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What is the best Valentine’s Day gift you have given or received?
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I don’t do Valentine’s Day, I think it’s too commercialised. I think you can show love in other ways, you don’t have to observe Valentine’s Day.
I received diamonds from my husband. It was just after we got married. We don’t give gifts every year. We’ve been in a long-distance relationship for three years, because of Covid. This Valentine’s Day is very special for us.
Derrek Anderson
Our first Valentine’s Day we went for a walk - it’s about quality time. I probably did more at the start of the relationship, but when you’ve been married for a while we prefer to do things during the year.
It was our first Valentine’s Day, and I gave my new wife chocolates and a tattoo voucher. I’m not actually big on Valentine’s Day.
Matt Brown matt@topsouthmedia.co.nz
Peter Jones peter@topsouthmedia.co.nz
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