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LOVELL: reaching milestones with Marquette
Continued from page 1 which the doctors then had to compensate for how bad he felt.
“I remember talking to the doctors and they said, ‘Well you can get this side effect but it’s not that common, you can get this side effect but it’s [also] not that common — I got all but one of the side effects,” Lovell said.
The only side effect that Lovell said he didn’t get from the immunotherapy was temporary dementia. Other possible side effects from the therapy include fever, nausea, headache, rash, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure and trouble breathing.
“My immune system was almost taken down to zero,” Lovell said.
In October, Lovell said he started to feel better and could do nearly everything that he wanted to do again while still being a bit careful.
Lovell said since October, he can feel himself getting healthier and stronger each week and said he feels 100% right now.
“I exercise every day so I know my body is getting stronger, getting better — in fact, I had a milestone a couple weeks ago,” Lovell said.
Todd Smith, the strength and conditioning coach, helps Lovell train and Lovell said he is doing more repetitions compared to where he was prior to his cancer treatment.
One of Lovell’s favorite milestones though, is being able to stay a part of the campus community. Lovell said he gets his energy from the Marquette community.
Being immunocompromised, especially at the beginning of
In the Jan. 31 edition of The Marquette Tribune “Fast Facts” incorrectly stated that Superbowl LVII will be held in Glendale, Wisconsin. It will be held in Glendale, Arizona.
In “Addressing campus concerns,” the article incorrectly stated that it was University President Michael Lovell’s eighth annual Presidential Address. It was his ninth.
The Tribune regrets these errors.
the 2022-2023 academic year, Lovell said there were times when he couldn’t attend the events he wanted to. Provost Ah Yun said he stepped up to help take Lovell’s place at some events and meetings.
Ah Yun said Lovell is “a fighter in all ways.”
“You know, when you walk through something like this with someone else, I think there’s no way for you not to become relationally closer be- cause you have to be open and vulnerable and willing to talk about what’s happening and how you’re feeling and how you can support that other person,” Ah Yun said.
Ah Yun said that Lovell’s journey with sarcoma allowed him the opportunity to tell him how much he meant to him, how Lovell helped him grow as a person and how much he respects Lovell as a person.
“A lot of times in our life,
Fast Facts
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed over 4,000 people in Turkey and Syria Monday morning. Rescue efforts are underway and Turkey has called for international aid.
United States President Joe Biden will be coming to the Madison area tomorrow to speak to the public.
Early voting begins today for the Wisconsin 2023 spring primary. The primary will be Feb. 21 where Wisconsinites will vote for Wisconsin Supreme Court justices. In some jurisdictions, alderpeople and local judges are also on the ballot.
Big Time Rush will be coming to Milwaukee in July for their headlining “Can’t Get Enough Tour.” The show will take place at American Family Insurance Amphitheater.
we might not have that moment to pause and think about these important people in your life, and you might not have a reason to have that conversation with them because it doesn’t naturally come up,” Ah Yun said. “It [cancer] provided us moments to have those punctuated points in time that not only was it appro priate, but important to have those conversations.”
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