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Letters to the editor
Could imagine a Sounds fishing home base there with gear shops, fish filleting and presentations on how the industry in Picton and the Sounds works especially with the salmon and mussel farms in a prime spot – a bit of cross-industry collaboration working under one roof.
Never thought about it before, but I think we could do with a community center that isn’t so tourism focused and built for everyone to use. Otherwise, wouldn’t mind having a climbing gym or a skate park, something exciting to go in there.
Morena Paula, I want to record my thanks for the news items, front, 2nd, and 3rd pages, Tuesday 16 May reporting the demise of heritage education funding in Marlborough. Heritage [in its many facets] has “flown under the radar” when compared with the rest of the Arts and Culture sector in our Region. Your Marlborough Weekly’s articles provide an important factual update on the state of heritage management at a time of uncertainty for the Blenheim Museum, its staff and highlight Council’s new role in future management structure/s. I hope your reporting has encouraged more Marlburians to be interested in the how the Council responds.
I appreciate that your newspaper investigates, records, and reports a wide variety of local news. Thank you.
Sandra Mcneilly
I am pleased an article in the Marlborough Weekly exposed what amounts to the unexpected, Marlborough District Council dismissal, of our longtime, local Museum Director, Steve Austin, in favour of someone from the North Island. This huge disruption to Steve’s life and to other staff members has been after months of stress re their employment, not just the month Dean Heiford quoted.
That Steve would be gutted is a huge understatement, suddenly his life is turned upside down at a stage of life where starting again in such a specialized career is extremely difficult and means uprooting himself from where he lives among us in Blenheim. Steve was extremely dedicated to our Museum. Heiford’s statement re budget being a factor is complete nonsense as they are paying the new manager more and had millions to throw at the new Library.
It’s got stunning views, so anything that goes in there needs to make the most of them for people off the ferries. Some sort of “welcome to Marlborough” or “welcome to the South Island” centre would be good though!
It’s a tough one because it’s a large space to fill in a small town. Something like an indoor sports facility is always good, or a local arts and crafts workshop centre with people able to see local artists at work and buy directly from them.
Spare a thought for the person who has dedicated his employment life to the museum....I’m so sorry that he has been caught up in bureaucratic nonsense.
I think it’s incredibly sad, Steve did a exceptional job. Honestly it makes no sense.
I understand other new positions have been created. I think this whole scenario stinks and of course Heiford hides behind the Council policy ‘we don’t say why an applicant was unsuccessful’. These are my thoughts, I wondered if others had concerns?
Change is good..both ways