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Care centre makeover a must

being heard.

For more than two decades, it has cared for people in the community, now CARE Marlborough needs a helping hand itself.


Can Achieve Recovery Everyday (CARE) Marlborough provide mental health assistance for about 25 people every day. But the Percy Street house in Blenheim needs a makeover to futureproof the facilities.

CARE Marlborough’s General Manager Carla Brownie says the improvements will make a big difference to everyone.

“It’s a home away from home. The members are the ones that set this place up but often feel they’re not

“To have this house and advocacy service is incredible for everyone involved,” Carla says.

“We’re just needing to upgrade everything in the kitchen, it’s been very well loved but to make what we do viable it is really needed.”

Since 2004, the house has hosted peer support workers, day activity courses including wellbeing talks, social outings, cooking and art lessons.

Staff help with access to community resources and services through the Mental Health Advocacy Service.

The upgrades have been supported by the Rātā Foundation to- wards the project which has been a huge relief to the CARE team. Staff have also planned a fundraising dinner to raise money for extras such as a new fridge and cooker.

A special dinner at the Bamboo Garden Restaurant will include a chat and Q&A session with renowned Sky Sport commentator and proud Marlburian Tony Johnson. “Someone very important to me has been in a situation where care was really needed. This person got it from CARE Marlborough and was given the encouragement to pursue a qualification in mental health care so that others can be helped”, says Tony. There will also be silent auctions and raffles at the May 15 event which starts at 6pm.

“The fundraiser dinner is to advertise who we are and the services we provide, but also to help us get over the line with our upgrades”, says Carla. “Older people, people in wheelchairs and those with disabilities all use our facilities but it’s an old house so these upgrades make everything as accessible as possible.”

To purchase tickets for the CARE Marlborough Fundraiser Dinner, go to https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2023/care-marlborough-fundraiser-dinner/blenheim or call 0800 289 849

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