2 minute read
Zambian Pig Genetics: TN70 sows will push profits
from ProAgri Zambia 63
by ProAgri
New and enhanced genetics is like a fresh breeze for every farmer and we salute the scientists who went through painstakingly precise, experimental processes to ensure that farmers can farm easier and more profitable. The piggeries in Africa will rejoice in the arrival of the TN70 genetics, developed by Topigs Norsvin, a worldfamous Dutch pig genetics breeder. The TN70 already showed significant improvement on the TN60 predecessor in the countries where it has been introduced. Built on our global research, innovation and absolute commitment to integrity and biosecurity, Topigs Norsvin’s close partnership approach means your farm benefits directly from their experience, energy and passion. Topigs Norsvin was the first breeding company to implement selection for piglet survival in its balanced breeding programme. Their vision is a sow that can rear many high-quality, fast growing piglets all by herself. Zambian Pig Genetics (ZPG) has been distributing Topigs Norsvin genetics throughout Central Africa since 2015. Outside Zambia, they serve countries such as the Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, Angola and others in the region. Their genetic stock is specifically suited to the central African environment. They recently introduced the TN70 to the African market with the support from Topigs Norsvin South Africa. The TN70 is a cross between the Topigs Large White and the Norsvin Landrace. She has excellent mothering skills and is a highly prolific, easy in use sow with an amazing weaning ability and a top contribution to finishing pig quality. She produces large litters of strong, uniform piglets that excel in fast, feed efficient growth, and carcass quality. The TN Tempo Boar needs no introduction and together with the TN70, extraordinary offspring is guaranteed. TN Tempo brings robustness, uniformity, fast growth potential, and excellent carcass qualities to the table. The TN70 is an excellent mother which strengthens these qualities by contributing the best feed efficiency to the finishers, compared to any other sow in the world. There is no doubt that the TN Tempo and TN70 combination offers you the potential to produce the highest output at the lowest cost. Independent researchers also agree on the outstanding abilities of the TN70. The Danish University of Aarhus concluded that this breed has excellent mothering skills while simultaneously producing the same number of weaned pigs per litter with fewer resources. This just proves the strengths of Topigs Norvsin's TN70 sow, as already experienced by many farmers all around the world. The further findings of the study were: Piglets born from a TN70 sow are, on average, 264 grams heavier at birth, which makes them stronger and less vulnerable to hypothermia. TN70 sows have enough teats to feed their offspring and so the piglets have a higher chance of surviving and developing properly. This all results in a higher weight at weaning.
TN70 sows are world renowned for their mothering skills and high weaning percentage.

For more information or to order world class genetics, contact: Johan
Wolhuter +26(0) 97-278-8521 jgwolhuter@gmail.com, Francisco Kasuba +26(0) 76-258-9884
or sales@zpgzambia.com, Mbunji
Samazaka +26(0) 96-405-6668
or office@zpgzambia.com. Their helpful website is available at www. topigsnorsvin.co.za, or follow them on Facebook under ZPG