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Another world first for Cuddon
A Blenheim-based engineering firm has posted another world first, using CO2 in a new, more environmentally friendly freeze dryer.
After years of development, the pioneering machine, named Sophie by Cuddon staff, is tipped to make a huge impact on the industry.
Freeze dry manager Helen Ashworth says the new design is better in every way, with a shorter cycle time and being better for the environment.
“We didn’t realise how good it [CO2] would be,” she says. “The gas has more grunt than we realised.”
In 2013, Cuddon revealed another world first – in a method of repairing earthquake damaged buildings in Christchurch.
Cuddon chief executive Terry Duff says the new freeze dryer design is a game changer.
Globally the use of CO2 as a refrigerant is becoming more common, but engineering challenges required significant design work, he says.
Along with being environmentally friendly, the new design has a 30 per cent higher product capacity, a shorter drying cycle and operational energy savings.
“We are excited to be leading the charge with the CO2
Freeze Dryer, a game changer for our customers around the world as we continue the Cuddon tradition of being at the forefront of innovation and now striving for sustainable quality engineering solutions,” Terry says.
The new CO2 Cuddon freeze dryer will be showcased globally this year at the European Foodex, American Pet Food Forum and the American Dairy Producers Institute.
Cuddon is the only freeze dryer manufacturer in the southern hemisphere and have been producing freeze dry systems for 60 years. They have built, shipped and installed more than 450 freeze dryers globally.