* Promoting and Facilitating Unity in Diversity* Marlborough Migrant Centre Newsletter ‘’ Spring, November 2011
* Promoting and Facilitating Unity in Diversity *
Spring 2011 Newsletter We are open Monday to Friday, from 10am to 2pm: Marlborough Migrant Centre Marlborough House, 21 Henry St, Blenheim. Phone: 579 6410 Email: mmc@marlboroughonline.co.nz Web: www.marlboroughonline.co.nz/mmc Welcome to our Spring Newsletter Spring has sprung, and there are some lovely blossoms and flowers bobbing about in spring breezes. It’s time to enjoy the new season. Well, the big news here at the Marlborough Migrant Centre is that Rosimeire Cookson and her husband Chris have had a lovely baby girl, Anna Amélia Santos Cookson, born 21 September 2011 at 8:20pm weight 2.89kg (approx. 6lb 2oz). Have a look at the photo below. Chris Cookson is very busy, as he is now the new Chairperson of the Marlborough Migrant Centre, too! Margaret Western, acting Marlborough Migrant Centre Fieldworker and Marlborough Newcomers Network Coordinator, has had a very busy couple of months holding many events and assisting migrants and newcomers to Marlborough. Margaret is gathering a team to work on the 2012 Marlborough Multicultural Festival, being held on Saturday 3 March 2012, so if you are interested in helping, then please contact Margaret (cellphone 022 657 9018, office phone 579 6410, email marlborough@newcomers.co.nz ). Remember that it is time to join as a member of the Marlborough Migrant Centre: Come in to the office and sign up for a year for only $5. Keep up with events and happenings for 2012. Your MMC Coordinator, Katrina Oliver Anna Amélia Santos Cookson, born 21 September 2011. New daughter of Rosimeire Santos Cookson and Chris Cookson.
*One Community – Many Faces*
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Marlborough Migrant Centre Spring Newsletter
Word from the Chair Our AGM (Annual General Meeting) in September brought in a new committee and some changed roles for people who have previously served on the management committee. It's both challenging and exciting to take on the role of chairperson. While the faces may have changed, the role of MMC remains the same. 2011 has been quite an unsettled year internationally, and with this there is plenty to affect migrants. Here in NZ, tighter immigration rules make it more difficult to obtain work visas, and for those already with residence or citizenship, economic pressure may make it more difficult to keep in touch with family overseas. During times like this, it's important to be part of a local community where you can support and be supported by one another. Newcomers Network is a great way to build friendships regardless of where you're from. If you're fortunate enough to be part of a strong local ethnic community, don't forget to let us know about your group, as MMC can help promote your events to a wider audience. Whether you're a migrant, a local, or an organisation with an interest in migrant issues, consider joining the Marlborough Migrant Centre as a member, so that you can have your say, and be informed about what is going on. There can also be opportunities to help out as a volunteer from time to time. The management committee is responsible for setting policy, but we want to hear your ideas and issues. Positive multiculturalism is a bit like marriage. It doesn't just happen, and requires lots of communication, but the results can be extremely rewarding. Having recently become a father, I want my daughter to grow up being proud to be a kiwi, but also proud to be Brazilian, and I'd like to encourage any migrant parents to teach your children your own culture, but also explore with them what it is to be kiwi. Planning is already getting underway for the 2012 Marborough Multicultural Festival, so if you're interested in volunteering or performing, or know someone else who would like to, Contact Margaret, our field worker. Chris Cookson Chairperson
Chris Cookson, Chairperson, with his wife Rosimeire SantosCookson and their daughter Anna AmÊlia Santos Cookson in Seymour Square, Sunday 6 November 2011. One of Anna’s first outings; At the Hunter’s Garden Marlborough 2011 Garden Fete.
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Marlborough Migrant Centre Spring Newsletter
Introducing Margaret Western, Fieldworker and Newcomers Network Coordinator Join the Marlborough Newcomers Network! It’s FREE to join! Call us on Ph: 022 657 9018 (03) 579 2460
Connect with us. The Marlborough Newcomers Network is on Facebook!
Hi, my name is Margaret and I am working as the new Marlborough Newcomers’ Network Coordinator whilst Rosimeire Cookson is on maternity leave. I also work as Fieldworker for the Marlborough Migrant Centre. I believe the Marlborough community is enriched by the culture and customs newcomers bring and am passionate about my role helping migrants settle well. I have for many years held positions with a culturally diverse focus. I was involved with the establishment of the Marlborough Migrant Centre, am a trained English Language Partners’ Tutor and have recently completed the Office of Ethnic Affairs Intercultural Awareness and Communication Training for Trainers’ Course. I am a New Zealander. My husband and I are proud parents of an adult family of four and precious grandchildren. My extended family includes our Newcomers' Network members; a group of people from overseas or other parts of New Zealand who welcome and celebrate diversity, and join together for social activities. I encourage you to join Marlborough's family of newcomers. The Group is there to help you settle and make new friends. My work as Fieldworker is a role I particularly enjoy; I work in the community with migrants offering support and assistance to help with their settlement needs and priorities. I am available for home visits and welcome the opportunity to provide practical support to individuals or families to assist them with the challenges of successful resettlement and integration into the Marlborough community. I would be happy to talk to you if you would like further information or think I could help you. Please telephone or text me on phone 022 657 9018 or e-mail marlborough@newcomers.co.nz .
Look up our page and click the ‘Like’ button.
Margaret Western, Fieldworker of the Marlborough Migrant Centre and Marlborough Newcomers’ Network Coordinator.
Marlborough Newcomers Network Margaret Western Phone 022 657 9018 / Office phone 579 6410 Email marlborough@newcomers.co.nz Website: www.newcomers.co.nz/marlborough
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Marlborough Migrant Centre Spring Newsletter
Newcomers Network Calendar Newcomers Network Potluck Dinner Join the Marlborough
Once every two months from 6:00pm at Marlborough House, 21 Henry Street, corner George and Henry Streets, Blenheim. Please bring a plate of food, enough for you or your family, and some to share. This is a great chance to try different food and ask for recipes, and to meet new people and share experiences! Next potluck: Friday, 11 November 2011, 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Newcomers Network! It’s FREE to join! Call us on Ph: 022 657 9018 (03) 579 2460
Newcomers Network Sewing / Knitting Group An opportunity to learn new skills or share your skills with those who are new to sewing or knitting. If you have a sewing machine please bring it along. Also bring your own material or knitting needles and wool to knit with. Held at Marlborough Migrant Centre, Marlborough House, 21 Henry Street, Blenheim. Next sewing group dates: Thursday 10 November 2011, 1.00pm to 2.45pm Thursday 1 December 2011, 1.00pm to 2.45pm
International Women’s Night Connect with us. The
5 Stamford Lane, Springlands, Blenheim. Enjoy an evening of friendship and fun with other women. An opportunity to learn something of other cultures. National dress encouraged. Guest Speaker, Burie Lilly from Papua New Guinea who will share her life story. Date: Friday, 02 December 2011, 7.00pm to 9.30pm
Marlborough Newcomers Network is on
Family BBQ Pollard Park, (meet on the grassed area adjacent to the children’s playground). Bring family and friends and some food to cook on the BBQ. Date: Friday 9 December, 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Facebook! Look up our page and click
Christmas Parade – Multicultural Float There is an opportunity to take part in the Christmas Parade with a multicultural float. More Details will follow. Date: Saturday, 17 December 2011
the ‘Like’ button.
We are always looking for new ideas for regular activities (eg movie nights, chess club, book club etc) and people wanting to co-ordinate a particular activity. Please get in touch if you would like to become an activities coordinator! Marlborough Newcomers’ Network Margaret Western phone 022 657 9018 / Office 579 6410 Email marlborough@newcomers.co.nz Website: www.newcomers.co.nz/marlborough
Marlborough Migrant Centre Spring Newsletter
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International Calendar and Selected Commemorative Dates 4 November National Day, Tonga 11 November Armistice Day in New Zealand and Australia / Remembrance Day Marks the anniversary of the armistice which ended the First World War (1914–18). One minute's silence is observed at 11am in memory of the millions who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts. 10 November Birth of Guru Nanak Dev Sahib, Sikh. The founder of the Sikh faith and way of life. Sikhism stresses the importance of doing good deeds rather than merely carrying out rituals. 16 November International Day for Tolerance ‘Tolerance does not mean indifference or a grudging acceptance of others. It is a way of life based on mutual understanding and respect for others, and on the belief that global diversity is to be embraced, not feared.’ UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 26 November Election Day 2011, All of New Zealand, 9:00am to 7:00pm How to vote: http://www.elections.org.nz/voting/votingsub/how-vote-election-day.html 27 November First Sunday of Advent, Christian. Advent is observed with the lighting of advent candles, display of wreaths and special ceremonies. 27 November Al Hijra/Muharram (New Year), Islamic. Muharram is the first month of the year on the Islamic Calendar and marks the New Year for Muslims. 30 November St Andrew’s Day, National Day of Scotland 1 December National Day, Central African Republic and Romania 2 December National Day, Laos and United Arab Emirates 5 December The King's Birthday Anniversary, Thailand
If you would like to have a display or help with informing the public about an event for your national day or celebration, then please contact us. We have wall space outside our office and have many national flags available. We would be more than happy to assist you or your group.
English Language Partners
Volunteer Marlborough: NEWS! NEW WEBSITE AND TRAINING CALENDAR Here you will find information on: Becoming a Volunteer www.volunteermarlborough.org.nz Finding a Volunteer Resources for Volunteers Information and templates for Community Organisations Volunteer Management resources Links for more information Outline of our Programs/Services and a Calendar of Workshops/ Training The Training Calendar is a valuable tool and provides information on training/workshops sponsored by the sector for the sector. It includes the comprehensive and helpful training hosted by Volunteer Marlborough as well as workshops offered by other voluntary organisations. Funding has become more difficult to source and often organisations are too small to host workshops on their own. We are confident that the calendar, once well known, will be a valuable tool for reducing duplication of events and allow for well attended workshops. If you are offering training/workshop that is open to attendance by other nonprofits and is of benefit to the sector, please contact Volunteer Marlborough to have the details included on the Calendar. The site will continue to grow with new resources added periodically. If you would like information made available that is not on our site, please let us know. www.volunteermarlborough.org.nz
For more information contact: Volunteer Marlborough Marlborough House 21 Henry St, Blenheim Phone: 577 9388 Email: vm@volunteermarlborough.org.nz
Marlborough Migrant Centre Spring Newsletter
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More Information about the Marlborough Migrant Centre: Our mission is to promote and facilitate unity in diversity in Marlborough Migrant Centre Marlborough House 21 Henry St Blenheim 7201 Phone: 03-579 6410 E-mail: mmc@marlboroughonline.co.nz Web: www.marlboroughonline.co.nz Facebook: Search for our page: Marlborough Migrant Centre Then click the ‘Like’ button.
Marlborough. Our key services are: * Supporting newcomers to Marlborough * Helping organisations and agencies with migrant matters * Education/awareness raising * Social functions and events * Promoting Marlborough as a multi-cultural province and celebrating cultural diversity We are always looking for people who would like to become a ‘Friend of the Migrant Centre’, get involved in our committee working groups or in any other way. And we would be happy to hear from businesses and organisations that would like to support us, financially or otherwise. Please get in touch with us for more information. Thank you.
Other Interesting Information Picton Resource Centre, Mariners Mall, High St, Picton, 10am- 1pm Monday to Friday. They work within the community of Picton and the Marlborough Sounds assisting with community based information and promoting of local events. Ph. 573 7790. Email prcentre@xtra.co.nz Renwick News and Views: Contact Vicki Harrison Jones to get a copy sent to you. Phone (03) 572 9688 or email info@renwicksportscentre.co.nz . Website: www.renwicksportscentre.co.nz Community Gardens at 85 Budge St, behind NMIT. Community edible gardens. If anyone/any ethnic, cultural community group is interested in joining in, then please contact the Trustees Manager, Tina Fortune, ph. 021 0242 3496 Riversdale Community House newsletter: Contact Sue to get a copy sent to you: Phone 578 0469 or email riversdalecommunityhouse@xtra.co.nz Starting a Business? Inland Revenue offers FREE courses at the NMIT Campus: Introduction to Business Tax Seminar, Wed 16 Nov & Thurs 15 Dec, 10am-12pm. GST Workshop, Wed 16 Nov & Thu 15 Dec 1-3pm. Rental Income Workshop, Wed 23 Nov 1-3pm. Bookings are essential. Phone 0800 377 774 or email advisory.nelson@ird.govt.nz The Parents Centre runs child birth education classes for new parents (evenings) and a popular ‘baby and you’ course (day time) for mums and new babies. These run about 6 times a year with people grouped together depending on babies’ birth dates. These then continue as more informal coffee groups. Contact the Parents Centre. Phone 027 5223002 email: info@marlboroughparentscentre.co.nz . Marlborough Farmers Market every Sunday until June, 9am to 12pm at the A and P Showgrounds, corner of Maxwell Road and Alabama Road, Blenheim. Rain or Shine! Marlborough4Fun Event Guide: for regular activities and events in Marlborough , monthly supplement in the Saturday Express newspaper or www.marlborough4fun.co.nz.
*One Community – Many Faces*