The Marquette Tribune | Tuesday, January 14, 2020

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Celebrating 100 years of journalistic integrity

Litigation continues Jane Doe v. Marquette University “very likely” to end in a settlement

WSOC hires new coach Former Loyola University Chicago assistant comes back after 4 years



Volume 104, Number 14

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 SPJ Award-Winning Newspaper

session Coordinator absent Therapy limit unclear Sustainability position vacant for full semester

Center employs short-term model, students report cap

By Alexa Jurado

Marquette University is entering its second semester without a sustainability coordinator, but the search to fill the position has yet to begin. Former sustainability coordinator Brent Ribble left the university before the 2019 fall semester. The position was created to coordinate and advance the university’s sustainability efforts. The sustainability coordinator works on facilities’ initiatives such as energy management and recycling, while also participating in community outreach and engagement, Lora Strigens, vice president for Facilities Planning and Management, said. Strigens said facilities hopes to have the sustainability coordinator position posted within the next few weeks, and it then may take several months to get a candidate in place after applications are submitted. There is no specific date by which they will

By Alexa Jurado

Photo by Jordan Johnson

Lora Strigens speaks at a September 2019 meeting regarding the position.

be hiring. “As with any important position on campus, you want to find the right fit,” Strigens said. “But we also are going to make sure that we look at the range of applicants that we get and the qualifications that they bring

to the table and balance that out to make the decision.” Strigens and Mike Jahner, director of facilities management, said they have been maintaining the position’s See ABSENT page 2

The Marquette Counseling Center employs a shortterm therapy model that some students claim prematurely stopped their treatment. The center offers individual and group counseling for mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and eating disorders. It is located in Holthusen Hall on Wisconsin Avenue, and full-time students are eligible to make free appointments in person or by phone. Two Marquette students who spoke with the Marquette Wire said they were unable to schedule sessions after one year of treatment. When initially asked about the one-year limit, licensed psychologist Deborah Contreras-Tadych, a coordinator for

underrepresented students at the Counseling Center, did not deny the limit and explained the center’s short-term therapy model. Contreras-Tadych said the model lessens students on a waitlist, whose treatment can be deferred until counselors become available. Contreras-Tadych added that students with certain conditions might need to seek additional treatment from a center with “a larger team, more frequent visits or more specialized care than our center can provide.” “As a result, the Counseling Center is not the most appropriate clinical fit for those seeking treatment in certain instances,” she said. This may include severe trauma, severe eating disorders or active addictions. In a follow-up email three days later, Contreras-Tadych said students are not limited to a specific length of treatment or sessions. “We do not have a year limit for services or a specific number See LIMIT page 7

MUPD Chief Hudson reflects on first year Assistant chief, board chair speak to leadership style By Kelli Arseneau

“Cura personalis” is central to Marquette University Police Department Chief Edith Hudson’s leadership. Hudson, the first female MUPD chief, has now been in the position for just over a year.

“Cura personalis” is Latin for “care for the entire person.” Hudson makes the phrase a priority, particularly for MUPD officers, Assistant Chief Jeffrey Kranz said. “The nature of our job is to provide service to others and to get out in the community and worry about how other people are doing,” Kranz said. “One of (Hudson’s) primary focuses that I will say that didn’t exist before she got here is really looking at the officers’ wellbeing and making sure there’s

a good work-home life balance, and making sure they’re taking care of themselves physically and emotionally and managing work stress.” Hudson had Kranz and another officer attend a traumainformed care training course to be certified as instructors so they could bring what they learned back to the department and incorporate it in officer training, Kranz said. He said while people typically think of victims needing help after exposure to traumatic events, the effects of




Admissions increase

Comedy under pressure Institution not needed

CALENDAR......................................................3 MUPD REPORTS.............................................3 A&E..................................................................8 OPINIONS......................................................10 SPORTS..........................................................12

Goal for enrollment for the Class of 2024 is 2,014 students


trauma on police officers is not always discussed. The traumainformed care training teaches officers self-care tips. Hudson said she also prioritizes the well-being of her officers by listening to opinions and concerns. Answering small requests like painting the walls of the department, learning names and genuinely getting to know members of the department are part of Hudson’s leadership style. “If our officers aren’t healthy — if they’re not happy — then they can’t do a good job and

Participants have 22 hours to prepare sketches for audience PAGE 8

they can’t serve our community well,” Hudson said. “Just as Marquette … cares for students and the development of the students, I believe that I and our executive team here care for our officers as people and the development of those officers.” Michael O’Hear, a professor at Marquette Law School and chair of Marquette University Police Department Advisory Board, said Hudson has emphasized her care for department members See CHIEF page 2 OPINIONS Elections, candidates are influenced by the Electoral College PAGE 11



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

ABSENT: SEAC leader says void cuts progress Continued from page 1 responsibilities. However, Laura Schmit, copresident of Students for an Environmentally Active Campus and senior in the College of Arts & Sciences, said there has been less progress in creating a more sustainable campus with the lack of a sustainability coordinator. “As the leader of one of few environmental groups on campus, we worked very closely with the coordinator to put on events and used them as a resource to work on many SEAC projects,” Schmit said. “Without a coordinator, it has come down to students to lead sustainability initiatives and push Marquette to implement green practices.” Strigens said from the facilities standpoint, they have tried to stay engaged in discussions about activities taking place and help support planning for upcoming sustainability events and things happening on the academic front. “I think that we’ve worked to maintain efforts but are looking forward to filling that position so that the individual can be engaged in the activities that help support our

facilities planning and operations, relative to sustainability,” Strigens said. “In terms of what we do to support sustainability efforts on campus, I think it’s trying to find ways to make it easier for people to make sustainable, healthy choices for themselves personally and to act sustainably on campus.” Strigens said one quality she is looking for in a candidate is an understanding of the purpose and the role of sustainability within the context of Marquette, as well as what the university’s mission, the Marquette Strategic Plan and Campus Master Plans are. She said being a positive role model and collaborator is also important. Jahner said he often looks at a candidate’s attitude. “We can always find good training, good experience, but if you can have the right attitude to embrace the mission to embrace our students and our faculty and the right attitude to everyday come into work and just try to make this a better place, that’s really the person we’re trying to find,” he said. Schmit said she believes it is important for the candidate to be passionate and driven.

Photo by Jordan Johnson

Mike Jahner (center) has maintained the sustainability coordinator position along with Lora Strigens.

“Working in sustainability can be difficult at times, especially on such a large scale,” Schmit said. “I think it is also important that the person be a great communicator. The sustainability coordinator must work with many different groups of people on campus and therefore must be able to communicate with all these groups and figure out a way to get the groups to communicate with one another.”

During the fall semester, Schmit said there was a meeting to discuss the position with faculty and staff. Schmit said she was the only student able to attend. “I think having student input is extremely important as sustainability is becoming increasingly important to current and future generations of students,” Schmit said. In the absence of a sustainability coordinator, Schmit said there

are still many sustainable practices in which students can participate. They include reducing single-use plastic, recycling properly, demanding more plant-based options on the meal program, being conscious of their energy usage and utilizing public transportation. They can also get involved with environmental groups on campus such as SEAC, Ocean Conservation Club, Bee Club and Fossil Free Marquette.

CHIEF: MPD experience brings fresh outlook Continued from page 1 and expressed interest in dealing with stress-related problems that are common among police officers, a profession with high burnout rates, during the advisory board’s quarterly meetings. The advisory board, appointed by University President Michael Lovell, is made up of five members, with O’Hear as chair. Members represent different parts of the Marquette community: students, faculty, staff and community, O’Hear said. The members, with the exception of the Marquette University Student Government president, serve three-year terms, which rotate. O’Hear said Hudson has also expressed commitment to the safety and overall well-being of Marquette students, from exploring ways to improve safety of crossing busy streets to providing students with information of dorm room security, as well as vocalizing support for EagleEye, the safety app the university launched in 2018. Hudson said one of her goals is to develop strong relationships with students and members of the Marquette community so they feel comfortable coming to police before engaging in potentially dangerous activities. Hudson previously worked at

the Milwaukee Police Department for 25 years before retiring in November 2015. Kranz said that while Hudson had to deal with transitioning from a department with many resources and almost 2,000 sworn members to a four-year-old department with 40 sworn members, she has brought a fresh perspective to MUPD’s policing. One particular aspect Kranz said Hudson brought to the department that was influenced by her years with MPD was a focus on analysis of statistics of crime data. Hudson said one special aspect of MUPD that differs from her experience with MPD is the unique ability for “small town policing in an urban environment.” She said MUPD’s smaller patrol area allows the department to give more time and care to assist members of the community who seek help for a variety of reasons, from homelessness to mental illness. “We’re able to spend quite a bit more time just really focusing on our community members, helping them in ways that really don’t involve introducing them to the criminal justice system,” Hudson said. “It’s not about arresting people, it really is about finding the root cause of whatever problems they’re going through and finding

Marquette Wire stock photo

Chief Hudson brings 25 years of experience to the job. She said she enjoys leading a smaller department.

permanent solutions for that, not just the Band-Aid approach that arresting often provides. Sometimes it’s the answer, but sometimes it’s not.” O’Hear said that while the university occasionally has incidents that come with the urban environment, Hudson and MUPD have shown their

ability to effectively address those issues. Beyond that, they have been a positive presence on campus for all members of the community. “(Hudson is) also trying to engage with the community, and she wants the Marquette Police Department to be a positive force in the community, not just for the

Marquette community, but for the Milwaukee community that surrounds Marquette,” O’Hear said. “I think that’s admirable that she wants her department to be a real force for good in this broader community.”


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Marquette Tribune

Title IX case pending litigation 2014 lawsuit against university remains ongoing By Nicole Laudolff

Jane Doe v. Marquette University, a civil case first filed in August 2017, will “very likely” end in a settlement without ever reaching trial, Paul Nolette, assistant professor of political science, said. “It’s typical of these kinds of cases to seek out mediation to avoid further cost and extensive discovery,” Nolette said. “I would be surprised if this wasn’t settled outside of court.” The plaintiff, a former Marquette nursing student referred to as Jane Doe in court proceedings for confidentiality purposes, filed the lawsuit accusing the university of negligence and violating Title IX. The lawsuit came following Marquette officials’ alleged mishandling of a sexual assault allegation brought to the university’s attention in 2014. In the suit, Doe claims the university discouraged her from reporting the alleged assault to the Milwaukee Police Department. The suit also claims Marquette did not inform Doe of her Title IX rights or carry out an investigation following Doe’s report, as is required under Title IX. Marquette denied these allegations in 2017, although the university confirmed that an investigation did not take place on the grounds that the alleged perpetrator was no longer a student at the university. The individual in question withdrew from Marquette a week and half after Doe reported the alleged crime to the then Marquette Public Safety Department. The incident was also the subject of a prior criminal case in

The Marquette Tribune EDITORIAL Executive Director of Marquette Wire Sydney Czyzon (414) 288-1739

which the defendant, another former Marquette student named only as KW, was accused of sexually assaulting the plaintiff upon encountering her intoxicated the night of Aug. 24, 2014. In 2016, KW was found not guilty of this charge. Since the case’s opening, the legal teams of both the plaintiff and Marquette University have undergone a period of gathering evidence, including the education records of the alleged perpetrator. These records — which the university initially declined to provide for the student’s privacy — were admitted to evidence in February 2019 despite a protective order filed by KW. The court eventually found that the “plaintiff’s need for (KW’s) records outweighs privacy interest” and that such documents were “central to the plaintiff’s theory of case.” As a movant, KW’s involvement in the civil case was limited to a single motion which was the protective order he filed on behalf of his education records. “These records are probably being used to establish a relationship between the plaintiff and the alleged perpetrator,” Nolette said. “But it’s not precisely clear in what ways the educational records will do this given what’s available.” Both the plaintiff’s attorney and Marquette University declined to comment on the case due to the case’s status of pending litigation. The attorney of movant KW also declined to comment. In the unlikely event the case comes to a trial, the plaintiff and Marquette University will present their arguments before a judge and jury. However, it is far more likely that the plaintiff and the university will reach a settlement through mediation without undergoing a trial, Nolette said.

Managing Editor of Marquette Tribune Jenny Whidden NEWS News Editor Annie Mattea Assistant Editors Alexa Jurado, Kelli Arseneau Reporters Nick Magrone, Beck Salgado, Nicole Laudolff, Shir Bloch, Matthew Choate PROJECTS Projects Editor Matthew Harte Assistant Editor Matthew Martinez Reporters Lelah Byron, Grace Dawson ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Arts & Entertainment Editor Emily Rouse Assistant Editors Skyler Chun Reporters Ariana Madson, Maddy Perkins OPINIONS Opinions Editor Alexandra Garner Columnists Aminah Beg, Kevin Schablin, Sheila Fogarty SPORTS Sports Editor Zoe Comerford Assistant Editors Tyler Peters, John Leuzzi Reporters M’Laya Sago, Matt Yeazel, Bryan Geenen, Molly Gretzlock, Andrew Amouzou COPY Copy Chief Emma Brauer Copy Editors Nora McCaughey, Skyler Chun, Shir Bloch, Raven Ringe VISUAL CONTENT Design Chief Chelsea Johanning Photo Editor Jordan Johnson Opinions Designer Nell Burgener Sports Designer Kayla Nickerson Arts & Entertainment Designer Skylar Daley Photographers Claire Gallagher, Zach Bukowski, Madelyn Andresen ----

ADVERTISING (630) 441-0818 Sales Manager Audrey Roth

THE MARQUETTE TRIBUNE is a wholly owned property of Marquette University, the publisher. THE TRIBUNE serves as a student voice for the university and gives students publishing experience and practice in journalism, advertising, and management and allied disciplines. THE TRIBUNE is written, edited, produced and operated solely by students with the encouragement and advice of the advisor, who is a university employee. The banner typeface, Ingleby, is designed by David Engelby and is available at David Engelby has the creative, intellectual ownership of the original design of Ingleby. THE TRIBUNE is normally published Tuesdays, except holidays, during the academic year by Marquette Student Media, P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881. Subscription rate: $50 annually.



MUPD responded to Mashuda Hall for a report of an odor of marijuana. An MU student admitted to smoking marijuana. MUPD confiscated the marijuana and drug paraphernalia and cited the student.

A non-MU subject admitted to consuming alcohol in MU Structure 1. MUPD cited the subject and advised him to remain off all MU property. An unknown driver struck a non-MU pedestrian at the intersection of N. 16th Street and W. Wisconsin Avenue, causing minor injuries. The striking driver fled the scene. An investigation is ongoing.

JANUARY 4 MUPD responded to the 800 block of W. Wisconsin Avenue for an MU student victim’s report of a sexual assault by an MU student subject. MUPD assisted MPD.

DECEMBER 31 An MU student victim reported a package addressed to


EVENTS CALENDAR them was removed from the lobby of a residence at 2100 W. Kilbourn Avenue. DECEMBER 26 MUPD responded to a business in the 1600 block of W. Wisconsin Avenue for a concern for welfare for a nonMU subject. The subject was pronounced deceased on the scene. The death was determined to be drug-related. MUPD located and arrested a non-MU subject.



Prayer service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Chapel of the Holy Family 8:30-10 a.m.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Gallery Talk Haggerty Museum of Art 2-3 p.m.

JANUARY 16 Toward the Texture of Knowing Haggerty Museum of Art 6-7 p.m. JANUARY 18 “Arnie, the Doughnut” Helfaer Theatre 2:30-3:30 p.m.



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Admissions ahead of pace for Class of 2024 College of Health Sciences sees surprising growth By Annie Mattea

Marquette University has admitted 3% more students for the Class of 2024 than it had at this time last year, Brian Troyer, dean of undergraduate admissions, said. The university also received 2% more applications for the Class of 2024, making for a total of nearly 15,000, Troyer said. The university’s goal for the number of enrolled students for the Class of 2024 is 2,014. “We are ahead of the pace we feel like we would need to be at to meet that goal,” Troyer said. “We are exceeding expectations when it comes to the number of students we are admitting and we are doing it with a very academically talented … class.” Enrollment for the Class of 2023 was 1,975, 225 less than the Class of 2022. The university has been anticipating a decrease in enrollment beginning in 2026 due to demographic changes, an emailed August letter from Marquette University President Michael Lovell said. The university has taken measures to combat the upcoming financial challenges, including laying off 2.5% of Marquette employees in September and considering a potential merge for the College of Education. Marquette went test optional in June, allowing applicants to decide whether to include

standardized test scores in their applications. Troyer said the university expected about 15-25% of students to apply test optional. So far 18% have chosen to apply with that option. He also said the university has seen a half point increase in the average ACT scores of admitted students, while SAT scores have remained the same. The university has also admitted 1% more students from Illinois than last year. Illinois remains the largest state with applicants to Marquette, with about 6,700 applications for the Class of 2024 are from Illinois, Troyer said. Last year, the university saw lower numbers of enrollment from Illinois. Troyer previously told the Marquette Wire that Illinois’s higher education marketplace has become more competitive. Wisconsin has also seen an increase, with 6% more applicants. There are about 3,200 applicants from Wisconsin, Troyer said. In terms of individual colleges, Troyer said some colleges have received more interest than others. The College of Arts & Sciences remains the most popular and has currently admitted 244 more students than last year. The College of Nursing has also admitted its goal for students this year. “The demand for a Marquette nursing education continues to grow,” Janet Wessel Krejci, dean of the College of Nursing, said in an email. “We have expanded both in undergraduate and graduate programs over the past several years.” Troyer said the university has been surprised at the

Graphic by Kelli Arseneau

growing interest in the College of Health Sciences and also mentioned the strength in the college’s recruitment. Between 2014 and 2018, the college added 300 additional students to their first-year classes, William Cullinan, dean of the College of Health Sciences, said. Cullinan said the college’s research laboratories and gross anatomy facilities are draws to the university. During April, more than 4,000 high school Advanced Placement biology students visit the college’s anatomy lab,

Cullinan said. Troyer also said the College of Communication has admitted more students than last year. The College of Communication was the only college to experience growth for the Class of 2023, with 11% more enrolled students than in the Class of 2022. The College of Education is ahead of pace, as well, he said. There has also been a 23% increase in black and African American students and a 12% increase in Hispanic students over last year.

First-generation students make up more than 20% of applicants to Marquette for this year. Troyer said although numbers for admitted students are higher, it does not necessarily mean higher numbers of students will come to the university. He said during the spring it is important for admissions to engage with potential students for next year. “Just because we have admitted more and feel really good about the overall quality of the class, we don’t know that these students are going to come,” Troyer said. He said this distinction is increasingly important, as the number of applications to multiple colleges has increased in recent years. Strategies include events such as Admitted Students Day in April, which has a high yield rate in terms of students committing to Marquette. The event is a day for admitted students to meet with colleges they are interested in and to interact with other admitted students, according to Marquette’s website. There are also admitted student receptions across the country for Marquette. Troyer said Admissions offers individualized visits, such as tours, department visits, in which students visit a specific college, and shadow visits, in which admitted students follow a current Marquette student through their classes. Troyer also said the university has a very active social media in terms of admissions, engaging students through the admitted student Facebook page, along with other avenues such as Twitter.

Business interim dean takes permanent post Joe Daniels steps into position after 9-month search By Kelli Arseneau and Annie Mattea

Joe Daniels, a professor of economics, was named James H. Keyes Dean of the College of Business Administration yesterday, according to a university news release. Daniels had served as interim dean since May, holding the position throughout a nine-month search process for an individual to become the permanent dean, according to a university news brief. Daniels became interim dean after Brian Till left the university to take a sabbatical. The search process was led by a committee chaired by Felicia Miller, associate professor of marketing. The search committee had thirteen

members, including Miller. Members of the committee included a trustee, numerous faculty and a student, among others. Miller said in addition to the search committee, various groups met to provide feedback on the final candidates. These groups included faculty, staff, students, deans and alumni. “Dr. Daniels has been at Marquette for nearly 30 years. Over that time he has developed strong and productive relationships with faculty, staff, students and University leaders across campus,” Miller said in an email. “He also has a great deal of institutional knowledge. These experiences made him uniquely qualified to lead the College.” Provost Kimo Ah Yun announced Daniels as dean yesterday in the university news release. He said he is looking forward to working with Daniels in the new position. “Dr. Daniels was an impressive candidate who demonstrated a clear and compelling vision for the future

Photo courtesy of the Office of Marketing and Communication

Daniels has been at Marquette for 28 years in numerous positions.

of business education at Marquette university. … Dr. Daniels took every opportunity during his eight months as acting dean to continue moving the college forward by launching new programs, fostering excellence

among the faculty and helping to raise needed funds to advance the college,” Ah Yun said in an email. According to Marquette’s website, Daniels has been a faculty member at Marquette since 1992 after

receiving his PhD from Indiana University. Before serving as dean, Daniels was chair of the economics department and co-director of the Center for Applied Economics, according to the news release. He has also served on the University Financial Planning and Review Committee, the Dean’s Executive Council for the College of Business Administration and the Dean’s Advisory Council for the College of Arts & Sciences. “It is truly an honor to be called to serve the college I have called home for three decades as the next Keyes Dean of Business Administration,” Daniels said in the news release. “I have enjoyed working with my colleagues throughout the university, but especially the talented faculty, staff and students within the college. Together, we have charted a new course for business education at Marquette, and I am excited about what more we can accomplish together soon and well into the future.”

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


The Marquette Tribune


Mayoral candidate hopes to Homelessness ‘a help local companies grow complex issue’ David King seeks election after previous campaigns

Uncertainty exists about constructive ways to engage By Nicole Laudolff

By Nick Magrone

Republican David King is one of the candidates vying for the opportunity to run against incumbent Tom Barrett in a seven-person mayoral race. King declared his candidacy Sept. 17, 2019 and currently has over 1,500 signatures. Ballotpedia, a digital encyclopedia of politics, describes King’s political history, which dates back to 2008. The website lists the positions King has sought and held in the past, which began with the Wisconsin State Assembly in 2008. In 2010, he ran for election to the office of Wisconsin Secretary of State, which he narrowly lost to incumbent Douglas La Follette with 48% of the vote. In 2012, King was an independent candidate for District 4 of the WisconPhoto courtesy of David King sin State Senate. King lost in the 2014 primary in which he sought King’s political history began in 2008. He has run for several offices. to represent the 4th Congressional In 2001, he created the Soldiers, the process thus far of running for District of Wisconsin. King’s most recent political Walking, Evangelizing and Em- mayor. The candidate said he “has encampaign prior to his current powering People Community Jus2020 campaign for mayor was tice Center, which aimed to help countered struggles during the in 2016. He ran as a nonparti- individuals find employment and process of running for mayor, secured hous- including falling sick for eight san candidate for ing. days with a virus and struggling District 9 of the King’s cam- to gain enough signatures necesMilwaukee City paign slogan, sary to continue his campaign for Council in Wis“Meet Me in mayor.” consin, but lost in the Middle,” Some of the goals King said the primary elecholds a lot of he is prioritizing during his tion to Chantia significance, campaign include bringing busiLewis. as it alludes to nesses from all over Wisconsin Ballotpedia also Milwaukee’s into the city and helping them highlights how, history as a grow, increasing safety and besides being a deeply seg- improving education. politician, King regated city. While King has not begun fowas a neighborKing said he cusing on fundraising yet, he said hood security aid came up with he plans to in the near future. Curand manager of and chose the rently, his campaign is focusing restaurants. After holding these DAVID KING slogan as he on making sure he is on the ballot. King said he plans to do nupositions in MilCandidate for mayor wants to bring the commu- merous fundraisers in the coming waukee, he moved to Georgia where he helped in- nity together for the greater good. months, aiming to bring the comHe said he was inspired to run munity together. He said the fundstitute a youth group for a local for mayor because he believes the raisers will be held at a variety of ministry center. King returned to Milwaukee city is not reaching its potential places, from restaurants to dance halls. in 1996, where he established a under current administration. “We needed a change of leadSam H., a member of King’s prison ministry with the goal of rehabilitating prison inmates. ership. It can be a greater, safer, campaign that King recomFrom 1997 to 1999, King man- more prosperous city with new mended calling for additional aged a transitional living facility leadership,” he said. “For the last information, was unavailable focusing on single mothers. This 16 years, the same politicians for an interview. This article is part of a Marwas known as The Lord House of have held positions like this and Rest. The purpose of the facility the city has continued to decline. quette Wire series featuring the was to encourage single mothers The city is ready for someone candidates for Milwaukee’s 2020 mayoral election. to become spiritually strong and fresh.” King also reflected on the strugto gain and maintain social-ecogles he has encountered during nomic independence.

We needed a change in leadership. It can be a greater, safer ... city with new leadership.”

Because Marquette is located near numerous homeless shelters, including the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, the Guest House of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Women’s Shelter, encountering individuals who may be displaced or homeless on or around campus is a possibility for students every day. However, advice on how to approach these encounters differs greatly from one source to another. When approached by a homeless individual asking for assistance, some may advise giving small sums of money while another might recommend avoiding an encounter altogether. Anna Evers, a first-year student in the College of Health Sciences, said she was given many suggestions, oftentimes conflicting, about what to do in such situations. “Coming from a smaller town where it wasn’t a problem, seeing homelessness every day was new for me,” Evers said. “I was told by some to ignore (homeless individuals), but avoiding eye contact and putting your head down doesn’t seem to help anyone.” Another first-year student in the College of Engineering, Rowan Mobley, said she was also given similar advice before coming to Marquette for her college education. “I grew up in Chicago where each day I would see homeless people ignored by everyone who walked by,” Mobley said. “I understand why someone would do something like that, but it’s still hard to see.” Evers and Mobley are not alone in their uncertainty of the most respectful and constructive way to interact with those in the community experiencing homelessness or displacement. “It’s difficult to access every situation with a uniform answer,” assistant director of Campus Ministry Griffin Knipp said. Knipp is the coordinator of the Midnight Run, a service program at Marquette dedicated to helping and understanding those in need with a focus on hunger and homelessness. “I recommend doing whatever you feel is most comfortable and safe for you in that moment,” Knipp said. “Some are uncomfortable interacting with homeless people at all, and if that’s the case, that particular person should address why it is they feel that way.” Knipp said he personally does

not give money to homeless people. Instead, he recommends food or water, since there usually isn’t a way to discern someone’s relationship with addictive substances like drugs or alcohol. Many individuals who suffer from substance abuse often struggle to manage their funds and may spend harmful amounts feeding their addictions. Giving away everyday amenities is a simple way to ensure whatever one gives is in fact bettering another’s quality of life. Knipp also hands out informative cards detailing how and where to receive critical resources such as counseling and affordable housing. Dan Brown, vice president of programs at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, said engagement with the homeless in the community needs to go beyond everyday interaction. Brown said it’s also essential to understand homelessness and its causes as an issue in our broader community. The Rescue Mission is a faithbased shelter located a few blocks from Marquette’s campus, offering both short- and long-term assistance to those in need. According to the Rescue Mission’s website, the facility not only provides food and shelter but an array of services including educational and job training programs as well as volunteer opportunities. “We all have an obligation to be aware of those around us,” Brown said. “Which includes understanding the problems of others.” According to 2017 estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, the national poverty rate is approximately 12.3%, however, this statistic more than doubles within the city of Milwaukee. Around 26% of individuals living in the city fall below the poverty line, according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau, which has substantial implications for Milwaukee’s homeless population. The 2019 Milwaukee Continuum of Care report found there to be around 885 homeless individuals on any given night. The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty reports a variety of causes for homelessness including lack of affordable housing, unemployment, poverty, substance abuse and mental illness. “It’s a complex issue,” Eric Collons-Dyke, outreach services manager of Milwaukee’s housing division, said. “There isn’t a single organization, group or neighborhood that’s going to fix (homelessness). It’s going to take everyone — the whole community.”



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Precarity of DACA program concerns campus MU, UWM communities cite lack of support By Beck Salgado

It’s a cold day as cars pass by and snow falls gently on the pavement. Groups of students battle the brisk Milwaukee winds while rushing to class. Among them is Jonathan Irias, a junior in the College of Arts & Sciences. Though he is a student just like his fellow class-goers, Irias is separated from his peers in that he is not sure if he will be able to remain in the U.S. after graduation. Irias came to the United States from Guatemala when he was six years old. He is a member of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. DACA is an immigration program that grants individuals who were illegally brought to the United States as children a renewable two-year period of deference from deportation and eventual eligibility for a work permit.

In 2017 current President Donald Trump announced his intention to dissolve the DACA program. Nearly three years later, the case has now made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, where justices will vote on whether the Trump administration can legally end DACA. After the supreme court heard an oral argument in November 2019, Marquette sent out a news release expressing its support of DACA students. “We anticipate that the Court will likely issue its decision close to the end of June 2020, but it could come as early as January 2020 — and the exact timing is difficult to predict,” according to the National Immigration Law Center. Irias said a decision to abolish it could have effects that span much further than the classroom. “There is a certain uncertainty to what my future holds. I’m in school and trying my hardest and just competing just as everybody else is, but as soon as I graduate, my DACA expires,” Irias said. Irias said he doesn’t feel genuine support from the administration or students at the university.

“I can’t say I’ve ever felt supported by the university for being an undocumented student, as far as at an administrative level (and) because what I experience every day (from) students,” Irias said. “So if I live with this idea that, yup, there are students here that don’t welcome me here in this community, I don’t know how to deal with that.” In the midst of a potential congressional decision about his future, Irias said he has attended multiple protests on campus and in Milwaukee. He said he wants people to understand DACA recipient’s perspectives. “Put yourselves in the shoes of the DACA people and the shoes of the parents,” Irias said. “If I was to go back to Guatemala, I would essentially be going to a country I know nothing of.” Sergio González, assistant professor of Latinx Studies said he thinks the handling of the DACA program sheds light on some of the immigration problems found in the United States. “DACA is a perfect encapsulation of how ludicrous some of our countries’ immigration policies are,” González said.

“Fundamentally, you have a group of people who for the last few years have done everything that they have been asked to do, and to have the rug pulled out from under them either because a specific administration feels like that program should be ended or because Congress refuses to act on a permanent solution is a terrible disservice to those students.” Gonzalez said no institution in the country is doing right for DACA students and undocumented communities, including Marquette. “I think in 2019, most higher education institutions do a really good job of voicing support for undocumented students, as they do for other marginalized populations on campus,” Gonzalez said. “The question then becomes whether or not institutions like Marquette are willing to put the resources forward necessary to actually stand by undocumented and DACA students.” Alberto Jose Maldonado, executive director of the Roberto Hernandez Center and co-founder of the Undocumented Student Task Force at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, said there

have been troubles getting funding from UWM. “We recently had budget cuts. The system itself has been suffering from those, and those trickle down to us, but that has not diminished the energy and the efforts that we put together here,” Maldonado said. Maldonado said in order to support the DACA program, it is important that administrators express their needs. He also acknowledged the political implications of the DACA program. “It’s always going to be a partisan divide. It’s our job as educators as allies to make sure that folks have the right information,” he said. Irias said the 2016 election, in which President Trump won, had numerous implications for him and other DACA students. “It was a coming of age moment,” Irias said. “I had just received DACA and to hear at the time the presidential candidate be like, ‘I don’t support it, I don’t stand for it’ … when (Donald Trump) became president, (he) essentially said, ‘You are not welcomed here. We don’t want you here.’”

180 days until Democratic National Convention Milwaukee expected to be ‘center of political universe’ By Natallie St. Onge

To a crowd of hundreds of media members Jan. 7, Gov. Tony Evers, Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes and Wisconsin State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski spoke on a panel moderated by chief executive of the Democratic National Convention Joe Solmonese, about the importance of Wisconsin and its voters during the upcoming 2020 election. “At the end of the day, this is a key state,” Evers said. “I truly believe that Wisconsin will be the state that elects a new president of the United States.” In 2016, President Donald Trump won Wisconsin by about 23,000 votes, and he ultimately won the electoral vote as well. Wisconsin has 10 electoral votes out of 538. Milwaukee will be hosting the Democratic National Convention July 13-16. The Midwest city beat Miami, Florida, and Houston, Texas, in the last round of contending cities to host. The convention will be held at Fiserv Forum, with a guest expectancy of more than 50,000 people and

over 15,000 volunteers. This is Milwaukee’s first national convention. The last time a major convention for Democrats took place in the Midwest was in Chicago, 1996. On the panel, Evers talked about what has changed in the state since he was elected governor. Last Tuesday was all three speakers’ first anniversary in office. Evers talked about the importance of better health care and funding for more resources for Wisconsin’s public school systems. Evers also mentioned his motion to legalize marijuana, as well as better health care for those suffering with preexisting health conditions. Godlewski said most Wisconsinites worry about financial securities. She said after talking with citizens at town hall forums and meetings, she learned many are worried about their student loan debt and retirement savings. Godlewski said older people worry for their children’s financial security in addition saving enough for their own retirement. As chief executive for the convention, Solmonese’s goal is to “put Wisconsin on the map” and have the convention be “less about spectacle, more about substance.” The panel talked about the importance of reaching out to

Photo by Natallie St. Onge

The scoreboard at Fiserv Forum, where the convention will be held this July, publicizes the integral event.

voters across the state in towns out west, up north and even in their own backyards. “Traveling the state, in part of showing up, you have to listen,” Godlewski said. Wisconsin had an estimated turnout rate of 33% of voters ages 18-29 in the 2016 primaries,

which equates close to 300,000 voters in that age group, according to the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. Evers said there needs to be more turnout of young people.. “Every four years they say this is the year, and every four years

it doesn’t happen,” Evers said about the young vote. Barnes said there needs to be a presence everywhere in order to have a better voter turnout. “We (Milwaukee) are in the center of the political universe,” Barnes said.


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Marquette Tribune


LIMIT: Shortage of counselors impacts nation Continued from page 1 of sessions that we limit students to,” Contreras-Tadych said in an email. “Students generally come for about a semester’s worth of individual therapy and can do another semester or more of group therapy. At times, students may return for some additional individual sessions if it is a different issue that would likely be resolved with a few meetings.” One-on-one therapy at the center involves identifying therapy concerns, developing a plan to resolve them and determining the approximate length of time the student will be engaging in services. Gina Marchetti, a sophomore in the College of Arts & Sciences, said she started going to the Counseling Center the first semester of her first year. “It went really well, and I liked my therapist,” Marchetti said. “Even though I went there for a year, it definitely wasn’t enough time for me to open up to someone. When it was our last appointment, I was really upset because it felt like I was just beginning to open up.” Marchetti said she was confused why the center would stop student therapy sessions. She said her parents were angry, claiming services at the Counseling Center should not be limited for students paying a full-time tuition. “It doesn’t really make any sense,” she said. Brittney Sockwell, a sophomore in the College of Arts & Sciences, said she was similarly stopped from making appointments after one year. “I had major concerns because I didn’t hear about it until my last session,” Sockwell said. “I wish

they would’ve told me when I booked my first session.” Since many students are not from the Milwaukee area, Sockwell said it’s easier for them to visit a therapist on campus. “Having that taken away is just another burden,” she said. “This type of policy is just another let down or barrier. You begin attending therapy to work out issues and situations in your life. For some, a session or two will do. But some issues need to be revisited, and if Marquette’s Counseling Center can’t be a part of the entire healing process, they need to be upfront about how much they can do.” Sockwell said she is a victim of sexual assault, adding that “therapy is an ongoing process.” “I was there after the incident up to a year later. I don’t want to go to a new therapist when there is one that already knows my history,” Sockwell said. “The thought of catching someone up is enough to make me not seek help. I’m tired of reliving it each time I tell the story. It’s painful.” Contreras-Tadych said university counseling centers across the nation are struggling to meet access needs. According to the American Psychological Association in 2017, the student-to-counseling staff ratio is 1,737-1 at colleges and universities. “The upside of that is that students are more willing than ever to reach out for help, which is a good thing,” she said in an email. “The downside is that students may be seen for less visits, or less frequent visits, and may be referred out if the need is greater than what we are able to provide.” Contreras-Tadych said the

Counseling Center is continuously looking for ways to resolve these concerns. “At the same time, we have great relationships with community partners who are better equipped than the Counseling Center is to handle certain student concerns,” ContrerasTadych said in an email. Adisa Haznadar, outreach coordinator and psychologist at the Counseling Center, listed a number of places with which the center works, including the Sixteenth Street Community Health Center, the training clinic at Marquette, Rogers Memorial Hospital, Aurora Psychiatric Hospital and a number of private practices. Contreras-Tadych said after students’ time at the Marquette Counseling Center, they are referred to outside resources. This is done for several reasons, she said. “One reason would be if they need a higher level of care than what we are able to offer in our center — for example, inpatient services, or a more intensive outpatient or partial hospitalization program,” Contreras-Tadych said in an email. “We also refer to specialists for specific concerns; for example, eating disorder services, substance abuse programs or formal assessments for ADHD. We also may refer students that likely need longer term services than what we are able to provide, perhaps for severe trauma or for personality issues, among other things.” Sockwell said the Counseling Center helped her search for an outside therapist. She was also referred to group therapy on campus. However, Marchetti said she was not referred elsewhere. She

Photo by Jordan Johnson

The Counseling Center is located on the second floor of Holthusen Hall.

said not being able to utilize the Counseling Center is an issue for those who may not be able to afford other services. If a student can’t afford outside therapy or does not have insurance, Contreras-Tadych said the Counseling Center refers them to places with sliding cost scales or that provide low-cost options. She said there are multiple training clinics attached to professional schools that offer free or low-cost services. “We work with the students and their particular circumstances to find the best solutions available,” Contreras-Tadych said in an email.

When it comes to group therapy, Contreras-Tadych said students are able to attend group therapy sessions for multiple semesters for things like social anxiety and sobriety. Group counseling often involves six to eight students and one to two therapists. The Counseling Center is always open to those in crisis, evaluating the situation and suggesting a course of action, she said. The center may reconnect a student to their current treatment provider or recommend a group to attend.

College of Communication begins dean search Committee to form, applicant names not to be made public By Shir Bloch

The search committee that will fill the position of the dean of the College of Communication “is currently being formed,” new provost Kimo Ah Yun said. Ah Yun said the committee will represent a diverse set of interests, including faculty, staff, administrators, students, alumni and a trustee. However, “faculty will have the greatest representation on the committee,” Ah Yun said in an email. Stephen Hudson-Mairet, associate professor in the College of Communication and chair of digi-

tal media and performing arts, said in an email that the college is “still in the final stages of confirming all the participants on the search committee.” Ah Yun said he expects approximately 14 members to make up the committee. He also said he hopes to announce the final committee to the College of Communication during the first week of the spring semester. After arriving at Marquette, Ah Yun served as dean of the College of Communication before taking on the role of acting provost in 2018 following the departure of former Provost Dan Myers. He served in this position until he was named permanent provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at the end of the fall 2019 semester. Sarah Feldner, associate professor in College of Communica-

tion, currently serves as the college’s acting dean. She has been acting dean since 2018. “My mantra as dean was that the students are first, and at its core, the college should create the best possible student experience,” Ah Yun said in an email. “I will continue to look for a dean who understands that our job is to transform students.” He said in an email that as dean, he “enjoyed being part of the student community and working with our faculty and meeting exceptionally talented alumni with the understanding that we are a Catholic, Jesuit institution.” Ah Yun said his experience as dean will have a strong bearing on the sort of candidate he will ask the committee to consider and how he will interact with the candidates during the interview process. As in the search for the provost,

the search will be closed and applicants’ names will not be made public, which was a decision the faculty in the College of Communication made after recent discussions and voting, Ah Yun said. Ah Yun also said that, like all of the university’s decisions, the search will be driven by Marquette’s mission and guiding values. According to the university website, its mission is “the search for truth, the discovery and sharing of knowledge, the fostering of personal and professional excellence, the promotion of a life of faith, and the development of leadership expressed in service to others.” The university’s guiding values include excellence, faith, leadership and service, according to its website. “It is important that the next dean understands the

responsibility of leading at a Catholic, Jesuit institution and the ways in which that guides decision making,” Ah Yun said in an email. “The next dean will have to work collaboratively with the faculty and bring decision making processes that are transparent and include shared governance principles.” Ah Yun said in an email that he wants the next dean “to be motivated and to have a plan to make the Diederich College of Communication an even more exceptional place that seeks to foster excellence.” Ah Yun said that though the search will take as long as necessary to find the best person for the job, the college hopes that the search can end such that the new dean can begin on July 1, 2020.

The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Arts &


Page 8

Comedians actualize sketches in 22 hours Writers, directors, actors work within restricted time frame By Emily Rouse

A lot can be done in 22 hours — including writing, producing and performing a comedy show. Patrick Schmitz is a Milwaukee-based comedian and the founder and artistic director of Schmitz ’n Giggles, the company putting on Sketch 22 Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. at ComedySportz. The event consists of participants putting together a comedy show in 22 hours. Schmitz said the biannual event — now in its 12th year — was inspired by a desire to bring passionate comedians together without a huge time commitment. “When I first started getting involved in the comedy scene, there were just so many people that wanted to do so much more,” Schmitz said. “I figured, well, let’s put this together and see how it goes.” He said the first show was a success so he decided to continue the event. Bob Schram, adjunct professor in the College of Communication who teaches a sketch comedy class, said Sketch 22 provides the opportunity for something essential to the craft of comedy: practice. “You could compare (learning comedy) to playing a musical instrument,” Schram said. “You just keep on practicing, you learn new songs, you learn little nuances in the song and as a human being, you just keep on getting better.” Schram said he thought the element of teamwork found in sketch comedy makes it the ideal style. “I think sketch comedy is the highest form of comedy because you have so many different ingredients,” Schram said. He said having a diverse team, including writers, actors and a tech crew, contributed to sketch comedy’s prestige. College is an appropriate time to experiment in comedy because of a need for creativity, Schram said. “One of the most fertile times in a human being’s life is college — arguably you’re at your silliest,” Schram said. “The older you get … the more polite you get. When you’re in your twenties you’re a little bit more

uninhibited. … You’ll do things that are a little more ridiculous.” Megan McGee, a Milwaukeearea comedian, has participated in every Sketch 22 since its inception. She said while she alternates between directing and acting, she always writes a script. “Writing comedy is a cool way to criticize the world, make fun of things, maybe even discover things about life,” McGee said. “It’s a nice escape from daily life. It’s a good exercise in creative thinking.” McGee said one thing she considers when writing comedy is the dynamics between characters and their defining traits, such as an accent. “I think the other thing (writers) think about is, ‘Can you give each character one really fun thing to play with? Can a character have a fun personality trait, or an accent or something? You don’t want to have one character be Wonder Woman and everyone else be a waitress,” McGee said. “You would need to give each waitress something unique about them.” Joel Dresang, a Milwaukee-

area comedian, said this will be his 15th time participating in Sketch 22. He said as a participant, one of the highlights of the event is the feeling of anticipation. “We all get there together, and nobody knows who is doing what sketch or which director has which actors,” Dresang said. “It’s all a mystery. … There’s a sense of unexpectancy, of not knowing what’s going to happen, but whatever happens it’s going to be fun.” Those who are less experienced in comedy can feel supported by those who have more practice, Dresang said. “It was really cool because just before we went on to perform it, I saw one of the actors who was more experienced just kind of look at (a nervous actor) and say, ‘Look: You’ve got this. You know your part. We know your part. We know our part. We’ve got your back,’” Dresang said. Schmitz said hearing that people feel welcomed at the event is the best compliment he can receive. “I’ve been encouraged to make it a competitive thing,

I’ve been encouraged to try and bring in people from Chicago and broaden it a little bit, but I want it to stay a very welcoming environment, a very friendly environment,” Schmitz said. “(I) try hard (to) be diligent in who I’m bringing in, as far as just good people.”

Writing comedy is a cool way to criticize the world, make fun of things, maybe even discover things about life.” Megan McGee Milwaukee-area comedian

McGee said the bond she makes with other people is what

keeps her coming back. “This is about comedy and putting on a show, but it’s also about building a community and being inspired by others,” McGee said. “There are people I’ve been in a sketch once with but now if I run into them somewhere, I feel a little connection.” Although the sketches are created in a compressed time frame, they can still have the potential to bear great worth, Dresang said. “Maybe they’re not all worldclass acts of theater or anything, but over the course of that evening, in those 10 sketches, there are going to be six or seven or eight in which you find something very remarkable,” Dresang said. He added that he thought having the admission be $10 to watch — or $1 per sketch — made it worth the money. The proceeds go to the charity of a participant of seniority’s choice. Schmitz ’n Giggles holds auditions once a year. Schmitz said while there is no set date yet, those interested can anticipate auditions for future showcases in early fall.

Photo by Jordan Johnson

The event will take place Jan. 18 at ComedySportz, located at 420 S. 1st St. Proceeds will go to the charity of a participant’s choosing.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Arts & Entertainment

The Marquette Tribune

Harry Potter Club to go into its 2nd semester Franchise-based organization hopes to recruit new members By Ariana Madson

It may have been the luck of the Irish or the magic of the wizarding world that drew Brendan Blaney, a senior in the College of Nursing and Harry Potter Club’s coheadmaster, to decide to start the club at Marquette. Blaney studied abroad in Dublin, Ireland, in the spring of 2019 at University College Dublin. There he came across a club called the Harry Potter Society. Since childhood, Blaney was a fan of the “Harry Potter” series. He said he read all the books and thought it was so cool to see the magical world develop. “There’s so many lessons from the books and from the movies that kind of, in a very crucial way, shaped our generation,” Blaney said. Blaney joined the Harry Potter Society at University College Dublin while abroad and said he made lasting friendships. “I went to their events, and they were so welcoming and warming,” Blaney said. “It was really just about hanging out and having something that you can talk about, if nothing else.”

After seeing how the club worked and functioned, Blaney decided he wanted to bring it back to campus. Blaney went through the process to make the club a reality at Marquette while abroad. He drafted the constitution, which explains that the club aims to foster friendship and socialization around “Harry Potter” and created positions within the club, such as the club’s treasurer, and recruited faculty member Rebecca Nowacek to be the adviser of the club. Maria Bunczak, a senior in the College of Nursing and coheadmaster, studied abroad with Blaney and participated alongside him in Harry Potter Society at UCD. Upon returning to campus and attending O-Fest in the Fall, she stumbled upon Blaney’s table and immediately offered to be involved in the club. Bunczak said she has been more than an avid member of the “Harry Potter” world, as her hometown of Wausau, Wisconsin, has a Wizarding Academy during the Summer. “I was a Ravenclaw for six years,” Bunczak said. Ravenclaw, along with Gryffindor, Slytherin and Hufflepuff, are houses in the book and movie series into which the students of Hogwarts are sorted. She was then a volunteer counselor for the House of Gryffindor in the summer academy. Along with reading the series of seven books

about seven times, Bunczak has been to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. She also met Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who played Harry Potter in the movie adaptations of the book series. Bunczak said the club’s first semester was a time to simply get off the ground. Along with the position of headmaster, other positions in the club include the Heads of Houses, the Daily Prophet Head, who will work on the social media for the club, and a Gringotts Representative, to act as the treasurer. Emma Sullivan, a first-year transfer in the College of Arts & Sciences, heads the House of Hufflepuff and said that along with general body meetings, which are termed Great Hall meetings, there are house meetings where anyone who identifies with a specific house meets up to have tea or coffee and chat. The official way people in the club are sorted into their houses is through the official Pottermore quiz online, which requires an account to be created. Sullivan said she remembers growing up and being exposed to “Harry Potter” through her brother, who typically had “Harry Potter”themed parties. “He would often have ‘Harry Potter’ birthdays,” Sullivan said. “We have this family video of him walking around labeling

rooms with ‘Harry Potter’ terms like Dumbledore’s Office or Hagrid’s Hut.” Sullivan said for her, this club shows the bond within the “Harry Potter” fandom, as well as the club itself. “First and foremost, the people in it are awesome,” Sullivan said. “It’s just a great group of people, and I think the ‘Harry Potter’ fandom is especially excited about what they’re doing and that excitement translates to being excited with other people.” Blaney said this past semester the club partnered with the Marquette Quidditch team at its home tournament and did a bake sale. They also put on a showing of “A

Last year, the music world was blessed with dozens of unique albums as well as some overhyped records that did not live up to their full potential. As the year begins and we look forward to what music 2020 will bring, here is a look back at the five best albums of 2019. 5. “IGOR” — Tyler, The Creator It’s been 10 years since Tyler, The Creator dropped his debut mixtape, “Bastard,” and in this past decade we have seen a tremendous amount of growth from him. His 2017 project “Flower Boy” brought the rapper out of his comfort zone in a number of ways, but his latest album is perhaps his most experimental yet. The opening track, “IGOR’S THEME,” features a unique drum beat that segues perfectly into “EARFQUAKE,” arguably the most popular track on the record. And while the new Tyler, The Creator is more groovy like his early records, we still get some rough customer vibes. Perhaps the best song on the album is a lengthy double track titled “GONE, GONE / THANK YOU.” The first half features an infectiously catchy piano riff and hook before shifting to a rhythmic verse from Tyler over some catchy soul singing.


4. “uknowhatimsayin¿” — Danny Brown Many people probably figured Danny Brown was past his prime and might not have batted an eye at the seasoned rapper’s fifth studio album. But the 38-year-old released his best album yet this year. Brown’s lyrics are wittier than ever, which is saying something considering his history. Brown even included features from hip-hop superstars such as Run The Jewels and JPEGMAFIA as well as English singer-songwriter Blood Orange. Tracks like “Savage Nomad” and “Best Life” feature a raw Danny Brown delivering high-energy bangers while “Dirty Laundry” and “Negro Spiritual (feat. JPEGMAFIA)” are more about the lyrical wit and intricate beats. Best Tracks: “Dirty Laundry,” “Savage Nomad” and “Negro Spiritual (feat. JPEGMAFIA)” 3. “Her and All of My Friends” — Ritt Momney And the award for most underrated album (and artist) of the year goes to … Ritt Momney and his debut full-length album, “Her and All of My Friends.” Ritt Momney is the solo project of 19-year-old Jack

Rutter, a native of Salt Lake City, Utah. Although he tackles topics that anyone might be grappling with such as love, religion and overall purpose in life, he does so in a completely original way. But what truly elevates this album to one of the best records of the entire year is Rutter’s songwriting and lyrics. “Command V” and “Paper News” feature stunningly creative lyrics yet somehow nothing compares to track 12, “(If) The Book Doesn’t Sell,” which features Rutter singing about religion and questioning his departure and drift from his Mormon upbringing. Best Tracks: “Paper News,” “Command V” and “(If) The Book Doesn’t Sell” 2. “Seeker” — Mikal Cronin After writer’s block kept the California songwriter sidelined following his third studio album, “MCIII,” Cronin finally released his first record in four years. Track five, “Sold,” begins much slower with only piano and features a very different Cronin vibe than we’re used to. By the midway point of “Sold,” as well as other tracks, you can’t believe the direction in which the song has gone. It makes perfect sense and yet simultaneously, it feels genius and incredibly original. Best Tracks: “Feel It All,” “Sold” and “Show Me”

Very Potter Musical,” in which Blaney made Butterbeer, a special drink from the “Harry Potter” series, from scratch. A trivia night was also included as a club event. Along with planning another trivia night this semester, Bunczak said a significant goal of the club is to let more people know that it exists. “I think so many people are surprised that there is one, (which is) accurate since we are a new club, but we need to do more to get out there,” Bunczak said. Most of the club’s events are posted on its Facebook titled “marquetteharrypotterclub”and Instagram @muharrypotterclub.

Photo courtesy of Harry Potter Club

Member Noelle Wills designed a logo inspired by the Snitch, a piece of equipment used in a sport unique to the series called Quidditch.

VOGEL: Top 5 albums of 2019 By Mackane Vogel


1. “Pony” — Orville Peck The best album of the year was written by a man whose real name we do not know. In fact, there’s not a whole lot that we do know about Orville Peck, other than the fact that he is a Canadian artist who identifies as queer and wears a lone ranger mask to hide his identity. Peck has been described as a crooner, which is fitting because he definitely sounds like a combination of Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley and

maybe even a hint of David Bowie at times. Peck’s vocal range is one of the widest I’ve heard as well. And while the album is often categorized as country, there’s quite a bit of genrehopping on this 12-track album. This is simply the freshest piece of music from 2019. Best Tracks: “Winds Change,” “Dead of Night” and “Turn to Hate” For the full top 10 list, visit

Photo via Facebook

Canadian artist Orville Peck released his debut album “Pony” March 22.

The Marquette Tribune


Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Editorial Board

Alexandra Garner, Opinions Editor Sydney Czyzon, Executive Director Jennifer Whidden, Managing Editor Marquette Tribune Natallie St. Onge, Managing Editor Marquette Journal Annie Mattea, News Executive Emma Brauer, Copy Chief Jordan Johnson, Photo Editor

Emily Rouse, A&E Executive Zoe Comerford, Sports Executive Chelsea Johanning, Design Chief Mackane Vogel, Station Manager MURadio Kennedy Coleman, Station Manager MUTV Matthew Harte, Projects Editor


Provost Ah Yun’s statements not consistent with past actions After stepping in as permanent provost and executive vice president for academic affairs last month, Kimo Ah Yun highlighted areas he will focus on in his positions. But many of his statements do not align with his past actions. Ah Yun identified five areas: transparency, diversity, rigor to the student experience, academic leadership and challenges to higher education. Having served as acting provost for just more than a year, Ah Yun and other administrators received criticism from students, staff and faculty for the university’s recent lack of transparency. As a key leader at Marquette, Ah Yun needs to proactively make transparency a core element of university decisions rather than a response to criticisms. The then-acting provost faced significant transparency issues at the start of last semester after the university updated its demonstration policy without taking the necessary steps to include and inform the Marquette community regarding its decisions. The policy outlines an approval process that students, faculty and staff must follow before holding a demonstration on campus. In August 2019, the university added faculty and staff to the policy as it previously only addressed student protests. The update was announced in a university news release. In the two weeks after the update, the university claimed the policy did not require permission to demonstrate, released four different demonstration policy documents with wording changes and received backlash from more than 100 university faculty members in an open letter. Only after facing criticism from the community did the university decide to reexamine the policy and include students, faculty and staff in possible revisions. Ah Yun was further criticized for his handling of potential changes to the College of Education.

In a Sept. 5, 2019, email to campus, University President Michael Lovell announced the university cut 2.5% of its employees as part of a cost management review process. In that same email, the president listed additional changes, including a point that the College of Education’s structure would be “evaluated through an inclusive process aimed at achieving new efficiencies.” The email did not provide further context, and College of Education faculty, staff and students had not been informed of any possible changes. One week later, Ah Yun met with College of Education faculty and told them for the first time that their college was facing a $1 million deficit and potential structural changes. The meeting was not openly disclosed to the campus community. In the aftermath of the meeting, a group of nearly 10 faculty members decided to form an internal committee dedicated to investigating the sources of the university’s deficit calculation. Education students also organized a forum to discuss the uncertain future of their college and held a demonstration to emphasize the importance of their college and to voice their opinions. In lieu of informing and including College of Education students and staff regarding the significant challenges their college was facing, the university merely mentioned ambiguous changes in the president’s email before Ah Yun surprised faculty with news of the deficit. Another area where transparency lacked was in the elimination of the ombuds office, which provided a resource for faculty and staff to receive confidential support for concerns. The provost and other university leaders failed to openly communicate the decision with the community. Following the office’s elimination, the Committee on Diversity and Equity issued a memorandum urging university leadership to reconsider its decision after

faculty members voiced concerns about losing the resource. It is unclear whether the university will reconsider the decision. According to the Dec. 2 university news release, Ah Yun said his vision as permanent provost includes “unifying the campus community under a transparent and clearly understood system of shared governance.” To grow a campus that values free speech and trust within the community, the provost must stand by his statement and move away from his past actions, which demonstrate a pattern of providing transparency only in hindsight and failing to include all campus voices. The provost has demonstrated a focus on diversity in the past through his involvement with campus organizaPhoto by Claire Gallagher tions such as I’m First, which offers support for Former dean of the College of Communication and acting provost Kimo Ah Yun was recently named provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. first-generation students, as well as the cluster hire students, upperclassmen students environment.” for the Race, Ethnic and To move forward with this Indigenous Studies program, in of color at Marquette are left goal, it is necessary for the prowhich faculty members with di- without the same support. Similarly, there has not been a vost to address a wider expanse verse backgrounds were hired to provide more courses related to significant effort by the univer- of diversity concerns in adrace, ethnic and indigenous top- sity to increase hiring or reten- dition to the programs he has ics across multiple departments. tion of faculty of color. This was helped develop. Past the five areas that he outHowever, there is immense an issue voiced at the President’s room to grow in terms of di- Panel on Diversity, Equity, and lined, Ah Yun and the university need to bridge the relationship versity. While the provost has Inclusion, held Feb. 26, 2019. In addition to the lack of faculty between the university provost acknowledged this gap, stating in the Dec. 2 news release of color, since the panel, Ah Yun and students. The Marquette that “diversity isn’t a goal to be and other university leaders have Wire previously reported that achieved … it’s an evolving pur- not moved forward regarding when asked, several students did suit,” the university has not made other concerns, including form- not know who Ah Yun is or what ing a task force to review repre- a provost does. sufficient strides. This lack of awareness is unacAccording to a news story, stu- sentation on campus and providdents of color continue to experi- ing bias training for all students. ceptable for a position that holds In the Dec. 2 news release, such importance on campus. Ah ence significantly lower retention rates than white students. Though Ah Yun said he will focus on Yun must take steps to become a recent diversity initiatives such “attracting and retaining di- campus-wide figure and engage as RISE and Mi Casa es tu verse students and faculty and with the everyday student. Casa have benefited incoming creating an inclusive campus


Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Kevin Schablin

The Marquette Tribune

It is time to abolish the Electoral College

The popular vote has outweighed the Electoral College in the presidential election five times in United States history, the latest occurring in 2016. This means that in five separate elections, candidates who received more votes to become the president of the United States did not win, due to the complex role of the Electoral College. Originally, the Electoral College was created as a way to make the election more fair to those living in less populated areas. It gives those areas a larger voice so they won’t be drowned out by heavily populated areas. The best example of this today would be the difference in population between California, the most populated state, and Wyoming, the least populated state. California has over 39 million citizens whereas Wyoming has fewer than 600 thousand citizens. Because of this disparity, California has 55 electoral votes and Wyoming has only 3. Since the number of allocated electoral votes for states is made up of a combination of the specific state’s number of senators and representatives, the smallest number of electoral votes can be only 3. While this type of system seems fair, when placed in terms of electoral votes per citizen, a Wyoming citizen’s vote has 3.55 times more electoral power than a Californian’s vote. The Founding Fathers may have designed the electoral


system to give more of a voice to those in less populated areas but a ratio of more than 3 to 1 is far too much. In the 2000 election, former Vice President Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election to George W. Bush in one of the most controversial elections in recent history. The election was ultimately decided by Florida’s electoral votes. Florida’s popular votes were so close, however, that many recounts were issued and some accusations of missing ballot boxes were presented. Gore accepted his defeat and conceded to Bush. In total, Gore won the popular vote by over 500 thousand votes, yet, he was defeated by Bush in Florida by about 500 votes, causing the Electoral College votes to swing toward Bush. Even when looking at the map from the 2016 presidential election, it seems that Donald Trump should have won in a landslide solely due to the number of counties that voted for him. Yet, when you look at the actual numbers in the Electoral College and, more Photo via Flickr specifically, the popular vote, most of the counties he won Donald Trump won 279 electoral votes while Hillary Clinton won 288 votes in the 2016 presidential election. were rural and less populated. candidates campaign. Rather than should not mean that their vote populated areas. If it does not help In contrast, Hillary Clinton trying to appeal to the mass amount should count for more or less than the American public to advocate for won the counties that were urof Americans, they target specific anyone else. their needs to politicians, it should ban and more heavily populated. states that they know will win them Until this outdated system is be abolished. This caused Clinton to win the more electoral votes. thrown away, one vote for one perpopular vote and Donald Trump It is anti-democratic to represent son will never be accurate. to win the electoral vote and, thus, Kevin Schablin is a first-year one group of people rather than The Electoral College’s role in the presidency. studying biological sciences. He America as a whole. Just because America has changed, no longer The Electoral College has can be reached at changed the way presidential a person lives in a certain area lifting the voices of people in less

The 2010s favored digital, not personal relationships Sheila Fogarty The 2010s stand out as a decade of digital enhancement. The 2000s brought the first iPhone, Facebook and the Nintendo DS. The 2010s brought the iPad, Instagram and virtual reality gaming. The developments of previous technologies have been intentional down

Statement of Opinion Policy

The opinions expressed on the Opinions page reflect the opinions of the Opinions staff. The editorials do not represent the opinions of Marquette University nor its administrators, but those of the editorial board. The Marquette Tribune prints guest submissions at its discretion. The Tribune strives to give all sides of an issue an equal voice over the course of a reasonable time period. An author’s contribution will not be published more than once in a four-week period. Submissions with obvious relevance to the Marquette community will be given priority consideration. Full Opinions submissions should be limited to 500 words. Letters to the editor should be between 150 to 250 words. The Tribune reserves the right to edit submissions for length and content. Please e-mail submissions to: If you are a current student, include the college in which you are enrolled and your year in school. If not, please note any affliations to Marquette or your current city of residence.

to every last detail, creating a whole new platform for existence within the digital realm. The past decade marks a switch in modern culture in which living online is normalized — and at times preferred — to living in person. Digital existence isn’t exclusive to computer screens; it seeps into real life and has social and cultural implications. In some ways, living on this platform is beneficial to modern society. International communication is expedited, connecting people across the globe through meme culture, people of interest and trends or fads. The spread of social movements and demands is also expedited, such as in the #MeToo movement. While #MeToo was originally coined on MySpace in 2006, Instagram and Twitter brought it back to life, emphasizing the universal nature of the issue and prompting a digital alliance among women. Social media has also enabled the global popularization

of unlikely yet integral figures, such as Greta Thunberg, teenage environmental activist and Time’s Person of the Year. The ease of sharing, hashtagging, liking and reposting has enabled Thunberg to catch the public eye despite being only 16 years old. It has enabled her to separate herself as an activist despite her age, something that would have significantly hindered her in gaining popularity through a non-digital platform. The digital world also exists beyond the analog world in terms of trends and comedy. Throughout the decade, content like Vines, memes and hashtags have provided the online community with trending comedy that can seldom be replicated in real time. This content creates an exclusive type of humor that cannot be accessed by those who do not participate in the digital community but is often brought outside the digital world. My friends and I reference viral trends and memes as much as (if not more than) jokes that are

neither created nor influenced by social media. This makes me question whether I prioritize my “online” self to my real-life self. Though I identify as an outgoing, active individual, I believe that the digital world is so intertwined with the real world that it is difficult to truly live in the moment. If I have an interesting encounter with a stranger, see something that reminds me of a friend or hear a song I think someone would like, I text a friend or family member almost immediately as if I need to bring that moment online in order to legitimize it. I believe that many people who participate in social media also see it as a way to legitimize their beliefs but seldom look to intentional in-person interaction to exercise those beliefs. There are many ways to participate in a movement and make a difference online, such as raising money, donating or sharing socially revealing content. However, the fact that I run into that more often on a digital platform as

opposed to a real-life encounter again provokes the question: Are people prioritizing their lives in real time or online? Based on my observations, I believe that 2010-2019 was a decade that my generation spent, for the most part, online instead of in person. Being active in the online world can be good or bad; however, perhaps the most telling symptom of being online is feeling the need to fuse real-life material with an abstract phenomenon, suggesting that experiences should be digitized in order to be legitimized. Whether the need to realize one’s identity, image and beliefs through social media and other digital means deepens or dwindles in the next decade is hard to say. Still, it is imperative to look at the past decade and consider how much of it was spent in person versus online. Sheila Fogarty is a first-year studying anthropology and Spanish. She can be reached at sheila.fogarty@

Sports The Marquette Tribune


Tuesday, January 14, 2020 PAGE 12


Frank Pelaez named 4th head coach

Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics

Frank Pelaez coaches players during warmups in 2014. He spent 19 seasons as an associate head coach and assistant under Markus Roeders. He is the program’s fourth head coach.

Familiar face returns to Valley Fields, Milwaukee By John Leuzzi

Frank Pelaez, former Loyola University Chicago associate head coach, will become the fourth head coach of the Marquette women’s soccer program, athletic director Bill Scholl announced Dec. 24. The announcement came after former head coach Markus Roeders stepped down Nov. 6. Spending 24 years at the helm of the program, Roeders was the longest-tenured coach in program history and posted an overall record of 325-148-51. Pelaez is a familiar face and name to Marquette, having spent 19 combined seasons as an assistant and associate head coach under Roeders before going to the Ramblers in 2015. In

2001, he was an assistant coach with the Marquette men’s soccer team, leading them to a 12-8-1 record. “I am thrilled to be able to welcome Frank back to the Marquette family,” Scholl said in a statement. “He is one of the best coaches and recruiters in the country and I am particularly happy that our current and future women’s soccer student-athletes will have the opportunity to play for him.” During Pelaez’s time on Roeders’ staff, the Golden Eagles won two BIG EAST Tournament Championships, five league titles and two Conference-USA Tournament titles and made 12 NCAA Tournament appearances. Pelaez has developed 113 allconference, 63 all-region and 12 All-America selections. His squads have earned the United Soccer Coaches Team Academic Award in every season since 1997. “I want to thank Bill Scholl and Sarah Bobert for their confidence in my ability to lead the

women’s soccer program at Marquette and also want to express my gratitude to Barry Bimbi and Steve Watson of Loyola for helping put me in a position to continue my career as a head coach,” Pelaez said in a statement. “I feel my core values fit with the Jesuit mission, and I can’t wait to hit the ground running and continue the process of helping our student-athletes succeed in the classroom and life.” Prior to being hired at Loyola, Ramblers head coach Barry Bimbi spoke highly of Pelaez. “The opportunity to hire one of the best coaches and recruiters in your profession doesn’t come along every day, so when it did, I jumped on it,” Bimbi said in a statement on the Loyola University Chicago website. “Not only are we adding a fantastic coach and motivator to our program, but a great family man and close friend as well.” While at Loyola, Pelaez split time as an assistant and associate coach on a staff that has been awarded the last two Missouri

Valley Conference Coaching Staff of the Year honors. The Ramblers won two MVC Tournament titles to earn an appearance in the NCAA Championship in each of the last two years, only losing one league game during that stretch. LUC went 21-10-2 in conference play and 52-37-10 overall during Pelaez’s time with the Ramblers. Loyola also ranked second in the nation with 61 goals scored in 2017 and 2018 combined. Pelaez has not said if Ashley Bares and Nick Vorberg, assistant coaches on Roeders’ staff, will remain in their positions. Pelaez will take over a program that has missed the postseason for the last two seasons. Despite the graduation of the program’s all-time saves leader Maddy Henry and two big piece defenders Emily Hess and Bri Jaeger, the Golden Eagles return a young and experienced core of players that will look to get back to the winning culture the program holds.

Season Glossary: Basketball Redshirt: when a player takes a year off from competition, often due to transfering or injury but doesn’t lose a year of eligibility Double-double: when a player gets at least double digits of two different statistics; e.g. 10 points and 11 rebounds, 12 points and 10 assists Scholarship player: a player on an athletic scholarship Walk on: a player who does not receive a scholarship from the university but participates on a team Post player: usually a forward or center in basketball who stays near the basket Bonus: when an opposing team commits its seventh foul, each additional foul results in free throws regardless of severity In the paint: when a player is in the painted section of the basketball court


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Marquette Tribune



Dynamic duo sets new standards for Theis’ program Class of 2020 ties Class of 2014 for winningest group By Zoe Comerford

The four-year Marquette volleyball career of dynamic duo Allie Barber and Lauren Speckman came to an abrupt end Dec. 7. However, the players’ contributions to the Golden Eagles’ successes over the past year filled the season with record-breaking action that left a legacy. This season, outside hitter Barber became the all-time kills leader at Marquette, finishing her career with 1,871 kills. Speckman, a setter, ranks fifth all-time in assists at MU after recording 2,852 career assists, 711 of them in 2019. Collectively, the Golden Eagles also broke records this season, as they upset two teams in the top 10 in consecutive matches for the first time in program history, then-No. 9 Brigham Young University and then-No. 4 Wisconsin, both being away matches. Marquette reached a program-best No. 7 in the AVCA Coaches Poll. With a 28-6 record this season, the Golden Eagles tied a programbest 28 wins set in 2018. Marquette made its ninth consecutive trip to the NCAA Tournament and is one of 15 schools with a streak of at least eight straight appearances. MU has gone 29 consecutive weeks ranked in the AVCA Coaches Poll including eight weeks this season in the top 10.

Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics

Allie Barber (10), Madeline Mosher, Lauren Speckman (5) and Gwyn Jones (18) after the BIG EAST Tournament.

Class of 2020 sets records In total, Barber and Speckman’s class finishes with 101 career victories, which matches the Class of 2014 for the winningest class in Marquette volleyball history. “(The seniors) really stepped into leadership roles at the end of their freshman year, believe it or not,” head coach Ryan Theis said. “After their first semester, they started leading the way, and I think they’ve been hugely responsible for all the success that we’ve had.” Over the past four years, the Golden Eagles have reached new heights, including four consecutive 20-win seasons — with 2018 and 2019 being back-to-back 28-win seasons — and four straight NCAA berths and back-to-back Round of 32 appearances. They hosted the NCAA Tournament First and Second Rounds for the first time and made the program’s first trip to the Sweet 16 in 2018. Theis said the senior class has meant everything to him. After seven seniors and two players transferred out following the 2016-17 season, Theis said there were only five or six returners, including Barber, Speckman and Madeline Mosher.

Photo by John Steppe

Allie Barber (10) attempts a kill.

“They said, ‘We want to do things the right way. We believe in what you believe in, and let’s right this ship,’” Theis said. The next match they went into was in their sophomore season at (then-No. 20) Hawaii in front of 6,000 fans, and they won it. “We’ve gotten a lot of really big wins along the way that these guys are going to remember for a really long time,” Theis said. Barber and Speckman’s successes The Golden Eagles have consistently been a top 10 program and Speckman has been crucial to that rebuilding process. The San Jose, California, native was a two-time BIG EAST All-Academic member and member of the 2017 All-BIG EAST Second Team. The 5-foot-9 setter completed her

Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics

Lauren Speckman (5) sets the ball for outside hitter Allie Barber (10).

career playing in 358 sets and 115 matches, while contributing 7.96 assists per set, 683 digs, 75 service aces, and 82 kills. Though Speckman has now begun a new career in beach volleyball at the University of San Francisco, she said Marquette has taught her lessons beyond her volleyball skills. “It’s been a great opportunity,”

Speckman said. “It’s definitely going to direct a lot of what our work ethic is for the rest of our lives, so (I’m) very grateful.” Meanwhile, Barber has been one of the most prolific players in Marquette history. In her career, she has amassed 15 BIG EAST Offensive Player of the Week honors and 10 conference

honor roll awards in 463 career sets. She was a four-time All-BIG EAST First Team honoree with three of them unanimous decisions. In 2019 she was a unanimous selection for the BIG EAST Player of the Year. Barber is only the fourth player in 30 years to repeat the accolade, as she received it in 2017. In the 6-foot-5 outside hitter’s last season, she accumulated a career-best 569 kills and seven assists, including eight service aces, 63 digs, and 41 blocks. Those statistics earned her 2019 AVCA All-East Coast Region honors and AVCA All-American Honorable Mention. In 2018, she was the AVCA East Coast Region Player of the Year and AVCA Second Team All-American. In 2017, she was recognized with AVCA All-East Coast Region and AVCA Honorable Mention AllAmerican honors. In the NCAA this season, she was one of four players who averaged at least 4.66 kills per set and hit above a .307 clip. The Cedarburg, Wisconsin, native was also one of 10 finalists for the 2019 Senior CLASS Award and Dec. 9 was chosen as the Academic All-America Team Member of the Year. This is the second straight year Barber was on the Academic All America First Team. Most teams don’t have any answers to Barber’s offensive prowess and court vision. “She’s 6-foot-5, and she has a lot of experience, and she’s smart. So she doesn’t hit the same shot all the time,” Purdue head coach Dave Shondell said. “She’s a skill player, and she’s big and physical and has a lot of confidence. When they’re in system, she gets a lot tougher.” While Barber will not play professionally and is going to medical school instead, she said this experience has meant so much to her. “It’s really hard to put into words everything that this program has given us seniors,” Barber said. “I know it’s something that we’ll remember forever and take it along with us the rest of our lives, and it’s really fun to be a part of.”



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


BIG EAST touted one of most competitive conferences Latest Associated Press Top 25 poll lists 4 league teams

101-25 record in nonconfe rence play. For perspective, the Big Ten went on a combined 113-39 record from nonconference play.

strong, there is no clear frontrunner to win this conference. “Whoever the 10th team is has the ability to beat anybody in the country, and I think this year it’s

By John Steppe

Usually, having seven other BIG EAST schools projected to go to the NCAA Tournament would be a positive. That is a given on one condition, as Creighton head coach Greg McDermott sees it. “If we don’t totally beat the hell out of each other,” McDermott said. “That’s kind of my fear.” With the BIG EAST schedule boasting an unprecedented level of nonconference success entering league play, Marquette has an especially difficult path to earning enough wins to set up a deep postseason run. Providence is the only team not to be either ranked or receiving votes in the latest Associated Press poll. The 10 BIG EAST schools entered conference play this week with a combined

Photo by John Steppe

The BIG EAST Conference logo sits on Marquette’s court at Fiserv Forum.

“The challenge is, from the rest of the country’s perspective, if a team ends up being 9-9 or 10-8 (in BIG EAST play), that hurts you,” DePaul head coach Dave Leitao said. “The analytics and the metrics hopefully will state the fact that there are so many good teams and so many competitive games.” Because all of the teams are

going to play out more than it ever has,” Villanova head coach Jay Wright said. In the first night of conference play, the team picked last in the preseason poll, DePaul, had the lead over the preseason favorite, Seton Hall, with two minutes to go. Farther east, then-No. 10

Villanova, the team with two national titles in the last four seasons, only won by six at home against Xavier, which missed the NCAA Tournament last year. “While I’m not sure that there’s necessarily an elite team in our league,” McDermott said, “there are 10 really good basketball teams. I don’t think any team is suffering from any ill effects of losing too many guys last year.” Meanwhile, the bottom three teams in the preseason poll — Butler, St. John’s and DePaul — entered BIG EAST play with a combined 35-4 record. “Obviously those (bottom three) teams have been very, very strong and are off to great starts,” McDermott said. “When you have a league that gets off to a start like that and there are so many quality wins, I think that bodes well for your conference when March rolls around.” For a team like Providence with a subpar start to the season, it provides enough opportunities to overcome its six nonconfe rence losses. “Every game is a Top 70 game,” Providence head coach

Ed Cooley said. “Our league has positioned itself in the nonconference that all of our wins against one another will be quality wins, and it won’t be bad losses.” But it also means a team like Marquette at a 10-2 mark can be vulnerable. Marquette head coach Steve Wojciechowski said “the race (to a BIG EAST title) is as wide open as it’s ever been.” While ESPN bracketologist Joe Lunardi’s latest bracket has six BIG EAST teams playing in March, teams won’t want to bet on that sixth ticket in. It would likely require at least one or two teams to make the field with a below-.500 conference record. In the last 18 BIG EAST seasons, that has occurred twice — once to St. John’s in 2019 and once to Syracuse in 2005. Both those teams had higher inconference win percentages than the BIG EAST average for eighth place teams since 2018 — .352. There is a slim margin for error. “You have to bring your best to the table,” Butler head coach LaVall Jordan said.


Taylor’s career day leads team to 3rd straight victory 43 second-half points lift Marquette past Seton Hall By John Leuzzi

Before classes resumed Monday morning, Marquette women’s basketball had one more thing left to accomplish: to win its third straight conference game. The Golden Eagles did just that as they relied on 43 second-half points to defeat the Seton Hall Pirates 81-60 Sunday afternoon. “Just two great wins for us this weekend, beating St. John’s on Friday and finishing up with a great quality Sunday afternoon win,” head coach Megan Duffy said. Neither team got off to a strong start as MU finished the quarter going 0-for-5 in shots. SHU led 24-19 heading into the second quarter. A 6-0 run to open up the second quarter allowed Marquette to get back into the game with a one-possession score. Seton Hall’s three-minute scoring drought, seven turnovers and four personal fouls allowed the Golden Eagles to head into halftime with a 38-34 lead. MU shot 41% from the field

and 10% from beyond the arc in the first half. There were a combined 20 turnovers in the opening half. The Golden Eagles picked up where they left off as they opened the third quarter, putting themselves on a 13-0 run over a span of nearly four minutes. Despite scoring 11 points in the final three minutes and not allowing MU to make a single field goal, the Pirates still found themselves down 11 points heading into the final quarter. “It was everything to get a lead and get the confidence going,” Duffy said. “(I) didn’t like the back end of it … but a team like Seton Hall will make their run and when down, (the Pirates) will be the aggressor. This will help us down the road when we have a lead and how we keep it.” Marquette outscored Seton Hall 21-11 in the fourth quarter, allowing the Golden Eagles to cruise to an 81-60 victory. First-year forward Camryn Taylor led the Golden Eagles with a career-high 23 points and 11 rebounds while earning her first career double-double. “She has been so good for us in the last couple of games, getting the and-one’s, dominating the paint,” Duffy said. “(I’m) just really proud of her and her focus to continue to stay on the course and get better. (She’s) just really fun to watch from

Photo by Jordan Johnson

Camryn Taylor scored a career-high 23 points and 11 rebounds for her first double-double Jan. 12 at the Al.

the sidelines.” Taylor credits her performance against the Pirates to the atmosphere and environment that Duffy has established in the locker room. “(It’s) hard work,” Taylor said. “Just my teammates and coaches pushing me every day in practice through my highs and the lows and being prepared and learning from the upperclassman as a

freshman and gaining that experience and information.” Marquette shot just 45% from the field and 24% from beyond the arc on the afternoon. The Golden Eagles scored 21 points off the Pirates’ 21 turnovers. Marquette (12-4, 3-2 BIG EAST) will head to Butler Jan. 17 to kick off a two-game road trip.

Despite going on the road to begin the second semester, Duffy wants her players to get back to prioritizing academics. “Next few days is about our players getting back to being the student in student-athlete with classes starting back up,” Duffy said. “As coaches, we will look at the film and get ourselves ready for the road.”


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Marquette Tribune



Golden Eagles survive against then-No. 10 Villanova Junior Theo John finishes with seasonhigh 10 rebounds By Zoe Comerford

In front of a sold-out crowd at Fiserv Forum, Marquette stunned then-No. 10 Villanova 71-60 Jan. 4 to claim its first BIG EAST win of the 2019-20 season. This is the Golden Eagles’ first victory over a top 10 team since beating then-No. 1 Villanova 74-72 Jan. 24, 2017. “We beat a hell of a team and a hell of a program,” Marquette head coach Steve Wojciechowski said. “Villanova has been the standard bear in the BIG EAST. … Our guys played an outstanding defensive game against one of the top offenses in the United States. We were competitive, we executed the game plan and did a really nice job against a terrific team and a great program.” Despite it being winter break, the 17,856 fans at the game produced a hostile environment for the Wildcats, who had won nine of their last

Photo by John Steppe

Three Wildcats surround Theo John (4). John had 10 rebounds Jan. 4.

10 games. “This was a great basketball atmosphere,” Villanova head coach Jay Wright said. “I truly wish we could have given them a better game. They just physically took us out of anything we wanted to do offensively.” It was Marquette who came out with all the energy, jumping out to an early 9-3 lead. From then on, the Golden Eagles dominated on the shooting front and forced several turnovers. Eight minutes into the game, Marquette led 22-16 and was shooting 8-for-14 from the field,

converting four Wildcat turnovers into five points. Senior Markus Howard had 12 points on 4-for-6 shooting, three rebounds and one assist. By the end of the first half, the 5-foot-11 guard recorded 17 points on 5-for-8 shooting and dished six rebounds. “Markus gives us some swagger,” Wojciechowski said. “Some of our offensive struggles had to do with Markus as an assistant coach instead of being a player. There’s no question our team feeds off his swagger.” The Golden Eagles’ biggest lead of the game was when they were

up 41-21 at the 4:13 mark on a 16-3 run, holding the Wildcats to one of their last seven shots. Wright called his team’s offense “inept” in the first half. “We had to be the tougher team today,” redshirt junior Koby McEwen said. “Being able to dive for loose balls, grab rebounds with two hands, staying in front of guys (are) all toughness plays.” At the half, Marquette led Villanova 46-29. The Golden Eagles shot 56% from the field and MU’s defense held the Wildcats to 11for-29 from the field and 6-for-17 from three. “Taking pride in defense. That’s got to be our identity,” junior forward Theo John said. “Defense travels, defense is always going to be there. Just making sure that we step up and take pride in that part of the game.” Following halftime, it seemed like Villanova was going to close the gap, trailing by just eight points.At the 10:16 mark, Marquette was one of its last 13 shots and at one point, the Golden Eagles were shooting just 11%. “We were getting stops, but our offensive decisions were really

poor,” Wright said. “We got caught up in being down and not making the right play.” It was Howard who ended the scoring drought with a 3-pointer. Though Howard fouled out with 37 seconds left, the nation’s leading scorer finished with a game-high 29 points and two steals, along with tying his season-best eight rebounds. Villanova’s leading scorer Collin Gillespie was contained to a seasonlow six points. Free throw shooting made the difference down the stretch as Marquette went 13-for-17 from the charity stripe in the second half. “For (Koby) and Markus to knock down free throws and maintain a three or four-possession lead was very good,” Wojciechowski said. Besides Howard, McEwen also added double-digits with 22 points on 5-for-12 shooting. John finished with a season-high 10 rebounds as well as recording four of the Golden Eagles’ seven blocks. “Anytime there was a breakdown or they had a chance to score at the rim, Theo made it very difficult,” Wojciechowski said. “When Theo is at his best, he is elite at the rim.”

Senior guard finds answers to bearing offensive burden Howard’s 8 fouls per game ranks 3rd among DI players By John Steppe

A quick look at senior guard Markus Howard’s 25% 3-point shooting against then-No. 10 Villanova would hardly suggest an eventual win Jan. 4. Yet Howard used a different element of his game to give the Golden Eagles their surprise win: his high volume of free throws. It’s nothing new for the 5-foot11 guard. In fact, it’s been an increasingly reliable weapon for Howard. Howard is third in the country with 8.0 fouls drawn per 40 minutes, per KenPom, a prominent college basketball analytics site. Auburn’s Austin Wiley is the only other player from the six major college basketball conferences to have at least 8.0 fouls drawn per 40 minutes. That type of success getting to the line is unmatched at the Al McGuire Center. Since KenPom began tracking the statistic in the 2001’02 season, no other Marquette player had more than 7.0 fouls drawn per game. The only other player to average at least 6.5 was

Davante Gardner in 2012-13 and 2013-14. Villanova head coach Jay Wright said Howard is as good at drawing fouls as anybody he’s ever seen. Coaches across the BIG EAST attribute it to his shooting threat. “You press up to try to get him off the (3-point) line,” Butler head coach LaVall Jordan said. “A lot of teams do that because of his shooting ability, and his ability to shoot from deep stretches you.” Howard led the nation in his freshman season with 54.7% shooting from behind the 3-point line. While he hasn’t been as efficient since then due to an increased volume of shots, he led the country last season. “He uses his shot to set up the rest of his game,” Jordan said. “Once he starts coming downhill, he’s a crafty, crafty guy, and he’s gotten a lot better finishing around the basket and smart enough to use his body to draw fouls, so he’s a tough cover.” Wright specifically attributed Howard’s success at drawing contact to recognizing mistakes in the defense. “He does a great job of creating contact intelligently when a defender is out of position,” Wright said. “He’s really smart about that. Rarely, if a guy is in position will he make contact. But as

soon as he senses he’s got a guy off balance or out of position, he takes it right into his chest.” Marquette head coach Steve Wojciechowski said his ability to draw fouls helps get other players to the free-throw line as well because the team can shoot in the

year, he drew 7.2 fouls per game. In his sophomore season, he drew 4.2 fouls per game. Providence head coach Ed Cooley said Howard has “worked on his craft on how to get fouled in certain situations on the floor.” “He knows how to draw fouls,”

Photo by John Steppe

Senior Markus Howard (0) dribbles through Providence defense Jan. 7.

free-throw bonus sooner. “The fact that he gets fouled gives other guys opportunities to score,” Wojciechowski said. “You don’t really get credit for that, but it’s a huge play in the game because you want to win the free-throw battle.” Howard hasn’t always been as effective at drawing fouls. Last

Cooley said. “He has probably seen every possible scouting report on him — with size, with speed, with length, double teams, two to the ball on him.” As St. John’s head coach Mike Anderson views it, Howard and fellow Preseason All-American Myles Powell “have been through the wars” of previous BIG

EAST seasons. Those previous BIG EAST wars and drawing fouls haven’t been enough for Howard and Marquette to get through a grueling start of BIG EAST play in 2020. The Golden Eagles enter Wednesday’s contest against Xavier with a 1-2 record in league play. While Howard has averaged 31.7 points in BIG EAST games this year, Marquette has lacked a consistent secondary scorer. No other MU player has scored 10-plus points in at least two of MU’s three conference games. A particularly unforgiving BIG EAST slate exacerbates the problem. KenPom projects Marquette to win only one game between Jan. 22 and Feb. 17. Based on bracket projections and past results, eight BIG EAST wins are likely the minimum to be in consideration for a March Madness at-large bid. A loss against the Musketeers this Wednesday would spur MU’s worst four-game start to BIG EAST play since 2010. The team is remaining optimistic, though. “We’ve only played four games, and we have a lot ahead of us,” sophomore forward Brendan Bailey said after the Seton Hall loss Saturday. “You just always have to be prepared.”just always have to be prepared.”


The Marquette Tribune


Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Seagrist, Prpa embark on professional careers in MLS New York Red Bulls, Houston Dynamo choose MU captains By Tyler Peters

Former Marquette defenseman Patrick Seagrist and midfielder Luka Prpa were selected in the 2019 Major League Soccer SuperDraft Thursday afternoon. Seagrist and Prpa are the sixth and seventh Marquette players to be drafted to the MLS in program history. Seagrist was selected 10th overall in the first round by the New York Red Bulls. The Red Bulls traded $100,000 in general allocation money to the Chicago Fire Football Club to acquire the 10th pick in the draft. With this selection, Seagrist becomes the highest-drafted Marquette player of all time. Prpa was selected 34th overall in the second round by the Houston Dynamo. During their four years at Marquette, both Seagrist and Prpa played crucial roles in leading Marquette to the BIG EAST Tournament the

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Seniors Luka Prpa (10) and Patrick Seagrist (7) led their team to the 2018 BIG EAST Championship game.

last two seasons and the 2018 BIG EAST Championship Final. “It’s an exciting time for these seniors who have worked their tails off over the course of their collegiate careers to get to this point,” Marquette head coach Louis Bennett said in a statement. “Having the opportunity to be drafted and play professional soccer is one that should be cherished and celebrated.” Seagrist’s collegiate resume includes two selections to the AllBIG EAST First Team, starting in 63 of 65 games played and scoring 28 career points. This season, the Streamwood, Illinois, native finished first on the team and second in the BIG EAST Conference with seven assists. Prpa started in 14 of the 15 games he played this season despite battling an injury. Throughout his time at MU, Prpa boasts a four-time allconference selection, a two-time CoSIDA Academic All-American selection and a three-time BIG EAST Offensive Player of the Week. Prpa also finished eighth in program history with 28 assists. Forward Josh Coan was projected to be picked in one of the final two rounds but ended up going undrafted.

Graphic by Kayla Nickerson

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