3 minute read
If I could
Tiffany Williams is passionate about helping people to feel and look their best and does so through her local business, Style Sisters. We catch up with this talented creative, business owner, mum, and fur-mum, to find out what she would do if she could…
If I could spend a day with anyone, it would be…
Jen Atkin. She has been one of my ultimate boss babe idols! She is a celebrity stylist who has made her own way to the top through style, connection, hard work, knowledge, and education. She continues to grow her brand and image in new and creative ways. I would love to spend a day with her and get an insight into the way she runs her business and connects with people.
If I could tell my younger self one thing it would be…
Travel while you are young and have no responsibilities. Don’t be so stubborn and really chase those dreams, they are not as far-fetched or impossible as you think.
If I could travel anywhere, it would be…
Egypt is such a massive bucket list item of mine. As a child, I was always obsessed with Egyptian hieroglyphs, sacred animals and ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. To see this in person and really relive that history would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
If I could change one thing about Marlborough, it would be…
To create more entertainment places for all ages. In Wellington, there is an amazing place called ‘Brewtown,’ a large divided industrial building that contains an indoor adventure park, ice skating rink, trampoline park and time-out zone in one end. While the other end consists of beer distilleries, restaurants, farmers’ markets and more! It is one of the best places for entertainment and for all ages. We have so many separate businesses in Marlborough, if we all came together, I think we would create something truly magical.
If I could be famous for something, it would be…
Inspiring and educating other stylists and building women in business. I absolutely love my career, but what I love more is to be able to pass on my experience and knowledge and really help young stylists grow into entrepreneurial creatives. This is definitely a long-term career goal of mine, so here’s hoping I can achieve this - with or without the fame. Sarah Brown
If I could swap lives with someone, it would be…
I have really thought so hard about this. And honestly, I don’t have anyone I would rather be. It has taken me a long time to go through the struggles I have been through and successfully come out the other side of. I could not give up that success to trade with anyone else.
If I could only take one thing to a desert island, it would be…
My dog, Rebel. Company is such a great thing to have, we have all seen cast away with Tom Hanks and his friend Wilson. My dog would be the best company, he’s always happy to see me and is a great protector. I know I would feel warm and safe sleeping at night with him by my side.
If I could have a superpower, it would be…
To read people’s minds, although this would be the biggest invasion of privacy, it would also be one of the best superpowers in the world. No one can see, hear or feel what people are thinking and I would love to be able to switch in and out on cue.
If I could be on a reality TV show, it would be…
I have to say, if there was one show I would consider, it would be married at first sight. It is so cringeworthy and dramatic and I can totally see myself sitting back and watching the action unfold at the dinner parties. I also wouldn’t mind dressing up in bridal wear.