9 minute read
Ctrack support ensures Client satisfaction
from ProAgri BNZ 15
by ProAgri
Clients benefit from the best possible services from Ctrack’s Central Support Centre in our Bureau, Fleet and Technical Support divisions because the Centre is split into smaller departments. Ctrack’s Bureau Service is the full outsourcing of fleet control room activities, backed by highly proficient hindsight, insight and foresight data analytics and reporting. Dedicated fleet controllers meticulously monitor vehicle movements, incidents, alerts and alarms from our 24/7 Central Support Centre and provide real-time support to optimise fleet operations. Our highly experienced fleet consultants analyse and interpret vehicle data to provide the insights and actions needed for future cost reductions and operational improvements. By outsourcing these tasks, you save on cost and can focus on your core business. Bureau agents are skilled in investigating and interpreting alarms or the combination of alarms to act swiftly. They are able to distinguish between primary and secondary alarms for enhanced client safety. Regular training ensures you receive the best possible service and response times. Empowered with knowledge, our agents respond appropriately to recovery activations or medical emergencies. Strict security measures are also in place. We do not give out personal information to anyone and our clients’ movements and personal information are always secured. Furthermore, Ctrack employees are subject to regular security screening to ensure that your assets and personal safety are never compromised. Our agents are also subject to daily, weekly and monthly quality checks. We have mastered the art of reducing risks, through accurate alarm monitoring and quick recovery response, nationally and across borders. There is always direct and continuous feedback between Ctrack agents, recovery teams and you, the client. The bureau service can be adapted to suit the operational needs of each client and is supported by a thorough service level agreement.
Ctrack Fleet
Ctrack Fleet includes 24/7/365 fleet monitoring, emergency response and the provision of panic and tamper alarms. We monitor driver behaviour and fuel consumption and optimise travel routes. We also provide vehicle immobilisation, stolen vehicle services and bodyguard/vehicle escorting services.
Ctrack Fleet is designed to ensure continued uptime, client support and assistance while taking full advantage of the Ctrack Fleet Management solution. Ctrack Fleet provides weekly reports indicating vehicles that are active, non-active or due for repairs. Weekly contact is made with our client control room to confirm necessary installations, maintenance and repairs. The nearest Ctrack branch is then contacted to ensure bookings are assigned and completed where applicable. With dedicated fleet controllers for your entire fleet, we perform daily health checks and incorporate fleet management software and rich fleet analytics in Ctrack Fleet.
Ctrack Technical Support
Ctrack Technical Support consists of dedicated staff who are responsible for vehicle and driver setups and the creation of vehicle profiles and business groups. This team creates cost centres, performs unit testing, schedules reports and sets up and manages message forwarding. In addition, Ctrack Technical Support provides software usernames and passwords, handles technical and software queries, sets up points of interest, geozones, waypoints and no-go areas with appropriate alarms. By utilising the best software available, combined with a fall-back system in case of GPS signal jamming, we are able to give total peace of mind. Since we actively monitor rollover and severe G-forces, our agents are able to determine when an accident occurs before dispatching emergency services, should you be unable to. And because Ctrack has 24/7/365 access to EVAC24, our clients can rest assured that all it takes is a phone call to dispatch the closest ambulance and have your employee taken to the most appropriate hospital for treatment. Ctrack’s Central Support Centre means your most precious assets remain Always Visible!

Visit www.ctrack.co.za to find your closest representative.
Goat production guide Part 4(i): Common diseases that can infect your goat farm
Sick animals do not produce as much as healthy ones. That is why it is vital for a farmer to keep an eye out for disease in his flock. Apart from expensive medicines, the loss of production, or loss of the animal and its genetic potential in case of mortality, are things that farmers would rather avoid. Prevention is definitely better than cure. There are vaccinations available to inoculate your flock against the most common diseases. You need to consult a veterinarian to find out which diseases are most prevalent in your area. The vet will then also be able to assist you in compiling a vaccination schedule for your animals. A number of common diseases affects goats, and farmers need to know how to prevent and/or treat them.
Heartwater Signs of heartwater in the live animal:
The organisms that cause heartwater are transmitted by bont ticks, which are mainly found in hot, dry bush areas. Heartwater can result in death within 24 hours, but some cases survive 2 to 5 days. Affected goats have very high temperatures, and show nervous signs: high-stepping jerky gait, shivering, walking in circles. Later, jerky, paddling movements with the legs and the head pulled backwards when the animal goes down.
Signs of heartwater in the dead animal:
The dead animal will have excessive fluid in the heart sac, lungs, chest cavity and abdominal cavity. To prevent heartwater, try to maintain the animals’ immunity by letting a small number of ticks stay on the animals all the time. However, when there are visibly many ticks on the goats, dipping about once a month may be necessary.
Goats that have grown up in a heartwater area are more resistant to the disease. If an animal dies of heartwater, dip it to kill the ticks on its body. The ticks are infected with heartwater and will infect other animals if they bite them. Vaccination against heartwater is possible, but it is complicated and expensive, so, speak to your veterinarian about this. Treat the animal early before nervous symptoms show. Use short-acting Terramycin three days in a row, or the new drug, Doxycycline. Use an intravenous injection if you can, otherwise intramuscular. Dosage rates: Adult goats: Inject 5 cc daily for 3 days (intramuscular injection). For a kid administer 2,5 cc daily for 3 days. Dosage rates will vary depending on the brand of the medicine that you buy. It is always important
to follow the veterinarian’s instructions along with the instructions found on the product label.
Some farmers prevent heartwater outbreaks by treating young goats with a dose of long acting antibiotic when they are going to be exposed to ticks. This is called blocking.
An abscess is a swelling caused by bacterial infection. It is hot, red, and painful. It can be caused if a thorn or a tick breaks the skin and the bacteria then enter the wound. Control excess ticks and maintain general hygiene. If an animal has several very bad abscesses or gets abscesses often, it should be culled to prevent financial losses. Open and drain the abscess when it has a yellow spot on it or when it softens. This can be done by cutting a cross over the soft spot. Use a boiled razor blade to cut the abscess. Then inject warm (boiled) water with a lot of salt in it (1 tablespoon of salt in a cup of water) or iodine into the wound. The wound must be kept opened and it must be flushed daily with warm salt water to remove pus. Use gloves when handling the abscess. Bury or burn the material used to wipe the pus. This can infect other animals and people. Always boil the razor blade before using it. The goat can also be injected with an antibiotic to aid recovery.
Diarrhoea Signs of diarrhoea
Diarrhoea can be the symptom of a disease. There are many different causes of scour, and each one can cause a different kind of runny stomach. They can include: • Smooth, yellow diarrhoea

Smooth, white diarrhoea Whitish diarrhoea with lumps of thin skin in it Red or brown diarrhoea, which may mean blood in it Scours can be caused by a change in food source or diet
Regular treatment for worms will prevent scours caused by worms. Where scours are caused by nutritional changes, feeding some sort of nutritional supplement in winter will help with prevention. A good general treatment is a mix of one tablespoon salt, and 8 tablespoons of sugar in one litre of clean, warm water. For young animals that have not been weaned, feed this mixture twice a day instead of milk (but not for more than three days). Only when there is blood in the diarrhoea, do you inject with a long acting antibiotic or give a dose of Terramycin powder mixed with water.
Hi-Tet 200 LA dosage:
Intramuscular injection. 1 ml/10 kg live mass. Repeat after 3 days if necessary.
Terramycin powder dosage:
Mix with water and give as a drink. 1 level teaspoon powder/7 kg live mass. Repeat daily for 3 to 5 days. Imodium tablets for 3 to 5 days: half a tablet per day

Coccidiosis is a disease that mainly affects kids and lambs. It is caused by an organism known as coccidia which is most commonly found in communal drinking water. Older animals can become infected, however due to immunity they develop over time, clinical signs do not show. Older animals are normally the source of infection for the younger animals as they are carriers of the disease.
Symptoms of coccidiosis in the live animal:
This disease normally affects young animals. It attacks and destroys the mucus of the intestines, which leads to animals having diarrhoea and an inflamed intestinal linings. This is different from scours. An outbreak is characterised by a short period of diarrhoea and then animals die quickly. Symptoms include: • Diarrhoea • Dehydration • Anaemia • Lack of appetite • Loss of condition • Rectal straining (this may lead to prolapse) • A rough hair coat
Signs of coccidiosis in the dead animal:
Tiny, greyish white spots are often visible in the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Guts are filled with fluid and blood. Sick animals should be separated from the rest of the flock to prevent spread of the disease. Hygiene is important for preventing outbreaks of coccidiosis. Pens must be clean and dry. Kids should not mix with older goats, and should not have access to contaminated feed and water. Coccidiostats such as Rumensin can be fed at times when disease outbreaks are common to prevent the disease. Give Sulfazine 16% as a drink.
Sulfazine 16% dosage:
Initially give 14 ml/10 kg live mass. Then give 7 ml/10 kg daily for two days. Where there are outbreaks, treat all females and kids with Sulfazine.
Other treatments:
Immodium for 3 to 5 days (0,5 tablets per day)
Vecoxan: 1 ml/2,5 kg live mass body weight at about 4 to 6 weeks of age for all kids.
The goat should also be given water with electrolytes to prevent dehydration. A good general treatment is a mixture of one tablespoon of salt and 8 tablespoons of sugar in one litre of clean, warm water. For young animals that have not been weaned, feed this mixture twice a day instead of milk, but not for more than three days.
The information in this article is credited to Mdukatshani, Heifer International South Africa and the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development who published the Goat Production Handbook in 2015.