College of Engineering
Newsletter Spring 2009
Engineering Team Took Research to New Heights in NASA’s Microgravity University by Erin Ryan
Students and faculty from the College of Engineering conducted an experiment for NASA March 31 and April 2. They were one of eight teams in the Systems Engineering Educational Discovery segment of Microgravity University, a reduced gravity education program designed to advance research tied to NASA’s current vision.
“I am thrilled to be working with these brilliant, enthusiastic students,” Morgan said. “They are great thinkers and natural leaders. I can’t wait to see what they will do in the future.” The team spent a week at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston training, testing, touring and meeting role models from robotic engineers to plasma physicists to astronauts. They took to the sky in a specially outfitted Boeing 727 called the G-Force One to thrill in the sensations of Martian and zero gravity and conduct their experiment in lunar gravity, the results of which will expand Boise State’s research portfolio, aid NASA’s Constellation Program and hopefully inspire young people to explore engineering — and possibly space.
That vision is to return Americans to the moon by 2020. NASA hopes to explore the uncharted poles, far side and craters as well as lay the groundwork for a permanent presence. Boise State’s “This is, by far, the most Microgravity University project dealt with lunar surface traction concepts and will help NASA engineers anticipate incredible experience I have challenges in designing better rovers.
“This is an amazing and exciting opportunity for these students and faculty, as well as Boise State as a whole,” said President Bob Kustra.
To learn more, visit had in my entire life. The project depended on support from across campus and Nothing tops this.” and the community. The Houston team included engineering faculty Jim Browning and Bob Davidson, grad – Dan Isla, Student lead on students Matt McCrink and Jeff Perkins, undergraduates Boise State’s inaugural Mallory Yates, Alex Miller, Dan Isla, Kyle Knori and Ryan Bedell, NASA mentor Pedro H. Curiel, and Barbara Microgravity University project Morgan, a former NASA astronaut and now distinguished educator in residence at Boise State. It was Morgan who introduced the students to the opportunity, and they ran with it.
From the Dean’s Desk Our College of Engineering faculty, students and staff continually soar to new heights, and the remarkable accomplishments highlighted in this newsletter confirm that there is no limit to what we can achieve together with our partners. When hard work, brilliant minds, creativity and teamwork are coupled with a sense of adventure (and humor!), it is proven time and time again that there is no limit to what can be attained. Along with gaining these career high points comes an exhilarating sense of freedom, joy and accomplishment—just ask any of the people featured in our newsletter! Our lead story describes an incredible journey undertaken this spring by a team of undergraduate and graduate students, along with faculty and Boise State journalist Erin Ryan. They truly went where no Bronco has gone before as they experienced lunar gravity while performing innovative experiments integral to NASA’s goal to return to the moon. In the words of leader Dan Isla, “Nothing tops this!” There are so many stories of dreams, goals and aspirations. Consider the Goldwater Scholarship winner who intends to pursue a doctorate to achieve her dream of becoming a leader by example. Or the engineering and education researchers dedicated to the long-term goal of enhancing our children’s future and that of the state and the nation. Or the faculty appointed by the National Academy of Engineering, who will have the opportunity to recommend national research strategies relevant to sustainability and efficiency. We have a civil engineering senior long jumper who is also Boise State’s first female national champion in any sport. Discover Engineering Day, our annual outreach event, hosted more than 5,000 K-12 children and families. Our College of Engineering ranks second nationally in percentage of tenured or tenure-track women on the faculty, standing currently at 28 percent. Our graduates, students, faculty and partners continually strive to make a difference in this world, “to boldly go where no one has gone before.” Come help us plant the flag on the next mountaintop. Off we go…!
Cheryl B. Schrader Dean and Professor College of Engineering
Student Awarded Coveted Goldwater Scholarship Junior engineering student Shatakshi Goyal has been awarded a prestigious 2009 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, the fourth in the university’s history. She is one of 278 winners out of 1,097 hopefuls nominated by faculty members of colleges and universities nationwide. All are undergraduates pursuing degrees in mathematics, science or engineering and were selected on the basis of academic merit. Of the 278 Goldwater Scholars this year, 163 are men and 115 are women, and most intend to obtain doctoral degrees. Fifty-one are in engineering disciplines, including Goyal, and the distinction is a first for Boise State’s College of Engineering. The 17-year-old electrical and computer engineering major maintains a 3.96 GPA and is involved in a variety of extracurricular activities. Goyal has served two terms as president of the Indian Student Association and is a dynamic member of the Engineering Honor Society. Her community service ranges from performing classical Indian dance to raising funds for cancer research to organizing student cookie bakes for American troops in Iraq. In addition to many other scholarships, Goyal was selected in 2006 for a National Society of Collegiate Scholars merit scholarship, which is awarded to the top 50 undergraduate students in the country. She also has won an internally competitive Micron Foundation Scholarship given only to two Boise State engineering students each year. “Shatakshi has demonstrated exemplary dedication and amazing work ethic, especially at such a young age,” said Janet Callahan, a professor and associate dean of academic affairs in the College of Engineering who nominated Goyal for the Goldwater Scholarship. Goyal said her goal is to finish her bachelor’s degree next year before pursuing graduate research in biomedical engineering and a teaching position at the university level after completing a Ph.D. program. “The famous and ancient Indian text of Bhagvad Gita describes: ‘Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues (Bhagvad Gita 3.21).’ Therefore, I want to “Shatakshi is an outstanding become a leader who teaches by her scholar, and we are proud that her own example. This scholarship award accomplishments have been will greatly enhance my ambitions, Goyal said. “I want to humbly thank recognized with this prestigious the excellent faculty of the College of award. Being a Goldwater Scholar Engineering for their excellent help, will greatly enhance her goal of guidance, encouragement and recommendation letters. I also want to pursuing a research and teaching thank my classmates, who were always career in biomedical engineering.” there to help me reach my goals.”
– Cheryl B. Schrader, Dean
The Barry M. Goldwater College of Engineering Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program was established by Congress in 1986 to honor Senator Barry M. Goldwater, who served his country for 56 years as a soldier and statesman. The purpose of the Goldwater Scholarship is to provide a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who intend to pursue careers in these fields. Past Boise State winners include Amber Hibberd (chemistry, 2004), Alina Schimpf (chemistry/math, 2007) and Lisa Young (chemistry, 2007).
College of Engineering Newsletter | Spring 2009
Hay Makes a Difference for Students Bob Hay believes in supporting programs that make a difference. That's why the special lecturer in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) served on the Employee Giving Campaign committee, which oversaw the recent campaign to more than double employee giving to the university. He and his wife, Anne, also a Boise State employee, appreciate seeing the benefit of contributing to an organization they are involved in. That's why the couple supports both a Hay Family Scholarship and an ECE scholarship. Both scholarships are expected to fund a student in the coming year. Hay, who also is a student in the ECE program, began teaching at Boise State after a career in industry, most recently in research and development at Hewlett-Packard. He immediately saw the difference scholarship support makes to students. "It's tough right now. Everybody is feeling the pinch, including students," he said. "Their needs are greater than ever. I've seen my own students really struggle because they are trying to hold down two or three jobs while going to school. They have a terrible time trying to get things done." In addition to his work with Boise State, Hay has sat on the boards of the Idaho Shakespeare Festival and the Women's and Children's Alliance.
COEN Updates Two COEN faculty members – Sondra Miller, CE, and Said Ahmed-Zaid, ECE were nominees for the fourth annual Faculty Partner Award which is given to recognize faculty members who serve as strong positive role models showing their commitment to the shared values of academic excellence, caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility and trustworthiness while providing support and service to students beyond classroom teaching or research responsibilities.
Matt McCrink, MBE, took Best Student Paper honors at the 2009 Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies Conference. His paper was titled “Design and Analysis of a Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic MicroCombustor.� The student paper competition is sponsored by the Microelectronics Foundation.
Darryl Butt Appointed to National Engineering Committee Darryl Butt, professor and chair of materials science and engineering, was appointed by the National Research Council to a National Academy of Engineering committee that will study Research Opportunities in Corrosion Science and Engineering (ROCSE) over the next year. The committee’s primary aim will be to identify scientific opportunities stemming from recent advances in the field of fundamental corrosion research. Members then will prioritize a set of questions to address known scientific gaps and recommend national research strategies in the hope of gaining critical understanding of materials degradation and mitigating technologies. “It’s kind of an important topic when we talk about sustainability. Five percent of the gross domestic product is lost to corrosion,� Butt said. “It costs the U.S. an estimated $350 billion a year, and it’s not just a loss of materials; it’s a loss of efficiency.� As an example, Butt said that the U.S. military’s Atlantic fleet spends an extra $10 billion annually on maintenance and lost fuel efficiency due to corrosion and fouling of ships affected by corrosion. The National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Defense are sponsoring the ROCSE committee. Members met for the first time in Washington, D.C. last December and will publish a report of their findings after the project wraps up by year end.
continued on page 4
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Boise State University • College of Engineering Campus 1375 University Drive
Discover Engineering Day 2009 – the biggest ever Discover Engineering is the signature FREE outreach event hosted annually by the College of Engineering and a host of corporate partners. The 2009 event was the biggest ever with more than 5,000 K-12 children and families joining in a wide variety of engaging activities designed for preschool through high school ages. Featuring expanded locations and more activities for 2009, students could do everything from building a bridge to operating a robot to building a rocket.
College of Engineering Newsletter | Spring 2009
COEN Updates - continued Peter Müllner, MSE, and David Dunand from Northwestern University were principal investigators on a National Science Foundation story titled “Metal Foam Has a Good Memory: Poking holes in magnetic alloy improves its shape-morphing capability.” The story was among the seven most frequently read NSF Web links in 2008. The full text is available online at ndex.jsp?govDel=USNSF_94 A patent application filed by Peter Müllner, MSE, and Greg Hampikian, Biology, for magnetic shape memory power generation was featured in news stories by and Check out the story at: /tech/dn14605-invention-exercise-bed.html
Wade Lanning, MSE graduating senior, received one of the Top Ten Scholar Awards from the Boise State Alumni Association. His honored faculty member is Megan Frary. Since 2001, the Boise State Women’s Center has honored ordinary women leading extraordinary lives during Women’s History Month. This year, four COEN women joined the group receiving the 2009 Women Making History awards: Janet Callahan, MSE, associate dean; Kris Campbell, ECE; Hiwot Kassayebetre, ECE student; Sondra Miller, CE.
Discovering engineering in the by Margaret Scott
Luke Franklin is the kind of teacher that all parents want their child to have. Despite a large class of 28 second graders in his Meridian Elementary School classroom, Franklin doesn’t shy away from hands-on activities. He doesn’t mind a loud, boisterous room where half the students are moving around. In fact, Franklin says he loves it when his students are fully engaged. Franklin was one of 38 teachers from seven Meridian schools who attended three days of in-service education last summer as part of the Idaho SySTEMic Solution. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the SySTEMic Solution summer program at Boise State University used the standards-aligned PCS Bricklab® (Lego™ like) systems supplied by PCS Edventures!, a Boise-based international education company, to help teachers spur achievement and confidence among elementary age learners. Every participating teacher received a Bricklab® and a set of curriculum guides, along with training in how to use these elements in the classroom. Last fall, Franklin’s second graders started with the post and lintel lesson where students constructed post and lintel designs with the Bricklab® bricks and then tested them for strength. “They absolutely loved testing their creations to see whether or not they would hold their weight,” he recalls. “We followed up by examining the different places where you see post and lintel design in our classroom and we came up with reasons why people who design things would use post and lintel design.” “Every lesson has been integrated into the curriculum in one way or another,” Franklin says. “To be honest, I do all I can to include at least two or three things in each lesson that are from our curriculum, such as math with 2x4 bricks. I might ask ‘how many 2x2s does it take to make a 2x4’ and ‘how many 2x4s to make a 2x8’ and so on. It makes the math and science real for the students.” This year, Franklin’s students have worked on building a house, a castle, a skyscraper, and a bridge, and their projects have now evolved into a variety of floor plans and simple machines. Franklin has a teacher’s aide, who helps him with the Bricklab® lessons, but a great bonus has been the number of parents who volunteer to help during the hands-on classes. During a recent Bricklab® class session, parent Thomas Spencer circled the room, helping excited second graders build a sled to be used in a wind energy experiment.
College of Engineering Newsletter | Spring 2009
e second grade classroom After an introductory lesson about wind energy and other energy alternatives, the students got their bricks and started building the sleds. Once the initial design was completed, Spencer and Franklin wandered among desks, helping students attach a piece of paper between two bricks on either end of the sled. And that’s when the fun began as students took their completed designs to the side of the room and began the race competition. “I’m gonna win!” says Jeremiah between big puffs of air. He is lying on his stomach on the floor blowing with all his might to get his sled across the finish line first. “Yeah, this is my favorite one because we get to race,” adds Holly, lining up next to race. As more students join the competition, the next round of design innovation begins: one student punches holes in the paper sails to see if he can direct the air flow, another tries to figure a way to add two sails to increase her speed. Spencer calls it “field modification.” Franklin says it is real-world science education. The students say it’s the best class of the day.
Boise State Grant Helps Promote Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Learning Thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, 38 Meridian elementary teachers got hands-on training with Lego™-like blocks (the PCS Edventures! Bricklab®) to take back to their classrooms last August with support from Boise State University engineering and education faculty. The local teachers spent three days on the Boise State campus learning to use the Bricklab® to encourage student success in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) learning in Idaho schools. After their summer workshop, the teachers spent the current school year developing lesson plans and implementing their learning in the classroom. The collaboration includes partners in the Collge of Engineering, Education and PCS Edventures! The Boise State University project is called the Idaho SySTEMic Solution (where STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). PCS Edventures!, an international educational company based in Boise, is providing instructional materials, teacher education and consulting services for the Idaho SySTEMic Solution. “Through project-based, experiential learning, children solve problems, think creatively and critically and become comfortable with math and science, and more engaged and motivated to learn,” said Louis Nadelson, a Boise State education professor who is studying the program’s effectiveness. Nadelson and Janet Callahan, associate engineering dean, are the co-principal investigators for the grant which is studying the effectiveness of the program at boosting teacher confidence and expertise in inquiry-based learning, STEM teaching and awareness of engineering concepts.
Students in Luke Franklin's class enjoy hands-on learning using the PCS BrickLab, a product of PCS Edventures!, a Boise-based international education company. PCS Edventures! provides custom workshops, specialized curriculum, BrickLab materials, standards alignment and ongoing support for the Idaho SySTEMic Solution. Franklin's class is one of 38 elementary classrooms in seven Meridian elementary schools that implemented the Idaho SySTEMic Solution in 2008-2009. Forty more classes are expected to be added in 2009-2010.
BrickLab® Rules:
1. No chunk dumping (if you build it, you take it apart) 2. Respect the bricks. 3. Respect each other. 4. Follow all instructions.
College of Engineering Newsletter | Spring 2009
1990’s Marcia Graham Beckwith, MS - IPT ’92, recently retired after 34 years as an educator in Idaho. Since 2002 she has been the Supervisor of School Libraries and Instructional Materials (45+ libraries) for the Independent School District of Boise City. An active member of state and regional organizations she is a longtime member of the Idaho Library Association, and served on many committees and advisory boards for the Idaho Commission for Libraries. She and her family live in Eagle and Stanley Idaho. Lance Seifert, CM ‘97, is a project manager for MMC Inc. in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is currently constructing an addition to the Clark County WRF in Las Vegas.
2000’s Monica Crider, CE ‘00, was named the Engineer of the Year, presented during the 2009 Project Development Conference in Boise. She works as assistant roadway design engineer for the Idaho Transportation Department Division of Highways.
Alumni News Scott Walters, CM, ’00, works for Okland Construction in Salt Lake City, Utah, a construction management, general contracting and designbuild firm. He is also the proud parent of three children. Tim Morgan, CE, ’01 Works for the Ada County Highway District. He and his wife Julie McDowell Morgan (EE, ‘97) Their third daughter, Olivia Rose was born March 30, 2009. Todd Haynes, ME, ’03 Is the proud father of Peter Kelton Haynes, born in December.
Enrique Camarillo, EE, ’02 Works as an assistant business consultant in the Small Business Development Center at Boise State. He and wife Stephanie are the proud parents of two daughters, ages 3 and 5. Mike Laub, EE, ‘02 is a Senior Electrical Engineer at Chicago Bridge and Iron. He is currently working on UGI's Liquefied Natural Gas facility in Pennsylvania. He and his wife have a 4 year old boy and a 1 year old girl.
Justin Woolston, CE, ’02, is a civil engineer with Terragraphics in Boise.
Brenda Erskine, ECE, ’00, moved to Alaska to work with the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium.
Yvette Barrios, ME ‘03, moved back to Boise, and is working for Motive Power. Yvette served as a presenter and mentor for e-Day 2009, a one-day camp for middle school and high school students at Boise State.
College of Engineering Newsletter | Spring 2009
keynote speaker for a graduation ceremony at Centennial Job Corps. in Nampa, ID. He will be the Area 1 Governor for Toastmaster clubs in Boise starting July 1, 2009 Jeff Tonkin, CM, ’03, is a project manager with Engineered Structures Inc. He and his wife Destin are the proud parents of a new baby girl, Grace Lee Tonkin, born in March. Wei Wang (Michael), CE, ’03, received his Professional Engineer’s license at the annual ISPE luncheon during National Engineer’s Week. Diane Baconguis, CE, ’04, was presented her Professional Engineer’s license at the annual ISPE luncheon. She is employed by the Bureau of Reclamation.
Jay Hovde, CE, ’03, received his Professional Engineer’s License at the annual ISPE luncheon in February. He is a civil engineer for the Bureau of Reclamation.
Daniel Badger, CE, ’04, was presented his Professional Engineer’s license at the annual ISPE luncheon in February. He is employed as a staff engineer in the City of Nampa Engineering Division.
Adam Johnson, CM, ’03, is a LEED certified project engineer for Engineers Structures Inc. (ESI) in Boise.
James Burggraf, CM, ’04 Works for McCarthy Building Companies as a project manager in Newport Beach, CA.
Jason Logan, CE, ’03, works for Power Engineers in Boise.
Matt Cawley, EE, ’04, was recently promoted to a managerial position for NAVSEA and will be moving from Seattle to Washington, D.C. He is also newly engaged.
Arun Rambhatla, ECE, ‘03, is a Process Development Engineer for American Semiconductor Inc. in Boise. Arun was recently the
Jennifer Charles, CE, ’04, was presented her Professional Engineer’s license at the annual ISPE luncheon in February. She is employed by the Bureau of Reclamation as a hydraulic engineer in river and reservoir operations.
Steve Klick, ME, ’04 Working as a mechanical field engineer for ACS, Inc. Jose Lepe, ME ‘04, earned a master's degree in Engineering from California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo in 2007, and is now a Hardware Design Engineer II in the Cardiac Rhythm Management Division of St. Jude Medical. His primary focus is in the development of implantable transvenous pacing and defibrillator leads. He married his wife, Marisol, in September of 2008.
Laila Maqbool, CE, ’04, is working for W & H Pacific. Tom Mihlfeith, CM, ‘04, is a project manager for Eastbourne Investments, a real estate development/investment company in Boise. He is working on projects is Austin, TX and Tucson, AZ. He and his wife Kim are the proud parents of daughter Lilliana, who will be two years old in May. Tobi See, CE, ’04, is working at CH2M HILL. Elsa Zimmerly, CE, ’04, received her Professional Engineer’s license at the annual ISPE luncheon during National Engineer’s Week. Ricardo Calderon, CE, ’05, works at the City of Caldwell. He and his wife Mayra are the proud parents of baby Camila. Sarah (Scherrer) Haight, ME, ’ 05, Moved back to Boise, and working for
Motive Power. Sarah's husband, Kevin Haight, ME, ‘04, works for In-the-Ditch in Mountain Home. Matt Tovey, CE, ’05 Working for Bechtel Bettis, Inc. as a civil/structural engineer in the construction engineering group at the Naval Reactors facility at the Idaho National Lab. José (Arturo) García, EE, ’06, Working on the new 787 airplane as a product review engineer at Boeing Company. He is on a domestic travel assignment supporting one of Boeing's partners, Global Aeronautica in Charleston, S.C. since October. He will return to Washington to continue work on the 787 in August. He got married July 2008
Jackie Keilty Garrison, ME, ‘06 Working on her Ph.D. at the University of Notre Dame and hopes to come back to Boise for postdoctoral work. Jake Stones, CM, ’06, is a project manager with Central Weber Sewer Improvement District in Weber, Utah. Dave Estrada, EE, ’07, Is entering his third year in the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. program. He works for Dr. Eric Pop on power dissipation in nanoelectronics. He is currently researching the thermal properties of carbon nanotubes, thermoelectric properties of grapheme, and electrical transport in carbon nanotube transistors. He has been awarded the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship and the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. He
will also be presenting a paper at the Device Research Conference in State College, PA. His wife Jennele has enrolled in the graduate program in Library and Information Science and son Isaac, will soon be four. Dustin Gorseth, ME ‘07, Works at Motive Power in Boise and is the proud dad of baby daughter Olivia Diane, born on Nov. 6, 2008. Brandon Christofferson, MSE, ‘08, is a construction engineer at URS Washington Division in the Equipment Department. He is currently working on the Olmsted Dam Project (IL), the Fort Martin Power Plant (WV), and the Conoco Phillips Wood River Refinery (IL).
e-Camp – Grades 8-9 • June 7-9, 2009 Students who are currently in 8th or 9th grade can use hands-on activities and projects involving self discovery, cooperative learning, critical thinking, and problem solving while living on campus in a college dormitory. All food, housing and recreational activities are provided. Cost - $200 (scholarships available). Application deadline is May 1st.
e-Girls – Grades 9-10 • June 12-13, 2009 e-Girls is a free overnight program for girls currently in 9th and 10th grade. Enrollment is limited to 40 girls. Workshops led by Society of Women Engineers professionals and college students may include: Biomechanics of Footwear, Packaging and the Environment, Virtual Worlds with Alice, Solving Forensic Mysteries, Physics of Rock Climbing/Rope Walking, A World of Career Choices, and more! For more information on our summer programs please contact Leandra Aburusa or 208 426-4432
Alumni Notes We want to stay in touch. Please send your updates to Leandra Aburusa-Lete at
ECE Graduate Student Chosen for Air Force Research Lab Program Beth Cook, a master’s student in the ECE department, has been selected for the prestigious Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Scholars Program. Cook, a graduate student in Kris Campbell’s lab, will do research this summer at the Air Force Research Lab in Albuquerque, NM. For more information about the program: /index.aspx
CM Students Get URS Donation for Reno Competition The URS Washington Division presented a $1,000 check to CM Department Chair Rebecca Mirsky to support the annual construction management student competition in Reno in February.
Fall Phonathon Campaign Triples 2008 Results The annual telephone campaign to COEN donors and alumni scored big this year, nearly tripling pledge totals to $13,680. The previous year’s phonathon campaign brought in $4,655. Each year phonathon callers contact alumni and friends in order to provide the latest news about the university, update records, and ask for an annual pledge in support of Boise State. The phonathon is the largest and most significant part of Boise State’s annual giving effort. For more information about the College of Engineering comprehensive campaign, contact Melinda Seevers at or call her at 208-426-5470.
IPT Graduate Students & Alum Help Design Real Estate Course The Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO) awarded their 2008 Education Award to the Idaho Real Estate Commission (IREC) for eight 4-hour training courses that were developed by the Commission for licensed real estate agents. IREC staff and subject matter experts along with a team of four Instructional & Performance Technology graduate students - Kelly Brooks, Stephanie Clark, Sheila McCray, and Ron Walton, and an IPT alumna, Marsha Helm '01, designed and developed the training courses during the spring 2007 semester. ARELLO is an international association of real estate regulators from all 50 states, the Canadian provinces, and several foreign countries.
College of Engineering Newsletter | Spring 2009
College of Engineering Dean: CHERYL B. SCHRADER (208) 426-1153 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: JANET CALLAHAN (208) 426-1153 Assistant Dean for Research & Infrastructure: REX OXFORD (208) 426-5744
Civil Engineering Chair: ROBERT HAMILTON (208) 426-3764
Computer Science Chair: MURALI MEDIDI (208) 426-2283
Construction Management Chair: REBECCA MIRSKY (208) 426-3764
Electrical & Computer Engineering Chair: THAD WELCH (208) 426-2283
COEN in the News BSU Arbiter, 3/2/09, Conference preps future leaders: Story about the March 14th Women Students’ Leadership Conference featuring Dean Cheryl Schrader as one of the panel participants. Idaho Statesman, 3/14/09, Boise State senior long jumper makes history at indoor nationals: Eleni-Maria Kafourou, CE senior, entered the NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championships ranked seventh in the long jump, and returned to the Treasure Valley as Boise State's first female national champion in any sport. Idaho Business Review, 3/12/09, BSU works with government, industry to improve wind power: COEN researchers Todd Haynes, Paul Dawson, MBE, and graduate students Alan Russell and Kevin Nuss are using a combination of meteorology, mechanical engineering and computer science to model anticipated wind speeds and effects using multi-scale computational codes. Testing is being done on power forecasting and generation five minutes of every hour on a wind farm owned and operated by John Deere Renewable Energy near Mountain Home. Fox 12 News, 3/13/09, Engineering Jobs: Based on an story about the five best jobs, TV 12 interviewed graduating seniors, Andrew Killen, CS, and Rebecca Ahern, MSE. Idaho Business Review blogger Michael Boss interviewed CM Chair Rebecca Mirsky and three women project managers from CM Company about opportunities for women in construction management. Check out the story at: Sisters-are-building-it-for-themselves Channel 7, KTVB, showcased a great series of stories about the Microgravity University students and their trip to the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston during spring break. Team members included Dan Isla (captain), Matt McCrink, Mallory Yates, Alex Miller, Ryan Bedell, Kyle Knori, Jeff Perkins, and faculty advisors Jim Browning and Bob Davidson. The story, including interviews with Boise State’s Distinguished Educator in Residence Barbara Morgan, also appeared on Channel 12 and 6 and on NPR.
Instructional & Performance Technology Chair: DON STEPICH (208) 426-1312
Materials Science & Engineering Chair: DARRYL BUTT (208) 426-2283
Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering Chair: JAMES FERGUSON (208) 426-4078
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