TH[ MARMORA Sl[D DOG SONG Are we going to Marmora Town When the Sled Dog Races they come around Are we going to Marmora Town To the Festival to feel warm all around To celebrate the snow on the ground I am a driver for the huskies Long distance is my trade Musician-composer Michael McDermott wrote the music and lyrics for the theme song of the Marmora sled dog races in 1988.
In the sunlight through the moonlight On winters frozen trails And I can feel my heart a pounding as the huskies take me home Just one more mile ... just one more mile I hear the echo from the riders like a cry from years gone by In a winter world of silence it drives me to my quest I am with my friends the huskies Can they hang on for one more mile ... just one more mile Are we going to Marmora Town When the Sled Dog Races they come around Are we going to Marmora Town To the Festival to feel warm all around To celebrate the snow on the ground
or 1919
The Canadian Long Distance Sled Dog Championship Race for the Marmora Cup was created by the Arctic Sled Dog Club of Ontario and the Marmora & District Business Association in Feb. 1979. Rookie volunteers and leaders of the various committees from the Marmora area immediately responded to the idea, with great enthusiasm, and many hours of discussions in 1977 and 1978. Seven entrants competed for that first Marmora Cup and with the supporting events, the festival was a huge success. Sled dog racing has grown over the years so that there is a possibility of even one hundred entrants in the five different races in 1998. That's progress! The 1997 booklet lists over 120 volunteers, of which 15 have been there since day one. No doubt the success of the past 19 years has been due to the help and effort of all these people. Congratulations to all the volunteers, and with your continued support, 1998, our 20th year, will be the best Marmora Sno-fest ever. All the best. Norm Bradley Chairman, 1979
It is hard to know just what to write about Marmora Sno-fest that has not already been very eloquently said over the last 20 years. I do know, though that the number of people involved over that time is amazing, and with each year, with the increase in the number of events, each volunteer is busier and busier. The preparation for Sno-fest starts early in the year with the wrap up of the previous race, thanking everyone involved and gathering new ideas while the event is fresh in everyone's mind. Rooms, halls and grounds are all booked for the upcoming year. The summer parade is next and summer fundraising takes care ofjune, July and August. Then it's immediately back to race organization: designing the pins, selecting the souvenirs, setting the courses, contacting sponsors, advertising, preparing registration packages and answering the phone. Meanwhile the trail master is out with his crew contacting land owners, checking the safety of the trail, putting up markers, calculating distances, opening fences and even building bridges. Back at the village, the programs are drafted, the other events are co-ordinated, vendors are set in place, the chutes are built, the computers set in place then it's off to the races. Hundreds of people have been involved over the two decades, and all to provide mushers and fans a terrific weekend. They have never failed and I know the twentieth race will be no exception nor many more in the future. My congratulations to all for such courage, determination and get-up-and-go! Enjoy. Otto Vallinga Chairman, 1998
DUR rRI[NDS It is a pleasure to wish the organizers of The Marmora Cup every success as they prepare for the 20th anniversary run and to welcome all the visitors to Marmora in North Hastings County. Over the years, the 150 mile Canadian Long Distance Sled Dog Championship has drawn enthusiastic mushers and athletic dogs. It has also attracted fans who love the excitement of the race track. In anticipation for a great competition, I salute the 20th winner of the Marmora Cup. I also want to mention the shorter 60 mile and the 7 mile Mad Cap Flying event. Theses runs provide an exciting and practical means for mushers not quite prepared to undertake the challenges of 150 miles. Good luck once more to participants and observers of this international sporting event. For the international guests, I extend a warm welcome to one of the best places in Canada in the heart of Hastings County.
Sincerely, Larry McCormick, M.P. Hastings, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
( 0 N G RAT U lA T ION S
to the Marmora Sno-fest Association, organizers and volunteers for the annual Marmora Cup. Since the founding race in 1979, this celebration of winter and man's best friend has evolved to become one of the premier tourist attractions in Eastern Ontario, receiving international recognition with racers from many countries. The enthusiasm of the community and volunteers has been the force behind this event, and cannot go unmentioned.
Ni ~
I wish you continued success. Harry Danford M.P.P. Hastings- Peterborough
T W [ N T Y Y [A RSA GO,
in Marmora,
a dog sled was an object of curiosity. Now, the sight
of a truck with dog boxes is common.
Thanks for this element of our winter reality is owed
to the many volunteers who have organized and carried out the various tasks that make "P the total annual festival that we know as "Marmora
Too often, we tend to take for granted the hours of work that volunteers put in to ensure the success of the Sno-fest every year. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the people of Marmora who have helped put our community Congratulations
to extend thanks,
& Lake Twp, to the many people over the twenty years on the map of winter enthusiasts.
to all of you on reaching this milestone
of your twentieth
Sincerely, Lionel Bennett, Reeve Marmora & Lake Twp.
J lfo oOG~ H~R on L f~olnG
Down T"f TR~CK
T"f mU~"fR~ PfRC"fo on BRCK
( nOlnG T"f O~Y ~T ~ HOWfR PRCf Down
T"f BRCK HRfTC" or T"f RRCf D OG~ ~no oRIVfR~ "fU ~HIRf
6 lORY lIU
In T"f m~RmOR~ CUP RounD
T"f TRRCK rOR nlPPfR ~no pup
A no B~CK ~T "Omf
~Rouno T"f rlRf
( ROWofo nf~R T"f rlnl~" WIRf ( VfRYOnf fnJOYfo T"fH TWfnTY Yf~R~
T"~nK~ TO TH VOlunHfR~.
Congratulations to all Sno-festers, Andre L. Philpot, Reeve Village of Marmora .
1918 NORM
"If it's anything like this next year, we won't have anything to worry about!"
liThe first annual long distance dog-sled race for Canada will take place in Marmora next Feb. 15, 16, 17 & 18 a race of around 150 miles involving dogs and their owners from all over the continent. It will be sponsored by the Marmora & District Business Association and managed by the Arctic Sled Dog Club of Ontario." MARMORA HERALD OCT. 12, 1978
"There's a lot of work by a lot of people, before, during and after the race."
".... the possibilities are endless of making this an international event. "
"We will find ways and means for securing funds. "
"The community was extremely responsive to this idea and was most generous in
This was the exciting news that broke after the October 6th 1978 meeting of the 15 businesses that attended their association meeting at the Relm Club in Marmora. Guest speaker that night was Dennis Fitzgerald of the Arctic Sled Dog Club of Ontario, who was invited when it was learned from the Highlands of Hastings Tourist Association that the Club was looking for a race site. He explained that there was no long distance race in Canada at the time, and only three in the U.S. Marmora, he agreed, was a good choice in that it was the focal point of the Highlands of Hastings, with lots of snowmobile trails and enthusiastic people. By October 12, 1978, all Committee members had been chosen. The upcoming work was laid out with a budget of $4,000.00 (the 1998 budget is closer to $40,000.00!) And the whole village was to be called upon to work with the committee to make the weekend the biggest event Marmora had seen. The Marmora Herald wrote, "this first year is important in impressing the visitors and ensuring their return in even larger numbers in the years to come." By 1988, the crowd was estimated at 10,000.
Over the weekend of October 7, 1978, the Executive committee chose to name the new Marmora Race the "Canadian Long Distance Championship". It seems, though, that not everyone was totally pleased with the idea! The folks up in Yellowknife had their own version of what they called the "Canadian Long Distance Championship" which had been running for 20 years, covering 150 miles. But, pointed out the Marmora organizers, the Yellowknife race is run in three separate 50 mile sections, leaving the Marmora Race as the first truly long distance championship.
donating prizes and money to put on this first race. Âť
*Also on the 1979 committee were Renate Harder/Accommodations, Frank Randell/Communications, Lionel Bennett/Parade, Gordon Bennett/Social Events
armora's first exposure to dog sled racing was more than anyone could have hoped for. Local novice, Don McEwen jumped into an early lead, set a gruelling pace and then tired a little too early as John Patten of Minnesota passed him at the last checkpoint to win the honours." AI
John Patten, a youth minister from Minnesota with three years experience, had a strategy, but found that Don McEwen blew it apart. Instead, he decided, "I had to stick right with this guy or he's going to take it right away!" In the end, Patten only took one rest out of the planned three, but that one rest made the difference. He went on to say, "The organization is the best I've encountered and the people are champions. The response, the enthusiasm here is fantastic. I love it. I'm going to come back." Patten returned once, in 1983.
The community had proved itself W~th an outpour of volunteerism and friendliness, the various organizations in town hosted dances, lunches, breakfasts, a torchlight parade, a children's day, a bonspiel, sleigh rides and snow sculpturing. The local C.B. Club took care of radio communication, the Carling O'Keefe Service Caravan arrived to mark the headquarters and CJOH & CHEX television stations were on hand to spread the news. It was an event which "smacked of home town enthusiasm and openness" as was declared by Patricia Glinka, the visiting Miss Teen Dominion of Canada. "I enjoyed the small town spirit; I hope you can keep it up!"
Designed by Clive Peacock Sr.
TII( NARNORA 1st 2nd 3rd
John Patten Oon Mc[wen Tom Soper RA([ MARSHAll: Oennis Fitzgmld TOTAl lNTRI[S: 1
Grand Mmis, Min. Udorado, Ont. Chelsey, Ont.
(UP 21h 50m 30s 23h I3m 50s 25h 28m 55s
the 1979
race, Patten hung around the finish
line for upwards of one
hour. "I wanted to see the guy who pushed
me so hard
McEwen guy must be some racer! Some Novice!"
UTRAllS AND TRIBUlATIONS" aving decided to run a race in the Marmora area, the Race ~ Committee appointed Bob Drummond to work with Dennis Fitzgerald, mapping the original route. "Marrnora to Maynooth" - it was decided, seventy-five miles each way with a checkpoint at Gilmour, manned by Jim Cuddy and Charlie Clemens, another at Bancroft with Tom Bedore & Leo Auger and finally at Maynooth, where the teams would be turned around with the assistance of Charlie Robinson. The first Marmora Cup race started at the corner of Victoria and Madoc Street, . Marmora. The local school children and their class teachers lined the street at noon to watch and listen to the countdown for each team. Heading east down Madoc Street, the teams made a left onto the railway which led to Eldorado. There they were met by Lloyd Winterburn and a crowd of villagers, who anticipated the arrival of each team with great excitement, having heard the dogs on a microphone that Lloyd had planted on the track just before Eldorado. There, too, were loyal volunteers Fred and Evelyn Bailey to direct traffic across Highway 62, and twenty years later, Evelyn is still there to time the arrival of each team. The CN. track worked well for the course, even though the steel rails were still attached to the ties.
doned) to write to George Lyons, President of the Central Ontario Travel Association: "Therefore, we are requesting you to use whatever influence and resources you have to keep this trail intact. It has been suggested that a provincial ministry BOB DRUMMOND
FEB. 21,1979
"The railway bed makes a unique race. The importance of keeping it intact for this purpose and also being a rail bed of historical importance should be investigated." JOHN
PATTEN, FEB. 18, 1979
This inspired the race committee (who had been formally denied use of the track by CN. since the line was never formally aban-
could possibly take over custody of such a trail.. .... "
It was not until 1994 that the Ministry of Natural Resources and the County of Hastings took over ownership of the railbed as the "Hastings Heritage Trail", and the first "legal" race on the track was run .. Next on the agenda for Trail Master Drummond was the task of grooming and communication. No problem! The Crowe Valley Sno Riders and the Centre Hastings Snowmobile Club offered to prepare the trail, and the local CB Club took over radio contact to monitor all teams. "Charlie Papa 1" and "Charlie Papa 2" , describing the checkpoints, could be heard all the way to Texas, not to mention the dog teams referred to as "Delta Tango" #1 to #7! It was not until the race of 1983, that the course was changed. Local mushers Donald McEwen, Ted Francis and George Atkinson suggested changes, inserting some hilly country. Apparently, "Dogs get bored running on straight trails". That year some bush running was added and the turn around point was in Bancroft, but temperate weather with swelling creeks gave the trail master a few headaches. "Nothing that can't be solved" was the attitude. It snowed, just in time. By 1984, Bancroft was cut out, with Gilmour left as the most northerly check point. Zion Church, with its hospitality, hot drinks and bonfire, was added as a check point that year, with a second lap to Gilmour.
It was not until 1987 that the trail had evolved to take the shape it kept until 1996, passing through Ormsby in the north, Glanmire Corners on the Old Hastings Road, and the Lummiss Camp north of Twin Sisters (later changed to the Cox House near the Gulf Bridge). For JOE HULSMANS the mushers and teams, the race course now incorporated all the challenges-they were looking for - islolated bush land, old river beds, pioneer logging roads and open fields. It was rough terrain; in fact it was, and still is, 150 miles of frozen Centre Hastings back country. "At least we finished it ... that's our main objective every time out" commented Spencer Thew of South Coulton, New York (1994). Work on the trails usually starts weeks before the race, cutting overhanging branches, building up holes and widening beds that are caving in. Just prior to race day, last minute snowmobile runs are made to check on trail safety and finally install turn signs, danger and caution signs for mushers, and recently, too, due to near misses with other traffic, "Caution, Sled Dog Race" signs are installed at all intersections. It seems a Trail Master's work is never done!
I 1"
Trail Major Roads Check Points
* 7
t can be said that if you have not experienced the joy of being behind a sled on a forest trail with the motive power from a team of eager Huskies, you have not lived. Brushing past trees JOHN BRUMFIT with speeds of 25 to 30 MPH is an exhilarating experience and guaranteed to bring the adrenalin to a boil. Once you have tasted this thrill, it's very difficult to leave this sport behind in your life. Many years ago the dog sled was the main movemenr of man and freight through the snows in the winter months. During the resting hours when the mushers got together, there was always talk of who has the fastest team and this challenge resulted in what we see in dog sled races all over the world today. My first experience with dog sledding was when working up in the Pas Manitoba in the 1950s. The Cree Indians were great at running dogs and were happy to show me something of the secret of this sport. After many bumps and bruises, I was able to master the skills and started to collect my own dogs and equipment. From four dogs the first year, ten years later had 50 of these great animals. I settled down on a farm in Ontario and took on serious training to join the winter racing circuit which in the early 1960s stretched from New York State up to Quebec, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Saskatchewan, then up to the Yukon and Alaska. About this time, as the sport started to take ahold at Winter Carnivals etc., it was decided to form a standard set of Rules through the "International Sled Dog Racing Association" which is now fully recognized as the Dog Sled Racing rules as the governing body throughout the world. Moving from race to race was done with a pick-up truck along with a trailer housing the dogs in cubicles with a stop about every two hours to stretch and feed. All this done quite comfortably with a good share of prize money coming my way from the week-end race meets. In the 1970s and 1980s fuel and feed bills started to climb dramatically which made it increasingly difficult to follow
a roaming pattern. This caused one to pick races not too far from home and hope one could win enough money to make the sport of sprint racing pay, but it reached the point where only the big kennels could afford to travel around the country and take in the big sponsored races. As the Huskies get older they settle down to a somewhat slower pace but still are gung-ho to hit the trail. This has resulted in a popular series of Long Distance and Mid-distance races which take in anywhere from 60 to 1000 miles, which allowing average speeds of 10 to 12 mph. Sprint races cover from 5 to 30 miles and the dogs are capable of averaging 25 to 30 mph. With the tail end of my dog mushing days I got to like the much more stress free Long Distance races and became quite successful.This extended my racing endeavours into my sixties, and now my seventies, still very keen to the sport, I fall back on officiating at both Sprint and Long Distance races to keep the fun in life, with an occassional borrowing of a team to take out and get lost on the trail. Since my early days in the Dog Sled sport I have seen a great increase in popularity. Where we may have had very few spectators, the present day Mushers and Teams have over 6000 Spectators to cheer them on their way. A friendly Physiologist said to me one time "If you want to be successful in any promotion get involved with
John Brumfit with his team.
kids and/or dogs and you can't go wrong". I think he was right. I am convinced that if everybody had an experience with running a dog team we would have a much happier world. The joys of Dog Sledding touch the very heart and tranquillity of mankind. Just being in and around Husky Dogs gives me a strong feeling of love and devotion to an animal that shows at all times his desire to please and do good. What better picture is there than a tail wag greeting. The sheer exhilaration and joy of being out on the trail with a bright moonlight night and a team of Huskies holding a tight line can make me sing at the top of my voice to the whole world that it is great to be alive. (It helps to be crazy in this sport). What makes dog sledding exciting? $ Winning a race where the difference of Ist and 2nd was only two one hundreds of a second and a prize money separation of $5000.00; $ leading an Olympic parade at Lake Placid with my team; $ demonstrating the art of control and handling of a team of Huskies on ABC Wide World of Sports to Jim McKay a very well known Sports Commentator; $ and leading my Husky Team into a Toronto Sports arena before 50000 cheering fans to the tune of entry of the Gladiators. This was a program to honour the top people in Sporting Endeavours of the 1980s. In 1978 I was approached by the good citizens of Marmora to act in a technical manner on the organization of an Annual Long and Mid Distance Dog Sled Race. It is now one of the most successful race meets in North America and draws a very wide attendance including top Government Representatives of the . Queen. Marmora is now classed as the Sled Dog Capital of Ontario and has a rousing Anthem to go along with this honour. Now I have been asked by the Canmore Alberta Sled Dog Classic Organizers to work in an official compacity to help out. I'm made to feel still wanted, being a senior citizen now, and get a chance to still be involved in what I consider the Sport of Sports and is a joy to behold. R. BRUMFIT Canmore, Alberta
Ed Colden, originally a farmer from the Rawdon area, moved to Marmora and became a wellknown figure with the Marmora Cup races. Ed worked with the Ministry of Natural Resources concerning predator control for many years. He was asked to judge the best looking team for the Lion's Presidents Trophy and was most keen about this for a number of races.
Tun McEwen
"The Canadian Long Distance Championship is truly a remarkable event. It is the great long distance race of its kind. Not only has the Marmora Cup brought attention to the community; but it is the race which has introduced the sport of dogsledding in this area. • Over the past twenty years our kennel has had a team in the Marmora race for every year that it has been run. It is the fabulous competition and the overwhelming backing of the Marmora community, that keeps our teams coming back year after year. Congratulations to the Marmora Cup organizers and volunteers that have made this race such a successover the last two decades and for an 'experience' never to forget."
Don McEwen "The Marmora race was born a few years after the Iditarod got under way. There was a whole new era in the dog sledding sport (mid and distance dog sledding) and Marmora was very much a part of this in Southern Ontario. The excitement was in the air. Those of us present at the time sensed it and joined in this excitement. Some even suggested that "Marmora has gone to the dogs". From a mushers perspective, I can say Thank You Marmora for playing such a meaningful role in the development of this great sport."
nseasonably pleasant weather in 1980 forced the cancellation of the Marmora Cup Race, but Chairman Randy Vilneff saw the result as not a loss of the 150 mile race but the start of a new idea for Marmora SPRlNT RACING - and a great success it was too. Thirty-eight teams arrived to compete that year on a brand new trail over hills, fields, roads, rivers and the lake, and while there was fine tuning to be done, the racers and spectators all agreed the event was a thrilling experience. Excited the most was Gil Collins of Luskeville, Quebec who was Marmora's first sprint winner, two minutes and 20 seconds ahead of a Quebec rival, Robert Sabourin.
"Don't Worry! -
We'll have
snow, 1hear it snowed in Texas this year!"
God for great volunteers"
DIIiI 1st 2nd 3rd
SPRINTS luskeville, Que. Gatinm, QuP. Carp, Ont.
Gil Collins Robert Sabour'in Dmis fitzgmld TOTAl [NTRI[S:
t was winner Don McEwen of Eldorado who contributed his success to the ideal snow conditions. In fact, it was suspected by most of the 13 other competitors that Don may have broken a world record with his total time of 20 hours 51 minutes. In the first 48 kilometres, he and his fourteen huskies managed to pass all nine racers ahead of him, and kept the lead thereafter. The race also attracted two novices that year - Robert Shaw of Bay City Michigan and Ted Francis of Campbellford, Ontario. But the Marmora Cup was not the only event attracting the spectators to the fairgrounds. Harold Kritsch of Cumberland, Ontario won the "gruelling" 16 kilometre sprint, run in two heats, in only 105 minutes! Thirty-two curling teams attended the Marmora Men's 22nd annual Bonspiel. Eight teams of Old Timers showed up to play hockey, and most other Village organizations were on hand to make lunch, breakfast & dinner or dance the night away!
51m 25s Bm 45s 56m 04S
DID 1st 2nd 3rd
[Idorado, Ont. Hayfield, N.Y. Owpn Sound, Ont.
Don Hc[wen Kpn Sherwood Vm Riven TOTAl [NTRI[S:
20~ 51m 2Ih 51m 24~ 28m
hat was how the 1982 Canadian Long Distance Championship was summed up by Ron Lecuyer of Belleville, Ontario, who took home $750.00 in prize money and a husky pup named "Marmora". It was 150 miles, non-stop to Maynooth with 11 teams competing, but due to adverse conditions, only five crossed the finish line. 1982 also saw the creation of the new "60 MILE RACE TO GILMOURAND BACK", an intermediate race with a trophy donated by the Crowe Lake Cottagers' Association and taken home to Midland, Michigan, by female musher, Linda Lamparski.
PURSE: $2,500.00
With the Marmora Cup & a husky pup namedMarmora".
SPONSORS: Purina, Quaker Oats
PATHN BACK WIT~ A v[NG[ANU rimming more than six hours off the winning time of 1982, John Patten returned to Marmora to be the first to win the Marmora Cup twice. Rain had delayed the race for twenty-four hours while bridges were built over waterways on the course. Race organizers worried that the course would be too rough for the racers after the rain, but all John Patten could say was "I don't think I've been in a better race". Four of the nine competitors dropped out, but the big surprise was the arrival of novice racer, Kevin Turnbough, also of Grand Marais, Minnesota, in second place, while experienced local drivers, Don McEwen and Ted Francis got lost. And as for Ken Sherwood, of Mayfield, N.Y., who placed third, the Marmora Herald wrote:
"Ken Sherwood, who placed third, took a little detour early in the race. His dogs ran around a barrier at the Senior school, went to Highway #7 and then raced through town out of control as they headed for the Nu-Avalon Motel. The dogs and their driver ran a red light as they hit the centre of town and witnesses could hear the driver yelling for help as he passed. Sherwood and his team were escorted back to the course via police cruiser and they took up the race where they left off."
"This year, even with the lack of snow -
I'm sure Don McEwen ranks with the best drivers in the
It was a novice, too, that won the 60 mile race. Robert Allen of Eldorado, competed against 14 racers, and felt the challenge when Reed Merkley of Maine (2nd) and Gloria McEwen of Eldorado (3rd) were only a total of 7 minutes behind him. PURSE: $5,000.00
IDDTII( 1st 2nd 3rd
Ron Lmyer Ken Hmon John Giannone TOTAl [NTRI[S: I1
the race must go on. "
world. I hope he gets to go to Alaska and prove it. " Don went to Alaska in 1990 .
Molsons, Quaker Oats
Bdleville.Ont. Glenfield. N.Y. SaugHties. N.Y.
29h Dim DOs 29h 10m 48s 31h 34m 48s
Is t 2nd 3rd
John Patten Kevin Turnbough Ken Sherwood
Grand Hmis. Hinn. Grand Hmis. Hinn. Hayfied. N.Y.
2lh 57m 355 22h 56m 48s 26h Ilm 17s
Total [ntries: 9 RA([ MARSWl: John Brumfit 11
TH[ SNO-f[ST SKAT[-A- THON ne of the greatest shows of community spirit which has grown out of the Sno-fest weekend, is the Marmora Sno-fest Skate-a-thon. Organized originally by Bob Drummond, assisted by Joe MacCauley, the Skate-a-thon is one of the oldest fundraising events associated with Sno-fest. In 1981, Joe discovered that promotions come fast at the Sno-fest Headquarters, when that year he became head of the department, and, with his wife, Deena, has been there ever since!
In March of 1997, Patricia Vilne./f (I4), receiving her
trophyftom Mari/yn Maloney. In 3years she has raised $831,00,
This is my third year to receive this award and I feel that I am very privileged to be doing so. I can't take all the credit, though .. Without the people who sponsor me faithfully every year, I would not be able to raise the money that I do each year. I skate in the Skate-a-then because I enjoy skating and I enjoy the Sno-fest every year, especially the DEENA AND JOSEPH
mushers and the sled dogs races.
The Skate-a- Thon was conceived as an event that would involve all school children, teaching them the
None of this can happen without money, though,
importance of team effort, cooperation and community spirit. Mushers, such as John Brumfit, Don and Tim McEwen, would attend the schools with their dogs to inspire a sense of excitement. The Sled Dog Committee relied heavily on the generous cooperation of our local schools for the preparation and distribution of skate-athon materials, the collection of funds after the event, and the promotion of the event in class. Many staff members also volunteered, beyond the call of duty, to work the registration tables during the event. ' The MacCauleys designed the event every year to run smoothly, ensuring it never developed into a competition between schools. However, the highest pledge earners were always recognized and starting in 1985, Mickeyand Marilyn Maloney have presented a trophy to the top student fund-raiser of the year. In 1979 the total raised was $555.05. That was equal to 22% of the total purse paid out! By 1997, the total purse had increased to $12,500.00 but this did not slow down the 77 student fundraisers skating that year. They raised a record $2,809.32! STILL n%!!!
to be a part of the Sno-fest, and is one of my ways
and helping to raise that money makes me proud of showing the mushers how much I enjoy the hours they put into training their dogsfor our pleasure in the races every year. I hope that every child and adult who skates in the Skate-a-thon is proud of what they are doing to support the Sno-fest because if there is no money, we don't get mushers; no mushers, no race; and what is a Sno-fest without a race? An extra special thank you goes out to Mrs. Marjorie Doyle, who, along with her husband, has supported me every year and who, this year added $5.00 to pledge in Bills memory. Thank you once again, and I hope that I am able to take part in the Skate-a-thon again next year. "
SNO-fEST QUEEN PAGEANT . ..........................................................•..•....•....•............................................•.........................
he first Snofest Queen pageant was held on February 15, 1979 at the Marmora Community Centre. The 18 contestants entered in the pageant were from Marmora, Havelock, Springbrook, Belleville and Toronto. The girls had to be between the ages of 15 and 18, with those under the age of 16 having permission from their parents. The girls are judged for their poise, posture and speaking abilities. Each contestant would have to make a two minute impromptu speech from a pre-selected topic given to them shortly before the pageant. The judges were George Lyons, Reeve of Stirling, John Clemens, Reeve of Tweed, and Gordon Wellman, Reeve of Sydney Township. The three judges chose Rene Carson of Springbrook to be Sno Queen and Trudy Fox of Havelock, Ontario to be the Sno Princess. The girls' crowns were presented by Tina Jogenotter, Hastings County Dairy Princess. RENECARSON
1980 SNO QUEEN JACKIE LOGAN "by being chosen Queen I had more interest in the other events of the week and that interest has continued
to the present. " PRINCESS
1. Conteslan'smust register al 'he Marmora Guest House between6:GO and 8:30 P.M. Thurs. Feb. 15. 1979. 2. Changefacllllles. chaperonsand Iransporlalionfrom 'he Gues'House 10the Communlly Centrewill all be provided. 3. For further Information pleaseconlacl: (a) Mrs. Kel'h Thomp'''"s of R.R. 1 Marmora al 613·472·5511 or (b) Mrs. Don Althouseof R.R. 1 Havelock al 705-]78.3128 !..··.····.···
CUT ON THIS LINE •.••.••.•.•..•..•..•.•...•••••
APPLICATION It'ORM Name:-----------Age:--Phone:--Mailing Address:----------------ForwardAll AppllcalionTo SnowQueen '79 Conlesl P.O.Box 486 MarmoraOn'. KOK2MO :.~Ui,fee of 52.00 must be enclosed 11I1111"'he application no leler_ :~l!,.Feb. 12, 1979. Signaturedl Parenlor Guardlan".---------
_ 1988 SNO QUEEN
After the pageant ceremonies were over, a capacity crowd danced to the live music from the Coachmen Duo Band. The contest and dance were sponsored by the No. 7 Up G.R.S. Club. Rick Blowes organized the event and Keith Thompkins acted as emcee. Eva Thompkins was the over-all co-ordinator of the Sno Queen pageant from 1979 until 1981. A that time, Susan Cuddy took over and held the position until 1991. Assisting Susan was Jon McConnell and Patsy Vilneff who acted as Masters of Ceremony until 1988. It was during this time that the Lions Club sponsored the event. In 1987 the eight contestants were; Tina Brown, Carrie Carman, Teddi Coe, Michelle Horvath, Melissa Lomas, MASTERS OF CEREMONY, Kimberly Lynch, Christine JON McCONNELL AND PATSY VlLNEFF Reynolds and Tammy Warren. The judges that year were; Sheila Airhart, Janice Bonter, Larry Jones and Joseph MacCauley. The six contestants in 1991 were; Carolyn Ball, Stacey Barrons, Erin Derry, Chrystal Pratt, Catherine Reynolds and Christine Hunt/Wentzel. The co-ordinators that year was Stewart and Moira Newton. In 1992 Wendi Wells became the co-ordinator and the committee added local competitive entertainment to the program with cash prizes given to the winner. By 1995 the Sno Queen Pageant placed an advertisement in the local Marmora Herald Newspaper looking for a Snofest Ambassador. The Ambassador could be a boy or girl between the ages of 13 and 18. With no takers the event was removed from the Sno-fest weekend.
Rene (arson
Trudy fox
Jackie logan
Oonnie leonard
Georgina Vilneff
1982 1983 1984
lorrie Tanna~ill
lorie ~ayes
S~awna Oillaboug~
Trmy Reynolds
Teddi (oe
(mie (arman
Paula Pierce
lisa W~dn
(bristine Reynolds
Tracy Oavis
Wendi Wells
Catherine Reynolds
Carolyn Ball
Christine ~unt
~eathH Thomp50R
Samanthd Jones
WAYS AND MÂŁANS ith no government funding to stage any of the 20 Sno-fest weekends, it was up to volunteers to find the revenue to meet the budgeted expenses, and so they did, in 1979 with a $4,000.00 budget, to 1998 reaching the $40,000.00 goal. Over the years, every trick in the book has been tried, from the selling of Christmas cakes to a male beauty pageant. Since the first race in 1979, the Sno-fest pin has become a collector's item. In 1979 Clive Peacock came up with several designs which were used for the first three years. From 1982 until present, all pins were designed by Brant Cowie and his company, ArtPlus. It was in 1986, the artwork of the pins was the result of computer graphics, and with each year thereafter the artwork became more elaborate. In 1994, with the suggestion of Wins ton Wylie of Marmora the selling of the pin became a lottery, each pin numbered for cash draws. Each pin also represented an admission ticket to all Sno-fest events. Keeping touch of all those numbers sold is Dianne Braswell, who has done this massive accounting job since the idea was invented. Best remembered, though, for convincing you to dig deep into your pocket, was Bill (Tickey) Cross, who had a way of selling anything to anybody. He helped organize a July Sidewalk Sale, held an Outdoor Bar-B-Que and even sold tickets for helicopter rides. His pleasant personality and ever smiling face made it difficult to turn him down. And if you didn't spend all your money on raffles, lottery pins, dances, special meals, auction sales, fashion shows, and craft shows, then you could not resist the imaginative selec-
Draw For
$100. Bill To be drawn
nt SNO
FEST DANCE Feb. l1. 1979 Centre
Marmot. Community
Proceeds (or Long Distance Championship TICKETS: $1.00 each
Sled Dog
tion of Sno-fest souvenirs, which ranged from shirts and hats, to ashtrays, coasters, beer steins, cups and plates. Hot items included lapel pins, souvenir spoons and of course, the movmg pen. Still working hard in this department
are Catherine and Mike Lynch, assisted by Frances
Sine, who, for many years, have manned the sales table at the I.G.A. and gift booth out in the cold, on the track. Catherine's job also includes keeping record of all sales within town where the businesses support the race by selling for Sno-fest. The whole community
ports the event and it's a good thing too, for without those profits, there would be no purse. No purse- No race!
TH[ PROGRAM rom the very first year, the schedule of events at the Canadian Sled Dog ~ Championship Race has been outlined in "The Program Book". First published in 1979 by Tri-County Printing in Marmora, it • include 24 pages and thirteen advertisers. By 1997 the book was to contain 64 pages and sixty advertisers! Only in 1983 was the program reduced to a pamphlet due to budget restraints. The cover of the 1986 booklet saw the introduction of the new incorporated SNO-FEST logo, and that of the new sponsor, Ralston Purina. In 1989 Shur-Gain was to replace Purina, and remained on the cover until 1997. Also in 1989, the Royal Canadian Legion had their logo added to the front cover in appreciation of their support since the first race, and they remained on the cover until 1996. That year saw the Arctic Wolf logo added and in 1997 the Lions logo took its spot on the front cover for its financial support that year, and in appreciation of 19 years of favours and contributions of all kinds. In 1989 sled-dog committee member, Jon McConnell, advanced a plan to break up the committee into parts, since compiling the program was such a large job. He appealed to the public for help, and within days, Mickey and Marilyn Maloney offered to assist. Since then, they have been a vital part in the continuing development of the Snofest booklet and balancing its budget. All advertisements and program details are compiled and then given to Brian Goodchild, a teacher at Madoc Secondary School, who combines the setup & design project with course requirements for his computer students. The result? - a beautiful finished product for Sno-fest, and a graded accomplishment for the student.
The Canadia
Oha Sled
~= )
and the
ANUARY31st - FEBRUARY 1st, 2nd
MlIMOl1 SaO路FEST 'Ii 2~, 1996
6TH, 7TH & 8TH
0 ~U; .
.. :.....-:
",~. :",
Ro/stonPorino ~Conodo/nc.
路Marmsra Classic SHUR-GAIN
Feb. 4 - 6, 1994
THE MARMORA CUP IITH[ (UP IS so HU(H IHARHORA' IT'S A STORY IN ITSHf! ... and so said June Vilneff in 1979, when the Marmora Cup was presented for the first time. Given the mandate to develop a concept for the design, sub-committee embers, J'.ionel . ennett and Cheryl Leonard, focused on a cup that would symbolize the history 0 ber and iron had attracted the original pioneers in 1821 and it was no different in 197~. And while the cup was to incorporate these two physical elements, the finished trophy came to symbolize the spirit, the stability and the wealth of the community. A huge piece of unpolished iron ore was donated by Jack and Sheila Golden at Tri-County Printing, home of the Marmora Herald Newspaper and they explained it had eo with the business when they purchased it from Howard Wilson in March of 1965. In 196 ,Mr. Wilson had purchased the Marmora Herald from the Sabines, who had run the business .nce 1906. The piece of iron ore was most likely removed from the Marmora Iron Ore Min hat went into operation in 1952, employing over 300 men and women, until it closed the very ye the cup was made. The mine was an open pit operation, rich in magnetite deposits buried below 10 of limestone. The large piece of ore was given to Donald Kerr, a geology teacher at Centre Hasting·s:-- .••••.. !!'lt'ti4 Secondary School, in Madoc, who cut the rock into a more manageable size and polished one surface smooth enough to mount a silver cup. The wooden base of the trophy was cut from an unused pulpit from Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church in Marmora, donated to Joe MacCauley by Father Patrick Carty, the Parish Priest at that church from 1977 to 1987. The solid oak pulpit was originally designed, built and finished by Stanislaus Bertrand, who himself was a member of the Sacred Heart Church. He w. living, at the time, with his family in Marmora, when the parish lost their brick church andall its con nts m a fire on August 20th, 1903. The congregation immediately built a new chureh on the ruins oflhe old, and it was blessed for the first service on November 20, 1904. MacCauley removed a few of the thick solid oak boards, planed them down and built a two layer base large enough to mount forty silver inscription shields, designed to bear the name and city of the 1st place winner of the 150 mile Canadian Sled Dog Championship Race. Finally, the crowning touch was added. The silver cup, measuring five inches high and nine inches in diameter, was donated by June and Doug Vilneff, owners of The Gift Shoppe. In total, the trophy weighs slightly over twenty-two pounds. __ _, The Royal Canadian Legion had donated the 2nd place trophy until i996, when the Marmora Lions Club took on the honour, and the third place trophy has always been presented by the Marmora Volunteer Firefighters.
List of Winners
jqhn Patten
Grand Marais, Minnesota .~
Don McEwen
Eldorado, Ontario
Ron Lecuyer
BelIevilIe, Ontario
John Patten
Grand Marias, Minnesota
Bob Bright
Albany, New York
Arleigh Jorgenson
Grand Marias, Minnesota
Bob Bright
Albany, New York
Dennis Laboda Replaced by "Hastings Cup" Don McEwen
Two Harbours, Minnesota
. 198
Eldorado, Onto
Lack of snow
Lack of Snow
Tim McEwen
Eldorado, Ontario
Tim McEwen
Eldorado, Ontario
Tim McEwen
Eldoardo, Ontario
Eldorado, Ontario
Bruce Langmaid
Port Perry, Ontario
Eldorado, Ontario
Andre Nadeau
Ste. Melanie, Quebec
Trophy for the 60 Mile Marmora Classic Race
Front window display at The Gift Shoppe in Marmora
Jim Airhart holding the Grant Airhart Memorial Trophy for the most sportsmanlike award The Little Nippers Award
Novice Award
Marmora Lions' Trophy for the best looking team in the Sprints
The Oval Challenge Trophy
.............................=== :
SOME SNO-FEST SPECIAL EVENTS: Madcap Race; Snow Sculptures; Beard Growing Contest; Chili Contest; Snow Golf
t was a first in Marmora and considered by all at the time to be a first in Canada - Sled Dog Race timing recorded on computer. The brains behind the program was local math and computer teacher Brian Goodchild. Housed in the Molsons van, Goodchild monitored all race details over the radio, and was able to calculate and instantly give up to date information for mushers and spectators. He could report on race standing between checkpoints, calculate average speeds and layover times, and most of all, have final results tabulated and printed in time for the awards ceremony. In later years, student Kevin Nobes got involved in perfecting some details, and eventually he took over the job. For the last four years, with the assistance of Maria Barton, Kevin has produced full reports on all teams in five events.
It was sofast and so accurate that the last man in the race needed only the nose of his lead dog to pass the finish line and it would be possible for him to reach out and pick ~p the complete race result as he passed by. Marmora has really started something. " John Brumfit 1984
The traditional link between traplines and sled dog teams resulted in a Trappers' Workshop, a display of films, skinning demonstrations, and fur. Set up at the Town Hall by the Centre Hastings Trappers Council of Ontario, and the Ministry of Natural Resources, the public was able to view the skilled work of trappers and taxidermists. The event returned every year for ten years, but was discontinued in 1995 in light of the changing public sentiments.
NEW YORK TAKES THE CUP As Bob Bright of Albany, New York, collected his prize money he commented that "It wasn't as cold as we would have liked but the trail was good." Seven teams slushed their way through the soggy driving snow, with five completing the 150 miles. Bob was an hour ahead of second place Don McEwen, and two hours ahead of fifth place local musher Ted Francis. Ted explained his dogs had just completed a Pennsylvania long distance race and simply walked the entire course, having made up their minds they were bored with long distance racing!
2nd 3rd
Bob Bright Don Mctwen Tom Soper
Albany, N.V. []dorado, Ont. Chelsey, Ont.
22h 18m DOs 23h 13m DOs 23h 29m DOs
1 lions award for Best looking Team: Valerie De(wp
Twenty-two competitors arrived III compete rD the Molson's 60 H le Classic, five of which were wompn, but 1984 marked the eginninq of tbe racinq career of doradn musber, Tim Mcfwen, who was nRly 13 years old ilt the. t!me. Tlm went on to win the Marmora (up 5 times by 1996.
PURSE: $6,000.00
Bob Bright .from Albany, N Y., with Doug Vilneff
1st 2nd 3rd
60 MIL(
led Smmith Jonatbon Mctwen Robert Alien TOTAl tNTRI[S:
Mado(, Ont. []dorado, Ont. []dorado, Ont.
10h 31m DOs 10h 45m DOs 10h 58m DOs
HMINNESOTA MUSHERS SWEEP TOP 4 SPOTsrr "It was a heck of a weekend for the mushers from Minnesota. While most of us slept soundly Saturday night, they were braving bitterly cold termperatures as they urged their sled-dog teams along 150 miles of wilderness trails. And in the end, their efforts paid off for the men from Minnesota who captured the top four spots in the Canadian Long Distance Championship. Top spot went to Arleigh Jorgenson, followed by Peter Sapin, who beat third place finisher Dave Olesen by a mere three seconds. Local talent was not shut out completely. Springbrook resident Bob AlIen - always a top contender - easilywon the Marmora Molson Classic with a time of 8 hours six minutes. The weekend's condition were 'nothing less than perfect,' said Sno-fest chairman, Doug Vilnef拢 There was more than enough snow and the skies stayed clear for every race."
"The Minnesota
rORMAT C~ANGfS AND LARGfST CROWD TO DAH For the first time in the history of the races, the local motels were booked solidly weeks ahead of the Snofest event. The crowd was the largest the organizers had ever seen, and while the success was attributed to great weather, the organizers felt their format changes were good decisions. The race events were condensed into two day, instead of three. Sprints competitors showed up in large numbers, as the course was reduced to seven miles from ten. Maurice Poirier led the pack of 38 teams, who were all racing a tops speeds due to the course layout and perfect conditions. Spectators had to wait ten minutes to see the return of the first team after the departure of the last. " With the record number of teams, seventy-sevenin all, it was obvious that the starts would have to be speeded up. The committee went to dual starts in the 60 mile and sprint races, a decision that proved very popular with the spectators." wrote the Marmora Herald. PURSE: $6.000.00
IIDJ 1st lnd 3rd 4th
SPONSORS: Molsons, Purina, Quaker Oats
TH( MARMORA (UP Arl~igh Jorg~nson P~tH Sapin Om Olem Roger Waag~
Grand Mmis, Minn. Grand Mmis, Hinn. [Iy, Minn. "ouland, Minn.
Il RA([ MmuAll: Norm Bradley
TOTAl [NTms:
Ilh 50m 18h 03m 18h 03m 19h l6m
OOs l5s l8s 05s
Bob Alien (right) Springbrook,
1IO-S(UlPTURI (, SMO-60lf: ~.~mIS[D
&y VI(
"JQIty-two 901f.rs play.d th.ir way around the fiv.-hol. courst that provided som. unusual traps. On'90If.r (Daw Nichok) found himself climbin9 onto the roof of a shtd to hit his ball. H. showed good form, but the ball shot into the air and 1and.d on the othH md of the roof." Marmora HHald. Thre. golf.rs ti.d for first plae. - Bill Wayof B.lltvillf, M.rv Thibtau and TomRindall.
60 MIL(
1st lnd 3rd
Bob AII~n Curtis Gagnon Mel Milliron
Spring brook, Ont. Grand Portage, Minn. Warren, Ohio
8h 06m 03s 8h Bm 49s 8h 36m Ils
Lieutenant Governor, Lincoln Alexander
other Nature threw every kind of winter weather she could think of at the long distance sled dog racers this year. The running of the Marmora Cup 150 mile race experienced snow, wind, freezing rain and bitter cold but ended in a blaze of February sunshine. Due to the changeable conditions, there were no records set this year, but most of the drivers seemed happy with their runs. Bob Bright of Stephenrown, N.Y. took the Marmora Cup in 22 hours, 50 minutes and 44 seconds. Mel Milliron of Warren, Ohio, won the 60 mile Molson Classic against a field of 18 competitors in 8 hours, 34 minutes and 55 seconds. A highlight of this year's event was the appearance of Ontario's Lieutenant Governor, Lincoln Alexander, who outdid "The new Marmora Cup logo, his reputation for affable warmth and good humour as he started introduced in 1986" races, mingled with the crowd and took a tour around the race track on a dog sled. Asked by The Herald if he would return next year he beamed back, "I just loved it. Sure I'll come back if I'm invited. 1 might even come back if I'm not invited." MARMORA HERALD FEB. 5, 1986
PURSE: 9,000.00
SPONSORS: Molsons, Purina, Quaker Oats
T~[Y[AR Of T~[ M[OIA
he newest member of the Sled Dog committee, Phil Boynton, proved he knew what he was talking about when he said he was a Broadcast Journalism teacher at Loyalist. With his help, the Marmora Races had the attention of Global TV, with a live weather report by Peter Emerson, a Global news report with Hamlin Grange, and the VanDussen brothers with Regional Contact on CJOH Ottawa. Phil himself spent time during the week of the race being interviewed by various radio and TV stations including one report on a Montreal station, Hart Beat in Peterborough, CJBQ Belleville and CKWS Kingston. He was also informed that the events would be promoted on CBC Fresh Air.
lst 2nd 3rd
TII~ MARMORA Bob Bright Bob Allan lan HcKenzie
Albany, N.Y. Springbrook,Ont. Brm Him, Ont.
TOTAl [NTRI{S: 13 RA({ MARSHAll: Norm Bradley 26
m SOm 44s m 05m
07s 24h 44m 41s
Is t 2nd 3rd
60 MIL~ Mel Milliron Roger Roy Bob [aglesham TOTAl [HTRI{S: 18
CLASSIC Warren, Ohio St. (hdrles-de-Handeville, Uttmon, Ont.
8h 34m 55s 9h ISm 46s IOh n芦 02s
A direct result was record numbers of mushers arriving for the races. The Marmora Cup saw 17 entries. ''A record 46 mid distance drivers, including ten women left the Marmora fairgrounds in pairs to the roaring cheers of fans and the flashing lights of the numerous media people milling about." wrote Nancy Powers of the Marmora Herald.
NEW HAR ... NEW IDEAS Plagued with last minute insurance questions, the sled dog committee joined forces with the Marmora Lions Club, to ensure coverage for the committee members. Later that year, the committee incorporated, and the "Marmora Sno-fest Association" was born. Clive Peaock, working for T.A.S. Communications, arranged for that company to supply cellular radios and free air time, and they have continued to do so to date. Sponsorship and loyalty can't be beat! Jamie Drummond arranged for extra activities for the younger set - a skating costume party, skating races and a broom ball tournament. Back at the Zion Church checkpoint, Kathy Mahoney of the Trentonian, wrote, "..about eight miles north of Marmora was a favourite gathering spot with food and hot drinks, a huge bonfire and even sleigh rides. From night to the following morning, the area was full of people greeting the teams as they came in. The mushers could be seen coming down the trails, with headlamps lighting their way, looking like fireflies dotting the night. A path cleared in the crowd and race offi.cials quickly checked the packs to make sure all the required equipment was intact, and scanned the dogs with blacklights to verify no dogs had been added or changed. Dogs, sleds and people scattered across the tiny driveway with barely enough room
1987 was the year of the corporate face-lift for the sled dog
on the road for passing cars. One handler was busy behind his truck cooking a special treat for his brother's team soon to pass through on the long distance run. A gruel of
committee. The committee designed a glossy pamphlet {still in use today} that found its way
hot rice mixed with muskrat meat and chicken feed was just the thing, he said, and sure enough, Ian McKenzie's team placed second."
Dermis Laboda, of Two Harbours, Minnesota, the winner of the Marmora Cup in 1987, ended his day by saying ..."This was a well organized race. But Lm going back and asking Arley (Arleigh Jorgenson - the man who set the record of 17 hours and 50 minutes in 1985) how he set that record. That is really impressive time." Laboda's time was 18 hours, 27 minutes and 12 seconds. SPONSORS: Molsons, Purina, Quaker Oats
PURSE: $9,225.00
IDD TH( 1st 2nd 3rd
to most tourist outlets across Ontario.
Oennis laboda lan MacKenzie Bob Bright TOTAl [HTRllS:
RA([ MmHAll:
Two Harbours, Minn. Bruce Mines, Ont. Stephentown, N.V. 11 Norm Bradley
:IOD 60
CUP IBh 21m 12s IBh 41m 55s IBh 55m 14s
1st 2nd 3rd
CLASSIC Warren, Ohio Orillia, Onto Parry Sound, Ont.
Mel Milliron lee Baxter Vm Rivett TOTAl [HTRllS:
5h 56m 02s 6h 31m 56s 6h 45m 36s
n response to mushers' comments on race length, organizers of this year planned for a longer Marmora Cup (200 miles) and a shorter new "Hastings Cup" to be sponsored by the County of Hastings. But, alas, lack of snow everywhere restricted training time for dogs to be in shape for such a distance and consequently, the Marmora Cup was cancelled. Not to worry, though, all the more fun to be had at the 100 mile race, since the prize money was transferred over. With the temperatures well below zero, Hastings County Warden, John Irwin gave the "Go" signal to Bob Thomas of Eikhorn, Wisconsin. Fourteen long distance drivers followed him our of the starting chute. At the end of the day, though it was Don McEwen of Eldorado who became the first winner of the Hastings Cup and took home $2,000.00 and an I.G.A. Food basket. Close on his heels was Lee Baxter (16) of Orillia, only 2 and a half minutes behind him!
Don McEwen
Eldorado, Onto
ARTS AND (RMT S~OW BfGINS ITS ~ISTORY Thanks to the great assistance of Jane McCoy of Marmora, the first of many Fine Arts and Craft Shows was organized this year. It attracted to the Marmora Town Hall over 30 exhibitors from Marmora, Madoc, Coe Hill, Stirling, Thomasburg, Deseronto, Eldorado, Peterborough and Trenton. There, to be admired and purchased, was a wide range of hand made gifts including pottery, spinning, weaving, paper tote, china painting, water colours, flower arrangements ceramics, dolls, folk art, and Indian arts and crafts. The net profit for Sno-fest at the end of the day was $268.38. In 1989, the Arts and Craft Show moved to the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, and was organized by Jill Hughes. For the next four years, moving the show to Earl Prentice School, Jane McCoy was back to look after things with the help of Julie Maynes. Next, Peggy Drummond and Cathie Jones organized the event, and for the next three years, the event was held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall. Table rental prices were increased from $15.00/table to $20.00, and a further admission charge of $1.00 to cover hourly door prizes, helped to see the overall profit rise to $1,160.69 in 1996.
I Judy Hatton
of Coe Hill. She
how she hand-spins
PURSE: $10,000.00
dog hair into attractive mitts,
SPONSORS: Martin Foods, Hastings County, Molsons, Quaker Oats
scarves, and even sweaters.
11II]100 1st 2nd 3rd
[Idorado, Ont. 12h 15m 50s Orillia,Ont. 12h IBm 20s St. [Iisabeth, Que. 12h 31m 15s
Don Mdwen lee Baxter Yvon laplante TOTAl [HTRI[S:
IDIJ lst 2nd 3rd
60 MIL(
Mel Milliron Bob Baxter Tim M([wen
Warren, Ohio Oriliia, Ont. [Idorado, Ont.
43 Mike Vilneff
6h 16m 35s 6h 34m 10s 6h 37m 35s
MARMORA Sl[D DOG RAC[S CANC[ll[D unny skies and balmy weather forced organizers of this year's
"~Marmora Cup to cancel the annual sled dog championship, the highlight of Sno-fest week in Marmora .... At 3:00pm on Wednesday it was officially decided that 'No races could be held under present weather conditions'," wrote the Marmora Herald. Although local motels and & restaurants took a blow, other Sno-fest events carried on, business as usual. The Arts and Craft show felt no effects, and Barb Sanderson at St. Andrew's United church reported "With the cancellation of the races, people seemed to welcome the opportunity to socialize" and over 100 deep dish turkey pies were served that day.
Leaving the Eldorado Checkpoint, to crosshighway #62
fiNISHING UN[ MARK[D B[GINNING fOR (OUPl[ Zion - The word "mush" had special meaning at the Marmora sled dog races this year. The finishing line for the weekend's races also marked a starting point for an Orillia couple, as they exchanged wedding vows minutes after the groom completed the 97-km race. Beverely Ann Lusk and Jay Verbeek, both of Orillia Township, were married Saturday in the tiny community of Zion, about 6 km north of Marmora. The local church was packed with the couple's friends and family to its capacity of about 100, and hundreds more sled dong racers and spectators waited outside to cheer for the newlyweds - both long-time dog sled race enthusiasts. ''I'd do anything to promote the races," joked Verbeek, 45, from the back of the crammed church as he prepared to approach the altar. Verbeek and his team of sled dogs raced in the annual Marmora events for their fourth year. But the professional millwright has about 10 years experience in the sport. His 39-year-old bride, a part-time dog
handler and trainer, had attended the Marmora races and other such events with Verbeek in previous years. When the couple returned to the area for a visit last summer, Lusk says she was impressed by the quaint setting of the Zion church. She remembers telling Verbeek "how old fashioned and nice" the church appeared. And soon after their October engagement, they decided to tie the knot in the Zion church during race festivities. Verbeek crossed the Zion finish line in time for the scheduled 8 p.m. wedding, but by 8:30 p.m. the planned minister hadn't shown up - because Rev. Don McEwen was busy completing, and winning, the 161-km race. McEwen, of Eldorado, and Verbeek met at a sled dog race about six years ago. Filling in for the missing minister was Rev. James Armstrong of Zion. The matron of honour was Lusk's sister, Marie Ali, of Mississauga, and best man was Bill Wallace of Oro Station. The newlyweds, each marrying for the second time, hadn't scheduled any specific honeymoon plans. After the brief ceremony, they jumped in a sled for waiting cameras, then headed for some of the local weekend celebrations. BY JULIA DRAKE/STAFF REPORTER BELLEVILLE INTELLEGENCER
any thanks to the Marmora Lioness Club for preparing and serving for the entire history of the Marmora Sno-fest Banquet.
MuslJer Spencer Thew, N Y.
aIm R t Coutterfrofl!t Collingwoodposes with masher Tlm MEwen & wife Tammy.
Fa thfitl olunteer Judy Backus decorating the
quet hall with painted dog prints
I TravellerKen Dudley; Toronto
Mus/m Al Moorcrofi, Maffllora
WJlullte Dianne Shetman chats with musbers Doug Simpson & Martin Rennick
Preparationfor sled dog racing is rigorous and most compftitors follow a year-round training schedule. Topteams can mcb up to spuds of 18millS an_ and individuallv, AlaskanHuskilS and NalamutlS - two dogs favour.d for their r. skills - can run as a fast aslr to lS mil,s prr hour. TypicallV,sled doguff lfan an. muscular and havf a prot6tillf undercoat of finf hairto shi.ld th,m from the (old. Not surprisinglv, these ahtlftlS must hav, strong h,arts and lu•• to kffp up a fast pa(f.
in the
60 mile Molson's Classic. For mid- distance racers, though,
was the year to compete with long distance mushers. So it was a mix. Twenty-five
out of thirty-five competitors
ished the slippery course, but a good time was had by all who each received a cash prize and a jar of honey from Mary Jane and Brian Goodchild. Many of the names we see today were there for that wet and icy race: Keith PeppIer (Elmwood, Ont.), lan MacKenzie from Bruce Mines, Ontario, Bruce Langmaid from Port Perry, Dennis Moore of Gilmour, AI Moorcroft (Stirling) and winning the Youngest Musher prize, Ben McEwen, another son of old favourite Don McEwen. All the stars, like Ted Francis (Campbellford),
Bob Baxter
(Orillia), Bob Hoyte (New York), Kevin O'Rourke (New York) Ron Lecuyer and Doug Marrero (Pennsylvania) were there to win
.....but for Tun McEwen, it was the beginning of his winning streak .... He won that 60 mile
trophy, but it was only a warm up. In 1991 he
Our ever-faithfol race marshalls.
took home the Marmora Cup.
Jon McConnell;
Jamie Drummond,
Ken Dubatch and Andy Bonter
1991 PURSE: $12,000.00 SPONSOR:
IDIlJ 1st 2nd 3rd
IDD MARMORA lst 2nd 3rd
Tim Mdwen Bob AIIan Keith Peppier
"G(l" [Idorado, Ont [Imwood. Ont Port Perry, Ont
Jon M(Connell 35
"Hilt or HI-lUP" -let'sgo
"AHOD" - ri9ht through thf intersedion
Tim M([wen Keith Peppier Bruce langmaid
Cup 150 mile race,
leaving the long distance racers competing
.. :
1990 & 1991
t was a year of ice & rain and a very last minute decision to drop the Marmora
Pum: $10,500 SPONSORS: Molson,
5h 17m 29s 5h 25m 14s 5h 29m 56s Dr. M(Cilli(uddy's,
-tumright "HAW" -tumleft
(UP [Idorado, Ont. Uuntsville. Ont. [lmwood. Ont.
TOTAl [N1Rl[S: 14 RA([ MmHAll: Jon M(Connell
17h 10m 15s 17h 29m 17s 17h 36m 08s
1st 2nd 3rd
Dmis Moore Bob Baxter Don Uibbs
Gilmour,Ont. Orillia. Ont. fairbanks. H.
6h Om 16s 6h 03m 48s 6h 04m lis
TOTAl [HlRI[S: 39
IT WAS A V[RY GOOD Y[AR he weather was right on ..... the spectators were out in thousands ... and mushers came from all over to enjoy the sunshine. "This is a very sociable sport despite the fact we are competing for money," said 36 year old musher Ian MacKenzie of Bruce Mines, Onto "It's a chance to see friends." "You get to see friends again" added Sue Schwartz, 51, of Savoy Massachusetts, who had been coming to the sled dog races in Marmora for six years. "This is the first time I've done the 150 mile," she said ''I'm thinking maybe I'll be going to the Labrador 400 next year, so this would be like a preparation for that'. A5 race organizer, Norm Bradley, pointed out, this is the longest race in the eastern part of the country, other than the Labrador 400 that was started in 1991. Anybody who races distance races comes here." 1992 saw Tim McEwen proudly win the Marmora Cup for the second time in his career and Dermis Moore repeated his win in the 60 mile classic. The sprints that year ran again as a open class and a Purebred Siberian Class, and not to be outdone, both Doug McNeil and Tom Leblanc, winners in 1991, came back to repeat their performance in '92. But that's not all that was amazing that year. The Marmora & District First Response Team almost won the first time Wacky Races....but oh! They wiped out! Snowmobile enthusiasts got a chance to witness 160 entrants in drag races on Crowe Lake, and for those with politics in mind, it was reported "NDP Legiskaters are a little weak on the right wing!" Elmer Buchanan brought eight other NDP members to challenge some local stars in a hockey game to support the Cancer Society. The score ended at 7-7, but not without mishap. After the game was halted for two pucks on the ice, Township Reeve, Lionel Bennett suffered, so it appeared, some kind of injury, and was loaded very unceremoniously into the Argo, to be resuscitated by "Miss Magnolia". Within seconds, he was seen taking cover at the bench. Player & Village Reeve, Andre Philpot, noted "They were good. But of course, we always knew the NDP could backskate!"
Race Marshall, fon McConnelL
"The wacky Races"
PURSE: $12,000.00
IIIII:NARNORA 1st 2nd 3rd
Tim Mc[wen Keith Peppier lan MacKenzie,
(UP [ldorado,Ont. [Imwood, Ont. Bruce Mines,Ont.
TOTAl [HTRI[S: 9 RA([ MARSHAll: Jon Mc(onnell
SPONSOR: Shur-Gain
16h OSm 04s Ilh 43m Ols 19h 48m 16s
lst 2nd 3rd
60 NIL( (LASSIC Gilmour,Ont. Orillia,Ont. Orillia, Ont.
Dmis Mow John 짜erbHk Bob Baxter TOTAl [HTRI[S:
6h Olm 31s 6h IIm lis 6h 20m ISs
J r
RECORD SPEED fOR THE 1)TH MARMORA CUP he cold weather in 1993 did not deter the crowds from attending the 15th Marmora Sled Dog Races. For the third year in a row, Tim McEwen of Eldorado (22 years old) won the Marmora Cup, but this time with record breaking speed - 13 hours, 6 minutes and 22 seconds. Including the four hour mandatory layover, all of the 13 long distance mushers spent 17 or more hours on the trail in temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees. Over an hour behind Tim was Andre Nadeau, a new competitor in Marmora, who, for the next three years would remain a close challenger, until he came first in 1997. The 60 Mile ShurGain Classic trophy was taken home by an American, Larry Brunzlick from Bryant Wisconsin. Of the twenty-six competitors in the race, Peter Francoeur, of Greely, Ontario came second, beating Bruce Langmaid by only 16 seconds! Voted by the other mushers to be the most sportsmanlike driver, Ian MacKenzie of Bruce Mines, Ontario, was awarded the Grant Airhart Memorial Trophy. It was pointed out by Al Moorcroft that he deserved the award because he stopped to help out two other mushers (including Al) who had troubles on the trail.
PURSE: 12,000.00
IDIJ 1st 2nd 3rd
MARMORA Tim Mc[wen Andre Nadm Tom Bauer TOTAl [NTRI[S: RAC[ Mmwl:
Larry Brunzlice, Wiscomin
It was r.portd that ho Provost <rawle. into Mrs. D.war's smokt-filled houn to saVf her doq, who would not haVf made it otherwin! What a perfect fndInq to thf MarmoraSl,d Doqwffbnd!
CUP [Idorado, Ont )te. Melanie, Que. Toivola, Minn. 13 Jon Mc(onnell
I3h 06m 12s 14h 05m 455 14h 37m 57s
lst 2nd 3rd
60 MIL( SIIUR-6AIN larry Brunzlick Peter rrancoeur Bruce langmaid
Bryant, Wis. Greely, Ont. Port Perry, Ont.
CLASSIC 6h 02m 155 6h 13m 325 6h 13m 4Bs
TOTAl [ml[s: 26
Andre Leduc
n record numbers, mushers arrived in Marmora for what may have been the most exciting year yet. Forty-eight teams showed up to race the Shur-Gain 60 mile classic, that year won by new-corner, Andre Leduc of Quebec. His competitors included Anneliese and Manfred Witschel from Germany, past winners Bruce Langmaid (who missed second place by only one secondl), Keith Peppler and Larry Brunzlick, and no less than nine local racers: Tony Martin, Ron Lott, Ron Woods, Angus Lake, Doug Simpson, Lloyd Blackburn, Kevin Baker, Stephen White, and Dave Hardie. The rest came from Ontario, Quebec, New York, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Michigan, Maine, and Pennsylvania, ranging in age from 18 to 59. Sixteen of the racers were here for the first time. Twelve long distance racers arrived to try to get past Tim McEwen, once and for all, but the Eldorado native defended his title for the fourth straight year, keeping a firm grip on the cup. With 15 years experience, he proved to be the finest musher in the end, leaving last from the chute and returning first. Paul Boudreau of Majella Quebec, who was seventh last year, surprised everyone and came second, with Andre Nadeau of Ste. Melanie, Quebec only 12 minutes behind him. Tim knew, and still does, that he has stiff competition. For the next three years, Tim, Paul and Andre would be neck in neck, vying for the cup. In the open sprint class, the 7 mile race was won by Ken Worden from Scarborough, who had been racing in Marmora since 1987. From here on, Ken would become a great help in organizing sprint races, especially the Oval race of 1997. PURSE: $12,000.00
TimMcEwen MarmoralEldorado,
Tim Mc[wen Paul Boudrm Andre Nadm
(UP [ldorado,Ont. Majella, Que. Ste. Melanie, Que.
TOTAl [NTRI[S: Il RA([ MARSWl: Jon Mc(onnell 34
and Dr. Robert Rooks of California.
IDDMARMORA lst l nd 3rd
Allison Philpot, along with Dr. Linda Hall,
SPONSORS: Bell Mobility, TAS, Shur-Gain
m lOm
14h Olm ~6s 14h 14m ~ls
ls: lnd 3rd
60 MIL( SHUR-6AIN (LASSI( St. Oonat, Que. Oxford, Maine Port Perry, Onto
Andre ledur Paul Therriault Brm langmaid TOTAl [HTms:
06h 09m 075 06h I~m Il5 06h I~m 135
MARMORA JOINS MAIN[ & lABRADOR IN TRIPl[ CROWN he 1995 race took a new turn when Dr. Rooks, an Iditarod veterinarian and a director of the International Sled Dog Veterinary Medical Association from California, offered a $15,000.00 purse for a Triple Crown race. His aim, though, was to raise sled dog racing above the criticism of humane societies and for those 150 mile mushers who were registered in the Triple Crown, a point system was set up so that speed was not the only issue. Dog care points would make a difference between winning and losing. Bruce Langmaid, Port Perry, Onto Little snow and very cold temperatures did not deter the teams but did shorten the course to 120 miles. Of the sixteen drivers in the Marmora Cup race, eight had decided to take on the Triple Crown. Of the eight, it was Ian MacKenzie who took the lead, while Bruce Langmaid of Port Perry, not registered in the Crown, took home the Marmora Cup. When the Triple Crown points were finally added up after the CAN-AM 250 of Maine and the Labrador 400, it was Andre Nadeau of St. Majella Quebec who wore the Crown and a $3200.00 Concord watch donated by the North American Watch Co. But that's not all that made 1995 an exciting year. This was the year the MADCAP race was created, for which mushers started in a sleeping bag and, on the sound of the gun, ran down to their teams and made a mad rush for the starting chute. Sponsored by Bell Mobility and T.A.S. of Belleville, it turned out to be a favourite spectator sport. An international poster contest for the Triple Crown race resulted in Jody Fachini and Anna Tinker winning prizes. Chairman Otto Vallinga, Everett Barrons, Lee Scrimshaw and Norm Bradley were all winners of a beard growing contest, and Marmora Herald Editor, Nancy Powers had the "Best Chili In Town"! The banquet had live music with "Jigs, Reels or What?' from Belleville, and the Marmora Figure Skating Club produced a full length Sno-fest Special show.
The new "Marmora Cup Sign': created in 1995.
PURSE: $12,000.00 SPONSORS: Bell Mobility, TAS, Shur-Gain
IIDJ Is t lnd 3rd
Madcap competitor Duane Ramsay, Inverary, Onto
N A RN 0 RA (U P (1Z0 NIL(S) Bru(e ldngmdid Gdetdin Toumint Idn Md(Kenzie,
Port Perry, Ont. SI. feliden, Que. Bru(e Mines, Ont.
TOTH [NTRI[S: 16 RA([ MmWl: Jon M((onneii
IOh 07m 19s IOh I7m 55s IOh 19m I3s
IDJl 60 Is t lnd 3rd
Pierre Messier [ri~ ldfor(e Robert Toumint
(LASSI( Rdwdon, Que. l'A5sumption, Que. St. feliden, Que.
05h 47m u. 05h 50m 495 06h l4m 055
ith stunning triumph, Tim McEwen from Eldorado had done it again .... beaten his old rivals, Ian Mackenzie (Bruce Mines, Ont.), Paul Boudreau, (Quebec) , Andre Nadeau (Quebec) and AI Moorcroft (Stirling) . For Tim and fourteen other entrants there lay ahead a night of extreme temperatures and an unexpected precarious water crossing at Otter Creek, eight miles north of Twin Sisters and rwo miles from the Glanmire checkpoint. The resulting polar plunge forced the withdrawal of seven teams. One such team was driven by Marcelle Fressineau from Switzerland, who, finding herself tied up with McEwen in the water, assisted in freeing his team. For that, she received the Grant Airhart Memorial Sport"woman"ship award. Back in Eldorado, a major trail change led mushers past the Madoc Township Building, opened by the council for use by mushers & spectators. While the heat and water were a welcomed new addition to the checkpoint, the hospitality in Eldorado was nothing new. Since 1979 the residents of Eldorado, along with the Madoc Township Fire Department have played a major part in the Marmora Cup races, and proven every year, they know how to have a good time! Ninety-four mushers arrived in Marmora that year, from Ontario, Quebec, all of the northern United States, Switzerland, Australia and even Florida. Twenty-two of the racers were here in Marmora for the first time, five having never raced before! The oldest musher was 58 and the youngest 5! Of the 16 women racing, rwo won in their class. It was an exciting year.
"The pleasure for me is the compliment
paid to us all when
mushers and spectators drive from such distant towns just to visit our fair village. "
Five time Marmora
Cup winner,
1996was also the year of the new street hann.rs with th. htlp oUhe lions' adopt-a-mile program. for which the Lioness (Juh donated $500.00, the tor<hliCjhtparade, fret skatinCj show and Slttmans httr tent.
PURSE: $12,000
Tim Mcfwen Idn Mdckenzie Pdul Boudrm TOTAl tHTRI{S: 1~ 'Znd place resulting
The big attraction for the spectators this year was the one dog Little Nippers Race, held right after the Arctic Wolf Madcap 7 Race. The Marmora Legion Bingo Fund contributed the prize money of $250.00. Twenty-three children (Ages 5 to 13) raced the half mile track in times ranging berween 2:05 minutes and 5:01. ...and the winner, Kathleen Cook, had come all the way from New Hampshire. But she was not the only long distance traveler. Emilia Iglesias was visiting from Puerto Rico, and Bradon Therrieault was from Oxford, Maine.
IDD MARMORA 15t 2nd 3rd
SPONSORS: Sleeman, Shur-Gain, TAS, Bell Mobility
Bm 60
CUP [IdOfddo, Ont. Bruce Mim, Ont. Mdjelld, Que. from dog cm
I3h ~4m 325 l~h Dim Z6s' 14h 5Bm 595 points
1st Znd 3rd
Iri] ldforce
Nelson O'ramll Amn Peck
CLASSIC l'Assumption, St. Maldchie, Grdfton,Ont.
TOTAl tHTRlfS: 4Z RA([ MARSHAlll: John Mc(onnell
Que. Que.
5h ~lm lO 6h OL.m I~ 6h 36m JJ
ith the help of Ken Worden from Scarborough, and local musher AI Moorcroft, a new 2 minute, 3 dog Oval Race was tried out and became a great success. Based on an elapsed time elimination process, the thirteen contestants were reduced to eight in the second heat and the three winners were determined KENWORDEN AL MOORCROFf by the third heat - Don Rice in first place (Irnin 17.7 seconds), Ken Worden in second ( 1min, 19.4 seconds) and Jason Carr in 3rd (1 min. 21.3 seconds) It was fast-paced and thrilling, and a big hit at the track!
"Happy Tails to you until we meet again"
NADfAU rlNAllY TAHS T~f CUP Since 1993, Andre Nadeau, of Ste, Melanie, Quebec, has been challenging McEwen on the trail, but this year, he took the cup home himself, with McEwen only twenty-one minutes behind him. It was also the year he donated a sled to the Sno-fest committee for auction, raising $450.00. Old friend, Duane Ramsay from Inverary Ontario, who first tried for the Marmora Cup in 1981, achieved fourth place, and also took home the Grant Airhart Memorial ANDRE NADEAU Trophy for sportsmanship. Another accomplishment of 1997 was the attendance by young mushers. While there were 19 competing in the Little Nippers' Race, three teenagers raced in the Madcap 7 Luke Taylor, (Marmora) Bobby Mackey (L'Amable) and Jimmy Crowe from Seagrove, whose leaddog, "Mudcat" tried to take him to town, but he still came 4th! And that was after he had raced in the 60 mile Classic, being one of five teenagers in that race, along with Aaron Peck from Grafton, Janna Sears from Lakefield, Jenny Whitehead from Freedom, New York, and Charles Robertson from L'Amable.. Top that off with the 6:00pm fireworks display, and it was another perfect year! PURSE: $12,200.00 SPONSORS: Shur-Gain, Bell Mobility, TAS, Centra Gas, Imperial Oil
IDII MARMORA 1st 2nd 3rd
Andre Nadm Tim MClwen Paul Boudrm
(UP Ste. Melanie, Que. lldorado, Ont. St. Gmrd, Que.
TOTAl lNTRI[S: 7 RA([ Mmwl: Jon Mc(onnell
14h 14m 47s 14h 35m 54s 15h OOm 36s
lst 2nd 3rd
lrik laforce Amn PH Penny Snelgrove
(LASSI( l'Assumption, Que. Grafton, Ont. london, Ont.
6h 43m 19s 6h 45m 50s 6h 48m 38s
In 1979 Don McEwen was our only local musher. . By 1983 there were a total of 6 local mushers Here's the local list as of 1997 Bob AlIen Kevin Baker Ashley Baker Lloyd Blackburn Bob Burell Jim Edwards Jennifer Francis Jessica Francis Ted Francis Teddy Francis Jr. Tiffany Francis Ken Golton Brian Held Steve Johnson Angus Lake Doug Lake Ron Lecuyer Ron Lott Bobby Mackey Tony Martin Bill Mathews Sabinn McConnel John McEwen Tim McEwen Gloria McEwen Ben McEwen Don McEwen Al Moorcroft Chris Moorcroft Dermis Moore John Richter Eli Richter Jordon Richter Lance Robertson Charles Robertson John Robertson Ron Rodgers Janna Sears
Springbrook Madoc Madoc Eldorado Belleville Norwood Campbellford Campbellford Campbellford Campbellford Campbellford LAmable Havelock Campbellford Bancroft Eldorado Belleville Marmora LAmable Marmora Madoc Maynooth Eldorado Eldorado Eldorado Eldorado Eldorado Stirling Stirling Gilmour Stirling Stirling Stirling LAmable LAmable LAmable Stirling Lakefield
Ted Sexsmith Marty Shaw Doug Simpson Peter Smith Justin Smithers Luke Taylor HenkTwilt Paul Vandenburg Zak Vandenburg Steve White Josh Wiley Sarah Wiley Boyd Wilson Ron Woods
Madoc Tweed Campbellford Marmora Marmora Marmora Tweed Picton Picton Gilmour Eldorado
-Eldorado Norwood Marmora
DOUG MARRERO, just one great guy from Kane, PA., has been a loyal supporter of the Marmora Cup since its inception in 1979. Doug, who by the way was 1997's oldest musher at age 62, raced the first leg of the 150 mile race... We luv ya Doug. "
Gerald Belanger WRITING
June Vilneff WRITING
Dale & ValerieBateman of NOR-VAL deSigns FRONT COVER PHOTOS
Mary Jane Goodchild Bev McConnell
Otto Vallinga PASTCHAlR
Cathie Jones SECRETARY
Donna Bennett his book has been produced to celebrate twenty years of courage, stamina and determination on the part of organizers, volunteers, mushers and dogs. It has been twenty years of success for everyone, and while we have tried to squeeze twenty years into a mere forty pages, we realize people's names and some of your favorite details have been omitted. However, the complete list of volunteers, race results and newspaper clippings have been compiled for the historical record and will be stored at the Marmora Library. Congratulations to all.
Bob Drummond
Is t
2nd 3rd
2nd 3rd TOTAl
60 MIL(