Everyone Loves A Winner
Online gambling is one of the hottest topics on the worldwide web. People in every culture around the world are intrigued by encounters with Lady Luck. Everyone loves a winner and we each want to be that winner. Many proponents applaud the advent of the Internet. They consider gambling an activity they enjoy anyway and now appreciate the ease of placing a bet anytime from the comfort of their home of office. No need to waste gas to go to a noisy and smoky casino, when they can easily just go online. Gambling online also protects their identity. If you are the local schoolteacher, you don’t want to be seen hanging out at the pool hall, racetrack or betting parlor. Those opposed to online gambling site the thousands of addicted compulsive gamblers and claim online gambling facilitates their addiction. Other detractor point to the problems of underage gambling and worry that it cannot be controlled on the web. Unfortunately, hackers, tricksters and frauds are always attracted to the huge sums of money to be made from games of chance and the pockets of
those that indulge in the pastime. Over the last decade there have been literally hundreds and even thousands of online gaming sites that have popped up on the worldwide web. While the majority are duly registered and legally license, the industry remains prey to those that would use online gambling for fraudulent purposes. In order to control and curtail the illegal money-transferring activities of thieves, scam artists and confidence men, the United States Department of Justice vigorously enforces the following laws and regulations. • • • • • • • • • •
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Wire Act of 1961 Travel Act of 1961 Interstate Transportation of Wagering Paraphernalia Act of 1961 Illegal Gambling Business Act of 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970 Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 Interstate Wagering Amendment of 1994 Amendment to Interstate Horseracing Act Illegal Money Transmitting Business Act of 1992 Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. These laws apply to online gambling operators accepting financial funds and monetary instruments to fund accounts for players. This law includes the regulations regarding online casinos. Federal Anti-Lottery Laws Wire Act Violation: Internet v. Phone Gambling Ship Act All forms of gambling are a “hot potato” for state legislators as well. Many of their constituents have valid concerns while others promote the gambling industry and site the jobs provided in the industry. It is a major bone of contention currently in President Obama’s home State of Illinois. It is all over the news. If you are one of those that like to place an occasional bet online, how do you find a trustworthy casino? You can best avoid the hucksters if you do a bit of research and read consumer reviews. There are a few points to keep in mind.
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Does the casino offer 24/7 customer service? Is the site presented in your native language? Has the site ever been sanctioned or blacklisted? Where are they registered and licensed? Is their website verified and deemed secure to transfer funds?
When you want to place a bet online, which gaming site do you choose? There are new of online casinos appearing on the Internet every week. Some of these new entries into the market try to attract visitors with bouncy graphics, sound, flash and glitter. They entice with attractive signup bonuses that are likely too generous to be true. The gambler that wants to play often finds selecting a safe and reputable online casino quite a daunting task. Prudent player do the research and stay informed. Try to select a casino where all terms of the agreement, odds, instructions and games and customer reviews are presented in your native language. Investigate legitimate consumer reviews from other satisfied players to find an online casino where you feel secure in revealing your personal data. You will also need to provide credit card information in order to place a bet; it is wise to ponder these considerations before making an informed choice. Conduct an in-depth online search using several search engines on the web. You will find hundreds of reputable licensed, legal, international gambling websites. The soundest casinos are frequently licensed in United Kingdom, Australia, Antiqua, Barbuda (a tiny Caribbean country that handles more 25 percent of all online gambling transactions), Belize, Cyprus, Costa Rica, Gibraltar, The West Indies and The Netherlands Antilles. Players should know of a growing number of possibly questionable or fraudulent casinos licensed in Eastern Europe. It is best to avoid Eastern Europe licensed sites or be very careful and proceed with great caution. There are many scams to part the vulnerable from their money. Players should exhibit extreme caution when providing credit card data, bank routing information, personal information or home phone numbers. Remember, in the online gambling industry, reputation trumps every other card. Wise up and check out legitimate online reviews from other players before you decide where to place a bet.