Marlborough Migrant Centre Newsletter Autumn 2011

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* Promoting and Facilitating Unity in Diversity* Marlborough Migrant Centre Newsletter ‘’ Au t u mn , A p ri l 20 10

* Promoting and Facilitating Unity in Diversity *

Autumn 2011 Newsletter We are open Monday to Friday, from 10am to 2pm: Marlborough Migrant Centre Marlborough House, 21 Henry St, Blenheim. Phone: 579 6410 and Email: Our Multicultural Festival, Saturday 26 February 2011 in Pollard Park, celebrating Race Unity Day and the diversity of Marlborough, was a very popular event again this year. A very big ‘Thank You’ to all the volunteers, performers and stall holders for making it happen!

Autumn is here! Take a walk around Marlborough.

Enjoy this beautiful season and its gorgeous colours!

*One Community – Many Faces*

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Marlborough Migrant Centre Autumn Newsletter

Newcomers Network Calendar Newcomers Network Coffee mornings!


Twice every month from 10am to 11:30am at Marlborough House, 21 Henry Street, corner George and Henry Streets, Blenheim. Come along for a chat and meet other people new to Marlborough. Next coffee morning: To be advised


Newcomers Network Potluck Dinner

Network! It’s

Once every two months from 6:00pm at Marlborough House, 21 Henry Street, corner George and Henry Streets, Blenheim. Please bring a plate of food, enough for you or your family, and some to share. This is a great chance to try different food and ask for recipes, and to meet new people and share experiences! Next potluck: Saturday 16 April

Join the

FREE to join! Call us on Ph: (03) 579 2460

Newcomers Network Movie Night Tuesday 19 April – Rio - A nerdy macaw from small-town Minnesota takes off on an adventure to Rio de Janeiro. From the director of Ice Age – Animation. At Top Town Cinemas, 6:40pm. Meet at Toptown Cinema, 4 Kinross Street (if you need help to get there, please let us know).

Newcomers Network Afternoon Tea Friday 29 April from 1:00 to 3:00pm at Marlborough House (21 Henry Street, Blenheim). Another opportunity to get together. Everyone welcome. If you have a cake that you make and everyone loves it, bring it and share with us! Let us know if you want to bake something, especially if is a traditional cake from your country. Do you live in Picton or Renwick? We want to start some activities in these places. We are in the process of finding a place to have some of the activities, but we can start by going out for a coffee in some of the nice Cafes around. Please contact us as soon as possible so we can arrange a time and a place. We look forward meeting new people in Picton and Renwick. We are always looking for new ideas for regular activities (eg movie nights, chess club, book club etc) and people wanting to help run these. Please get in touch if you would like to become an activities coordinator! Marlborough Newcomers Network Rosimeire Cookson phone 579 6410 / email

Marlborough Migrant Centre Autumn Newsletter

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International Calendar 21 February 8 March 21 March 15 May 5 June 20 June 9 August 12 August 21 Sep. 16 Nov. 5 Dec. 10 Dec. 18 Dec.

International Mother Language Day United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Race Relations Day) International Day of Families World Environment Day World Refugee Day International Day of the World’s Indigenous People International Youth Day International Day of Peace International Day of Tolerance International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development Human Rights Day International Migrants Day

If you would like to find out about all National or Religious Holidays you can go to the Australian government’s website:

English Language Partners English Language

In Marlborough, English Language Partners provide a home tutoring service and a number of Partners different class-based English language programmes. The following services are free for Permanent Residents: One to One Home Tutors Trained volunteer tutors who can support students in their home on individual learning programmes.

English for Employees This is an intensive and flexible programme dedicated to helping people in the workplace improve their English, literacy and numeracy. Classes for Non-Permanent Residents are also available: Social English Groups Join a group to enjoy conversational English, meeting out of working hours. Places are limited and a small fee will be requested.

For further information contact: Tracey Ellis English Language Partners Marlborough House Phone: 579 2460 Email:

Interested? Our mission is to promote and facilitate unity in diversity in Marlborough. Our key services are: Marlborough Migrant Centre Marlborough House 21 Henry St Blenheim 7201 Phone: 03-579 6410

* Supporting newcomers to Marlborough * Helping organizations and agencies with migrant matters * Education/awareness raising * Social functions and events * Promoting Marlborough as a multi-cultural province and celebrating cultural diversity

E-mail: and Web: and

We are always looking for people who would like to become a ‘Friend of the Migrant Centre’, get involved in our committee working groups or in any other way. And we would be happy to hear from businesses and organizations that would like to support us, financially or otherwise. Please get in touch if you do - Thank you very much!!!

Other Interesting Bits and Pieces ·


Marlborough Community HUBS can help support new sporting and recreation activities, with coaching people to become instructors (If they are volunteering, First Aid Certificate training free.) and find a venue, etc. Join in on activities throughout Marlborough. Contact Tina Fortune on ph 577 8855 ext. 5 or email Community Gardens at 85 Budge St, behind NMIT. Community edible gardens. If anyone/any ethnic, cultural community group is interested in joining in, then please contact the Trustees Manager, Tina Fortune, ph. 021 0242 3496


Riversdale Community House newsletter: Contact Sue to get a copy sent to you: Phone 578 0469 or email


Stadium 2000 on Kinross St, has a great public swimming pool, holiday programmes for children and a gym offering different sports classes. Visit them or call: 577 8300.


The Parents Centre runs child birth education classes for new parents (evenings) and a popular ‘baby and you’ course (day time) for mums and new babies. These run about 6 times a year with people grouped together depending on babies’ birth dates. These then continue as more informal coffee groups. Contact the Parents Centre. Ph. 027 5223002 email: . Check out the Parent and Child Expo at the Marlborough Convention Centre on Sunday 12 June.


Marlborough Farmers Market every Sunday until 5 June, Queen’s Birthday weekend, at the A&P showgrounds from 9am to 12pm


Marlborough4Fun Event Guide: for regular activities and events in Marlborough , monthly supplement in the Saturday Express newspaper or

*One Community – Many Faces*

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