1 minute read
Tour de Clarkson: Seniors ride again
aubrey LACAVICH · willem HUMMEL
Gathering in the Lifetime Fitness parking lot at 7:45 a.m., a herd of seniors on bikes, golf carts and even mowers prepared for the Tour de Clarkson, the annual tradition of seniors taking alternative wheels to school.
Ellot Barkofske, senior, joined the group with a bike, excited to participate in another senior activity.
“It’s a long time tradition and I wanted to do it with my friends,” Barkofske said. “I thought it would be fun and it’s just another thing to add to the end of the year festivities.”
The herd went with a police escort down Clarkson Road from Lifetime Fitness through the entrance of MHS, around the track and into the parking lot.
“I’m sure it looked funny when there’s 50 bikes on Clarkson following a police escort,” Barkofske said.
Sam Stremlau, Senior Class president, planned the tour with Chase Heeb, senior. He sent an email to Chesterfield police and talked to the School Resource Officer in advance.
“Just seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces and knowing that this is basically the last hoorah was my favorite,” Stremlau said
Stang Gang announced on Instagram the criteria for rides, telling everyone to bring anything non-traditional including bikes.
School Resource Officer Steve Aspinall led the group safely to MHS.
“I made sure the intersections were shut down at Kehrs Mill and Clarkson Valley so we could get the kids through safely,” Officer Aspinall said.
The officers gathered the seniors and set ground rules, which included staying in the lanes and between police cars for safety.
“Everyone was safe. No one was injured and that’s all we want,” Officer Aspinall said.
John Winka, senior, said the experience was enjoyable.

“Everybody helped out. If you didn’t have air in your tires, they would give you air. The police were very helpful and they escorted us,” Winka said. “It was just fun to have a big group of people riding bikes to school.”
Seniors ride down Clarkson Road on the annual Tour de Clarkson, celebrating senior year. With a police escort, about 50 students rode bikes, golf carts and mowers to school. Photograph by Geoff Cooper
Sam Stremlau, senior, parked his bike in his usual parking spot at the start of the school day. Stremlau said it was a good way to close out the year while having some fun with his class. Photograph