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On Patrol
Blenheim Community Patrol need more volunteers to join their regional teams and help reduce crime. All patrollers are trained and help as an extra pair of eyes and ears for local police officers, who they work directly with. To register interest and to find out more email either blenheim@cpnz.org.nz or picton@cpnz. org.nz
Ocean Adventure
Envirohub Marlborough are offering children aged between 5 and 12 years old the chance to experience the Marlborough Sounds by boat. To help mark Sea Week and NZ Children’s Day on March 5, the team, sponsored by Lochmara Lodge and Port Marlborough, are accepting nominations for children yet to have had the chance to go out by boat. Email conservationkids@envirohub.co.nz.
Life Education Trust is fundraising to support their programmes for children across the region with the Great Charity Lawn Bowls Event in April. Taking place at the Blenheim Bowling Club in Weld Street on April 1, teams of three will battle it out for the top spot honour and a corporate prize of a $100 dollar morning tea shout from Karaka Cuisine. The competition is open to anyone over the age of ten years old. Entry is $20 per person. Email admin.marlborough@lifeedtrust.org.nz to register.