1 minute read
Lecturer’s hope for grieving families


William Woodworth
A mental health lecturer is hoping to help the families and friends of those have lost their lives to suicide.
Dr Chris Bowden, who has spent two decades studying suicide prevention will hold a series of six presentations called Grief Matters in Marlborough.

And the lecturer hopes supporting people in the aftermath of tragedy will help provide some comfort.
Chris’s chats have been organised by CARE Marlborough in conjunction with a variety of local health organisations.
CARE Marlborough General Manager Carla Brownie says the idea for the chats came from feedback from Marlborough’s Youth.
port is key to helping those in psychological distress and for people impacted by suicide.
“Make time have a korero and really listen to what is going on for people so you can help them identify their strengths, resources, and coping strategies, help them find help and walk alongside them while they access support, he says.
A lecturer in child and adolescent development, mental health, suicide bereavement and trauma at Victoria University of Wellington Chris lost five friends to suicide when he was younger. Many factors contribute to psychological distress among the younger population, he group who can make a difference and gives them some
Grief Matters
Building Family/Whānau and Rangatahi/Youth Resiliency
Dr Chris Bowden has been invited to our community to help acknowledge the impact of suicide and help resource the community to enhance resiliency and connectedness.