1 minute read
How do I register to vote in Wisconsin?
Same day in-person voter registration at your polling place is available.
What do I need to register to vote?
Anyone registering to vote needs to provide a proof of residency. This can take the form of a WI driver’s license or another form of state ID. Marquette students registering with their Marquette campus address can apply for a voter ID at Union Station in the lower level of the Alumni Memorial Union. Anyone that has registered under a previous address and has since moved must reregister. For more information on Marquette voter ID check out Marquette’s voter information page.
When do I vote?
Voting is open today, Tuesday April 4, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Anyone in line by 8 p.m. will have the chance to cast their ballot.
Where do I vote?
There are polling locations within the AMU, but be sure to check MyVote WI for your exact polling location.
What’s on the ballot?
Wisconsin Supreme Court race Liberal Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Janet Protasiewicz is running against conservative former Supreme Court justice Daniel Kelly.
There are various state, county and citywide referendums also on ballot today. For a full list of races on your ballot check out MyVote WI.
Wisconsin Voter Information