2 minute read
from ProAgri Zambia 86
by ProAgri
The TOPIGS Tempo boar is ideally adapted for African environmental conditions, this proven by our client list, their production results and profitability. Many top farmers in Africa have invested in the breed with huge success. The excellent health status of our genetics is considered a major competitive advantage. Many producers choose to repopulate with Topigs Norsvin genetics to reap the benefits of this advantage.
The TN70
• The TN70 is a cross between the Topigs Large White and the Norsvin Landrace.
• Highly prolific, easy in use sow
• Amazing weaning ability
• Top contribution to finishing pig quality

• Produces large litters of strong, uniform
TN70 & TN Tempo: The ultimate combination
• Tn Tempo brings robustness, uniformity and fast growth potential
• The TN70 is and excellent mother which strengthens these qualities by contributing the best feed efficiency to the finisher compared to any other sow in the world the potential to produce the most output against the lowest cost, combination unrivaled. access to credit. The tightening of monetary policy indicates rates are rising, making borrowing more costly and less affordable, and vice versa. Loosening of monetary policies is always favourable for agricultural businesses.
• Together, the TN Tempo and TN70 offer you the potential to produce the most output against the lowest cost, combination unrivaled.
Zambian Pig Genetics is the distributor of Topigs Norsvin genetics in Central Africa. Built on our global research, innovation and absolute commitment to integrity and biosecurity, our close partnership approach means your farm benefits directly from our experience, energy and passion.
Zambian Pig Genetics is the distributor of Topigs Norsvin genetics in Central Africa. Built on our global research, innovation and absolute commitment to integrity and biosecurity, our close partnership approach means your farm benefits directly from our experience, energy and passion.

In sub-Saharan countries dependent on agriculture, a government’s strategies when it comes to fiscal policies have to be favourable. Low tax rates increase individual and business incentives to work, invest, and save.
Poor piggery market information and linkages can result in a lack of connection with customers, growth opportunity loss, higher risk vulnerability, poor business decisions, and ultimately loss of customers to competitors, all of which can be avoided by being vigorous in compiling the information. Good research and linkages can aid increased sales, improved brand recognition, and can also be used to measure brand reputation.

Isabelle Tsakok in her article, The Pivotal Importance of Good Access to Markets for Farmers, states that if governments want to transform their agriculture, they must provide an environment that enables their farmers to be productive and to sell profitably. Governments that have succeeded in providing such an environment over decades have used a variety of ways, acting along the entire value chain from production, through processing, marketing (domestic and foreign), and on to final consumer demand. The success of this process also relies on support and proactive participation of the piggery private sector as well.