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Q&A: Up-and-coming indie artist, Adam Melchor
Interview with New Jersey singer about his latest release
By Isabella Flores isabella.flores@marquette.edu
For Marquette students, music is a way to feed the soul and free the mind – whether it’s walking to class, driving with your friends, or having a night out. Music is an aspect of our everyday lives and conveys different meanings, ideas and emotions. That same thing can be said for singer and songwriter Adam Melchor who is on tour for his newest album, “Here Goes Nothing!”
Melchor was raised in Jersey City to a very musical family and knew his dream was to pursue music from a young age. He studied at Montclair State University and achieved a degree in Opera, but soon after decided to start a music career in 2017. Shortly after, his music career blossomed as he now has over 1.3 million monthly listeners on Spotify and 40,921,682 just under 41 million on his most popular song, “Real Estate.”
Before his show in Chicago, I met Adam backstage as his manager handed me a tote bag. Adam and I complimented each other’s outfits and cracked a few laughs and heartfelt moments about his music’s impact on my life. Being a fan of his for a while now, this was the opportunity of a lifetime and I was so grateful it could happen.
When you started songwriting and making music at what point in the process did you decide it was time to put it out to the public?
It was definitely after college, maybe 24 or 25 - I was not very good at singing till that point. I know it’s hard to believe, even I’m a mere mortal but yeah, I didn’t feel like I would listen to the songs
I was making - it definitely took a while and at that point. I’ve been writing songs for several years so for every good song there are like 100 bad ones. I just don’t show the 99 bad ones but it still happens. I still definitely write terrible songs, and sometimes you just happen to get a glimmer of hope. But yeah just gives yourself time. For some people, it comes so naturally like Justin Bieber who’s 13 years old and just crushing it, but when I was that age I was like why didn’t I make the basketball team? Anyways, I always say “Same moon different paths see you at the top.”
Out of all of your songs on the new album, which are you most proud of?
Oh man, I think recording wise definitely most proud of “I’m Afraid I Love You”. That one was a long journey to get done and writing wise “Touch And Go” is one of my favorites.
What’s your writing process like?
It’s different every time but kind of the second you think of something, go to the voice memos app as soon as possible. That’s the thing that kind of stays the same. Was there a song on this album where during the process you had an idea of what it would be like, but by the time you put it on the album it was completely different?
Ohh that’s a good one. The song “I’m Ready” was very much like that, I’m Ready had a simple fingerpicking thing on the guitar. I didn’t really like it, I was like man I don’t really like this song and then I just stumbled on a fingerpicking pattern I loved and this sort of brass-sounding string, so that one took the biggest run and the longest process. I wrote it in 2019 and finally released it in March of 2022.
What is the theme of the concert tonight? I noticed you have many laps lamps? on stage, fairy lights, and numerous couches with a little dumpling light on your keyboard. Can you tell me a little bit more about that?
Tonight I really wanted to showcase a little bit of home. The light-up dumpling always comes with me wherever I go. My stepmom gifted it to me from China and I always just bring it with me during my tours.
What has been your favorite place that you’ve gone to so far on tour?
Besides Chicago Illinois, I really loved New Zealand. That was so cool to go to for the first time. The show was so fun, and honestly everywhere you can find a little bit of New Zealand and the magic. Every tour is so different, you meet great people and on those tours, the person you hang out with the most is the photographer so a lot of the time I get close with their photographers and like this year celebrated
Hanukkah with one of them. I love your tattoos so much, and I’m curious as to which one is your favorite and why?
It changes every day, but today I really like the goose cause it was my first dad joke tattoo, get it, goosebumps. Really dumb, but no tattoo is smart nor does it have to be.
After a final laugh, thank you, and compliments to one another, Adam Melchor prepared to take on the stage with opener Miloe and was ready to spend the rest of his night singing his heart out.

Andrew Amouzou, Executive Director
Woolard, Managing Editor of The Marquette Tribune
Moses, Editor of Diversity and Inclusion