Training Solutions for the Shipping, Cruise and Offshore Industries
Products and Services 2012/13
Products and Services Maritime English Language Testing
Computer Based Training / E-Learning Courses • Marine Safety Training for Contractors • Secure Anchoring & Inspection • Behavioural Safety • Business Principles • VOC Emission Control • Vessel General Permit • Catering & Hygiene • Lifeboat Training • Oily Water Separators • ISPS Crew Awareness • Risk Assessment • Accident Investigation • Environmental Awareness
• ISF Marlins English Language Test for Seafarers • ISF Marlins Test of Spoken English (TOSE) • Marlins English Language Test for Cruise Ship Staff • Marlins English Language Test for Offshore Workers • Marlins Spoken English Assessment for Cruiseship Staff (SPEACS) • TOSE / SPEACS Training Workshop • Marlins Approved Test Centre Audit
Maritime English Language Training Resources
Training Services • Train the Trainer Course • Marlins Maritime English Training Skills Course • Marlins Set Up Programme • Interview Skills Workshop • Effective Presentation Skills • Marlins Cross Cultural Training • Distance Management • Marine Safety Training Workshop • Bespoke Training Design and Delivery
• The Marlins Study Pack 1 System • The Marlins Study Pack 2 System • Marlins Study Pack 1 Progress Test • Marlins Study Pack 1 Teacher’s Notes
Intertanko Tanker Officer Training Standards (TOTS) • Training Record Books
• Computer Based Assessment (CBA) CD-ROM
• Simulator Training Model Courses
Maritime English Language Testing
Marlins English Language Tests are now available to purchase and access online via the Marlins Tests website: This unique product gives employers the assurance of a standardised assessment system with results provided immediately. Clients have the ability to administer the test, view results and create reports, all through a centralised online account. Our tests are used by companies worldwide to assess the English language abilities within their workforce. Test results highlight the requirements for English language training and are widely used as a basis for planning subsequent training. Marlins can advise companies on recommended levels of English language competence, to support recruitment and training policy.
ISF Marlins English Language Test for Seafarers The ISF Marlins English Language Test is designed specifically for the shipping industry and is endorsed by the Chamber of Shipping through the International Shipping Federation. It is an online test of English for seafarers of all levels and departments. This test has been approved by the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency and the Irish Maritime Authority as a measure of English language level for seafarers applying for Certificates of Equivalent Competency. The UK MCA has also authorised Marlins to nominate Approved Test Centres worldwide for sites that comply with their requirements.
The Marlins English Language Test for Cruise Ship Staff The Marlins English Language Test for Cruise Ship Staff is designed specifically for the Cruise sector with particular emphasis on staff / guest interaction and customer service. This test is used by cruise ship owners to provide their recruitment agencies with a consistent and objective means of screening applicants’ levels of English worldwide. The test is applicable to all positions of marine hotel personnel and assesses: understanding of English by listening and reading; vocabulary; grammar; and overall level.
Marlins English Language Test for Offshore Workers The Marlins English Language Test for Offshore Workers test is set within the context of the oil and gas industry. It focuses on the ability to understand English in a safety context as opposed to testing specialised technical skills. It is suitable for all nationalities and positions regardless of whether they are based offshore or onshore.
Maritime English Language Testing ISF Marlins Test of Spoken English (TOSE) The Marlins Test of Spoken English has been developed to evaluate seafarers’ ability to communicate effectively by assessing listening and speaking skills in a one-to-one interview situation. TOSE is designed to test language communication skills within a maritime safety context, not to test knowledge of seamanship. Using a detailed set of descriptors of Spoken Fluency, Spoken Accuracy and Listening Comprehension, combined with Marlins’ assesement methodology, the interviewer is able to evaluate each seafarer’s performance. The TOSE results can be used to support the ISF Marlins Test results and also to underline specific skill areas that would benefit from improvement during further English language training. The UK MCA & Irish Maritime Authority have endorsed TOSE as a means of demonstrating spoken English language competence in application for CECs.
Marlins Spoken English Assessment for Cruise Ship Staff (SPEACS) Similar in format to the Test Of Spoken English, this test has been specifically designed to test the practical communication skills of marine hotel staff. Contexts and situations are based on the different positions on board. Questions focus on the language required in customer service contexts, eg in the bar / restaurant / reception, room service, etc. Like TOSE there is a balance of task types, ensuring both general English and English for this specific purpose are tested.
* Please contact us for a TOSE / SPEACS demonstration of content.
Maritime English Language Testing
TOSE / SPEACS Training Workshop Marlins can provide training for interviewers and help in implementing the Test Of Spoken English and / or the Spoken English Assessment for Cruise Ship Staff. This is highly recommended to ensure standardisation with Marlins and UK MCA requirements and to provide consistency between recruitment sites. The TOSE / SPEACS training is a one-day, practical workshop delivered at the client’s premises or recruitment centre(s) for up to four participants per day. Each participant practises ‘live’ interviews and receives individualised feedback on the assessment and grading procedures. Provided participants complete the training successfully, Marlins will be able to promote your assessment centre internationally and verify to the UK MCA that TOSE training has taken place.
Marlins Approved Test Centre Audit Under the Merchant Shipping Regulations (1977), officers serving on UK Merchant ships are required to hold a UK Certificate of Competency or UK Certificate of Equivalent Competency to be recognised for service in any position on UK ships. Marlins have a network of over 100 Approved Test Centres in 26 countries worldwide. Marlins Approved Test Centres agree to maintain minimum testing standards as agreed with the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA). Passing the ISF Marlins Computer Test and the ISF Marlins Test of Spoken English at a Marlins Approved Test Centre is acceptable evidence of competency in English. Candidates who pass the minimum English language requirements will be able to satisfy the MCA’s language requirements for Certificates of Equivalent Competency. Please see a full list of our Approved Test centres worldwide on
Maritime English Language Training Resources
The Marlins Study Pack System is an innovative response to the need for improved English language communication on board ships. The Marlins Study Packs have been designed to offer practical solutions to companies, maritime training centres and individuals who are required to meet the English Language Training standards of STCW 95 and the ISM Code. Both Study Packs are comprehensive, ‘stand alone’ courses that promote the practical use of English for realistic communication. They can be adapted for classroom-based training or used for independent study at sea or on shore. Both Study Packs are flexible language training tools that reflect the competencies for English communication skills set out in STCW 95.
Study Pack 1
Teachers’ Notes for Study Pack 1
Marlins Study Pack 1 is a complete self-study package designed for seafarers who have already attained an elementary understanding of English. Study Pack 1 incorporates 21 units of text and tasks. The accompanying audio CD includes recordings featuring a wide range of international accents.
Teachers’ Notes are available to accompany Study Pack 1. These comprehensive notes give detailed guidance for exploiting the Study Pack in the classroom, with valuable information and helpful, practical ideas for the teacher.
Study Pack 2 Marlins Study Pack 2 is suitable for seafarers at lower-intermediate language level and above. This is a complete and comprehensive self-study package which can be used independently or as a continuation of Marlins Study Pack 1. Study Pack 2 includes two audio CDs: the recordings feature a wide range of international accents to develop pronunciation practice as well as listening skills. Detailed learning support and self-assessment tasks are included, designed to support the independent learner.
Marlins Study Pack 1 Progress Test The Marlins Study Pack 1 Progress Test is an assessment tool which accompanies the Marlins Study Pack 1 English language course for seafarers. The Test is designed to allow seafarers to monitor and record their own progress and permits employers to verify the overall language progress of their crew.
Computer Based Training / E-learning Courses Marlins has launched a new range of CBT / E-Learning courses, developed in partnership with Seatec Operational Safety, experts in safety and security training. These materials can be used for self-study or as part of a trainer-led programme and will help companies meet international, regulatory training requirements. Marlins can customise any CBT course to incorporate company policies, documents, visuals and more. We can also deliver these materials as e-learning courses to run on your in-house Learning Management System, enabling you to monitor user data. These CBT materials are SCORM compliant and include: • self-study material in modular format • practical, interactive tasks and stimulating visuals • practical exercises and examples • computer-based assessment • a final test with feedback provided to the test taker • automatic certification • exportable course data file for remote monitoring.
Marlins CBT Courses can be tailored to clients’ needs while also allowing users to choose their material and study at their own pace. Free demonstrations of the CBT materials can be downloaded from the Marlins’ website:
Marine Safety Training for Contractors 2012 New CBT Our Marine Safety Training Package for Contractors has been specifically designed for shorebased staff with no seagoing experience, who are required to carry out work on board vessels (e.g. service engineers, sales and marketing personnel etc). After completing this training, students will be fully prepared to carry out their duties in the marine environment in a safe manner. This course covers: • an overview of a vessel, the crew and some of the rules and regulations that govern the shipping industry • joining a vessel at a terminal or shipyard • methods of boarding • the vessel familiarisation tour • hazards on board • managing the risks through Risk Assessment, Permit to Work and Lock Out / Tag Out • personal safety and hygiene and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This course is currently available in English with translations into Chinese, Korean and Japanese.
Computer Based Training / E-learning Courses
Think Safe! - Behavioural Safety 2011 New CBT
Secure Anchoring and Inspection 2011 New CBT
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emission Control 2011 New CBT
The purpose of this course is to emphasise the importance of safety and improve safety performance through teamwork, education and collective responsibility.
Anchor loss is becoming a more common problem across the industry. Relatively little can be done in terms of maintenance of the anchoring system components until dry dock, so inspection is critical to prevent anchor losses.
From 1 July 2010, every tanker carrying crude oil must carry and implement a ship-specific plan, concerning the emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) under MARPOL Revised Annex VI.
The aims of this course are to: • cover Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) policies and principles • introduce you to behavioural safety • understand the impact of ‘at risk’ behaviour.
This course covers: This course covers: • the procedure and factors for safe anchor preparation • keeping a safe anchor watch • safely preparing the anchor system for heaving • inspection and maintenance routines for various components of the anchoring system • the importance of the PMS to prevent anchor loss.
• definition of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and the environmental and safety impact • summary of the international legislation regarding VOC minimisation • the options and best practice for VOC emission control • the use of Ship Specific VOC Emission Control Plan under Marpol Annex VI 15.6 and VOC calculation form.
Computer Based Training / E-learning Courses
Vessel General Permit
Copyright © Marlins® 2009. Unauthorised copying, lending or distribution of this disk is strictly prohibited. Version 1.0
UK Bribery Act Training: Business Principles 2011 New CBT The UK Bribery Act 2010 came into force in July 2011 with legislation that is tougher than anywhere else in the world. The Act includes a specific corporate offence which requires companies to demonstrate that adequate procedures are in place to prevent or minimise the opportunities for bribery by employees and agents. Written in a user-friendly style, this engaging training program provides users with an explanation of business principles, international legislation relating to bribery, real-life examples and practical scenarios that employees may encounter. The course is SCORM compliant to include in your company’s Learning Management System (LMS) to record and track who has completed it. It can be customised to include your company’s anticorruption policies and procedures.
Oily Water Separators 2011 Edition
Vessel General Permit
Over $133 Million in fines have been issued to date due to improper use or record keeping of Oily Water Separators. This course highlights the issues and raises awareness in all aspects of this important piece of equipment.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Vessel General Permit (VGP) imposes stringent requirements for the control of waste from ships in US waters together with fines and criminal prosecutions for non-compliance.
The course covers:
This course covers:
• environmental problems caused by oil pollution and the MARPOL regulations adopted including 2011 amendment of Annex I
• background of the VGP
• how Oily Water Separators work and common issues with them
• inspection requirements, corrective action ssessments, documentation and training equirements
• maintenance procedures and their importance • the Oil Record Book and how to complete it.
• effluent stream covered under the VGP
• vessel specific and operation specific requirements such as bunkering and ballast operations.
Computer Based Training / E-learning Courses
Catering and Hygiene
Lifeboat Training
Risk Assessment
Copyright © Marlins® 2010. Unauthorised copying, lending or distribution of this disk is strictly prohibited.
Copyright Marlins™ 2010. Unauthorised copying, lending or distribution of this disk is strictly prohibited. Version 2.0
Lifeboat Training
Risk Assessment
These two computer based training courses come on one disk and have been developed by Marlins as a source of additional information to Chief Cooks and Galley Staff.
Lifeboat equipment, designed to save lives, is actually costing lives due to poor maintenance and understanding of its operations.
Through Risk Assessment organisations can more effectively assist in accident prevention. This course provides students with a step-by-step practical guide to filling out a risk assessment form.
This course covers:
This course covers:
• cooking efficienctly & economically and the various cooking methods
• the typical arrangements and equipment used onboard, including the use of Fall Preventer Devices (FPDs)
• designing a well balanced menu • the importance of good administration and stock control • the importance of personal hygiene in ensuring a hygienic environment • high risk foods and how to prevent ontamination of food.
• operating procedures of open / enclosed / freefall lifeboats • IMO requirements and regulations including SOLAS and MSC Circulars • inspection, maintenance and certification requirements • common incidents lifeboats are involved in and how they can be avoided.
This course covers: • the aims and benefits of doing risk assessment • the key stages in carrying out effective risk assessment and management • practical tasks to practise risk assessment.
Computer Based Training / E-learning Courses
ISPS Crew Awareness
Accident Investigation
Environmental Awareness
Copyright Marlins™ 2010. Unauthorised copying, lending or distribution of this disk is strictly prohibited. Version 2.0
Copyright Marlins™ 2010. Unauthorised copying, lending or distribution of this disk is strictly prohibited. Version 2.0
Copyright Marlins™ 2010. Unauthorised copying, lending or distribution of this disk is strictly prohibited. Version 2.0
ISPS Crew Awareness
Accident Investigation
Environmental Awareness
Like safety, maritime security is of paramount importance to the operation of a vessel. It is crucial that everyone onboard has a good knowledge of the code.
Accident investigation and reporting are vital parts of the safety management system. A detailed and well run investigation will prevent recurrences, reduce financial losses and can save lives.
The ISPS Crew Awareness Training course is designed to:
This course covers:
The need for the shipping industry to address environmental issues has never been greater. Understanding environmental legislation and our “Duty of Care” towards the oceans will help seafarers recognise the benefits of good environmental management.
• the nature of accidents and how they occur
This course covers:
• a step-by-step guide to carrying out effective accident investigation according to the type of accident which occurs
• types and sources of pollution at sea
• inform crew about current threats to maritime security • raise awareness of the duties and responsibilities of crew under the ISPS code • familiarise crew with the contents of the Ship Security Plan.
• international rules and regulations adopted to reduce / prevent pollution
• interview techniques and protocol. • good practice procedures to prevent / reduce pollution at sea.
Training Services Marlins ‘Train the Trainer’ Course The Marlins Train the Trainer Course offers professional development programmes tailormade for maritime training professionals. Courses are designed to help trainers revise and improve training methodology and techniques and offer new ideas on materials development. This course ensures that all trainers are provided with the basic skills so that all future training is more interactive, communicative, motivating and effective. By the end of the course participants will have been exposed to a wide range of interactive training methodology. They will understand the importance of eliciting responses and tapping into the skills and experience within the group. They will also be aware that culture and language must be taken into account as this can play an important role where the trainer is working with multi-cultural groups, or where the trainer is a different nationality to the trainees.
Marlins Maritime English Instructors’ Training Course (MEITC) The Marlins English Instructors Training Course is an intensive, in-service course designed specifically to upgrade the professional training skills of practising English language instructors. The training course content is tailored to the specific needs and interests of the group and emphasises practical instruction, demonstrations and teaching practice sessions with individualised feedback provided. This course is provided in response to requests from training institutions worldwide. A Marlins consultant travels to the client’s recruitment or training centre and carry out the course with groups of English instructors. The duration of this course is subject to clients’ requirements and can range from a one-day workshop to a ten-day course. Please contact us for more information.
Training Services
Marlins Set Up Programme
Distance Management
English language competence is a core skill for seafarers and marine hotel staff, regardless of the country or region where they are recruited from. Most companies opt to recruit from a range of sites worldwide, however, this can mean that levels of employees’ English language ability can vary widely.
For companies who wish to implement an effective approach to English language training for their staff, Marlins also specialises in setting up and supervising in-house English Language Testing and Training programmes to suit specific client needs.
Marlins has direct experience of working alongside many leading employers, helping them to develop a corporate recruitment and training policy for English language skills. The result is a tailormade ‘benchmarking’ matrix that sets out clear criteria for each job function. A company-wide policy on English enables agents and branch offices to provide staff with the requisite skills, reducing time at the recruitment stage. It also provides a standard for identifying language training needs and measuring ability during appraisals and for staff promotions.
With our worldwide network of training, we can establish quality training systems at crew supply centres and / or on board ships using local instructors selected and trained by Marlins. We can offer testing and training systems to take account of the different language training needs of multinational crews from any location. Distance Management is established through a combination of visits and a programme of backup support from Marlins UK. We provide materials and a comprehensive system of administration, reporting and feedback. Once the system is up and running, we will hand over the supervision to the employer, ensuring a fully functional and efficient programme of training is in place.
Please contact us for more information.
Training Services Interview Skills Workshop This is a bespoke interactive course that offers practical solutions on how to make interviewing more effective, consistent and standardised. Objectives of the workshop include: • The top 10 hiring mistakes • The structure of the interview • Asking probing questions • Selecting key competencies • Effective note-taking • Evaluation • Checking CV’s and following up references • Interpreting non-verbal communication • Dealing with common problems and difficult situations.
Effective Presentation Skills Training Course This is a lively, interactive workshop that incorporates the main elements required in order to give an effective presentation, along with tips and advice. It consists of practical, hands on activities and tasks. By the end you will feel confident and have a better understanding of the techniques and methodology that can be used to motivate and connect with your audience. Key objectives in this course include: • The importance of combining visual, auditory and kinaesthetic presentation styles • Structure and organisation • Positive body language and voice control • How to deliver a memorable presentation • Murphy’s law – troubleshooting problems • A presentation checklist. Please contact us for more information.
Training Services Marlins Cross Cultural Training
Marine Safety Training Workshop
To provide an outstanding level of customer service to guests on board cruise ships, marine hotel staff must understand and interact with a range of cultures. ‘Cross cultural competence’ is a core skill for employees who are responsible for providing guest services. The course can also be run for any group working in a multi-cultural setting including seafarers, superintendents and shore-based staff.
This full day workshop is intended for people who are new to working in the maritime environment. It is facilitated by experts from the maritime industry, utilising Marlins’ highly engaging training methodology. The content of the session is adapted to suit the needs of your group through a pre-training needs analysis questionnaire.
To be an effective ‘cross cultural communicator’ requires confidence, self awareness and the ability to identify and overcome obstacles when dealing with guests or colleagues from other cultures.
• ship related terminology and structure of the crew on board • the specific safety standards for working on board • hazards on board, at terminals, in shipyards • pre-departure and joining a ship • arriving on board • ensuring personal safety through:
Marlins cross-cultural training workshops will provide the opportunity for staff to deepen their awareness of cultural issues within the specific context of their workplace. The Marlins trainer will draw on a range of practical and highly engaging tasks to lead trainees to a greater appreciation of: • their own culture and values • how cultures overlap and differ • an appreciation of the rules of formality and expectations in different cultures • why communication breakdowns occur between cultures • how cross-cultural difficulties can be identified and dealt with successfully. This is a trainer-led workshop which will be tailored to the specific needs of your company and employees and can be carried out at any location.
Through a range of practical and interactive group activities, the workshop highlights:
• PPE • Risk Assessment • Permits To Work • Lock Out / Tag Out • Understanding safety signs • Health and hygiene • Emergency signals. Further topics can be added on request.
Please contact us for more information.
Tanker Officer Training Standards (TOTS)
INTERTANKO, the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners, in collaboration with Marlins has launched the new Tanker Officer Training Standards (TOTS). TOTS will provide the tanker industry with a standard that ensures tanker officer competence through onboard and shore training, evaluating knowledge gained as a result of ‘‘time in rank’ and ‘time with company’. TOTS will help tackle the difficulties encountered by tanker owners regarding the ‘officer matrix’ requirements of different charterers. Importantly, TOTS also aims to address current increasing trends in tanker accidents. For more information on TOTS please read Frequently Asked Questions Brochure which is available at downloads/tots/tots_faq.pdf
TOTS Training Record Books There are 3 detailed “Time in Rank Modules” (1A, 1B and 1C) which are training record books which include various elements, both tanker specific and non-tanker specific. Each record book is designed for a specific level of rank and discipline.
TOTS Formal Computer Based Assessment The Computer Based Assessment (CBA) 2A is included with every training record book. When the Record book has been completed in full a final assessment (2B) is should be sat under exam conditions in the company’s office or training centre.
TOTS Simulator Model Course There are 6 TOTS Simulator Model Courses attached to the TOTS system which are free to download from the Marlins website, or a hard copy can be purchased. They cover Simulator training and simulator verification for Chemical, Product and Crude Oil Tankers.
Product and Services Price List 2011 TOSE disc SPEACS disc TOSE / SPEACS Training* Marlins Study Pack 1 Marlins Study Pack 2 Marlins Study Pack 1 Teachers’ Notes Marlins Study Pack 1 Progress Test Marlins Online English Language Test Marlins Approved Test Centre Audit* Computer Based Training (CBT) Course
USD 350 each copy USD 350 each copy USD 2,000 for up to 4 people Add USD 300 for every extra person USD 90 (minimum order of 5 copies) USD 140 (minimum order of 5 copies) USD 40 USD 400 USD 12 (Seafarers and Cruise Ship Staff) / USD 20 (Offshore Workers) each (discounts available for bulk purchase of 1,000 tests or more)
Audit fee USD 1,800. Annual fee USD 450 pro rota USD 350 each copy USD 300 each for orders over 5 copies
* for Learning Management System Licence please contact us for a full quotation
• Marine Safety Training for Contractors • Business Principles • Vessel General Permit • Lifeboat Training • Environmental Awareness • ISPS Crew Awareness • VOC Emission Control CBT 4 Pack Set Containing: Risk Assessment, Accident Investigation, Environmental Awareness, ISPS Crew Awareness. TOTS Training Record Book1A-1C TOTS Formal Computer Based Assessment 2B TOTS Simulator Model Course 4A-4F
• Behavioural Safety • Catering and Hygiene • Risk Assessment
• Secure Anchoring and Inspection • Oily Water Separator • Accident Investigation
USD 1,250 each set USD 1,000 for order over 5 copies USD 140 / 80 (Intertanko Members) (up to 20% discount available for bulk purchase) USD 40 / 20 (Intertanko Members) USD 60 / 40 (Intertanko Members)
Training Solutions
for the Shipping Industry * For Marlins training courses and services, please contact us for a full quotation.
Marlins™ is a division of SeaTec UK Ltd
1st Floor, Skypark, 8 Elliot Place, Glasgow G3 8EP, Scotland, United Kingdom Tel: +44 141 305 1370 :: Fax: +44 141 305 1301 :: ::
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