1 minute read
Stephanie Hoke
Plans after graduation: “After graduation, I will be attending William & Mary Law School in the Fall. I am excited to begin my postgraduate education and I know that the skills I have attained as a student athlete at VWU will help me along the way!”

Advice to incoming student athletes: “If I could give one piece of advice to incoming student athletes, I would encourage them to meet new people. The small-size of the University helps you to get to know your professors and classmates in a unique way. In addition, the tightknit community of student athletes and coaches is so supportive. It’s always fun to support other teams and see that support reciprocated during your season!”
Plans after graduation: “I plan on possibly doing an internship with the Los Angeles Rams for the next year doing Communications. As far as doing things that I find interesting, I’ve found some interest in trying new entertainment places that are popular based on the location. Having the possibility of moving across the country with a different culture and way of living, it will definitely be exciting.”
Advice to incoming student athletes: “Something that I would tell incoming freshmen is to take in everything, literally, no moment is too small. These four years go by fast and the last thing you want to do when leaving here is regretting or wishing you’ve done more to be involved within the school or made more friends that will both help you later on in life. It’s also okay to fail. It happens to the best of us. It’s what allows you all to grow with the people that celebrate with you when you’re in my position four years later. Make connections with people on and off campus, you never know who knows who. Even if you’re scared, do it, because that’s the type of courage you need when your back is against the wall.”

2023 Winter & Spring Sports