2 minute read


By Kimberly Cook kimberly.cook@marquette.edu

“What is your moment?”


I have kept this question in my mind ever since Mark Zoromski posed it to me during my interview for managing editor of the Marquette Journal.

As I described my vision for the issues we would publish for the 2022-23 school year to Mark and the Board of Student Media then, we all have moments in our lives that define us, that lead us through the metamorphosis of life.

My answer to this question, of course, has changed many times over the course of my life. Different moments mean different things in different contexts, but that day, I recounted the times when my papa would tell me stories of his experiences and travels; I explained that he was the person who introduced me to stories and the power they can hold. Looking back, there are so many experiences packed into my three years with the Wire, all of which hold a special place in my heart.

It is hard to pinpoint a singular instance, one singular person that has made the greatest impact.

But, of all of the flashes of memory, there are a few that stand out as moments that have defined my time here and who I am as a person.

The first time seeing my name in print, getting the email that I had been chosen as the next managing editor of the Marquette Journal, opening the first box of “Life in Color” this past November and feeling nothing but fulfilled are all beautiful successes and memories that still bring a smile to my face.

But while those moments are special, they aren’t enough to encapsulate how much the space within four walls can mean to a person.

So, you might call this cheating — or a regression on my part — when I say that my three years at the Marquette Wire is the most definitive moment of my college career. The Wire is the place where I found the confidence to say “I’ll do it” even though my head told me I wasn’t good enough; it is the place where I found relationships that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

To my Marquette Wire family: You all inspire me every day. I am so grateful to know you all, and I know that you are all going to do amazing things. Thank you for all of the memories and for all of the care that you have shown me these last three years.

To Katie, Nora and Anna: Thank you for all of the laughs and smiles over the past four years, especially when I needed a break from the stress of every day or the weight of things on my plate. I love you all so much, and I don’t know what I would do without you.

To Mark: Thank you for being the guiding force that led me to my Marquette Wire family. You have no idea how much you mean to me — to all of us.

To John: Words are not enough to thank you for all that you have done for me. You are the sounding board for all of my ideas and my No. 1 fan, always. Your love and support mean the world to me, and I am so happy that we both decided that happiness is the only option.

To my family: Your support over these last four years is something that I will be forever grateful for. Thank you for your time and every sacrifice you made to help me achieve my dreams. I love you all!

And while my answer to “What is your moment?” may change again if you were to ask me four years from now, that is okay. Change and growth are necessary to discover the newest versions of ourselves. And while I may be growing into my next chapter, this one has been full of moments that I will remember always.

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