Newsletter - October 2011
Introducing Hi, my name is Margaret and I am working as the new Marlborough Newcomers’ Network Coordinator whilst Rosimeire is on maternity leave. I also work as Fieldworker for the Marlborough Migrant Centre. I believe the Marlborough community is enriched by the culture and customs newcomers bring and I am passionate about my role helping migrants settle well. I have for many years held positions with a culturally diverse focus. I was involved with the establishment of the Marlborough Migrant Centre, am a trained English Language Partners’ Tutor and have recently completed the Office of Ethnic Affairs Intercultural Awareness and Communication Training for Trainers’ Course. I am a New Zealander. My husband and I are proud parents of an adult family of four and precious grandchildren. My extended family includes our Newcomers’ Network members; a group of people from overseas or other parts of New Zealand who welcome and celebrate diversity, and join together for social activities. I encourage you to join Marlborough’s family of newcomers. The Group is there to help you settle and make new friends.
Exciting News We have a precious new member to our Newcomers’ Network extended family. Anna Amélia Santos Cookson, born to Rosimeire and Chris on 21 September 2011. Congratulations to Rosimeire and Chris and a special welcome to Anna
Calendar of Events for the month of October Friendship Walking Group The warmer weather is here and we would encourage you to join us for a short walk along the path beside the riverbank. Children are welcome. It would be easy to push a baby buggy along the path. Date: Place: Time:
Tuesday, 4 October Amphitheatre steps on riverbank next to Raupo’s Café at river end of High Street 10.00am to 12 noon
Coffee at Raupo’s Café optional after the walk.
Coffee morning An opportunity to connect with other newcomers over morning tea and make new friends. Date: Place: Time:
Friday, 14 October Marlborough Migrant Centre, 21 Henry Street 10.00am to 12 noon
Sewing/Knitting Group Learn new skills or share your skills with women who are new to sewing or knitting. If you have a portable sewing machine please bring it. Bring your own material or knitting needles and wool to knit with. There will also be wool and needles available on the day for people to use. Date: Thursday, 20 October Place: Marlborough Migrant Centre, 21 Henry Street Time: 1.00pm to 2.45pm Cost: $2.00
Come along and learn something new. Or just come along and chat with the Group.
Join us on Face Book:
This is another way to get to know about our events and to connect
with others. Look for Marlborough Newcomers Network and
Like us!!/pages/Marlborough-Newcomers-network/117487711634491
Highlight from the month of September It has been pleasing to note an increase in numbers attending activities and functions over the last month. Two successful pot luck dinners were held. The highlight being the one held on Friday, 23 September. A group of 30 adults and 15 children came along and shared a variety of different ethnic food together. A thank you goes to Karen for her valued help with social events for our newcomers.
Forward Planning If you have any ideas for activities and get-togethers please let us know. Summer is coming and the days getting longer which makes for better conditions for outdoor social activities. (ie picnics, short trips, etc.)
Support Needed Newcomers Network Committee: I would like to form a Newcomers’ Network Committee whose role would be to meet together on a monthly basis and plan events and activities. If anyone is interested in being on the Committee I would like to talk to you. Please phone my cell, number 0226579018. 2012 Marlborough Multicultural Festival: Planning for the festival that will be held on 3 March 2012 has commenced. There is a lot of work to be done and I looking for volunteers to help organise the festival. If you would like to be involved please let me know.
Interpreters We are updating our Interpreters contact list. If you are fluent in English and speak another language, and willing to help occasionally in situations involving the Court, Police, Hospital and other agencies, please contact the Migrant Centre office. Usually organisations pay for interpreter services. Let us know if you are interested and your availability.
Other information and activities English Language Partners (ESOL): If you are new to Marlborough and would like to improve your English, English Language Partners Marlborough offers options for migrants who are not permanent residents.
Mums and Tots group: Friday, from 10am to 12:00, at Plunket Rooms (Henry Street). Price for 11 weeks: $22.00. Social English Class – Saturday from 4:00 to 6:00pm at Marlborough House (21 Henry Street). Price for 11 weeks: $22.00.
For further information contact Tracey on 579 2460 or email
For more events in Marlborough Go to and you can see all the events for October. You can also check on the local community newspaper for events.
Marlborough Newcomers network is a project supported by: