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We tend to take notice but go over now and again, but we stock up weekly and buy fresh whenever possible to minimise wastage.
A lot, perhaps too much – I even check the dates in store to make sure. I have to stock up weekly and plan out meals in advance, and if I can freeze fresh stuff that works but otherwise I’m still a bit iffy.
Wilding Pine Misconception
Probably too much to be honest. I didn’t realise until recently that there’s leeway around the dates.
At the moment I’m pregnant so pretty vigilant at the moment just in case, but normally I’ll have no issue if it’s fresh.
Whilst avoiding the politics involved in “Wilding pine dispute taken to High Court”,Marlborough Express 12 June I would like to correct the misconception that indigenous biodiversity will endure in time over wilding pine, the problem species in this case being predominantly Pinus Contorta and Douglas Fir, but not the least, which are of the greatest threat to our South Marlborough mountain environments. Unfortunately Pinus Contorta and Douglas Fir along with many other of the problematic wilding conifer species out perform all of the indigenous species in growth rate, vigour,height and the altitude at which they can establish.
Fir also being a shade tolerant species will strike under an indigenous canopy to grow up through and smother. The end result being a total wilding pine canopy as shown in the accompanying photo in the Branch Valley,South Marlborough. So its a complete myth to believe that wilding conifer species could act as a form of nurse crop to re-establish indigenous biodiversity as the wilding pine is the ultimate predator at the top of the plant chain.
Most of us value our unique landscape and heritage values and for our future generations to experience these values we need to act now.

Murray Chapman Waihopai Valley
How much commission do the ratepayers get from the sale of paintings, do artist pay for the privilege of promoting their art and themselves?

Jamarl Thomson
What’s worse is the operating hours aren’t even that great & the staff were just awarded extra for working inconvenient hours. Wtf...& is the Gallery even operational yet?
Yllek Nomis
Celebrate with us under the stars on Saturday 24 June from 4pm