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Need Reliable IT Support? Search and rescue team success News In Brief

Seed Swap
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All LandSAR Marlborough team members are volunteers who help provide search and rescue services to the Police and the Rescue Coordination Centre across Marlborough. Search and rescue operations can be carried out in all environments including mountains and bush for hunters and trampers, and urban environments searching for the vulnerable.
Getting the call that evening meant volunteers had already put in a day at work.
Training once a month and attending national courses meant the team was well prepared for the search, Kerry says.
“We have a core element of our group that are hugely experienced, but we have newer members too and this is the best way to learn.
“When you locate a person it’s a big relief and it’s quite emotional around the effort we put in.”
The teams made their way back to base with the help of support personnel from police and volunteers who came and drove them and their vehicles home retuning to base and debriefed by 13:00.
“Thanks to those field members who grunted their way through some terrible terrain, the team back at base monitoring the teams and the support people who got our teams home safe,” Kerry says.
LandSAR Marlborough are always looking for new volunteers, with a variety of roles on offer, from drivers, good typists and people with great radio communication skills.
“It’s not just outdoors people for the field but people that can drive etc,” Kerry says. “Search and Rescue - the ultimate team sport.”
If you can help, or to find out more, visit LandSAR Marlborough’s Facebook page at www. facebook.com/MarlboroughSAR/ or email marlborough@ landsar.org.nz.
Marlborough Community Gardens are hosting a seed swap event this Saturday at NMIT from 9am to midday. Bring any seeds (in labelled envelopes) that you have to swap and a bag or container to take your new seeds home in – if the weather is bad it will be held at the Kohanga Reo next door to the gardens.
Seddon Talent Show
Join the South Marlborough community for a Gumboot Friday fundraiser talent show on Saturday July 29 at Yealands Awatere Memorial Hall. Enter for $10 for a solo act or $20 for a group, with prize money to be won for competing acts. Contact k.z.samson@ hotmail.com for entry information.
Midwinter Swim
Take the chilly plunge into Lake Rotoiti on Sunday the 18 of June to celebrate midwinter. Join enthusiastic, misguided and warm-hearted returnee survivors at the East Jetty by the campground in Kerr Bay at 12.00 noon - you don’t have to be nude, and feel free to bring food and something to sit on for a shared lunch after.