13 minute read







2pm every Mon we meet and play EUCHRE at the Springlands Tavern Restaurant, 16 Boyce St, Blenheim.

Beginners are welcome to learn & play. $5 per afternoon. Ph Chris 0272077631.

WITHERLEA INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Mon 7pm Redwoodtown Community Hall. All welcome, no age limits. Only gear needed is soft sole shoes. Ph Moira 027 4808272/ Heather 0273106675.

RUMMY-0 CLUB Mon 12.30-4pm Bowls club rooms, Weld St. Ph Joy 577 6191/Mary 5788747


2-3pm/ Mon 6-7pm. First lesson free, $6 per lesson after that. Senior Citizen’s Hall, 172 High St. Ph Judith 5787554 / 0212341095


7.30pm Whitney St School Hall. No partners needed. Beginners welcome. Ph Heather 02102587325.

MARLBOROUGH GUILD OF WOODWORKERS Mon 9am-12pm, 7-9pm. Wed 9am-12pm. Sat 9am-12pm. Wooden toys & projects. 1st Sun monthly 1-4pm. Brayshaw Park. Ph Philip 5705188.

CARE & SHARE A place for creatives to meet, encourage & share their skills. Mon 9.30am fortnightly. Barnies, Nativity. 76 Alfred St. Ph 5783909 for info.

ROTARY CLUBS BLENHEIM Meet Mon & Tues 5.30pm.

World-wide service club for men & women doing great things in your community. For info on meeting venues. Ph Blenheim Club Secretary Andy Rowe 021842928. Blenheim South Club Secretary Dean Heiford 0212462642.



2pm every Tues we meet and play CRIBBAGE at Springlands Tavern Restaurant, 16 Boyce Street, Blenheim. Beginners are welcome to learn & play. $5 per afternoon. Ph Chris 0272077631.

SAYGO (Steady As You Go) Gentle exercise & balance class for Seniors. Every Tues 11.30am-12.30pm. St Christopher’s Church Hall, 92 Weld St, Blenheim. Cost $2. Stay for a cuppa & chat after. For more info ph Donna Wahrlich, Eldercare Coordinator 0273852333 email donna@ stchristopers.co.nz

MARLBOROUGH HERB SOCIETY Meets 4th Tues of month, 7pm. Various locations. To promote use, educate & identification of herbs. Email: mhsgarlicpress@gmail. com

SUNBELT TOASTMASTERS Learn public speaking & improve your confidence. Tues 6.20pm Fortnightly. St Mary’s Community Centre. Ph 0276001788 or email sunbeltblenheim@gmail.com

RED HAT SOCIETY The Kiwi Damsels in De-Stress are part of a worldwide organization for women to enjoy fun, laughter & friendship. A specific dress code is part of the fun. This daytime group meets twice a month on the 1st & 3rd Tues mornings. Ph Tina 0211045945.

MARLBOROUGH TENNIS CLUB Parker St. Tues 8.3012pm. Social tennis. Morning tea 10am. Non-members $5. All welcome. Ph Joanna 0275786436

SIT AND BE FIT Tues & Thurs 1.15pm Cost $2. Contact Riversdale Community House 5780469 / 0223007342.

BLENHEIM CHORAL (Marlb Singers) Tues, 7pm. Wesley Centre, Henry St. New members welcome, no auditions necessary. www.marlboroughsingers.org.

BLENHEIM AIR TRAINING CORP Tues 6.30-9pm RNZAF Base Woodbourne. Recruiting new cadets aged between 13 & 15 for 2023. For more info email: 27sqn@ cadetforces.org.nz


‘COFFEE & CHAT’ 10-11am, Seabreeze Café, London Quay. New to town? Need help to settle in? Interested in local activities? We can help! Ph Cathy - Coordinator 0210451799 picton@newcomers.co.nz

KNITTERS & SPINNERS Meet up Tues 10am, Picton library. Bring your knitting to the library for this social catch-up.

PICTON TABLE TENNIS for adults Tues 10am-12pm. Little Theatre, Picton. $4 per session. Meet people & get some exercise. Morning tea provided. New members welcome. Ph Ernest 0275888453.

RENWICK MENZ SHED 54 High St Renwick. Left side of church. Morning tea provided. Tues 9am-12pm. Ph Dave 021 0228 2592.

PICTON LINE DANCING Tue 9.30-11.30am Anglican Church hall. $6 per class. Beginners welcome. For info

Ph Carol 0212125252/Raewyn 021715484.


PICTON LIONS Join a worthwhile volunteer group, both female & male members wanted, good fellowship, all money raised goes back to Picton community. First Wed of the month. Ph Norman 0274336242

ROCK ‘N’ ROLL Every Wed 7.30pm. Blenheim Bowling Club, 65 Weld St. Come along & enjoy yourself! Ph Erin 027 234 1709.

GROVETOWN INDOOR BOWLS Wed 7pm at Wesley Foundry. All bowlers welcome. Ph Morris 5786699.

RAPAURA INDOOR BOWLS CLUB Wed 7.30pm. Rapaura Hall. New members welcome. Ph Sue 021661717

BLENHEIM PROBUS CLUB Retired/semi-retired? Enjoy good fellowship? We’d love to see you at our meetings. 1st Wed of the month. 10am. Wesley Centre. Coffee mornings & outings as well. Ph Ann 5787046 / Jan 0226353919.

PICTON - SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING Wed 7.30pm. Picton Little Theatre. No partner needed. Beginner’s welcome. Ph Lynda 0212600860.

STRETCH & BREATHE Gentle stretching & balance class for Seniors. Every Wed 10-11am. St Christopher’s Church Hall, 92 Weld St, Blenheim. Cost $2. Stay for a cuppa & chat after. For more info ph Donna Wahrlich, Eldercare Coordinator 0273852333. Email donna@stchristopers. co.nz

MARLBOROUGH MULTICULTURAL CENTRE hosts a newcomers morning tea, Wed 10.30am-12noon, 21 Henry St. Opportunities for Newcomers & Marlburians to make friends, practice English & support each other. Everyone welcome. Tea, coffee & biscuits provided. Ven y practica tu inglés. Te esperamos.

HEART HELP SUPPORT Community group dedicated to the well-being of those who live with a heart condition or experienced a heart attack. Offering support to whanau. Meet 3rd Wed of the month, 10am, Quench Chateau Marlborough, 95 High St. Ph Jenny Goss 0211629102.

COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS casual parents/caregivers catch up, Wed 10.30-12pm, town Plunket Clinic, 16 Henry St. No charge.

MARLBOROUGH CHINESE FELLOWSHIP Chinese Christian group. Interested in the Bible or Christianity, desire to grow in the faith or would like to meet new friends, we welcome you. Wed 6-7.30pm, St Christopher’s Church. 92 Weld St. Ph Guan 0221642782/Mandy 022 4326886.

DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP Meet every Wed 1011.30am to support each other. Regular speakers, outings, share in a safe environment. Ph Alistair Crawford for details 0272883032.

MARLBOROUGH VINTAGE CAR CLUB MUSEUM Sun & Wed, 1.30 – 3.30pm, Brayshaw Park, Arthur Baker Pl, Blenheim. Donation appreciated. Other times by arrangement. Ph Bill 0275 784 322.

BLENHEIM PETANQUE CLUB Games held at courts, 65A Weld St, Wed 1-3pm & Sun 10am-12pm. Ph/Text John 021979323.

LIONS’ CLUB OF BLENHEIM Serving the community over sixty years. Would you like to know more about the Lion’s club or are interested in becoming a Lion. Tea meetings held 2nd & 4th Wed. Ph Delphine Lee 0299425004 or Helen Williams 0211458572.

WAITOHI SOCIAL CLUB. We meet 10am at the Picton Library, every third Wed of the month for fun & friendship. Gold coin donation for morning tea. After meeting we go for lunch at one of the venues in Picton, should you wish to join us.


OLDER PERSONS SEMINAR 27th July, at St Christopher’s Church Hall, 10am-1pm. Speaker: Karen Delves. Entertainment: Cultural Dance. Morning tea & light lunch provided. Cost $5. 92 Weld St Blenheim. Ph Donna Wahrlich Eldercare Coordinator 0273852333 or donna@ stchristophers.co.nz. Facebook: St Christophers Community Eldercare

PICTON BRIDGE CLUB CLUB Every Thurs 6.50pm Port Marlborough Pavilion. All levels welcome. Ph Judy 021685348.

KEEP U MOVING Gentle walking exercise for Seniors. Every Thurs 11.30am-12.30pm (Except 4th Thurs in each month). St Christopher’s Church Hall, 92 Weld St, Blenheim. Stay for a cuppa & chat after. Cost $2. For more info ph Donna Wahrlich, Eldercare Coordinator 0273852333. Email donna@stchristophers.co.nz


Thurs of Month. 1pm. Harvest Life Church, 22 Nelson St. Afternoon tea, interesting programme through the year. For info ph Avon 035792440/Lorraine 035781240/ Shirley 035783728.

COPD SUPPORT & EXERCISE GROUP GROUP Free. Every 2nd & 4th Thurs 1.15pm Redwoodtown Community Hall, Cnr Weld & Cleghorn St. For info ph Asthma Marlb 0272057244.

SOCIAL BADMINTON Thurs morning 9am-12noon Simcox Stadium Batty’s Rd. $6. All adults welcome. Ph Cathy 021503348

PICTON TABLE TENNIS Thurs 10am-12pm, Port Marlborough Pavilion, Waikawa Rd. All adults welcome. $4 incl. morning tea. Equipment supplied. Ph Ernest 0275 888 453.

MARLBOROUGH AMATEUR RADIO CLUB 2nd Thurs of month, 7.30pm, EOC, 4 Wither Rd. For all interested in Amateur Radio, Electronics & Emergency Communications.

KNIT & NATTER Blenheim Library every 2nd & 4th Thurs of the month. 10am-12noon. All welcome. Bring your yarn & have a yarn. For info ph Sue 5785317.


NATIVITY TUNES FOR TOTS Music, food & fun for pre-schoolers & caregivers. Fri 9.30am. Wesley Centre, 3 Henry St. During term time. Ph 5783909 for info.


5-6pm at Café Cortado on the waterfront. New to town? Need help to settle in? Interested in local activities? We can help! Ph Cathy - Coordinator 0210451799 or email picton@newcomers.co.nz

LINK Fun, board games & afternoon tea in the lounge at Nativity Centre, 76 Alfred St every Fri 1pm. Gold coin donation appreciated. Ph 5783909 for info.

UPBEAT ORCHESTRA All ages. Instruments. From beginner-grade 5. St Ninians Church Hall, Alabama Rd every Fri 5-6.30p. Email upbeatorchestra@gmail.com for info.



Sun 30th July. Come and get into hot water at the second outing of the year at the south bank of Wairau River downstream from the SH 1 bridge from 2 pm. Dogs & kids welcome. Bring food to share, a chair and the joy of being outside with a fire. It’s not necessary to have a thermette. Bill 0277108229.

RENWICK SOCIAL TENNIS Every Sat, 2-4pm weather permitting. Members $2 Visitors $5. 10 Uxbridge St (behind the Bowling Club) Ph Leigh Andrews 0211913034 or visit our Facebook Page for more details & other upcoming events.

SUNDAY WORKING BEE – TE WHANAU HOU GROVETOWN LAGOON Every 2nd Sun of the month. 13 Aug. 10 Sep. 8 Oct & 12 Nov. Meet at Wairau Rowing Club, Steam Wharf Rd, Grovetown. 9:30am-12pm, followed by a BBQ. We plant trees, tend previously planted trees, weeding, mulching & any jobs for continued conservation. E: Justine Johnson Johnsonmarlborough@gmail. com

BAHÁ’Í DEVOTIONS 1st & 3rd Sun, 10.30-11.15am, Marlb Community Centre, 25 Alfred St, 12th Lane, Blenheim. Cnr Farmers carpark. “In the garden of thy Heart plant naught but the rose of love”. www.bahai.org.

THE ROADHOUSE BREAKFAST for car enthusiasts of all genres. 1st Sun of month, Riverlands Roadhouse, coffee cart on site, cafe has great food. 100+ cars at each of first two events.

BLENHEIM ROTARY BOOTSALE MARKET Railway Station carpark, Sat 8am-12pm. Blenheim Rotary Bootsale operating over 25 years, funds to local/international projects. New or used items, plants, food, coffee carts welcome. See bootsalemarket on Facebook.

MARLBOROUGH STROKE CLUB a voluntary organisation dedicated to the wellbeing of those who have experienced a stroke, and to the support of their caregivers. We offer support, friendship & education with various meetings held each month. Ph Vyvienne Dunlop 5783837 or 021929955.

MARLBOROUGH MOUNTAIN BIKE CLUB committed to seeing mountain biking flourish in Marlborough. We hold regular rides suitable for all levels of fitness & ability. Including back country expeditions, easy local rides, more serious mountain bike races. Marlboroughmountainbike@gmail.com.

BLENHEIM FAMILY HISTORY GROUP Interested in Family History Research & building your Family Tree?

Contact us for advice & assistance. Informal gatherings held 3rd Sun of month, 1.30–3pm, Family History

Rooms, Brayshaw Park. Ph Lauri 578 8385.

MARLBOROUGH FARMERS MARKET A&P showgrounds, 9am-12pm Sun, local fresh & seasonal produce & products.

REDWOOD MARKET Redwood Tavern car park, Cleghorn St. Sat, 8am-12pm. Plants, garden products, flowers, crafts including handmade soaps, cards & jewellery. Raising money for your community.

PICTON RAIL & SAIL on the Foreshore. Mini train rides & yachts from 20 cents. Every Sun & the school holiday’s, subject to weather.

BLENHEIM RIVERSIDE RAILWAY Runs 1st & 3rd Sun of the month. We have Eftpos. Facebook / Riverside Railway.

MARLBOROUGH TENNIS CLUB Parker St. Every Sun 3-5pm. Social Tennis Non-Members $2 All welcome. Ph Joanna 0275786436

BARNABAS CHURCH BLENHEIM 4pm Sun service. St Ninians Church, corner Riley Cres & Alabama Rd. for info email barnabas.org.nz.

MARLBOROUGH ASSOCIATED MODELLERS SOCIETY miniature train rides $2. 1st & 3rd Sun of month. Model yacht & boat sailing Sun, 1pm-4pm, Brayshaw Park. KETO SUPPORT GROUP meet Sat fortnightly (approx. beginning & mid-month) 10am. Revival Café, Springlands. Informal gathering of folk interested in this dietary practice. No charge, no obligation but the coffee’s great! For info Ph 0275057774.

REPAIR CAFÉ We’ll fix your small repair on site, on the day, while you have a cuppa. Sewing, darning, bikes, small furniture, wooden items, toys, electronics & mobile phones. 9am-12noon. 26th Aug (Monthly, every 4th Sat). John’s Kitchen, 2 Redwood St. Donations accepted.

General Groups

SOUTH ISLAND MASTERS GAMES Over 30 sports for players of any level. 10-23 Oct in Marl. For more info go to simasters.com

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Thurs /Sat 7-8pm. Riversdale Community House, 131 Budge St. BLENHEIM ROWING CLUB Rowing on Wairau River from the boatshed. 259 Jones Rd, Grovetown. Every Sun 8.45am. Tues & Thurs 4.45pm. Novice & experienced rowers welcome, any age. Learn to Row programme. Full details at blenheimrowing.co.nz or contact 027487622.

WEEKLY STEADY AS YOU GO CLASSES Mon 10.3011.30am The Foundry, John St. Tues 1.30– 2.30pm, Union Parish, 40 Broadway, Picton. (2 doors down from Police Station). Tues 11.30am-12.30 St Christophers Hall, Redwoodtown. Wed 1.30-2.30pm, Marlborough Community Centre, 25 Alfred St, Blenheim. For more info ph Age Concern office 5793457. Cost Blenheim $2 per class. Picton $3 per class.

MARLBOROUGH COMMUNITY VEHICLE TRUST Have difficulty getting to medical appointments in NELSON? This trust was created to carry people to Nelson for medical appointments. Email soundsvehicle@gmail.com or Ph 5741311.

AA MEETINGS Marlborough area. Ring alcoholics anonymous for help to stop drinking. Ph 0800229 6757. www.aa.org.nz. Meetings: 7.30pm Mon, Plunket Rooms, 21 Bythell St / 7.30pm Wed Picton Model Railway, 1 Picton Wharf / 7.30pm Fri St Luke’s Church Hall, 20 Ferry Creek Rd, Spring Creek / 7.55am Sat Salvation Army Rm, 35 George St / 7.30pm Sun at Church, 54 High St, Renwick.

PICTON MEN’S COMMUNITY SHED 2 Market St. Wed 8.30am-2.30pm. Sat 8.30am-12pm Ph Bill Rogers 5735507/Rex 21469191. A place of welcome for Picton’s menfolk.

BLENHEIM MENZ SHED 4 Dillons Point Rd, Bright Centre Complex. Where men of all ages meet to just chill out or do projects for themselves or the community. We provide equipment, tools & workspace for most woodwork & metalwork projects. Open Sat 9am-12noon. Mon & Thurs 1-4pm. Ph Dave 0212340057.

SENIORNET MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS Linkwater Hall, Queen Charlotte Drive. Our tutors are available for people 50+ who need assistance with their computer/ smart phone. Ph Secretary - Ian Cameron (03)5742558 to arrange.

BROOKLYN CROQUET CLUB Tues, Thurs, Sat, 1pm Golf Croquet, Whitehead Park grounds, Brooklyn Dr. Mallets supplied.

MARLBOROUGH TRAMPING CLUB A very active club. Mid-week, Sunday trips, overnight & extended trips. Info at www.marlboroughtrampingclub.co.nz or marlboroughtrampingclub@gmail.com

Attention all Advertisers – Terms of Trade: By placing your advertisement you agree with the terms and conditions of the Marlborough App Ltd. Namely, payment by the 20th of the following month. In the event of non payment interest will be charged on all debts 90days + overdue, The costs of any debt collection costs, included agency costs, will be on-charged to the client. For full terms of trade go to https://marlboroughweekly.co.nz/terms-of-trade/.

BLACK, Rosemary Irene

On Saturday July 15, 2023, passed away peacefully at Maxwell Lifecare Blenheim. Loved Mum of Victor and Rahel and Grandmother of Tal and Gili. Loved Aunty and Grandy Rose of Andrew and Carol, Laurie-Ann and Mitchel, also Janet, Clinton and Zac. Loved friend and Mary Poppins of Liz and the late Tim Anderson, Don, Rob and Karyn. Grateful thanks to Maxwell Life Care and Waterlea Lifecare for their kind and compassionate care over many years.

Messages may be sent to the Black Family, c/- P O Box 110, Blenheim 7240. In lieu of flowers, a donation in Rosemary’s memory to the Fred Hollows Foundation would be appreciated and may be made at the service or online to a/c 38-9008-0866758-06 Ref BLACK.

A farewell service for Rosemary will be held at the Mayfield Chapel, cnr Hutcheson and Parker Streets, Blenheim at 2.00pm on Tuesday July 25. The service will be livestreamed and details may be accessed from our website www.sowmans.co.nz/ upcoming-funerals

Respectfully cared for by GEOFFREY

STEPHENS, Chara-Mae Waimaru

Passed suddenly at her home in Christchurch on Wednesday 12 July 2023. Aged 32 years. Loved mother of Tiana; daughter to Terrence Stephens and Caryll McPherson. Step-daughter to Corey Higgins. Adored sister to Jamie, beloved niece and cousin of many.

Messages to the Stephens and McPherson whānau can be sent to c/- PO Box 110, Blenheim 7240.

A celebration of Chara-Mae’s life was held at the Mayfield Chapel last Tuesday 18 July.

Respectfully cared for by GEOFFREY T SOWMAN FDANZ (03) 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz

BARY, Brent Peter

Passed away suddenly at home on Friday July 14, 2023. Aged 64 years. Loved partner of Charline Hickisey, and father of Ariana Bary. Beloved first-born and son of Melda and Kevin Bary. Loved brother of Micky Graham, Jenny May, Toni Patterson, Vanessa Bary (deceased), Tracy Bary, Rachel Bary, Tristan Bary, Lisa Bary, Melissa Bary, and their respective partners. A loved uncle of his many nieces and nephews. Will be sadly missed.

Messages may be sent to the Bary Family, c/- P O Box 110, Blenheim 7240.

Brents service was held last Friday 21 July 2023, the livestream and details may be accessed from our website www.sowmans.co.nz/upcoming-funerals

Respectfully cared for by GEOFFREY T SOWMAN FDANZ (03) 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz

7 beautiful Golden Retrievers are looking for their forever homes.

Ready to go to their new homes from 29 July.

Price $1,500 ono

If you interested please contact me on 0224554022 or nari4note@gmail.com



POSTCARDS, OLD TOYS and collectables

$ WANTED TO BUY $ 021 1388 949

Blenheim/Picton Community Patrols AGM

AUGUST 29th 2023

7.30PM EOC Wither Rd Ext


Phone Readings & Reiki Training in Blenheim. 20yrs+ exp Call Paula 021598822 www.divinepsychicvisions.com


Ready for collection or possible delivery Phone 021 216 0793

Work Wanted

I work privately as a caregiver / companion to the elderly. Assisting with shopping, appointments, social outings etc. Also meal prep and light housework. 3hrs minimum on a weekly basis.

Please contact Bridget 0274248121 or bridgetsmith241@gmail.com to discuss your needs. References and police check available.


Your wanted ad here. Ph 928 4121


Got something to sell? Get your product seen here. Ph 928 4121

1 Superficial (7)

5 To praise (7)

9 Close communication (7)

10 To animate (7)

11 Respond to stimulus (5)

12 Incorrect (9)

13 Far-reaching (9)

15 Hazardous (5)

16 Capital of Bulgaria (5)

18 Relaxed in manner (4-5)

21 Odd (9)

24 Horrify (5)

25 Cover for sewer ’s finger (7)

26 Venerate (7)

27 Call in question (7)

28 In public view (7)


1 Bout of extravagance (7)

2 Resistant to persuasion (7)

3 Liner torpedoed 1915 (9)

4 Flinch from pain (5)

5 Miserable (9)

6 A juicy fruit (5)

7 Begrudging (7)

8 Line of hereditary rulers (7)

14 Not joking (2,7)

15 Long complicated procedure (9)

16 Habitual doubter (7)

17 Splinter group (7)

19 To stamp (7)

20 Golf match spectators (7)

22 Magnanimous (5)

23 Capital of Egypt (5)

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