My CV in graphic design terms

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I s s u e:


w w w. b e h anc e . ne t/ m ar l e na

Product design

public relations The


side of Marlena Badjova

driven, Determined and .. 5 Experience in the best pr company? 4 4 languages she can’t go without


CV: The uncovered secret 7 A student of the.. . . w o r l d


CONTENTS January 2011 | Special Edition

120 The sexiest? smartest?.. woman alive How Marlena came to be awarded with 3 gold medals

68 Innocence and Sincerity

She claims she has never spoken a lie or an unjustified insult...

13 Why men also cry It is nice to see a tough, but also sensitve man

2 If i were a boy

..people would finally make sense of me

13 Why men also cry It is nice to see a tough, but also sensitve man

2 Why bother

“I am never tired of discovering new things and meeting new challenges. They fill me up with life and passion..”

2 Never give up on such a wonderful life

Rumour has it this girl smiles all the time. She caims that even if someone calls her an idiot she can still turn the situation around and instead of saying “screw you” just reply “I love you too”.

On the cover . jdjdicdsicjdscijdcjdscjdscm ds ds On the cove jdjdicdsicjdscijdcjdscjdscm ds ds dskfdpfkkcodckzxckdkocdsjvvjvjcvjcvjcxvcxvfxvkdfokfkovcxk dskfxvfxvkdfokfkovcxk

M u rde r . . . ?

QUICK facTS STUDENT OF • University of L E E D S • Universidad Pontificia de SALAMANCA SPEAKS FLUENTLY • English • Bulgarian • S p a n i s h • French WORKED IN No1 Bugarian firm for P R and M A r k e t i n g (2009)


MARLENA b A D J O VA An a c t i v e person, innovative and with C h a l l e n g i n g i d e a s , keen to face the daily problems and rewards in t h e s p e r e s o f marketing and pr. I devote my time to many and diverse tasks, but a lway s r e m a i n f o c u s e d a n d de dic at e d , getting the job done and D e l i v e r i n g r e s u l t s . Only 2 1 years old but with already more than 2 1 thousand minutes of professional and practical experience realised.




How and why should we c o n s i d e r t h i s y o u n g p r o f e s s i n a l



n this edition you will be presented a young ardent and determined individual who considers her strongest sides are languages and sports, which combined form the professional profile of an agile communicator who thinks on his feet ready to spring into action.

hrough her drive for success and neverending desire to progress Marlena has already worked for two of the biggest companies in Bulgaria (including the N.1 company for PR and an associate of the largest PR corporation in the world - WPP). As a versatile and well-rounded person, she has been in charge of PR campaigns, Events Organisation, Product and Logo Design and has occupied posts such as Moderator (of lectures), Translator, English Language Teacehr (FCE) and Marketing assistant.


Leeds University

e d u c a t ion



U N I VER S I TY OF L E E DS ( UK ) • Power Politics & the media • Media Policy • New Media • Social Communications

201 0 – 2 0 1 1

UNIVERSIDAD PO N TI F I C I A DE SALAMANCA ( ERASMUS) • Corporate Communication Policies (studied in Spanish) • Radio Scripts and Production (studied in Spanish) • Sociology (studied in Spanish) • Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign (studied in Spanish)

09/2003 – 06/2008

09/2003 – 06/2008



(Sofia, Bulgaria)

(Sofia, Bulgaria) and

• Awarded a gold medal for exceptional academic and extracurricular achievements Mathematics; Information Technologies; Informatics; French Language (Intensive); Spanish Language; Physics; Litterature; Geography; History; Chemistry; Bulgarian Language; Biology; Music; Art Subjects were studied each year during the final 5 school years. Graduated at each with a grade of 6 (out of 6 possible)


• Further graduated from both these schools as a part-time pupil while studying full-time at my main school



Europa Idiomas (Salamanca)

0 9. 20 1 0 - p re s ent

Engl i s h l a n g u a g e t e a c h e r ( f o r t he Ca m b r i d g e F C E ) As an English language teacher I have to make sure my lessons are tailored to meet my students’ needs. I first have to adequately determin e the language level of my students and their strong and weak sides so that I can create a coherent and effective one-year teaching plan. I aim to make my lectures simple enough to follow but reflecting the final target of the classes – acquisition of the Cambridge FCE. M3 Communications Group, Inc. (Bulgaria) – a Hill&Knowton associate

0 6/ 20 1 0 – 1 0 / 20 1 0

Co o rd i n a t o r ; P R a n d m a rk e ti n g a s s i s t a n t


M3 Communicaions was the No.1 Bulgarian firm for 2008 based on won projects, client satisfaction and calculated net yearly income (Kapital’s yearly chart) and was also in the top 3 for 2009. My responsibilities included the organisation of a weekly conference (with guests usually ministers or CEOs of wellknown companies) as well as events management and organisation. Through my responsibilities I gained a thorough perspective of the business as I was involved in all different stages and different projects – from the compiling of databases to o rgani sing events, brainstorming, establishing contact with key business clients, partners and the media, writing press releases, following press coverage and evaluating final costs and outcomes of campaigns. Internship at IPRconsulting (Bulga ria)

06/2009 – 09/ 2009

PR adviser; translation servi ces, language i nt erpret ation Worked with the biggest clients in sectors a s: electronics and house goods, mobile phone providers, education and public administration; also had responsibilities

lees or anniversaries. Often working for the best catering agency in Yorkshire (YPC) I was charged with being the team leader where I had to assure each waiter knew his dish, the serving order and the right times to ofeer or clear a dish. The University of Leeds

05/2009 – pres ent

D emocracy R epresentative and Communications Ambassador

as an interpreter. Gained experience in an unpredictable and stressful environment as part of IPR Consulting. As the key link between clients and customers I realised a 10% increase for 3 months in consumer sa tisfaction towards our clients’ products. Successfully kept track of and identified potential threats and opportunities for our clients’ busines ses in a period of changes and economic uncertainty.

My responsibilities included promoting higher education to pupils by creating interesting workshops and tours of my University. I was responsible for groups of 5-7 students along with one or two other students and we had to ensure each of us knew his responsibilities and also that we were managing the team of pupils effectively. “Bodington Hall” (Leeds)

09/2008 – 07/2009

P resi dent of t he biggest student accommodat i on

AYS – AtYourService (United Kingdom)

0 4/ 2 0 0 9 – present

Ca t e r i n g S t a f f Manager I was responsible for the smooth execution of some of the most important events in anyone’s life such as weddings and jubi-


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