4 minute read
Lynn Ruth MiLLeR lynnruthmiller.com Fringe Programme 2014
The Marlborough TheaTreThe Marlborough TheaTre
Fringe Programme 2014
The Marlborough TheaTreThe Marlborough TheaTre Cabaret Dance & Physical Theatre
House of Blakewell’s House Party
HOUSE OF BLAKEWELL houseofblakewell.com
Tomás Ford’s ElEcTric cabarET
Tomás Ford, CapTain oF indusTry tomasford.com
An Evolution of lovE
Freedom Tames TheaTre Company facebook.com/anevolutionoflove
House of Tragic sHe
Six LipS TheaTre sixlipstheatre.co.uk
Yes No MaYbe
PaPerfeet theatre ComPany paperfeettheatre.co.uk
thursday 8th May 6.00pm Friday 9th May 6.00pm Saturday 10th May 6.00pm Sunday 11th May 6.00pm (1 hour)

Lynn Ruth Miller is 80 and she’ll tell you how it feels in song and comedy: a bit of reality mixed in with a lot of laughter. Come see the 2009 Star of Brighton and 2013 winner of the TO&ST Award for best cabaret in the Edinburgh Festival.

tickets: £9.50/£7.50 concessions
Friday 2nd May 9.00pm Saturday 3rd May 9.00pm Saturday 31st May 9.00pm Sunday 1st June 9.00pm (50 mins)

Award-winning cabaret act House Of Blakewell attempt to go urban in their brand new musical revue.
Harry and Alice are having a housewarming for their edgy new neighbours. Join the loveable duo for phat tunes, sick beats and toe-tapping, original showstoppers.
WINNER Craig Barbour award for songwriting SOHO THEATRE.
“Frighteningly tonsilled” Time Out.
Tickets: £9.00/£7.00 concessions
Friday 16th may 10.15pm saturday 17th may 10.15pm (1 hour)
A late night Fringe adventure with Australian electronic cabaret urban legend Tomás Ford. Thrill to live electronic music, twisted cabaret crooning, video projections and his one-of-a-kind brand of demented showmanship. It’s the debauched late night party you didn’t know you were looking for.
“Raucous, riveting intensity... sure, it seems freaky, but only if you don’t join in” ***** Time Out London.
tickets: £10.00/£8.00 concessions saturday 17th may 6.00pm sunday 18th may 6.00pm monday 19th may 7.30pm (1 hour)
Witness the first moment of life to the last and experience how love teaches, transforms and sets one free to fly. Intertwining The Seven Sisters of Love: Held, Awoken, Spoken, Sung, Danced, Shared, Released. Her performance combines humor, dance, theatre, drama, spoken word and speaks to a wide audience.
tickets: £9.00/£7.00 concessions
Friday 30th May 7.30pm Saturday 31st May 7.30pm Sunday 1st June 7.30pm (1 hour)
In a blend of physical theatre and contemporary dance, four women explore the effects of loneliness on emotional wellbeing and literature’s constant re-interpretations of madness. Infused with the voices of mental health service users through verbatim, the poetry of Virginia Woolf and the lives of other ‘tragic poets’, Six Lips presents an honest and colourful journey into the human mind. Experimental electronic music backdrops a union of movement, poetry, prose, testimony and projection.
tickets: £8.00/£6.00 concessions
friday 30th may 6.00pm Saturday 31st may 6.00pm Sunday 1st June 6.00pm (1 hour)
Whether we see it or not possibility exists in every moment.
Yes No Maybe is a compelling piece of physical theatre that explores our everyday encounters and the subtle yet explosive impact that they have on our lives. This scrapbook show brought to you by Paperfeet theatre combines devised storytelling with physical movement. We ask the inevitable question; does everything happen for a reason?
tickets: £7.50/£5.00 concessions

Kids & Youth

Aunty Ben
Super paua superpaua.org

Bits & Box
AndOn TheATre andontheatre.com
Saturday 24th May 4.30pm Sunday 25th May 4.30pm Monday 26th May 4.30pm (1 hour)
Nine-year-old Tracey loves her Aunty Ben. It doesn’t matter to her that Aunty Ben is actually her uncle, or that he is a Drag Queen, because in Tracey’s family dressing up is for everyone! But when Ben meets her school friends, Tracey is shocked to discover that other people’s families can be very different to her own. Aunty Ben is a colourful and playful exploration of gender, family, love and happiness, for young audiences aged 7+.
Winner of the IdeasTap Brighton Fringe award 2014.
Tickets: £7.00/£5.00 concessions Sunday 4th May 12.00pm, 3.00pm Saturday 17th May 12.00pm, 3.00pm (50 mins)
Imagine a box, imagine the possibilities... Two guys, too much mess & a cardboard box. Honest, funny, yet pointedly child-like, this short play will (at the least) leave you well prepared for when boredom comes a-knocking!
Suitable for all the family aged 5+
tickets: £7.00/£4.00 concessions
Romeo & Juliet
Pocket oxford theatre pocketoxfordtheatre.com
Wednesday 28th May 2.30pm thursday 29th May 2.30pm friday 30th May 2.30pm Saturday 31st May 2.30pm friday 1st June 2.30pm (1 hour)
This mad-cap extravaganza is the perfect introduction to the Bard - with audience participation, it’s noisy, fast-paced, funny & cool for kids- making Shakespeare something not to be afraid of!
Suitable for children ages 6-14