Lent Almanac 2025 main pages

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Lent Term 2025



To gether as Marl burians…

To gether as Marl burians…

We build and foster an inclusive, open-minded and accepting communit y.

We build and foster an inclusive, open-minded and accepting communit y.

We treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

We treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

We are compassionate, collabora tive and committe d.

We are compassionate, collabora tive and committe d.

We believe our strong sense of communit y encourag es both individualit y and collective am bition.

We believe our strong sense of communit y encourag es both individualit y and collective am bition.

We lead by example, doing what is ri ght and not what is easy.

We lead by example, doing what is ri ght and not what is easy.

The Marlborough Charter was written by the 2020/2021 Prefects and Heads of House.

Safeguarding, Child Protection and Access to Pastoral Care

The College aims to safeguard and promote the welfare of all its pupils, protect them from harm and abuse and to offer the support required to enable them to thrive. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of all members of the community. All pupils, staff and parents, should raise any safeguarding concerns immediately with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or deputies. The Pastoral & Safeguarding Hub is located on the ground floor of the Medawar Centre.

DSL: Mrs Kane ckane@marlboroughcollege.org/07394 564897

Deputy DSL: Mr Nightingale ecn@marlboroughcollege.org/07773 000499

Assistant DSLs: safeguardingteam@marlboroughcollege.org

Safeguarding & Pastoral Manager, DDSL: Mrs Staines restaines@marlboroughcollege.org /07881 826479

Bullying Statement

Bullying is repeated, intentional, unprovoked, malicious actions or words, either directly or via other media, which cause distress, making others feel unhappy and insecure.

Bullying is often motivated by prejudice against particular groups, for example, on grounds of race, religion, culture, sex, gender, sexual orientation, special educational needs, or disability or because a child is adopted or a carer. Bullying may occur directly or through cyber-technology.

All members of Marlborough College have the right to enjoy their lives free of bullying and harassment and are expected to treat others as they would hope to be treated themselves in an atmosphere of mutual respect. They are expected to do all they can to prevent bullying.

An individual who feels bullied or intimidated has the right to expect any senior member of the College – pupil, Prefect, Wellbeing Ambassador, Head of House or member of staff – to listen and to act promptly and sensitively to deal with the problem.

Bullying will always be treated seriously and the school believes that to do nothing is to condone the bullying.

Email: concerns@marlboroughcollege.org or use the Echo button to post an anonymous message.

Pupils: Where can I find help or support?

• Your HM

• Your Tutor

• Your Assistant HM/Resident House Tutor

• Your Dame

• Deputy Head (Pastoral) and DDSL: Mr E Nightingale – 01672 892523 or 07773 000499, ecn@marlboroughcollege.org

• Head of Boarding: Mrs J Hodgson – 01672 892551, jah@marlboroughcollege.org

• Director of Safeguarding (DSL): Mrs C Kane – 01672 892519 or 07394 564897, ckane@marlboroughcollege.org

• Head of Bursary Welfare: Mrs L Milner – 01672 892492 or 07562 946002, lmmilner@marlboroughcollege.org

• Any teacher to whom you feel you could speak freely

• A senior pupil such as a Prefect, Lower Sixth Ambassador or your Head of House

• Chaplain: Revd T Novis – 01672 892209 or 07980 720638

• Any member of the Management Team or the Master

• Lead Counsellor: Mrs S Dascombe – 01672 892564 or 07485 348320, counselling@marlboroughcollege.org

• Medical Centre / Sani: 01672 892435, sani@marlboroughcollege.org

• Medical Officer: Dr V Singh – 01672 892435, sani@marlboroughcollege.org

• Independent Listeners: Mr A Brown – 01672 516586 or 07879 776193, ajbrownlistener@gmail.com; Ms L Farrell – 07540 900139, LAFarrell1007@hotmail.com

• Wellbeing Ambassadors: wba@marlboroughcollege.org

• Email: concerns@marlboroughcollege.org or post an anonymous message using the Echo button on Marlborough Connect

• Children’s Commissioner for England: 0800 5280731, www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/help-at-hand/

• External Agencies: Childline – 0800 111, www.childline.org.uk; Samaritans – 116 123, www.samaritans.org; Cyberbullying, www.childnet.com

• Further information can be found on House noticeboards and the College website

College Aims


• Community

• Service

• Ambition

• Initiative


To provide a safe, inclusive and nurturing community

• Marlborough is a diverse community with wellbeing and mutual respect at its heart; pupils, teachers and parents collaborate to ensure everyone thrives because they feel happy, secure and valued

To instil a commitment to service

• Marlborough fosters a culture of service and responsibility which equips pupils to make a positive difference and have a beneficial impact upon the wider world

To foster ambition

• Marlborough provides inspirational learning opportunities, motivating pupils to fulfil their potential, develop intellectual curiosity and become life-long learners

To develop initiative

• Marlborough encourages pupils to be curious and open-minded, and supports them in pursuing new initiatives and developing leadership

Marlborough College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share in this commitment. We actively listen to all pupils and always take seriously what they tell us. Our aim is for all pupils to enjoy their time at the College and feel safe and secure.


The Most Reverend The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury



The Bishop of Salisbury


Ms Heidi Venamore PSM

M Birkin Esq

J Chambers Esq

P Denton Esq

Mrs Tania Freeman

K Kabwe Esq

Ms Ros King

T Martin-Jenkins Esq

Professor Cav. Simon Mordant AO

Mrs Sabina Reeves

Ms S Thomas

International Council

YAM Tunku Ali Redhauddin ibni Tuanku Muhriz
Dasho Sangay Wangchuck

Master and Common Room


LJMH Moelwyn-Hughes, Mrs LJ

Management Team

SMW Wessels, Miss SM

DTC Clark, Mr DT

ECN Nightingale, Mr EC

JRBS Scragg, Mr JRB

JJLT Lyon Taylor, Mr JJ

Lerwill, Mr S

Jordan, Mrs J

Beaty-Pownall, Mrs C

Kane, Mrs C

JAH Hodgson, Mrs JA

TCML Lauze, Mr TCM

BN Nightingale, Mrs B

HAA Abbas, Mr HA

ALA Adderley, Mrs AL

BRA Allen, Mr BR

DIA Andrew, Mr DI

AJA Arkwright, Mr AJ

DRA Armitage, Mr DR

JHB Beckett, Mr JH

TAB Birkill, Mr TA

VRB Brown, Ms VR

RLTB Bruce, Mrs RLT

SCB Bucknall, Miss SC

TDB Bungey, Mrs TD

AAB Burke, Mr AA

JEB Burton, Mr JE


MB Butterfield, Mr M

LHC Cannon, Mrs LH

AGCO Cantoni Oxburgh Mr AG

RCS Carceles-Sanchez, Mrs R

JPC Carroll, Mr JP

ZSC Chen, Mr ZS

SCC Clayton, Mr SC

RAC Clegg, Miss RA

JC Cochrane, Mr J

CSGC Cooke, Mr CSG

CACC Coughlan, Mrs CAC


JRC Cox, Mr JR

JD Darby, Miss J

JWD Davies, Mr JW

PDB De Beukelaer, Mme P

RGDR De Rosa, Mr RG

RDS De Segundo, Mrs R

AHDT de Trafford, Mr AH

Second Master

Deputy Head (Academic)

Deputy Head (Pastoral)

Deputy Head (Co-Curriculum & Outreach)

Director of Admissions

Director of Development

Director of Marketing & Communications

Director of People & Culture

Director of Safeguarding (DSL)

Head of Boarding

Assistant Head (Inspection)

Assistant Head (Teaching & Learning)

VGMD Delalleau, Miss VGM

SJD Dennis, Mr SJ

IAD Devine, Miss IA

TJD Dolan, Mr TJ

GAD Doyle, Dr GA

CKD Dukes, Mrs CK

PTD Dukes, Mr PT

JJD Duplock, Mr JJ

SE Earwicker, Mr S

HME Earwicker, Mrs HM

MAE Eysele, Mr MA

LF Fan, Ms L

SDF Flatres, Dr SD

GLF Fordham, Miss GL

CAF Fraser, Mr CA

JLF Fruci, Mrs JL

OG Gallagher, Miss O

JAG Genton, Mr JA

WHG Gibbs, Mr WH

TPG Gilmour, Mr TP

MGG González Gómez, Ms M

LCG Goodger, Miss LC

NOPG Gordon, Mr NOP

NG Gouldbourne, Mrs N Grant, Mrs M

HEG Green, Mrs HE

AJH Hamilton, Mr AJ

CLH Harrison, Mr CL

BH Hawkes, Mr B

SRH Hawthorn, Mr SR

VRH Hawthorn, Mrs VR

KH Heaton, Mrs K

KLH Hevingham, Miss KL

JH Hodgson, Mr J

Master and Common Room (continued)

KEH Holder, Miss KE

KAH Holt, Miss KA


RFH Horton, Mrs RF

MFH Horwood, Mr MF

JEH Howden, Mr JE

AH Hughes, Ms A

MI Ibanez-Rodriguez, Ms M

GKWJ James, Mr GKW

MTJ James, Mrs MT

CRJ Jones, Miss CR

RCJ Justice, Dr RC

DK Kenworthy, Mr D

KJK Kiggell, Mrs KJ

TAK Kiggell, Mr TA

AL Lamagna, Mr A



ACL Langdale, Miss AC

AJLM Le Marechal, Mr AJ

EBL Leppard, Miss EB

QL Li, Ms Q

DLL Lilley, Mrs DL

AGL Lloyd, Mrs AG

JFL Lloyd, Mr JF

MGEL Lowe, Miss MGE

JLL Luker, Mrs JL

JCL Lynbeck, Mr JC

Mack, Mrs H

GIM Macmillan, Mr GI

DJM Madden, Mr DJ

KNM Major, Mr KN

CM Marin, Miss C

HJMH Martin-Hierro, Miss HJ

HJCM Marvin, Mrs HJC

TGRM Marvin, Mr TGR

SDM Matthews, Mr SD

FSM McKeown, Dr FS

SMCK McKeown, Mrs S

MM McNally, Mr M

GJM McSkimming, Mr GJ

AJMS Meehan-Staines, Mr AJ

(HLMS Meehan-Staines, Mrs HL)

BHM Miller, Mr BH

IIAM Mitchell, Miss IIA

BLM Molyneux, Mrs BL

WJM Molyneux, Mr WJ

YM Momota, Mrs Y

NJLM Moore, Mr NJL

PNMF Morley-Fletcher, Mr PN

CAFM Moule, Mr CAF

EJPM Moule, Mrs EJP

KRN Nash, Mr KR

JNN Newman, Mr JN

(SHN Newman, Mrs SH)

TWGN Novis, The Rev’d TWG

ADN Nurton, Mr AD

PJOS O’Sullivan, Mr PJ

RJP Parfett, Mr RJ

JHP Parnham, Mr JH

JCP Patient, Mr JC

CEP Payne, Miss CE

GMPK Payne-Kumar, Miss GM

TPP Phillips, Mr TP

ELP Playfair, Mrs EL

GRP Playfair, Mr GR

AP Possamai, Mr A

UAQ Qureshi, Mr UA

TCR Rainer, Ms TC

DGR Roberts, Dr DG

RARS Robinson-Smith, Mr RA

ER Ryder, Dr E

MCS Sandall, Mrs MC

RAS Sandall, Mr RA

RS Scott, Mrs R

MCBS Scragg, Mrs MCB

MJS Sharrad, Mr MJ

RSS Sherlock, Miss RS

ECS Smith, Mrs EC

KGAS Smith, Mr KGA

JPS Swift, Dr JP

TRT Thompson, Miss TR

(SFT Thomson, Ms SF)

IRT Thorp, Mr IR

HLRT Tilney, Mr HLR

RT Tong, Mr R

CT Toomer, Miss C

OSLT Triggs, Mr OSL

IFT Tudsbery, Miss IF

EFJT Twohig, Mr EFJ

JMVC Verdu Cortes, Mr JM

SKW Walker, Mrs SKW

CJW Wheatland, Mr CJ

EAWW Whitworth, Mr EAW

OWW Willars, Mr OW

RDW Willmett, Mr RD

TLW Wilson, Ms TL

ATW Woodford, Mrs AT

JW Wright, Mr J

MAW Wright, Mr MA

LCW Wulfsohn, Ms LC

JY Yin, Miss J

LZ Zaninelli, Mrs L


The Reverend TWG Novis (Senior Chaplain) 07980 702638

Mrs Rashidah Alli (Muslim Chaplain) ralli@marlboroughcollege.org

The Reverend J Blacker (Roman Catholic) jblacker@marlboroughcollege.org

Rabbi Jonny Hughes (Jewish Chaplain) jhughes@marlboroughcollege.org

College Proctor

Marlborough College Malaysia

Master Mr S Burbury

Management Team and their Secretaries

Heads of Department

Academic Consultant JAG

Academic Support HEG


Classics JFL

Computer Science TJD

Design Technology DJM

Drama DK

Economics & Business DIA

English NOPG


Mrs M Grant



Futures ACL

Geography RGDR

History CAFM

History of Art FSM

Library JEB

Mathematics ELP

Modern Languages ATW

French LCW

German TCR

Italian PNMF

Mandarin QL

Russian AGL

Spanish RCS

Music – Artistic Director PTD

Music – Academic Music AJMS

Outdoor Activities RT

Politics KH

Psychology JLN


Science GAD

Biology TAB

Chemistry KEH

Physics & Astronomy CJW

Theology, Philosophy & Ethics (TPE) BLM

Timetable Manager ER

Visual Arts JHP

Director of Sport RFH

Assistant Director of Sport MAE

Music Staff

Head of Keyboard, Piano

Head of Percussion

Head of Strings

Head of Vocal Studies

Head of Wind, Trumpet


Bass Guitar





Double Bass


French Horn



Ms C Toomer

Mr S Johnson

Mrs S Stagg

Mr D Mattinson

Mr A Arkwright

Mrs B Heywood

Mr M Hartnett

Mrs C Springate

Ms C Frost

Mrs E Isaac Johnson

Miss R Hughes

Mrs N Phelan

Ms S Stocks

Mr R Lewis

Mr J England

Mr M Willcocks


Jazz Piano

Lower Brass











Violin & Viola

Ms E Pierce

Mr J Harpin

Dr M Lomas

Ms E Fyfe

Mr M Butterfield

Mr A Marshallsay

Mr C McCann

Ms K Emery

Miss A Grayburn

Mr P Turner

Mr C Gibbons

Dr C Henshaw

Miss S Jefferies

Mr P Dukes

Secretary Mrs V Crocker vscrocker@marlboroughcollege.org (01672) 892481

Secretary Mrs L Freeman lfreeman@malboroughcollege.org 892486

Academic Support



Administration & Reception







IT & Computer Services


Medical Centre

Telephone (01672) 892435

E-mail sani@marlboroughcollege.org

Paramedic 07776 020486

Medical Officer

Dr V Singh

Nursing Staff

(01672) 512187 (Town Surgery) (01672) 892435 (Medical Centre)

Ms S Jones Medical Centre Manager / Paramedic

Mrs H Andrew RGN Nurse

Mrs C Au Health Care Assistant

Mrs S Birkill RGN Nurse

Ms R Bracey RGN Nurse

Mrs R Brown RGN Nurse

Mrs C Chatterton Specialist Paramedic

Mrs A Clarke Paramedic

Mrs H Egan Medical Centre Assistant

Mrs S Gannon Health Care Assistant

Miss C Jenkins RGN Nurse

Mrs N Olner RSCN Nurse

Mrs J Owens RGN Nurse

Ms J Richardson Specialist Paramedic



Surgery Times

E-mail sani@marlboroughcollege.org to request referral

Pupils seeking sanctuary and those with new injuries can arrive at the Medical Centre without an appointment. All other medical issues will require an appointment.

Appointments to see a Nurse are available 7 days a week. If you need to see a Doctor, appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

To arrange an appointment please email: sani@marlboroughcollege.org.

Pupils should report their return to their HM or Dame when discharged from the Medical Centre.


Director of Operations

Catering Operations General Manager

Catering Operations Deputy Manager

Hospitality Manager

Domestic Services Manager

Laundry Supervisor

Head of Gardens

Head of Grounds

Security & Transport Manager

Transport Coordinator


Mr M Naworynsky (01672) 892334

Mr M Mortimer 892455

Mrs I Dec 892447

Mrs C Banks 892335

Mrs C Heath 892425

Mrs T Dean 892452

Mrs E Kerrigan 892287

Mr D Liddiard 892509

Mr A Gashi 892531

Mrs J Ryklova 892278


Partnership Manager


Mrs E Taylor 07485 347920

Head of Academic Outreach TJD

Primary Schools QL

People Team

Director of People & Culture

People Partner

Recruitment Partner

Compliance Partner

People Team Coordinator

People Team Coordinator

Support Staff




Design Technology

Senior Technician




Senior Technician



Senior Technician




Mrs C Beaty-Pownall (01672) 892208 / 07483 174311

Miss L Brooks 892258

Miss L Sparkes 892461

Mrs N Wilson 892279

Mrs J Biggart 892239

Mrs V Light 892402

Workshop Projects Manager


Drama Production Manager

Modern Languages


Costume Supervisor


Senior Technician



Mr M Ward

Mrs R Dowdell

Mrs M Page

Miss T Thompson

Miss H Bailey

Mrs L Ludgate

Miss A-M Robertson

Mr P Brimacombe

Miss A Perna

Mrs C Wright

Mrs P Simner

Mr J Guilietti-Simner

Mr P Cox

Mrs E Gifford

Mrs O Scott

Mr A Marshman

Mr M Brown

Mrs C Rosa

Who Runs What

School Societies

Biology & Natural History JJLT

Brooke (& Debating) JCL

Chemistry KEH

Chinese QL

Christian Forum PNMF

Circolo Italiano PNMF

Classics JFL

Der Junge Goethe TCR

Economics & Business DIA

Griffith RFH

History (Lower School) MPLB

History & The Arts CAFM

History of Art FSM

International TWGN

Physical Activities

Aerobics QL

Athletics HJMH

Basketball Mr M Analts

Canoeing & Kayaking RT

Clay Pigeon Shooting

Cricket MPLB UAQ

Cricket (Girls) RWJH

Cross Country JFL

Dance TCR

Equestrian Ms J Perrins

Expeditions JNN

Fencing AP

Fives TAK

Football RGDR


Hockey OWW

Jujitsu DIA

Les Amis de Maupassant TAK

Literary NOPG RCJ

Medical NJLM

Model UN KRN

Music PTD

Philosophy Reading Group AGCO

Physics CJW

Politics KH

Psychology JLL

Radcliffe GKWJ

Romance of Learning CAFM AGCO

Russian AGL

Science GAD

Unity VRB

Lacrosse HJCM

Mountaineering RT

Mountain Biking RT

Netball TRT

Pilates NG




Shooting Mrs N Watts

Squash JHB

Strength & Conditioning JWD

Swimming PJOS

Table Tennis IRT

Tennis (Boys) TAK

Tennis (Girls) HJCM

Water Polo PJOS

Yoga NG

Who Runs What (continued)

Musical Activities

Big Band & Brasser AJA

Chamber Orchestra & Mrs S Stagg

Sinfonia Strings

Chapel Choir & Schola Cantorum AJMS


Almanac JRBS

Bradleian DK

CCF Captain S Brooks NJLM

CCF Stores Mrs N Watts

CCF & OA Stores Mr C Ciddelapaz

Chapel Flowers Mrs M Hawthorn

Charities & Charity Committee JPC


Common Room President RAS

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award JNN RT

Ellis Theatre DK

Food Focus Committee Mr M Naworynsky

Garnett Room CAFM



Barton Hill




Cotton House

Dancy House


Mrs E Blossom

Miss M Duncan

Mrs C Pincott

Mrs C Dawson

Miss M Giddings

Mrs R Taylor

Mrs S Wilson

Mrs H Doyle


Jazz/Saxophone Ensemble Mr C Gibbons

Junior Consort MB JRC

Rock Choir JRC

Symphony Orchestra PTD

General Knowledge Quiz RDW

House Challenge RDW

Keeper of Rare Books FSM


Memorial Hall Mr J Watson

Mount House JHP

1993 Trophies JRBS

Piccalilli RCJ

Shell & Remove Activities AJH

Sunday Talks TWGN

The Marlburian Mr A Gashi

Ivy House


Mill Mead

Morris House

New Court




Mrs E Burnet

Mrs T Smith

Ms E Gibbs

Mrs M Presley

Mrs J Jackson

Mrs F Major

Mrs A Brooks


B1 (Boys)


Resident Tutor: MFH

Non Resident Tutors: PDB Mrs S Armitage JH IRT* KNM SDM TRT HAMC KRN RJP

Barton Hill (Boys)

HM: GJM Resident Tutor: SE


C1 (Boys)


Resident Tutor: Mr C Tanner


C2 (Boys)


Resident Tutor: RWJH


C3 (Boys)

HM: GDML Assistant HM: PJOS

Non Resident Tutors: DGR NOPG CAFM JNN* Mr B Coles DTC Mrs J O’Sullivan AL Miss M Giddings

Cotton House (Mixed)


Assistant HM: BRA

Non Resident Tutors: JHB DK BHM TWGN RGDR* Mrs A Macmillan AP RCS GLF

Dancy House (Girls)


Resident Tutors: RAC CRJ

Non Resident Tutors: TAK Mrs E Blossom Mrs J Hamilton MI NG KH JJLT MGEL

Elmhurst (Girls)

HM: VGMD Assistant HM: HJMH Resident Tutor: AGL

Non Resident Tutors: VRB Mrs R Dowdell IFT HME TLW AH Mrs J Macintosh

Ivy House (Girls)


Assistant HM: KEH Resident Tutor: MCS

Non Resident Tutors: SMCK LZ KLH MCBS Mrs E Burnet TGRM IAD EJPM

Littlefield (Mixed)

HM: HLRT Assistant HM: TAB


Mill Mead (Girls)


Resident Tutors: Mrs E Gibbs SHN


Morris House (Girls)


Resident Tutors: OG Mrs M Presley

Non Resident Tutors: CT ECS QL JLL IIAM CEP Mrs C Pincott JY


New Court (Girls)

HM: ALA Assistant HM: TCR

Non Resident Tutors: FSM ER RCJ Mrs E Lyon Taylor HEG SCB* Mrs M Swift LCG Mrs P Simner

Preshute (Mixed)


Resident Tutors: TPG AJMS

Non Resident Tutors: SJD AGCO VRH JRC Mrs A Gilmour HLMS WJM ADN Mrs V Crocker

Summerfield (Mixed)


Residential Pastoral Tutor: Mrs A Cook

Non Resident Tutors: Ms J Green KGAS MPLB RS RLTB MJS UAQ ZSC JEH

Turner House (Boys)

HM: AHDT Assistant HM: TPP

Non Resident Tutors: GAD SCC JFL TCML JJD Mrs I de Trafford RAS JCP CSGC*

* Additional HM Support Boarding Houses Telephone

B1 (01672) 892210

Barton Hill 892250

C1 892220

C2 892230

C3 892240

Cotton House 892310

Dancy House 892462

Elmhurst 892260

Ivy House 892298

Littlefield 892320

Mill Mead 892270

Morris House 892280

New Court 892290

Preshute 892330

Summerfield 892340

Turner House 892350

Heads of Year

Lower Sixth

Upper Sixth

Heads of Scholars


Upper Sixth KEH AGL


Senior Prefect:

Amelia Gladstone

Cecilia Amati DA

Benjamin Armitage C1

Seraphina Bernard-Sherburn SU

Emily Betts MO

Amelie Bruce MO

Edward Casben C2

Madeleine Diggle

Leo Fitzgerald

Jasper Grafton

Edward Greenham

Buhar Hasan NC

Agatha Jones MM

Aiden Konneh C3

Daisy Lawson Johnston IH

Heads of House

Jigme Wangchuck

Hugo Austin

Francesco Amati

Guy Le Poole

Charlie Carroll

Max Gooding & Charlotte Lahner CO

Tabitha Miles DA

Jemima Bateman & Pheobe Learmond EL



Francesco Amati (U6) C1

James Barr (U6) C3

Jemima Bateman (U6) EL

Isabella Beard (U6) MM

Amelie Bruce (U6) MO

Eden Day (U6) LI

Thomas de Bono (U6) TU

Alice Du Roy De Blicquy (U6) IH

Millicent Ellis (U6) NC

James Fuller (U6) LI

Samuel Goodman (U6) BH

Rose Gough (U6) MO

Emily Hunter (U6) DA

Senior Prefects: James Fuller LI

William Snooks C1

Danielle Levy MM

Olivia Lloyd LI

Arabella Mackenzie EL

George Marsiaj C1

Sophia Mordaunt MM

Theodore Morgan CO

Flora Percy-Davis IH

Anabelle Rabson CO

Martha Sherlock IH

Pranya Taurani IH

Santo Thomas B1

Alexander Timmis TU

James Trigg SU Zachary White B1

Marina Mulji IH

Sasha Bureau & Bertie Darke LI

Xanthe Harvey-Evers & Ava Crichton-Brown (DHoH) MM

Safira Chatwal MO

Ava Phelps NC

Ruby Butterfield & Tissot Do PR

Isabella Muñoz & Benji Sword SU

Hugo Paterson TU

Bella Black (L6) EL

Catharine Bronks (L6) NC

Rose Casben (L6) MO

Lara Chataway (L6) DA

Helena Cheng (L6) MM

Johnny Costa Duarte (L6) C1

Paddy Cryan (L6) TU

Jackson Dawes (L6) BH

Thomas de Segundo (L6) B1

Gracie Denny (L6) IH

Martha Forster (L6) SU

Indra Gill (L6) EL

Bea Guinness (L6) IH

Wellbeing Ambassadors (continued)

Agatha Jones (U6) MM

Sophia Kahlon (U6) IH

Eleanor Kastner (U6) DA

Danielle Levy (U6) MM

Olivia Lloyd (U6) LI

Emili Pecherskaya (U6) NC

Elliot Ransome (U6) SU

Atalanta Royle (U6) NC

Theodore Tidmarsh (U6) C3

Alexander Timmis (U6) TU

Zachary White (U6) B1

Alexander Williams-Bulkeley (U6) TU

Eli Atkins (L6) PR

Ensemble Leaders

Georgie Haines (L6) EL

Charlie Hammond (L6) C3

Jack Henderson (L6) TU

Alexei Mollo (L6) C1

Xanthe Moore (L6) MM

Lukas Moskey (L6) B1

Jai Munjal (L6) B1

Faith Sherwin (L6) MM

Phoebe Taggart (L6) IH

Milo Thomson (L6) B1

Mirabel Walduck (L6) EL

Amber Webb (L6) PR

Amelie Wootton (L6) LI

Brasser Freddie Vine B1

Chamber Orchestra

Chapel Choir

Symphony Orchestra

Captains of Sport




Idris Scrase TU

Ben Armitage & Olivia Lloyd C1 & LI

Theo Morgan CO

Jasper Grafton SU

Amelia Gladstone MM

Jigme Wangchuck B1

Clay Pigeon Shooting Charlie Muller C1

Cross Country




Football (Boys)

Football (Girls)



Alexander Williams Bulkeley TU

Skye Pleydell-Bouverie DA

Lottie Jordan DA

Max Di Gleria C3

Charlie Hewlett SU

Jemima Bateman & Ruby Butterfield EL &PR

Oliver Burke CO

Bella Smith-Bingham PR

Polo Cosimo Thome BH

Rackets (Boys)

Rackets (Girls)

Rugby Sevens


Squash (Boys)

Squash (Girls)

Swimming (Boys)

Swimming (Girls)

Water Polo (Boys)

Water Polo (Girls)

Head of CCF

Theo Morgan CO

Sophia Mordaunt MM

Oliver Bamford C2

Katie Miller CO

Henry Lloyd-Baker C1

Pranya Taurani IH

Harry Hunter C3

Saff y Rougier MO

Bear Strong CO

Clemmy Gruwez

Bear Strong CO

School Colours

Two kinds of sporting Colours exist to reward those who perform with credit in interschool sports.

First Team Colours: may be awarded to any member of the Open First team to acknowledge expertise, level of performance and commitment.

College Colours: may be awarded usually to Open First or Second team members (in the Upper Sixth) to acknowledge their standard of play, contribution and commitment during the course of a season.

First team Colours:

Badge – black and blue mitre with gold surround College Colours: Badge – black with blue mitre with silver surround

CCF Colours Boys:

CCF Colours Girls:

Lower School Colours Boys:

Maroon and navy tie – thick stripes

Badge – Maroon and navy stripes

Navy tie with blue and white spots

Lower School Colours Girls: Badge – navy and white quarters

Honours Awards

These are to recognise outstanding contribution to the life of the College in non-sporting areas –Music and Drama; Outreach and Charities. An Award is made to note performance at a very high level or a distinguished contribution over a period of time. They are normally, though not exclusively, reserved for members of the Upper Sixth.

Boys: Dark blue tie with gold mitres Girls: Badge with College crest

Music Lessons

Instrumental and singing lessons are published on Teams Calendar, on a timetable sent to Houses each weekend and in the Music Department.

You should always check this timetable for the time of your lesson(s) for the forthcoming week.

If you are in the Upper School you should arrange your lessons to coincide with Study Periods or free time in the afternoons.

If you are in the Lower School music lessons take priority over other lessons but not over examinations or school matches. It is your responsibility not to arrange a lesson which clashes with another commitment which you could reasonably have foreseen.

Music lessons take priority over games practices, but you should inform your music teacher if you are in a team and ask him/her to avoid these times, if possible.

If you have to miss an academic lesson or games practice in order to attend a music lesson you should alert the beak concerned as soon as you can.

You should make every effort to arrange your music lessons so that you do not miss a lesson in the same academic subject in any one term.

In the Lower School, if you play more than one instrument, you may take lessons in normal lesson time for only one of them.

Dates of Terms

Lent Tuesday 7 January (between 18:00 & 21:00) 2025 to Friday 28 March (12:00)

Exeat: 12:00 Friday 24 January – 21:00 Sunday 26 January

Half-term: 12:00 Friday 14 February – 21:00 Sunday 23 February

Exeat: 12:00 Friday 14 March – 21:00 Sunday 16 March

Summer Tuesday 22 April (between 18:00 & 21:00) 2025 to Friday 27 June (12:00)

Exeat: 12:00 Saturday 3 May - 21:00 Monday 5 May

Half-term: 16:00 Saturday 24 May - 21:00 Sunday 1 June

Michaelmas Tuesday 2 September (Shell, new Lower Sixth pupils, Prefects & Heads of House) 2025 Wednesday 3 September (All other pupils between 18:00 & 20:00) to Wednesday 10 December (12:00)

Exeat: 12:00 Friday 26 September to 21:00 Monday 29 September

Half Term: 12:00 Friday 17 October to 21:00 Sunday 2 November

Exeat: 12:00 Friday 21 November to 21:00 Monday 24 November

Lent Monday 5 January (between 18:00 & 21:00) 2026 to Friday 27 March (12:00)

Exeat: 12:00 Friday 23 January - 21:00 Monday 26 January

Half-term: 12:00 Friday 13 February - 21:00 Sunday 22 February

Exeat: 12:00 Friday 13 March - 21:00 Sunday 15 March

In rejoining their House on the first day of a new term, or after a half-term or exeat, pupils may not be later than 21:00 nor earlier than 18:00 unless they have previously obtained permission from their Housemaster or Housemistress.

Shape Of The Week – Routine Times

General Shape of the Day

Assembly 08:20 – 08:40

P1 08:40 – 09:20

P2 09:25 – 10:05

P3 10:10 – 10:50


P4 11:15 – 11:55

P5 12:00 – 12:40

P6 12:45 – see below Lunch

P7 16:30 – 17:10

P8 17:15 - see below

Chap/Cong 17:55 – 18:15

Lunch timings

Assemblies – 08:20

Monday: Sixth Form Wednesday: Shell Friday: Remove and Hundred Chapel/Congers – 17:55

Monday: Shell Wednesday: Remove and Hundred Friday: Sixth Form

Pupils who have a music commitment at 18:20 on the day of their Chapel/Congers are excused and should have supper as soon as they finish p8.

Period 6 (Mon - Fri) and Period 4 (Sat) end at the following times. Pupils must not be released for lunch before these times.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Remove 13:25 13:25 13:25 13:25 11:55

Hundred 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 12:00

Lower Sixth 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 12:05

Upper Sixth 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 12:05

Shell 13:10 13:20 Tutor Period to end at time published in HoY weekly schedule. 13:40 13:20 11:50

Period 8 end times Mon Wed Fri Chapel/Congers arrangements

Shell 17:50 17:50 17:50 The highlighted groups should go to Chapel/Congers directly after p8.

Remove 18:00 17:55 18:00

Hundred 18:00 17:55 18:00

Lower Sixth 17:50 18:00 17:55

Upper Sixth 17:50 18:00 17:55

Any Sixth Form pupil who does not have p8 can have supper from 17:40.

Specific arrangements for Shell on Mondays and Thursdays


On Mondays, Shell have an amended timetable between break and lunch:

Time Period What?

11:15 – 12:10

Shell Period 4 Art, Comp. Sci, Music or DT. 12:15 – 13:10


Shell Period 5 Art, Comp. Sci, Music or DT.

On Thursdays, Shell have games between break and lunch, and an amended timetable from 14:15 to 16:10. Shell pupils will wear complete College sports kit in lessons before lunch.

Time Period What?

11.15 – 13:10 Periods 4, 5, 6 Games

13:10 – 13:35

Changing time Return to houses to get changed 13:40 – 14:10 Lunch

14:15 – 15:10

15:15 – 16:10

Shell Period 7 Art, Comp. Sci, DT or Music

Shell Period 8 Art, Comp. Sci, DT or Music

SUNDAY Chapel Chapel Choir 09:10 – 10:00

Ellis Theatre Play Rehearsal 19:15 – 19:55

MONDAY Memorial Hall Upper School Assembly 08:20

CRMR1 Prefect Meeting 10:50 – 11:15 Outreach 14:15

Chapel Chapel Choir 18:25 – 19:20

Goodison Hall Rock Choir 18:25 – 19:20

Garnett Room Heads of House Meeting (fortnightly) 20:45 – 21:15

Ellis Theatre Play Rehearsal 21:05 – 21:55

TUESDAY Shell & Remove Activities

Ellis Theatre Play Rehearsal 16:30 – 18:45


Remove & Hundred Debating 17:00 – 18:00

Henry Hony Centre Chamber Orchestra 18:25 – 19:20

Goodison Hall Brasser 18:25 – 19:20

Master’s Lodge Prefect Meeting (fortnightly) 20:45 – 21:15

Ellis Theatre Play Rehearsal 21:05 – 21:55

Memorial Library Christian Forum 21:05 – 21:55

WEDNESDAY Memorial Hall Shell Assembly 08:20 CCF & Outreach 14:15

Goodison Hall Symphony Orchestra 14:15 – 16:15

Ellis Theatre Play Rehearsal 14:15 – 16:15

St Peter’s Church Lower School ROL Meeting 18:00 – 18:40 Chapel Schola Cantorum 18:25 – 19:20

Ellis Theatre Play Rehearsal 21:05 – 21:55

Garnett Room Upper Sixth Scholars 21:05 – 21:55

THURSDAY Alternative Games Matches

M4 Shell Scholars 16:15 – 17:00

Ellis Theatre Play Rehearsal 16:30 – 18:45

LC3 Remove Scholars 17:00 – 18:00

H7 Hundred Scholars 17:30 – 18:30

Garnett Room Model UN 18:25 – 19:25

Goodison Big Band 18:25 – 19:20

Henry Hony Centre Jazz Ensemble 18:25 – 19:20

Henry Hony Centre Sinfonia Strings 18:25 – 19:20

LC13 Lower Sixth Scholars Meeting (fortnightly) 19:30 – 21:00

Ellis Theatre Play Rehearsal 21:05 – 21:55

FRIDAY Memorial Hall/

Ellis Theatre Remove & Hundred Assembly 08:20 Chapel Chapel Choir 18:25 – 19:20

Library Gaming Club 18:25 – 19:20

H5 Philosophy Reading Group 19:45 – 20:30

Ellis Theatre Play Rehearsal 21:05 – 21:55

SATURDAY Major Games Matches Social Events

MEMORIAL LIBRARY is open: Mon – Fri 08:30 – 21:00 Sat 08:30 – 13:00 Sun 14:00 – 17:00

FUTURES is open: Mon – Fri 14:00 – 18:00

College Transport Information

College Transport

The College provides coach transport for pupils (return pickup locations are listed on page 27) at:

• the start and end of every half-term, and at the end of every term

• the start and end of every exeat weekend

• the end of every term the College provides transport to London Victoria, South Kensington, Heathrow and Swindon Rail Station ONLY

Note: there is no College transport provided at the start of any term.

Taxis: Parents can book taxis directly with the following taxi firms whom we know and have approved:

ADS Chauffeur Services:

Aldbourne Taxis:

Balfour Cars:

Browns Taxis:

Budgie’s Cars:

Flight Link Chauffeurs:

GAL Chauffeurs:

Paragon Cars:

PD Cars:

Swindon Corporate Travel:

Towner’s Taxis:


Umbrella Taxis:

01380 816892 / 07802 689658

07977 059991

07767 745244

07847 097189

07368 372352

01793 485000

07773 774477

07823 337377

01672 511884

07773 299372

07576 878472

07930 325139

07585 003555

Transport via coaches and taxis, can be booked and cancelled through the transport booking system, via the Parent Portal. Any arrangement is ultimately between the taxi firm and the family. Changes or cancellations to bookings outside of term time will need to be made directly with the taxi company. Should you require assistance accessing the booking system, please call the Travel Team on 01672 892422 (term time only, 09:00 - 17:00).

Please note:

• any cancellations or no shows will incur a charge as per our Cancellation Policy.

• College transport may be a coach, mini bus or car depending upon the number of bookings received.

• College transport will only wait 10 minutes after the scheduled departure time and missing pupils will not be called.

• a destination will be cancelled if the number of pupils booked is fewer than three.

• all seats need to be pre-booked, please do not arrive without a prior booking

• transport will only go to the stops where bookings have been received.

• College transport is available to take pupils from the College to Heathrow at the start and end of every half-term, and at the end of term.

• College transport is provided to pick up pupils from Heathrow Terminal 5 departures at 19:00, only on the evening the half-term holiday ends.

• for airport trips essential information will need to be provided, particularly for unaccompanied minors or those travelling on a Child Student Visa.

• outbound London coaches stop at South Kensington (Natural History Museum) and Victoria (Greenline Coach Station) and return from Victoria (Greenline Coach Station) and Hammersmith (Novotel).

College Transport Information (continued)

At the start of exeat weekends and half-term and at the end of term transport will leave from the Parade Ground at the following times:

13:00 Friday 24 January (Exeat, Parents’ Meeting for Hundred Parents)

13:00 Friday 14 February (Half-term, Parents’ Meeting for Shell Parents)

13:00 Friday 14 March (Exeat)

13:00 Friday 28 March (End of Term, Parents’ Meeting for Lower Sixth Parents)

At the end of the exeat weekends and half-term transport will leave promptly at the following times:

Approximate journey times

London Victoria Greenline Coach Station (Bay 3) 18:45 2

London Hammersmith Novotel (Car Park) 19:00 1½

Bristol Temple Meads Station 19:30 1½

Parkway Station 19:50

Chichester Festival Theatre (Car Park) 17:35 2¼

Midhurst (North Street Bus Stop GU29 9DZ) 18:00

Petersfield Rail Station (Lavant Street) 18:25

West Meon Hut (Car Park) 18:45

Sutton Scotney Services (North Side) 19:30

(Car Park)

Guildford Bus Station (Commercial Road Car Park) 19:20 Maidenhead Braywick Leisure Centre, SL6 1BN 19:15 1½ hrs

Rail Station

(Car Park)

Swindon Rail Station (Car Park)


Security Team (24hrs): 01672 892201

At half-term only (Sunday 23 February):

London Heathrow Terminal 5 Departures 19:00 1½ hrs

The Coach Supervisor will meet pupils at Terminal 5 Departures

– Proceed to Level 5 in Departures

– Locate Gate H inside the Terminal

– Use the EXIT opposite Gate H

– Stand opposite the BA VALET SERVICE

At end of term (Friday 28 March): Transport will be provided to London Victoria, London South Kensington and London Heathrow.

Emergencies/Injuries Aide Memoire

For all situations outlined below, when the immediate accident has been dealt with: the pupil’s HM and the Medical Centre must be informed as soon as possible.

Subsequently an accident report form must be completed.

In the event of a clearly serious or life-threatening accident where it does not seem safe and reasonable to the first member of staff on the scene for the victim to be taken to the Medical Centre, the normal first-aid assessment of AIRWAY, BREATHING, CIRCULATION should be made and the victim should not be moved unless this is necessary to prevent further injury or deterioration.

• Help should be sought immediately as follows:

Summon the duty paramedic (07776 020486) for sports injuries, and/or

(a) Phone 999 and request an Ambulance.

Direct the ambulance to the main College entrance (SN8 1PA)

Phone Security (01672 892201) and tell them where to direct the crew

(b) Inform the Medical Centre. They will ensure medical details of the pupil are available where necessary, and inform the Medical Officer.

Nursing staff on duty in the Medical Centre will not normally be able to attend such accidents. The responsibility for summoning the Ambulance should lie with the senior member of staff at the site of the accident and not with the nurse in the Medical Centre.


Medical opinion is unanimous that any loss of consciousness whatsoever should oblige a player to leave the field and abandon that game. Minor degrees of concussion without loss of consciousness may be acceptable for further play, provided that the patient is not disorientated, has no headache, blurring of vision or amnesia. There is a rarer complication of a head injury in sport in that temporary recovery may follow a blow to the head only to be followed by a lucid interval and then by the onset of unconsciousness due to bleeding within the skull. This is an extremely dangerous condition. Any player suffering a knockout blow should therefore be observed during the following hours after an injury. The immediate management of a head injury in sport should be as follows:

If there is an impairment of consciousness i.e. brief loss of consciousness or a period of confusion or disorientation, then that player should be removed from the pitch.

1. In the rugby season the paramedic should be summoned. The player will be treated and observed for an appropriate period, either in the paramedic base or the Medical Centre. If no paramedic is available the player must always be accompanied to the Medical Centre. The patient will be admitted and observed for an appropriate period of time or transferred to Casualty as required.

2. Any period of unconsciousness will disqualify the individual from contact sports for at least three weeks. The strict protocol of assessment and graduated return to sporting activity, following a head injury must be followed.

Emergencies/Injuries Aide Memoire (continued)


The neck is particularly vulnerable to injury because of its extreme mobility. It is especially vulnerable in contact sports such as rugby (a collapsed scrum or high tackle, for example) and the potential ramifications of such injury are very serious. It there is any suspicion of a significant neck injury then the following is essential:

1. First the game should stop, and the paramedic should be summoned.

2. The player should not be moved: if there is any doubt about a neck injury having occurred, leave the player where they are and keep them warm. The paramedic will assess the extent of the injury and if required an ambulance will be called. The neck may be immobilised by the paramedic using appropriate devices.

3. Where a neck injury occurs in any other context, a similarly careful approach is required. The patient should not be moved unless they are in immediate danger, or require resuscitation. In the event of moving the patient being unavoidable, neck stability should be maintained if at all possible. In such an instance, or that of a patient who is disorientated and unable to obey commands to remain still, then summon help as soon as possible.


When a player has sustained an injury which clearly requires medical attention and he/she is able to walk satisfactorily, either he/she will be handed over to the paramedic or the beak in charge of the situation must ensure that the player goes to the Medical Centre. The beak will need to provide necessary information about the circumstances of the injury. As soon as possible after the event it is the responsibility of the beak in charge of the game/session to complete an Sports Injury Form (available on Connect).

If a pupil has been injured in an away match, such that paramedic or Medical Centre treatment is required, he/she must be passed as ‘fit to travel’ by a competent medical person at the other school before return to Marlborough. The pupil’s HM should be informed as soon as possible. He/she must be escorted to the Medical Centre immediately on return to Marlborough. Where such injuries require hospital treatment at the other school, it is imperative that the Medical Centre be informed on return to Marlborough, as there will often by follow-up treatment required (such as outpatient fracture-clinic appointments).


All beaks in charge of major games sports teams must have, or have access to, a medical bag for treating minor injuries. Beaks in charge of other sports will ensure that appropriate first aid measures are in place. All beaks must have a copy of the emergency telephone numbers. During the Michaelmas and Lent Terms there will always be a paramedic on duty for major games practices and fixtures. The paramedic has a College mobile phone and this number should be immediately accessible. Ideally, beaks should have a mobile phone to hand, or at least be clear where the nearest available telephone is. (The paramedic’s vehicle should always be prominently parked, and as a last resort a runner should be sent).


• Medical Centre (Sani) x2

• Barton Farm (ground floor, main office)

• Porters’ Lodge (ground floor, security office)

• Cricket Pavilion (side entrance, West end)

• Athletics Pavilion (main entrance)

• Swimming Pool (pool office, on shelf)

• Gym (front entrance foyer of gym)

2024-2026 Reference Calendar


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