Membership Members receive regular newsletters and personal invitations to events and celebrations. (The information will be held on the Marlborough Migrant Centre database and is confidential according to the Privacy Act 1993.)
Do you need an Interpreter/ Communicator or Translator? You can request Language Line at local GP’s, Work and Income NZ, Housing NZ, NZ Immigration, Internal Affairs, Accident Compensation, New Zealand Police and other government agencies. Please feel free to contact us to find out more about Language Line and to find other interpreter/ translation services in the area.
Ma rlb o ro u g h Mig ra n t C e n tre one community many faces
Postal Address _____________________________________________________________ Contact Phone No.________________________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________________________
How to find us Promoting
Further information for statistical purposes only. You do not have to fill this in. Place and Country of Birth Languages Spoken
Ethnic/Cultural Origins __________________________________________________ Do you have interests or skills related to ethnicity and culture? For example languages, interpreting, music, dancing or translating? Please list:
Unity Countdown
______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
in Diversity
Signature_______________________________________________________________________ Date_______________________________________________________________________________ This application is for an individual
This application is for a family/organisation
Marlborough House Donations gratefully accepted.
21 Henry St
Please fill in this Membership Form and send it to: Marlborough Migrant Centre 21 Henry Street, Blenheim Blenheim 7201
Marlborough Migrant Centre 21 Henry Street Blenheim 7201 Ph/Fax (03) 579 6410 E: Web
Blenheim 7201
one community many faces
Ph (03) 579 6410 Email: Web
Marlborough Migrant Centre The Marlborough Migrant Centre (MMC) was established following the release of the ‘Settling In Marlborough’ report in October 2006. The ‘Settling In Marlborough’ project involved consultation with ethnic communities in Marlborough and was initiated by the Ministry for Social Development (MSD) working in collaboration with other central and local government agencies. Marlborough was one of the seven regions chosen to be part of this pilot project because of its rapidly changing demographics. A priority identified in the report was the need in Marlborough for a central place where: • migrants coming to Marlborough can get access to information/services • service providers can obtain assistance with migrant matters. The vision of the MMC is to ensure Marlborough is a place: • where migrants and local people can celebrate their diversity in a welcoming and safe environment • where all new arrivals feel empowered, accepted and integrated and are able to contribute to our community. In order to achieve this purpose the MMC will: • establish networks with local ethnic communities and service providers • promote events celebrating cultural diversity, such as the annual Multicultural Festival • have an advocacy and educational role.
Aims and Objectives • To promote and protect the interests of the many different ethnic groups in the Marlborough province.
Principles for Unity in Diversity in New Zealand All New Zealanders…
• To raise the consciousness among ethnic groups of the status of the Māori people as Tangata Whenua and their rights under the Treaty of Waitangi.
• Will have commitment to New Zealand and share responsibility for furthering our national interest.
• To assist Government and Local Government agencies consult with the ethnic groups of our area.
• Will be able to enjoy the basic right of freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, religion, age, gender or disability.
• To provide a forum for the ethnic groups to share experiences and friendships. • To enable ethnic groups to give each other mutual support and strength to deal with issues which affect them all, and to speak with one voice on those issues. • To protect the democratic rights of the ethnic groups to participate in decisions which affect them. • To enable the ethnic groups to openly express their commitment to New Zealand while at the same time, protecting their ethnic heritage and identity. • To promote the Marlborough province as a multi-ethnic society.
• Will enjoy equal life chances and have equitable access to and an equitable share of resources which the Government manages on behalf of the community. • Will have the opportunity to fully participate in society and in decisions which directly affect them. • Will be able to develop and make use of their potential for New Zealand’s economic and social development. • Will have the opportunity to acquire and develop proficiency in English and languages other than English, and develop cross-cultural understanding. • Will be able to develop and share their cultural heritage.
• To create opportunities for the general public to gain greater understanding and respect for people of other ethnic origins and vice-versa. • To encourage organizations that provide services to the public to acknowledge, reflect and respond to the cultural diversity of New Zealand.
Ma rlb o ro u g h Mig ra n t C e n t re
one community many faces