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Need Reliable IT Support? Heritage funding shock for Marlborough schools


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“The reality is that there has been no service provided to our Marlborough Schools, from Nelson, that we, or local teachers are aware of.”
The initiative has been kept going with generous funding from Marlborough Lines and RMA Insurance but that is due to end in six weeks, John explains.
“This funding has allowed our very experienced heritage teacher to continue to provide teaching services for four days per week during the last three terms,” John says. Without an experienced teacher, visits to the popular Te Pokohiwi Exhibition, The Victorian Classroom, The Stables and the annual ANZAC Experience, will not happen. Marlborough District Council is taking over the running of the Marlborough Museum from the MHT, from July 1. John says despite being aware of the value of the Heritage Education programme to Marlborough schools, council have no plans to support any Museum based education initiative in the short term.