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Gambling machines under spotlight as profits rise
A surprise rise in gaming machine profits means pokie machines in Marlborough may be cut.

The impact of gambling on the community is being considered by council as staff begin consultation on its proposed Gambling Venue Policy
The move comes as the latest figures show that while there has been a significant drop in the number of pokie machines, gaming machine profits have increased.
Licensing Inspector Georgia Murrin says while the draft policy had been prepared in consultation with those who have an interest in the proposed review, the Council wants to hear from all members of the community.
“As a result, Council believes the current policy requires changes and is proposing to adopt a sinking lid policy to ensure the numbers of venues and gaming machines is
A sinking lid policy means that once a class 4 gambling venue closes, the council will not issue any other society a licence to replace that venue.
“Council also recommends that if two or more clubs were to merge the total number of gaming machines allowed is reduced from 30 to 18 machines,” Georgia says.
Recent statistics show that while there was a 40 per cent decrease in venues and 33.7 per cent decrease in gaming machines in Marlborough between March 2015 and December 2022, gaming machine profits have increased by 33 per cent in the same period.
Other options outlined in the Gambling Policy Review Statement of Proposal include capping the number of gaming machines to 165 or rolling over the current 2020 policy but amending the wording to allow for the new Racing Industry Act 2020. The social impacts of gambling will also come under scrutiny, Georgia says.
“As part of this review Coun- cil must consider the social impacts of gambling on our community. That’s why it’s important that people let us know what they think,” she says.

“The level of reported harm through problem gambling referrals remains low. However anecdotal evidence from the community indicates that there may be harm occurring