual Heritage