2 minute read

Addressing campus concerns

President Lovell gives eighth annual speech to faculty, community

By Julia Abuzzahab julianna.abuzzahab@marquette.edu


It isn’t everyday that you hear about a Marquette-themed beer. However, at Marquette University President Michael Lovell’s Presidential Address, you never know what surprises are brewing.

Marquette University President Michael Lovell gave his eighth annual Presidential Address last Wednesday.

“The university has made such progress since last year,” Lovell said. “So I think we should all be very proud that the cam pus has so much momentum mov ing forward.”

Campus Safety

Lovell an nounced that after imple menting the President’s

Task Force on Community Safety last year, they created 12 priorities — eight of already been established, and the other four are “on a pathway to implementation.”

The enacted priorities are: reimagine campus transportation, establish a behavioral unit within the Marquette University Police Department, allow safety alert texts for parents and create a holistic website.

CAMPUS page 2 financial aid.

Scholl said he informed the tennis program on this close to two years ago.

As for the track and field program, Scholl said he delayed that announcement until within the last few months as pieces were still being pieced together.

Back in March 2020, the NCAA reduced its distributions to schools by $375 million due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Scholl said he doesn’t want to use the economic setback brought by COVID-19 as an excuse for the budget cuts, but it was a factor. The Marquette Wire inquired about the exact budget numbers, but Scholl and Broeker declined to comment.

“We’re always looking ahead and trying to anticipate what the future’s going to look like for us. I would say really it’s a university-wide process because we’re not the only ones to have had to tighten our belts over the past couple of years,” Scholl said.

“But more importantly is the effort to get our budget to a situation where we feel it’s sustainable and in the future. … One of our thought processes was, we didn’t want to do something that couldn’t be changed again down the road. Clearly if economics allowed us to grow it back, adding scholarships back in would not be a hard thing to do.” Since it was a university decision, Scholl said the Big East conference had little to no involvement

Saturday Mass at MU

St. Joan of Arc Chapel to hold additional worship service

proached Nathaniel Romano, an assistant director for liturgical programs, and presented their concern, and Campus Ministry took initiative to help these students create a Saturday morning mass.

Sebastián La Rosa and his friends struggled to find a Mass near campus to attend on Saturday mornings, so they resorted to driving to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Newman Center for Mass on Saturdays.

La Rosa and his friends ap-

“This all stems from my interest in the mass itself,” La Rosa, a junior in the College of Health Sciences, said. “I’m one to think that the more time you spend with God, the more you become like him.”

La Rosa tries to attend church every day, but Saturday

By Sophia Tiedge sophia.tiedge@marquette.edu See MASS page 3

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