Marquette Magazine Fall 2013

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bonds experiences and encounters that endure

2013 President ’s Society Honor Roll of Donors








It’s roommates’ lifelong embrace, it’s a mission trip’s grace, it’s friends and familiarity and faith. The experiences and encounters that endure are worth celebrating as we do in this issue.





FALL 2013

Soccer player James C. Nortey finds more family nearly 6,000 miles from home.

20 F E AT U R ES

16 Love letters to Father John Naus, S.J. Marquette Magazine puts out a call for stories and favorite memories of Father Naus and receives a deluge of honeys.

18 Friends and amigos Brian Harper, Comm ’11, wants the same thing his parents found at Marquette in the 1970s.


Brian Harper watches his two worlds merge in Peru.

20 Goal oriented There’s something you should know about student James C. Nortey. He has spent most of his life creating his own chances.

24 Remembering JFK Marquette says goodbye to the Jesuit who taught us many things, including to begin celebrating Christmas in July.

Faculty members reflect on the charisma that inspired a nation and also launched a celebrated Marquette tradition of service. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT


49 Creating possibilities The 2013 President’s Society Honor Roll of Donors

Marquette Magazine


See more Alumni Reunion Weekend moments in our exclusive slideshow and also on page 30. Online extra this issue Then enjoy a breathtaking mid-air tour of campus that adds to the perspective provided in this issue’s snap:shot photo feature.

on the Web Craving more Marquette news? The Marquette Magazine website is updated with fresh content every week. Get the scoop on the comeback journey of men’s soccer standout and Ghana native James C. Nortey. Then, laugh it up with the Studio 013 Refugees, the campus improv comedy troupe that can entertain for hours  — 12 straight hours, to be exact.


we are marquette 6 academic matters

> On the minds of the O’Brien Fellows

> Campus replay: Tip-off 1965

> Campus Q&A on terrorism

8 on campus

> The strategic plan as a road map

> Sandwich ministry

> Marquette students at a glance

9 Students continue serving the hungry for 25 years.

10 alumni in action

> Tall order

> Jaw-dropping find

> 136 miles in six days for MS

Plus, you can comment on stories, sign up for RSS feeds and search for old friends. It’s part of our effort to keep you up on everything Marquette.

12 faith lives

> World Youth Day, I stood up.

14 snap:shot

> The world is not flat

in every issue PHOTO BY BEN SMIDT

Editor: Joni Moths Mueller Copy Editing Assistance: Becky Dubin Jenkins Contributing Writers: magazine intern Jessie Bazan, Steven Goldzwig, Brian Harper, Chris Jenkins, Herbert Lowe, Nicole Sweeney Etter and John McAdams

Stock photography: Copyrighted © Ariadne Van Zandbergen, Lonely Planet/Getty Images, p. 20 Address correspondence to Marquette Magazine, P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, Wis., 53201-1881 USA Email: Phone: (414) 288-7448

Design: Winge Design Studio

Publications Agreement No. 1496964

Photography: Maggie Bean, Peter Coombs, Richard Hartog, Brian Hodes, Jesuit Conference USA, John F. Kennedy Library, Robert L. Knudsen, Warren K. Leffler, Donald Mingfield, NASA, John Nienhuis, student Kelly Rasmussen, Kat Schleicher, Ben Smidt and Scott Takushi

Marquette Magazine (USPS 896-460), for and about alumni and friends of Marquette University, is published quarterly by Marquette University, 1250 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., 53223.

Illustrations: Copyrighted © Jing Jing Tsong/ The iSpot, cover; Bjorn Rune Lie, Ikon Images/Getty Images, pg. 5; James Yang, pgs. 35, 39, 42


3 Greetings From Father Robert Wild, S.J.

Fall 2013

Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, Wis.


Class Notes > Sophia Minnaert, Comm ’09 PAGE 31 > Mark Rampolla, Bus Ad ’91 PAGE 33 > Jim Stemper, Eng ’09 PAGE 37 > In Memoriam PAGE 40 > Weddings PAGE 42 > Births PAGE 45

46 Letters to the Editor Readers weigh in with their views 48 Tilling the soil Exploring faith together

that is the case for so many of you. So I didn’t need much time to reflect when I was asked to rejoin Marquette to serve



Marquette has worked its way deep into my heart, and I know

as interim president after Father Scott Pilarz, S.J., made the decision to resign earlier this fall. There was little question about it: If I could be of service to once again lead this wonderful university, I was very glad to say, “yes.”


Now that I am back on campus full time, I am reminded

how Marquette’s faculty, students, staff, alumni and friends are advancing the university’s mission each day. I’m happy to help

It has been a real pleasure

support and encourage their work. In doing so, I am grateful for

to see familiar friends,

the counsel of interim provost Dr. Margaret Callahan and the Board of Trustees, chaired by Chuck Swoboda. I am confident

colleagues and students in

that Marquette is moving in the right direction.

recent days. I look forward to

the Commencement exercises

We can be encouraged by several important projects that

are under way, nearing completion or recently opened. With

with students I welcomed to

its brand new 40,000-square-foot expansion, the School of

campus four years ago.

Dentistry is welcoming more students and providing essential oral health care to Wisconsin residents. The historic core of Sensenbrenner, Johnston and Marquette halls is being renewed and re-imagined as a vibrant center of learning and discovery. The College of Nursing’s year-old clinical simulation center has transformed nursing education and serves as a magnet for a diverse set of academic and community partners.

Our student-athletes are fortunate to be playing this fall in

a new Big East Conference. After enduring the instability that has buffeted so many athletic conferences, Marquette is now aligned with nine universities that share a similar commitment to academic and personal formation of student-athletes, as well as competitive excellence.

My colleagues and I are working to implement Marquette’s

strategic plan, Beyond Boundaries. One of the strengths of the

Marquette Magazine


plan was the process that involved the entire university community, which led to the plan’s approval by the Board of Trustees. That cooperative spirit has grown through the work of those who are leading efforts to achieve six major goals in areas ranging from “Pursuit of academic excellence for human well-being” to “Social responsibility and community engagement.” The structure of the plan will easily allow Marquette’s next president to integrate his or her own unique ideas.

As always, our future would not be nearly as promising

without the university’s many loyal and generous supporters. In this issue, you’ll find the 2013 President’s Society Honor Roll of benefactors who made Marquette a major part of their phi-

I look forward to the steps we will take together, moving the university forward with your faith and support.

lanthropy in the last year. To all 1,900 members of this society and for everyone who supports Marquette, I am grateful. Let me add that I am especially encouraged by the generous spirit of those recognized in a new category, one for those who have graduated in the past 15 years, the Rev. Peter A. Brooks, S.J., Level for Young Alumni.

It has been a real pleasure to see familiar Marquette friends,

colleagues and students in recent days. I look forward to being on stage at the December and May Commencement exercises with students I welcomed to campus four years ago. And I appreciate the opportunity to connect with you in this familiar spot in Marquette Magazine. I look forward to the steps we will take together, moving the university forward with your faith and support. May our good and gracious God bless our students and all those associated with Marquette University.



Fall 2013


• • • • •

academic matters : 6 on campus : 8 alumni in action : 10 faith lives : 12 snapshot : 14

we are marquette S O M E O N E ’ S H E R O It can be as simple an action as teaching a teen how to dress for

success or as exhausting as running a cross-country marathon for MS research. Heroes come in all sizes, they like to study many things, and they don’t all wear capes. Read how some alumni and faculty are working to change the world, and see what else is going on at Marquette.

Marquette Magazine


academic matters


Water, health care and greenhouse gases

From top: Dan Egan, Lillian Thomas and Hal Bernton

Campus replay Keeping the ball in motion until Tip-Off Do the math. If it’s 90 miles from DePaul University’s campus in Chicago to Milwaukee, and a basketball is bounced approximately twice per yard and there are 1,760 yards per


Hal Bernton thinks that with the proliferation of blogs and social media, journalists need more time to rise above the noise, dig deep and produce reporting that tackles the tough issues of the day. “At their best, that’s what journalists have done over the decades,” says Bernton, a reporter at The Seattle Times who is on campus for the academic year. Bernton is one of three award-winning journalists comprising the inaugural class of O’Brien Fellows. The new program allows journalists to spend nine months on campus researching, reporting and writing stories they consider important. Each fellow will mentor Marquette students — including those who aspire to careers in newsrooms — who will assist them by interviewing sources, shooting and editing videos, mining data and contributing to other reporting tasks. The fellows will return next fall to present work published as part of the O’Brien Fellowship. For his project, Bernton is exploring the struggle to curb carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases; the politics, economics and science of energy; the progress — and roadblocks ahead — for further expansion of solar energy and wind; and the politics of carbon regulation that will help determine coal’s future in the United States. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter Dan Egan is examining how and why ships carrying ballast water contaminated with exotic life from foreign ports have made an ecological mess of the Great Lakes, despite the federal government’s efforts to force the shipping industry to protect these fresh waters. Lillian Thomas, an assistant managing editor at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, is focusing on nonprofit health care in America, including how many nonprofit hospitals become large operations that behave like for-profits, and health care systems that close hospitals in poorer communities and open facilities in more affluent communities. Thomas says many of the most meaningful stories she’s been involved with have been public service pieces that offered detailed information about vital matters. “I believe leaders in journalism and young reporters alike recognize that with so much routine and unexamined information available, strong news organizations need to move toward compelling, accessible stories that shed light on complex issues,” she says. The J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication and the Journal Sentinel teamed to create the Perry and Alicia O’Brien Fellowship in Public Service Journalism. It is funded with a gift from Peter and Patricia Frechette. m HL

mile, it could mean a group of engineering

students dribbled the ball more than 300,000 times to deliver it for Tip-Off in 1965.

And the dribbling marathon didn’t end

with reaching campus but continued in the

student union. Marquetters worked to keep the ball in motion until Saturday afternoon

at the Milwaukee Arena, when team captain

Tom Flynn shouldered what had to be the most awesome responsibility of the day. His job?

Sink the basketball before the then-Warriors’ game against the DePaul Blue Demons.

Bringing the basketball across state

lines was part of the build up to Marquette’s All University Weekend and annual Tip-Off parade, which once earned mention in Time magazine as one of the “largest collegesponsored parades in the nation,” according to The Marquette Tribune. In 1965, the parade featured 27 floats, novelty acts and marching groups. A night-ending concert in the gym featured jazz saxophonist Stan Getz and comic Jackie Vernon. Tip-Off launched the basketball season from 1962– 67. In May 1968, the Trib reported that the Tip-Off Council revised celebrations, establishing instead a Kick-off Weekend in October and a Winterfest in February. m JMM


Fall 2013

academic matters

“What sustains me is the pure intellectual challenge and the desire to improve my own and others’ understanding of the causes of this form of political violence.”


Dr. Risa Brooks studies a dark side of humanity with a goal of improving the world. Brooks is an associate professor of political science in the Helen Way Klingler College of Arts and Sciences. She’s also a member of a small minority of women who study international terrorism.

I study such a dark side of humanity. I think what sustains me is the pure intellectual challenge and the desire to improve my own and others’ understanding of the causes of this form of political violence.

MM: Why do you study terrorism? RB: I study militant groups to understand

why they choose violence to pursue their political goals. Only by understanding the forces and factors that result in a group employing terrorism can we identify solutions and policies to reduce the incidence of terrorist violence. Also, although terrorism is commonly defined as a method of armed conflict used for political aims, one thing clear in my studies is that it is often ordinary people with little at stake in a conflict who are harmed by these acts of violence. This is vividly clear in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. I often reflect on this fact and hope my work can contribute to improving life for these civilians. I ask myself occasionally about why

MM: How did you get started?

same time, I always keep in mind my mother’s refrain, “to remember my place in history,” which means to me that I can contribute to drawing more women into the field by being willing to be one of the minority today.

RB: That’s a good question. One thing

MM: What are some important

I can say is I did not come to the study of international security and terrorism “by design.” I thought I would be a biologist when I started college. Then I took a political science course and was hooked. I ended up becoming a professor as a result of a natural intellectual draw to the issues and through the influence of a mentor who inspired me academically.

revelations so far?

MM: Is it a challenge for a woman to work in the field? RB: Yes, at times. There have been issues

in demonstrating my credibility in a field that has few women at its top. At the

RB: Although some terrorist groups

seem inured to social influences, some operate in social settings in which they take cues from local communities about when and how to use violence against their adversaries. While this is far from the only consideration that affects decisions by a group’s leaders to use terrorist methods, to the extent groups are responsive to pressures from local communities, it opens the door to understanding one way they might be drawn away from terrorism. m JMM

Marquette Magazine


on campus

We begin Think of the strategic plan as a road map



Tom Ganey is the new vice president for planning, charged with guiding implementation of the university’s strategic plan. Ganey adds the role to his position as university architect.

they identified one specific tactic that the university can make progress on during this academic year. Additionally, the goal stewards are working to identify specific first-year objectives and tactics. For example: The provost is initiating a scheduled effort of academic program review, and university leadership is meeting with management staff in the operating units to identify opportunities to improve organizational effectiveness. The vice president for mission and ministry is working with a team to better organize and report on the wide variety of community engagement activities. The vice provost for research is identifying and implementing initiatives aimed at improving Marquette’s research classification. As vice president for planning, Ganey is working with colleges and administrative divisions to align unit planning with the overall university vision and goals. “Implementing the strategic plan is the work of everyone on campus,” Ganey says. “We encourage people to refer to the plan to help establish their priorities for the academic year and to think about how their daily work can help achieve the goals of the strategic plan. The plan will keep all of us on track for the seven-year journey ahead.” m JMM


Ganey uses the metaphor of a trip to describe how the university should think about achieving the goals defined in the strategic plan. And with travel, he says, there are stops to be taken along the way. “To make any trip, one must have intermediate objectives. To drive from Milwaukee to St. Louis, you might stop in Springfield, Illinois, for lunch,” Ganey says. “For the strategic plan, the destination is the vision statement, and the routes to achieving the vision can be laid out in the six themes and goals.” The university worked for more than a year to define a strategic path to carry Marquette forward. More recently, six academic and administrative campus leaders were named goal stewards, responsible for helping make the goals outlined in the strategic plan a part of the everyday life and work on campus. This fall, the stewards are establishing metrics to measure progress on achieving the goals. To begin,


Fall 2013

View Beyond Boundaries: Setting the Course for Marquette’s Future at strategic-plan.

on campus


Marquette students WHO THEY ARE



community service


student organization member


Sandwich ministry Twenty-five years ago, a group of students attended the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness in Boston. They brought back more than notes.

They brought a determina-

tion to replicate what they saw

there — students driving




Marquette students are involved: in the community, in student organizations and internships.


around city streets delivering

food, blankets, hats and gloves to the

homeless. Soon, Midnight Run at Marquette was born — and the first cohort of 30 student-volunteers began working on hunger issues in Milwaukee.


internships credit and non-credit

The original plan called for handing out sand-

wiches at night. When it proved difficult to locate


people in need in the darkness of a cold Wisconsin winter, the student-volunteers rethought program-


ming. They set up at a central location outside the Milwaukee Public Library at lunchtime, and the

hours of service that Marquette undergraduates spend in the community each year

Undergraduate alumni employment and placement outcomes one year after graduation

hungry consistently lined up. The service continues. Each semester 160 student-volunteers sign up to work at 11 sites that serve the needs of the hungry and homeless.



“Midnight Run has continuously served lunch

six days a week since its earliest days,” says Gerry Fischer, associate director of Campus Ministry. “The connections we make with those we serve motivate our students to work toward the social changes that can improve their lives.” m JMM R E A D T H E H I S T O R Y of the Midnight Run at

Employed full time

Graduate school

4% Seeking employment

2% Stipendpaid postgraduate service

R E A D M O R E A B O U T O U R S T U D E N T S and the value of a

Marquette education and learn more about where we got these numbers at

Marquette Magazine


alumni in action

Jaw-dropping find Dates at the dentist are rarely exciting. But an unlikely find during a recent dental cleaning made 2nd Lt. Jennifer Szatkowski’s jaw drop. As Szatkowski, H Sci ’11, settled into the dental chair at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, some office art caught her eye. The Air Force officer spent the appointment staring at a patriotically adorned brown lunch bag hanging on the wall. It was decorated by a child and looked oddly familiar. Szatkowski recognized a few innocent inaccuracies,

Tall order Middle school students look up to Jamil Lott, Arts ’07— literally and figuratively. The 6-foot-7 former Marquette basketball player uses his height and heart to make a difference for eighthgraders at Washington Technology Magnet, a secondary school in St. Paul, Minn. Lott is one of the school’s behavioral specialists. He describes his role as a disciplinarian and mentor for many students who struggle with poverty, unstable homes and violence. “The world puts these kids in a box,” Lott says. “When you have the chance to step out of that box, it’s mind-blowing to them.” Day after day, Lott strives to open the box for his kids. He spends school hours escorting students to class on time, de-escalating fights, assisting teachers and making sure his students learn to respect others. His day doesn’t necessarily stop when the dismissal bell rings. Whether it’s visiting parents, catching a school theatre show or popping by the local rec center gym, Lott tries to be a constant presence and role model in his students’ lives. He often wears a shirt and tie to school to demonstrate professionalism, and he even rides his bicycle to work to dispel any “un-coolness” about being healthy or using environmentally friendly transportation. “These kids are young and can hardly see beyond popularity and looks,” Lott says. “I try to shed light onto a world many of them won’t see until they get out and go to college.” For many of his students, college seems like an unreachable dream. Lott, who earned a full-ride scholarship after growing up in the same Minnesota neighborhood, is living proof that advanced education is definitely possible — but it’s no walk in the park. Lott emphasizes to students that success takes a lot of hard work and discipline, two traits he learned during his time at Marquette. “There was no cutting corners in terms of being up early, going to events, class and practice,” Lott recalls. “I’ve never worked that hard … until now.” m JB Photo by Scott Takushi. Reprinted with permission St. Paul Pioneer Press.


Fall 2013

like blue stars and a slight stripe overlap. The tipping point was seeing the artist’s name, “Jennifer,” in her own unmistakable penmanship.

“I still write like that,” she laughs.

Turns out, Szatkowski decorated that lunch bag more

than a decade ago — long before she was a commissioned officer. It was part of a class project assigned at St. Agnes Catholic School in Butler, Wis., some 800 miles away from Walter Reed, as part of a nationwide project to thank military personnel for their service.

Somehow, the lunch bag landed on that wall. A stunned

Szatkowski quickly snapped and sent pictures home, and her dad confirmed that the bag, still in “pristine condition,” was definitely the work of his daughter.

“It’s one of those things that you read about and hear

about happening to people but never think it’ll happen to you,” Szatkowski says of her blast from the past. “I was talking to my fiancé about it, and he said it was a sign from God telling me I took the right path,” she says. “I’m in the military now, and I made this art project years ago honoring the military.” m JB 2nd Lt. Jennifer Szatkowski recognized the lunch bag she decorated more than a decade ago.

alumni in action

Physically, deGelleke’s strategy

was simple. “I just kept moving my feet,” she quips. At the end of each day, deGelleke crashed with Kumlien in the charity’s RV, her legs cocooned in ice to help keep her fit for the next circuit.

The mental challenge of running

consecutive marathons was more trying.

“Mentally, all you’re thinking about

is: ‘My foot hurts. I can’t get my legs

136 miles in six days for MS

up,’” says deGelleke. “The only way I got through it was to count down the miles left and run them in honor of the people I know with MS.”

This run, she says, is the perfect

way to raise awareness of MS.

Pausing atop a steep California hill, Chellie deGelleke

“People with MS are in a constant

marathon every single day just doing daily living activities,” deGelleke says.

couldn’t help but grin. The ultra-marathoner didn’t

“They feel that physical exhaustion

think about her burning thighs or nagging ankles.

every day. What better way to pledge my support than to try to put myself

Her parched mouth and sunbaked skin

somewhat in their shoes?” m JB

were of no concern as she gazed out over the boundless desert sky. deGelleke’s excitement trumped her exhaustion. She knew every mile brought these runners one step closer to finding a cure for multiple sclerosis. deGelleke, Bus Ad ’08, ran the first leg of the inaugural MS Run the US, a charity run committed to raising funds for MS research by sending runners out to hoof it across the United States. For five months, 16 runners worked their way from Los Angeles to New York City. Each participant raised at least $10,000 for MS research.

Personal trainer Chellie deGelleke dedicates a run to people with MS who, she says, are in a constant marathon.

the idea of being on the first relay team to ever run across the country, the athlete in deGelleke couldn’t refuse. Run 136 miles in six days? Bring it on.


✪ ▼









Run the US national event, approached deGelleke with



When her friend, Ashley Kumlien, founder of the MS




Marquette Magazine


faith lives

World Youth Day was created by Pope John Paul II in 1984. This year, 3 million attended the final Mass in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Twelve members of the Marquette community attended festivities in Rio.

I stood up In July, more than 3 million young Catholics traveled to Brazil for Magis, an Ignatian experience for pilgrims from Jesuit institutions, and World Youth Day, a worldwide gathering of Catholic youth. Communication senior Jessie Bazan was one of 12 pilgrims from Marquette who made the trip. BY JESSI E B A Z A N , MA GA Z I N E I N T ERN I wanted to stand up but I couldn’t. Physically, I had no choice — my 6-foot frame was crammed into seat 24C. But when the plane took off for Brazil, my mind was bogged down, as well. Could I handle the 80-mile walk that is the first part of this pilgrimage? My concerns ran deeper, too. Truth is, I was apprehensive about spending three weeks immersed in Catholic festivities. It’s not easy being a Catholic young adult today. Many write off my generation as religiously apathetic, too engrossed with the latest iPhone app to care about the future of the Catholic


Fall 2013

Church. As I watched students at Sunday Masses on campus become more and more disengaged during my three years at Marquette, and heard my thousandth peer boast about being “spiritual, but not religious,” part of me began to wonder: Could the doubters be right? Is the future of my church that bleak? There was no turning back now. I had to psyche myself up, so I grabbed the one book I brought along, Thirst by poet Mary Oliver. Skimming the first page, one line jumped out that would remain at the front of my thoughts for the entire pilgrimage. In her poem, “Messenger,” Oliver wrote, “Let me keep my mind on

Jessie Bazan (our hatted friend at top left) carries a spirit of joy for the Catholic faith wherever she goes, including into Marquette Magazine.

We attended 11 liturgies, some celebrated by church dignitaries like Superior General of the Society of Jesus Adolfo Nicolás, S.J., in massive auditoriums and others celebrated by a Uruguayan Jesuit in tinroofed huts. Each congregation radiated such positive energy. It was rejuvenating. “Alleluias” sang with gusto. “Glory to God” proclaimed in a manner fit for glorifying God. I never before experienced such inviting, active liturgies. We weren’t just praying with our mouths, either. Clapping and dancing are staples of Brazilian Masses. Hands, feet and hips team up for a full-body prayer experience. As my congregation of peers dipped and swayed to zesty South American hymns, I smiled unabashedly, filled with hope. Young

faith lives

what matters, which is my work, which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.” Astonished. It was a long time since I had allowed myself to luxuriate in that rejuvenating mixture of surprise, awe and presence. Feeling burdened by political issues facing the Catholic Church today, I fell into a rut. What a grace it was, then, to find myself swimming in a sea of astonishment just 19 days after I arrived in Brazil. I’m happy to report the Catholic Church astonished me in many ways during this pilgrimage. Who knew Mass could be such fun?

of Capim Grosso, whose people embraced and served complete strangers with generous, unconditional love. He was manifest in the Jesuits I met along the way, whose pastoral care and wise insights made for many thought-provoking conversations. He was manifest in my fellow pilgrims, whose blisters and bunions left tangible evidence of their commitment to share the Good News with all corners of the world. And I believe Christ was manifest in me. I used to worry about being judged and sounding pompous for saying that God works through me, but this experience gave me the confidence to accept my discipleship. God works through all of us in different ways. I’m no longer ashamed to take ownership of that. In fact, I have a responsibility to my calling because God has big plans for me, just as He does for each of His children. As Oliver wrote: “… my work … is mostly standing still and learning

“Who knew that Mass could be such fun?” Catholics can be engaged in liturgy. That witness was astonishing. Seeing the universality of the church in a very literal way astonished me, too. The dictionary tells me Catholic means “universal,” but before this experience, that was just a concept, a nice thought. Then we got to Copacabana Beach, and I was surrounded by 3 million brothers and sisters waving flags from all nations and speaking in all different languages. So often in this world, differences are divisive. But in this case, the diversity made our Catholic family more beautiful. We were together in glorious chaos, praising the same God. The experience was astonishing. Christ’s active presence left me truly amazed. He was manifest in the town

to be astonished.” Boarding the plane home, her poetry still in tow, I felt more ready than ever to enter into the joys and struggles of the incredible Catholic Church. What a journey. I laughed. I cried. I walked. I danced. I played. I prayed. I stood up. m

Marquette Magazine


snap:shot The world is not flat. And at its edge, seen from our lofty perch on campus, lives the wondrous Lake Michigan. PHOTO BY BEN SMIDT


Fall 2013

Marquette Magazine



FATHER NAUS He was always faithful, never at a loss for words, forever fatherly and loving, had a God-given gift for creating an infinity of smiles and laughter, nnnnn and he was loved — deeply. He helped me when I was a Thank you, Father John Naus, S.J. struggling freshman; he helped me be a better RA and person. My wife, Mary (Corrigan) Cary, Nurs ’72, used to say it best: “Father Naus is worth the price of tuition at Marquette.”

feel incredibly special. I know that he’s in a better place, but I can’t help but miss such a kind and gentle man. He was truly one of a kind.





I was fortunate to have Father Naus as my academic adviser my freshman and sophomore years. I fondly remember sitting in his office in O’Hara Hall and telling jokes back and forth. The entire conversation we were both beaming with delight. Father Naus had a fantastic sense of humor and always made me

I know I’m supposed to be sad. But as I remember him, I can only laugh with great memories and stand in awe of the love that radiated from that man.”



love letters you sent in care of Marquette Magazine. See every memory, treasured videos and news about the Father Naus Scholarship Fund at remembering-naus.



I am certain everyone in heaven has already learned the Wisconsin handshake in his short time there. Rest in peace, dear friend. TOM BURKE, ARTS ’77


Fall 2013



As Warriors and Golden Eagles, we challenge ourselves to Be The Difference. Father Naus was the difference and, for me, will always be. Thank you, Father Naus, and MU for being the difference in my life. TONI IHLER, ARTS ’81


So many memories of Father Naus — from Tumbleweed the Clown to his greeting of prospective students. Naus Christmas card notes dot my office, home and even bathroom mirror. Marquette and the world are a better place, thanks to John Naus. JERRY VOORS, BUS AD ’82



The beginning of my senior year, I learned that my dad had terminal cancer and might not live to see me graduate. Father Naus encouraged me, prayed for me — his Saturday night Masses became a staple in my life. Had he not taken the time to listen to me, cry with me, share with me, I wouldn’t have finished the year. My dad couldn’t come to graduation. He died three weeks after I graduated, but due in large part to Father Naus, I got to spend those last three weeks with my dad as a Marquette alum, which meant a lot to both of us. LYNN CARTER, GRAD ’91


I have never met anyone else in my entire life whose absolute favorite thing to do was to make other people feel good about themselves. KEVIN DETERS, COMM ’04

I was a sophomore and went to Schroeder Hall chapel one weeknight for Mass with Father Naus, but I was the only one who showed up. I told him I was worried I wouldn’t know what to do as the sole congregant. “Life is too short to worry,” he said. My personal Mass with Father Naus is a beautiful Marquette memory. SHELLEY (MICHELLE) SPONG DAILY, COMM ’91


Father Naus and Marquette are synonymous for me. I may have skipped a class, skipped a party, skipped a study session. But I cannot remember ever skipping Tuesday night Mass at St. Joan of Arc Chapel. HOLLY (GALLEGOS) DREIER, BUS AD ’00


Father Naus had a way of making everyone he met feel better about themselves, better about others, better about life. He had a way of putting everything in perspective. He told me, “My Grandma Naus used to say ‘Do your best and leave the rest.’” I will miss Father Naus, Marquette will miss Father Naus, humanity will miss Father Naus. Smile at every stranger you pass this week — Father Naus would have liked that. TIM TRECEK, LAW ’93


I remember the midnight Masses in Schroeder Hall and still have the letters and Christmas cards that followed me through my time in the Army and across four continents. KEVIN KULWICKI, ENG ’92


Arriving at Schroeder Hall for midnight Mass, I found Father Naus in a vestment bedecked with clown faces. He handed me balloons and had me start blowing them up. I asked: “What’s with the balloons and the clown faces on the vestments?” He replied: “The theme of Mass tonight is Christ the clown. While Christ is God’s son, by taking human form he also embraced all things human, including a sense of humor.” Wow, talk about profound. GENE YOUNG, SP ’77


I knew this day would come and am both sad for our loss yet so grateful for the smiles, support and guidance we received from Father Naus. While I write this, I can see the quote he shared with so many hanging on my office door: “We rarely succeed at anything unless we have fun doing it.” DAN STADDLER, M.D., ARTS ’86





Father Naus and his Tuesday night Masses are a big reason I decided to become Catholic my junior year. His faith, love and compassion were beyond inspiring.

1 9 2 4 – 2 0 1 3


Gratitude is what I feel most today. Gratitude for his songs, the jokes and the joy he exuded. Gratitude for bringing us together in prayer and friendship every Tuesday night. Gratitude for him having seen on our foreheads, “Make us feel important,” and every time we saw him, he did just that.





In November 1966, I was rushed to St. Michael’s Hospital for an emergency appendectomy. When I woke in the recovery room, there was Father Naus’ big smiling face. I asked him if I was in heaven. He smiled and said, “Not quite.” He told me he had spoken with my folks in New Jersey and assured them everything was alright. JOE AMATUZZI, ARTS ’68


I was in communication with Father Naus just days before his passing. He was busy as ever sending cards and notes to congratulate me on my upcoming wedding and to remind me how to live in the footsteps of Christ. I will just follow those footsteps left by Father Naus and they will lead the way. CHRISTIAN “CHIP” GUY


I was a foreign student that stayed on campus for Thanksgiving weekend. We would all go to the kitchen and help him prepare the food and then greet all the homeless that waited for his saying grace. APICHARD ANDREW WANGSATORNTANAKHUN, ENG ’71


One day he gave me a copy of “The Clown’s Prayer.” The prayer ends with the line: “When you made My people smile, you made Me smile.” I know Father Naus heard that in his final moment. Thank you to all who’ve shared memories of this great man; you make me realize why I love Marquette so much. KAREN TEGTMEYER, ARTS ’92

Marquette Magazine


Brian Harper wondered if he would build the same lifelong connections that his parents took from Marquette.


AND AMIGOS A F E W Y E A R S A G O , I learned that Marquette polls incoming students to find out why they choose Marquette. Many cite the university’s commitment to community service as a major incentive, as well as its top-tier basketball program. I like to think a few Chris Farley fans enrolled after seeing Tommy Boy. The question led me to reflect on my motivation for choosing Marquette. Scholarship opportunities were a factor, as was my interest in the school’s journalism program. More than anything, though, I came for the community. My parents spent part of their undergraduate years at Marquette, and my dad graduated from the School of Dentistry. Some of my earliest memories and closest relationships were born out of the friendships my parents made then. For as long as I can remember, going to Marquette basketball games with my dad meant meeting his old college friends at halftime. Annual Christmas gifts were Ardmore Bar T-shirts. During summer gatherings at the cabin belonging to the man who introduced my parents, we children watched while the adults briefly revisited their 22-year-old selves. The takeaway was clear — Marquette not only provided an invaluable education and four years of fun, but also a formative experience and lifelong community. I wanted that. I got my wish in spades. I met friends in the residence halls, classes, study abroad programs in South Africa and Italy, jobs with The Marquette Tribune and the Office of Student Development, and extracurricular service experiences. During my senior year, I lived in a house with seven guys I met while living in McCormick and Schroeder halls. We made our mark by inviting then-president Rev. Robert Wild, S.J., to a dinner party. Inexplicably, but much to his credit, he joined us for supper, video games and conversation about all things Marquette.

B Y B R I A N H A R P E R , C O M M ’11


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My attraction to volunteerism can no doubt be traced to my Jesuit education, not to mention Marquette’s service opportunities that consistently emphasize the importance of being a woman or man for others. Equal to these factors was my interest in building community. JVC has four pillars —  justice, faith, simplicity and community — that unite to form the foundational theme of a volunteer’s experience. The idea is to seek justice for the people we serve; be witnesses to our faith; lead simple lives; and participate in community with fellow volunteers and friends, colleagues, students and neighbors from our host countries. I saw JVC as an opportunity to be a member of another vibrant and authentic community — much like Marquette. In November 2011, I moved to Andahuaylillas (pronounced On-duh-why-lee-us), a small town of approximately 5,000 people located roughly 30 miles from Cusco. In Peru, I came to feel a deep and genuine sense of fellowship with the students in my English, computer, religion and verbal reasoning classes, as well as with the other teachers and

be able to function normally in North American society again. My concerns were eased when the United States came to visit me in Peru last January in the form of five of my Marquette friends. Many people said they would visit when they heard my plans to move out of the country, but I did not expect anyone to actually make the trip. I had a fantastic week with Matt Hixson, Jeff Jasurda, Tom Molosky, Mike Muratore and Gabe Sanchez. We went to Machu Picchu, checked out Cusco, visited churches built hundreds of years ago and delved into local cuisine. It was wonderful to see those familiar faces and hear what they had been up to since graduation. Some of my favorite moments of the week we spent together, though, involved seeing my two communities meld. I loved watching when my Marquette friends bought souvenirs from my Peruvian friends. An impromptu soccer game that sprang up between my visitors, some of my students and me was another highlight of the week. Pretty soon, the week was over and, like at graduation, it was hard to say goodbye to my American friends. I had grown accustomed to them being with me in Peru. I knew it would

> On finding a lifelong community: “I got my wish in spades.”

Brian Harper with Gabriel and Antoni.

As difficult as it was to graduate, I left campus content. Though I felt some concern that time, distance and the inevitable life shifts might not always bring change for the better, I was confident that the lessons and friends I made at Marquette would always be with me. Interestingly, I threw the biggest wrench into the possibility of me and my friends staying close after Commencement. Though one friend took a job in San Francisco and another found a position in Florida, I decided to move to a little village in the Peruvian Andes to teach at a secondary school with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.

staff at the local school and parish. I grew to be invested in the lives of my Peruvian neighbors, and I lived with volunteers from the United States, Spain, Great Britain and France. I feel incredibly blessed to have learned from and shared in community with all of these people. Coming from an accomplishment-based, North American mentality, it was refreshing to enter a culture where people are valued not for what they do but for who they are. I often found that as necessary as were the activities I completed while working in the school or parish, it was the time I spent chatting with women who sold their crafts in the plaza or hanging out with children and playing kiwi, a kick-the-can-like game, that was the most important part of my service. It is a foregone conclusion that almost everyone who goes to another country for service work will eventually return home. Many questions plagued me well before departing my host country, not least of which was how to carry what I experienced in a way that honors both those I was serving and the loved ones to whom I was returning. Fear of culture shock left me worrying that I might not ever

be a long time before I would see them again. But any doubt I harbored about maintaining college friendships after college is resolved. The same sort of lasting community of friends that my parents formed as students in the 1970s, which I hoped to duplicate, is mine. College is such a brief snapshot of life — four, maybe five years. People come to Marquette seeking fulfillment in countless ways, and they leave to pursue many different endeavors. What I learned from the alumni I met through my parents and now from my own circle of friends is that what keeps us coming back and coming together long after we graduate is a shared sense of community. ❍ Brian Harper returned home to Fond du Lac, Wis. Read about his travels at

Marquette Magazine


“When you live in Ghana, you grow up really quickly because you have to think a lot when you‘re little,” says James C. Nortey, who sold tomatoes and sports drinks on the roadside before making his way to the United States at age 15.


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Marquette Magazine



Coach Louis Bennett calls James C. Nortey one of the “hardest people to play against.”

At 5-foot-7, men’s soccer standout James C. Nortey is several inches shy of the ideal size for his position.

As a center forward, Nortey is expected to be his team’s main scoring threat, searching for a sliver of space as bigger defenders try to muscle him out of the way. “The people that you’re playing against are all, like, huge,” Nortey says. “You have to work your way around them to create chances for yourself, to create chances for your team.” But there’s something more you should know about Nortey. He has spent most of his life creating his own chances. He grew up in Accra, Ghana, and as a young boy sold tomatoes and sports drinks on the roadside to help his family make ends meet. He earned a ticket to the United States by refusing to take no for an answer as an 11-year-old, formed new bonds as he adjusted to life in an unfamiliar country, then made the transition from an East Coast boarding school to college in Milwaukee.

Nortey volunteers at an orphanage in Accra.

Growing up fast Nortey, a redshirt sophomore, showed his determination at age 11 when he was selected to try out at the Right to Dream Academy, an organization in Ghana that provides education and training for promising young soccer players. Nortey didn’t make the final selection of players chosen to stay with the academy, but a few of his friends did. He decided to tag along with them. “It sounds like I’m very determined, but every person in Ghana that was my age at the time would have done the same thing,” he says. And then something really unexpected happened. The academy needed another goalkeeper, the position Nortey played at the time. He talked them into letting him fill the gap. “I helped in the kitchen, I helped serve the food, I helped with everything I could,” Nortey says. “And eventually, they realized I could be useful — and then I started playing really well.” Top players at the academy are put on track toward professional careers in soccer. Those who play well and also show academic potential, such as Nortey, have an opportunity to go to school in the United States or United Kingdom. Nortey recalls the moment he was called into a meeting with academy founder Tom Vernon — usually a sign that a student is in trouble. “I was shaking,” Nortey remembers. “Everybody was concerned for me. And, then, he said, ‘You’re going to America in six months.’”

American dreams At age 15, Nortey flew for the first time —  “like paradise,” he says of the experience, although surprisingly bumpy — destined for the Hotchkiss School, a boarding school in Connecticut. He thought the school looked like the castle from the Harry Potter movies and figured the rest of the United States probably looked similar. In Connecticut, Nortey’s challenges continued. He struggled at first with learning English. But a language barrier didn’t stop he and fellow student Jack Dickinson from growing close. Jack took Nortey home to visit his family in the Chicago area during Thanksgiving break — and, eventually, most every other school break after that.


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Nortey’s family stretches from Ghana to Illinois, where Dan and Gina Dickinson welcomed him into the fold, to Marquette.


“For some reason, he thought everything I said was funny,” Nortey says of Jack. “And I thought everything he said was funny. We became really close.” It didn’t take long for Nortey to bond with the entire family, including Jack’s parents, Dan and Gina; sisters Grace and Jane and younger brother Paul. Dan and Gina Dickinson take pride in Nortey’s success on the field. Since they live in the Chicago suburbs, they’re able to attend most Marquette home games. But what happens in the classroom, Dan says, is more important. “I give C credit,” Dan says. “He realizes that his primary goal and focus here is a college degree. He may be able to play soccer beyond college. Who knows? But, regardless, he’s going to go on for the rest of his life with a great college degree and that will really serve him well.” In time, Nortey came to think of the Dickinsons as a second family. They hung a stocking with his name on it at Christmas. “That was the moment that said to me, ‘You’re part of our family now,’” Nortey says. Substitute the Midwest for Mississippi and swap one kind of football for another and, Nortey says, this story sounds familiar even to him. “What is the movie called … The Blind Side?” he says. “I watched the movie and said, ‘This is like me.’” When it came time to choose a college, Nortey felt comfortable at Marquette with Head Men’s Coach Louis Bennett, whose British accent reminded him of the coaches at the academy in Ghana. Bennett is a fan on and off the field and says Nortey’s life experience is even more valuable to the program than his talent. “Marquette is all about giving the best of experiences to everyone and looking for that leadership and that community and that whole faith — just believing in things bigger than yourself,” Bennett says. “And he exemplifies that without even knowing. It’s just his life.”

Fighting back to play This year brought a new challenge. Following his stellar freshman year, Nortey sat out the 2012–13 season after having surgery on both knees. Although his knees began bothering him when he was 15, a diagnosis then determined the pain was a result of bone bruising. When he got to Marquette, and the symptoms didn’t diminish, the Golden Eagles’ team doctor realized Nortey needed operations on both knees. After that came grueling rehabilitation sessions that lasted up to four hours per day and went on for weeks.


Grew up in

Accra, Ghana.

15 Came to the United States at age 15.

QQQ Graduated from the Hotchkiss School in Connecticut with another familiar face — men’s basketball player Derrick Wilson.

3X Was a three-time all-state and all-region selection while at Hotchkiss.

Hold’s the title of Marquette’s active career leader in goals and second in career points.


Marquette teammate Paul Dillon, a senior defender whose locker is next to Nortey’s, says Nortey is naturally quiet and only occasionally opens up about his life experiences. “He has a lot of pride in where he comes from, but he doesn’t boast about it,” Dillon says. “He doesn’t want sympathy. He just wants to live his life like a regular kid.” Dillon sat with Nortey for about an hour after Nortey’s first knee surgery. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, Dillon says Nortey was in an upbeat, joking mood. “It’s almost like those are the times when you see what a person really is like,” Dillon says. “Having knee surgery, it was the first of two, yet he was still so positive about the entire experience and he had the ability to smile regardless of the fact that he knew the journey was going to be so long.” Nortey traces his knee troubles to the wear and tear of playing on rock-hard surfaces growing up. “Playing in Ghana is like playing on cement,” he says. “Everything is really hard, and I played a lot with my bare feet. You wear out your knees when you play like that for a long time. “The rehab process was really, really hard,” he admits. “But because everybody was determined to make me come back, I was that determined.” Now he’s back, and perhaps better, playing a critical role for a team that could make some noise in the NCAA tournament. Nortey scored a team-leading five goals in the Golden Eagles’ first 10 games —  including a dramatic 95th-minute match-winner at Villanova on October 5. “He’s one of the best players in the country,” Bennett says. “And this is the thing: He’s one of the hardest people to play against. I mean, he’s a 5-foot-7 fireball, you know?” Bennett isn’t surprised that Nortey has emerged from his surgeries and rehabilitation as perhaps an even better player than before. Bennett says Nortey’s background, coming from a place “where opportunities have to be taken with both hands,” gives him a different perspective on life. “Finding positive things out of what could be an extremely negative thing is a strength, a character trait, that we all wish we had,” Bennett says. “He didn’t know this was going to happen, but it did. So rather than going, ‘Poor me, it happened to me and I’ve had a hard life,’ it’s like, ‘OK, where do I sign up for recovery?’ And in doing that, what a great example to everyone.” ❍

Marquette Magazine


REMEMBE As the nation marks the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination, faculty members reflect on his magical gift for speaking to the American people and some consequences of his death. Then we look at students mobilized by his vision for the Peace Corps.


Fall 2013


hough one may find chinks in John F. Kennedy’s armor, no one doubts that the American people remember his words and deeds — most often with persistent and sustained admiration. In part, the 35th president’s continuing appeal has much to do with Kennedy’s ability to measure his generaBY DR. STEVEN GOLDZWIG tion’s hopes and fears, needs and desires, and then speak about them in an elegant, inspirational oratorical performance that fired the public’s imagination and influenced the course of history, politics and culture. Kennedy was not only the nation’s first Catholic president. He was my first president. I was 13 years old when he was assassinated. His brief tenure as president affected me deeply and led me in later life to serious scholarly inquiry in which I strive to understand the public words and deeds of presidents and what they mean to our nation. Three of the most significant speeches Kennedy delivered during his presidency were his inauguration address and two speeches delivered on consecutive days in June 1963. In these speeches, he attempted to change the course of history through persuasive appeals to both national and international audiences. And though no one speech or set of speeches can be linked to direct causal relations, the luxury of hindsight and careful critical analysis allow us to realize anew that words can affect us deeply, and they can predispose us to act. Individuals and nations can prosper when they are the


ERING JFK beneficiaries of sustained and powerful rhetorical leadership. As Dr. Stephen Lucas, a colleague in rhetorical studies who teaches at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, observes: “Despite our computer age, there is still no substitute for public speech to lead, galvanize, console and inspire.” The power of Kennedy’s rhetorical legacy lies in his defense of universal values such as freedom, human rights and equality. These values have lived in the hearts and minds of generations of Americans. It is a president’s task to rekindle these ideas and adapt them to present opportunities and challenges. This president’s rhetorical appeals still stand as living testaments of the power of words to move a nation and foster change in a complex global society. Addresses that stir hearts


n Jan. 20, 1961, Kennedy famously proclaimed at his inauguration: “Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans — born in this century, tempered

by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage — and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.” Though at times the young president could sound a bit bellicose, he left little doubt about how he envisaged America’s role in the global arena. He would defend freedom: “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” His appeals to domestic and international audiences were clarion calls to accountability. This kind of appeal is important in presidential leadership not only because it is inspirational but also because it sets a framework for accountability — for citizen and president alike. On June 10, 1963, Kennedy delivered a commencement address at American University that was recorded in the annals of U.S.

history as a landmark in public diplomacy. He called for peace as a common goal for all of humanity. As a concrete step toward that peace, Kennedy announced he would begin talks with Great Britain and the Soviet Union on a limited nuclear test ban treaty, which when concluded would strike a blow against the spiraling nuclear arms race. He asked Americans to examine themselves as well as their adversaries, and he called on all to “make the world safe for diversity”: “So, let us not be blind to our differences — but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved. … For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.” The president’s appeal to our common humanity as an argument against the prospect of nuclear annihilation did not go unheard. On July 26, 1963, he signed the limited test ban treaty with the Soviets. It was his proudest accomplishment.

Marquette Magazine


F For the first two years of his administration, Kennedy seemed tone deaf to civil rights. But in the summer of 1963, he delivered the most comprehensive and substantive address on civil rights ever made by any president in his response to the attempt by thenAlabama Gov. George Wallace to block the entrance of two black students to the University of Alabama. In his June 11 address, Kennedy attacked a wider, more basic, national problem: “I hope that every American, regardless of where he lives, will stop and examine his conscience about this and other related incidents. This nation was founded by men of many nations and backgrounds. It was founded on the principle that all men are created equal and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” Kennedy boldly framed this issue in a way that took on additional gravitas: “We are confronted primarily with a moral issue. It is as old as the scriptures and is as clear as the American Constitution. The heart of the question is whether all Americans are to be afforded equal rights and equal opportunities, whether we are going to treat our fellow Americans as we want to be treated.” Kennedy announced he would send Congress a civil rights bill to redress the present wrongs. It was a bravura performance, which was delivered, in part, extemporaneously. And though the president didn’t live to see his bill enacted into law, he staked out key provisions on civil rights that President Lyndon Johnson saw through to completion. Setting a moral compass


n his inauguration address, Kennedy set the nation’s moral compass on the defense of human rights “at home and abroad.” Later in his presidency, a more seasoned and mature president addressed the two most conspicuously harrowing and intractable problems


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facing the United States — the international threat of thermonuclear war and the struggle for black equality. But all of his most memorable speeches asked the nation to reflect upon itself and its neighbors and to come to some difficult, but necessary, decisions about what should be done and why. During the Kennedy era, it was not enough to propose policies merely for personal and social progress but, as the president put it, because it was “the right thing to do.” At least part of Kennedy’s rhetorical legacy surely must be that he not only inspired and challenged but also identified avenues to engage in concrete action. The nation responded enthusiastically, inspired by big ideas that seemed unimaginable, such as manned spaceflight and the Peace Corps. And though hubris, disappointment and failure can attend any of our all-too-human endeavors, there is no denying that the Kennedy era was a time of high expectations, seemingly unlimited promise and moral challenge. ❍ ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Dr. Steven Goldzwig, professor and associate dean for graduate studies and research in the Diederich College of Communication, will deliver a paper on President John F. Kennedy’s rhetorical legacy at the National Communication Association meeting in November.

Kennedy, in his inauguration address, set the nation’s moral compass on the defense of human rights “at home and abroad.”



he assassination of John F. Kennedy 50 years ago had psychological and policy consequences for the American republic. The former are clear and easy to delineate. The latter are more murky and speculative, but perhaps important. In the first place, the assassination was shocking. In 1963, Americans thought shooting the president was something that “just didn’t happen.” The assassinations of Presidents McKinley, Garfield and Lincoln seemed like ancient history, and the attempts on Presidents Roosevelt and Truman never really penetrated public consciousness. It seemed normal in 1963 for the president to ride in a motorcade in an open-topped limousine, amid tall buildings with open windows. Soon enough after 1963, as Americans looked back on the assassination, it seemed like a watershed. While the 1950s were the “happy days” in which citizens married, created families, got an education and started careers, in the 1960s, Kennedy brought a sense of idealism to American politics. A great orator, he called on Americans to make the nation and the world better. But after the shooting in Dallas, things started to go awry. The Cold War, which had been waged successfully in actions such as the Berlin Blockade and the Cuban Missile crisis, took an ugly turn in Vietnam. The cause of black citizens, which had been represented by leaders, particularly Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., who appealed to the best instincts of the nation, was displaced in public perception by black militants who preached

violence and hatred. Riots burned down entire sections of cities. A truculent and aggressive counter-culture emerged that attacked existing norms about sex, drugs and decorum. Little if any of this was caused by the assassination, but the psychological turning point was real. The nation seemed to have lost its innocence. Public trust in government plummeted. Assassination conspiracy theories probably had some role in this, but so did revelations about real government misconduct — which were themselves a goad to conspiracy thinking. And real, vociferous disagreements about policy were the strongest cause of that declining trust. No matter what government did, an increasing number of people were alienated. Kennedy, Johnson and policy


ny claims about how the assassination affected public policy in the nation are speculative. We don’t have a post-Nov. 22, 1963, Kennedy presidency to compare to the real postNov. 22, 1963, Lyndon Johnson presidency. But some plausible inferences can be drawn. Some liberal policies, particularly the 1964 Civil Rights Act, received a boost because they could be considered part of the legacy of the martyred former president.

In the 1960s, Kennedy brought a sense of idealism to American politics.

The war in Vietnam

However, Johnson was more passionately committed to civil rights, and to the downtrodden in general. Kennedy was a bit slow to get behind the civil rights movement —  his initial agenda was a more conventional one of extending the New Deal. When he did embrace the movement, however, he did so with his characteristic rhetorical skill. Johnson’s cultural ambiance did not appeal to Northern elites. Kennedy’s young Ivy League staffers called him “Uncle Cornpone.” Kennedy invited Pablo Casals to the White House and First Lady Jackie redecorated the place with exquisite taste. Johnson showed reporters his gall bladder scar. But Johnson’s Great Society programs are hard to imagine under Kennedy. Johnson was both more committed to helping those at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder and more capable of working his will with recalcitrant members of Congress.


eople in thrall of Camelot (the mythical realm of King Arthur that came to be associated with Kennedy) have insisted that Kennedy would never have gotten the nation into the Vietnam War. Indeed, several witnesses claimed he expressed to them an intention to withdraw completely from that southeastern Asia country. Unfortunately, those claims all come from staffers and friends and all surfaced years after the assassination when the war had become highly unpopular. Kennedy’s public statements up to the day he died insisted that South Vietnam should not be allowed to fall under communist domination. He increased the number of U.S. advisers there from fewer than 700 to more than 16,000, many in combat roles. When asked in April 1964 if John Kennedy had planned to withdraw, his brother Robert answered “the president felt that the. ... He had a strong, overwhelming reason for being in Vietnam and that we should win the war in Vietnam.”

Marquette Magazine


Of course, in November 1963 the Kennedy administration held out hope that South Vietnam, with the help of U.S. advisers and aid, could hold off the invasion from the North. No one can know what Kennedy would have done in 1965 if he had faced the Hobson’s choice that Johnson did: Escalate dramatically or allow the Communists to take over in the South. It’s possible that Kennedy would have avoided the Vietnam morass — not because he was more liberal than Johnson but because he was less liberal. Historians Francis M. Bator and Stanley Karnow have argued that fighting the war in

Vietnam was a necessary protective cover for Johnson’s ambitious domestic agenda. Divisive recriminations over who lost Vietnam might have sapped Johnson’s political capital. Thus, policies liberals loved the “Great Society” went along with a war that they loathed and of which the public eventually tired. Kennedy’s influence


ennedy was a cold warrior who was clear about the evil that was Communism, who acted decisively in the Cuban missile crisis and touted his military buildup but also allowed the Bay of

Pigs invasion to proceed. But he was also prudent and looked for ways to defuse tension between the two superpowers. His ban on nuclear testing in that atmosphere, negotiated with the Soviet Union, was the first step in a process that, under Presidents Nixon, Carter and Reagan, led to a massive ratcheting down of the nuclear threat. Kennedy established a “hot line” that allowed him and all future presidents to communicate directly with Soviet leaders in the Kremlin in a time of crisis. Even Kennedy’s “idealistic” initiatives can best be seen as shrewd, enlightened

Michael Shea, far left, receives an Oval Office send-off from President John Kennedy, who encouraged the nation’s first group of Peace Corps volunteers to “do America well.” Twenty-four hours later, Shea was on a plane to Ghana.



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“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”


ould 17 words have had a greater impact? President John Kennedy’s question, raised in his inauguration address, targeted the hearts of many, including newly minted college graduates, including Marquette’s Michael Shea, Eng ’61, who at that moment was contemplating his future. Holding the degree of a mechanical engineer was no small thing, and Shea was already planning advanced study and another degree, maybe two. But, like an

arrow, this exhortation from the new president went straight to the hearts of many of America’s young people who believed they could do something different, maybe something larger for their country. The call felt so profound that Shea wrote a letter to thenSenator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, who was leading efforts in the Senate to get the Peace Corps off the ground. “I was thinking that the Peace Corps idea seemed like a possibility,” Shea remembers. “Keeping in mind that I was just 21 years old and essentially had never been out of the Midwest, it had to be a long shot to be accepted.” Shea was accepted, trained and deployed for two years as a science and math teacher in the village of Kibi, Ghana. He couldn’t know then that he would stand first in a long line of alumni — 680 total since 1961  — who’ve dedicated two years to Peace Corps service. Today 14 alumni work on Peace Corps projects in 14 countries. Among them is Jamie Burns, H Sci ’12, a biology teacher in Tanzania. “I rise before the sun to crowing roosters and other villagers moving about, preparing to start their day,” says Burns.

It’s possible that Kennedy would have avoided the Vietnam morass — not because he was more liberal than Johnson but because he was less liberal.

attempts to increase America’s world prestige. His Peace Corps did that as well as mobilize the idealism of a young generation. His Alliance for Progress was a public relations boon in Latin American and made Kennedy extremely popular in the region — notwithstanding the results were far short of the public relations hype. Kennedy is nowhere close to being among this nation’s great presidents, but he was the most glamorous, the most inspiring and the most charismatic. He certainly carried the aura of greatness. It’s supremely tempting to believe that had he

not been assassinated in Dallas, things would have gone much better in America. Unfortunately, a cold, hard-nosed analysis shows that notion to be questionable. ❍ ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Dr. John McAdams is an associate professor of political science in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences. He teaches American politics, public opinion and voter behavior.


“I take a bucket bath (no showers or running water here), and eat a small breakfast before heading to school. I am still at the very beginning of my service but I would like to start a health club at my school targeting issues of HIV, AIDS, malaria and other health concerns to educate and prevent my students, their families and other villagers from getting or spreading these diseases.” When she was a child, Vivian Hoke, Arts ’12, knew one thing for sure — she wanted to join the Peace Corps. She lives that dream in Senegal as an urban agriculture extension agent working on a school garden project funded with a grant from Feed the Future, the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative. She is also the regional coordinator for a gender and diversity program that promotes opportunities for girls, plus she hosts a radio show — she speaks Wolof — that reaches 5,000 listeners. But her favorite project is the garden she works with local women and students

from the high school. “I love to walk home with the women who work in the garden as the sun sets,” she says. “On the way, we joke about my American boyfriend and sometimes help their husbands in herding the cows back home. The Peace Corps poses the challenge of maintaining your American-ness, your faith, your sense of humor, your composure and even sometimes your personality. Sometimes that challenge seems like too much to attempt on days when you feel lonely, miss the comforts of home, or when you are just exhausted from the hot, Senegalese sun.” Hilary Braseth, Arts ’11 works as a community development volunteer in Guinea. Her focus centers around establishing a waste management system and ecotourism center plus organizing social entrepreneurship opportunities to connect Guinea with the rest of the world. Right now, Braseth and seven other Peace Corps volunteers are planning a conference to teach the ins and outs of social entrepreneurship to the young.

“It will challenge youth, who make up more than 50 percent of the country’s population and who have a 70 percent unemployment rate, to become actors in their economy while combating social issues,” Braseth says. Knowing Marquette’s extensive track record in successful social

Countries where Marquette alumni currently serve in the Peace Corps: Albania, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, China, Guinea, Jordan, Liberia, Mozambique, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Suriname, Tanzania and Uganda.

entrepreneurship, Braseth reached back to experts and former teachers here for advice on connecting Marquette with young people there. These are the kinds of experiences that await Samantha Vandre, Arts ’13, who began a two-year commitment in Cambodia in July. “I can tell you now, months into this journey, that I find a new reason that I joined the Peace Corps every day,” Vandre says. “I joined to learn a new language, I joined to learn about and experience a completely different culture, I joined to earn the respect of a new community, and I joined to see a child’s face light up each and every day just because I say hello. So many priceless moments come from this experience, and every second that goes by I feel completely satisfied with my decision to join the Peace Corps.” ❍ Vivian Hoke works to promote gender and diversity initiatives as a Peace Corps volunteer in Senegal.

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Alumni Reunion Weekend 2013 S E E M O R E P H O T O S O N L I N E AT


And that wasn’t even Minnaert’s

biggest on-air moment for the Fox Sports Wisconsin network this season. That distinction came courtesy of a wayward baseball that knocked the microphone out of her hand on live TV during the May 25 game against Pittsburgh.

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She shook it off and went right

back to work, finishing her segment of the broadcast. The video of that moment and her recovery went viral. ESPN’s Sportscenter showed the clip as part of its “Not Top 10 Plays” bloopers segment. It has been viewed more than 220,000 times on Fox Sports YouTube channel and countless more times on Major League Baseball’s website and elsewhere.

Minnaert calls her overnight fame

“very bizarre” and noted that she was fortunate not to get hurt.

Foul ball

“The video’s ridiculous. You just have

to laugh,” she says, “because I was fine. It’s funny, but to me there was no other option other than to pick up and keep going. That’s what you do.” — Chris Jenkins

As a sideline reporter, Sophia Minnaert, Comm ’09, has to think on her feet — and stay on her toes. Minnaert caught the attention of Milwaukee Brewers fans earlier this year when she effortlessly transitioned from English to Spanish during an interview of infielder Yuniesky Betancourt, a native of Cuba who speaks limited English.

The moment came naturally to Minnaert; she grew up in Madison but her

mother is from Costa Rica.

“My grandparents don’t speak any English,” she says. “So we had to. It was

a rule. Growing up, that was all we spoke at home.”

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Send us your news! Your classmates want to know what you’ve been up to. Send your updates to us at, and we’ll spread the word for you. What’s your old roommate up to? You can search Class Notes on the interactive Marquette Magazine website:

Marquette Magazine and the Alumni Association accept submissions of news of personal and professional achievements and celebrations for inclusion in Class Notes. Alumni news may be submitted electronically or by mail. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit for content, accuracy and length. Publication of the achievements of our alumni does not constitute endorsement by Marquette University.

Personal Accounts from Harrisonburg and Rockingham County in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. The book includes 130 personal accounts from the Civil War period.



♥ Darrell Peck, Arts ’52, Law ’54, and Jane Eberhardt Peck, Nurs ’53, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They met at the 1950 fall mixer in the Old Gym and were married three years later. Since his retirement in 1994, they have lived at a mountain resort in Massanutten, Va.

1957 Rosemarie Joswick, Med Tech ’57, self-published Civil War Stories:

1962 Juan C. Tenorio, Eng ’62, and Charlene (Dubiel) Tenorio celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married in Milwaukee and moved to Guam in 1969.


Leonard Agrusti, Arts ’64, was installed as the 58th district governor for Rotary District 7490 in New Jersey. He leads 57 Rotary clubs in Bergen, Passaic and Hudson counties, as well as 59 student service clubs.

♥ Gerald (Jerry) Feldman, Dent ’64, and Elizabeth (Cueno)

Feldman, Dent ’70, will celebrate

A guy just rolled down his window to tell me I had a very nice license plate cover. He had a matching @MarquetteU one. Day made! NI COLE REI FF, ARTS ’12, ON T W ITTER

their 42nd wedding anniversary this year. They met at the dental school and practiced together at Milwaukee’s Mayfair Dental Group. After retiring, she became a docent at the Milwaukee Art Museum and he taught part time at the School of Dentistry. They live in Fearrington Village, N.C. Mary “Connie” (Lane) Neuman, Jour ’64, is an office assistant at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University. Previously, she was communications director for the Maryland Catholic Conference and other organizations. Dr. Wend Schaefer, Med ’64, received the Rotary International Service Above Self Award. The award is the highest individual Rotarian honor and is issued to approximately 150 of 1.2 million worldwide members.

1968 Dan Callahan, Jour ’68, received an honorary doctor of humane letters degree from Dominican College in Blauvelt, N.Y., for his volunteer work on behalf of the Lavelle Fund for the Blind. The fund provides sight-restoring surgery to individuals in the developing world, as well as rehabilitation services in the greater New York area.


Make sure we know how to contact you. Questions? Call: (414) 288-7441 or (800) 344-7544 or visit marquette. edu/classnotes.

1970 Howard Dennis, Arts ’70, is CEO and chairman of the board of


Fall 2013

FirstCall Network Inc., a national energy notification firm in Baton Rouge, La. It handles emergency communication in 35 states and works with many corporations on their business continuity emergency planning. Peter Lagerman, Arts ’70, a United Airlines captain, retired in March after 33 years of service.

1972 Caryn (Connolly) Easterling, Sp ’72, Grad ’75, co-authored the textbooks Principles of Deglutition: A Multidisciplinary Text for Swallowing and Its Disorders and the Manual of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques for Disorders of Deglutition.

1973 Barry Szymanski, Law ’73, an award-winning photographer, finished his first photo book, A Congregationalist’s Journey: Photographs of Sacred and Secular England, which captures England’s past and present.


Make sure we know how to contact you. Questions? Call: (414) 288-7441 or (800) 344-7544 or visit marquette. edu/classnotes.

1975 Laurene Cianfrani, H Sci ’75, was named to the governing board of the Gift of Life Donor Program. She is senior director of hospital relations management for the PennJersey region of the American Red Cross Blood Services in Philadelphia.

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1976 David B. Kern, Arts ’76, was elected as a fellow in the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers by Quarles & Brady LLP. Election by one’s colleagues is the highest recognition of sustained outstanding performance in the profession, exemplifying integrity, dedication and excellence.

1977 Susan Jans-Thomas, Arts ’77, Grad ’92, received the 2013 Distinguished Teaching Award from the University of West Florida in Pensacola.

Health nut


Mark Rampolla, Bus Ad ’91,

made a career out of coconuts.

While serving in the Peace Corps in Costa Rica, he spotted coconut water everywhere. Locals peddled it, sipped it as a hangover cure and prescribed it as a “drinkable IV” at rural hospitals. Soon, Rampolla was hacking open coconuts with a machete to rehydrate after his workouts. “It was known as a clean, healthy source of replenishment,” he says. “The whole Western world knows about Gatorade and the importance of electrolytes. But how many people outside of the tropical world know that coconut water can function as a natural sports drink?” After working for International Paper in Memphis and then El Salvador, where he ran the beverage packaging division for Latin America, Rampolla founded ZICO Pure Premium Coconut Water in 2004. The company has grown more than 100 percent every year and counts supermodels and professional athletes among its fans. In 2009, it expanded even more with an investment from the Coca-Cola Co. It was named the official coconut water of the 2012 Olympics in London. The coconut industry used to harvest only the fruit’s oil and meat, discarding the water. Now the growing popularity of coconut water — sold by ZICO and its competitors — has led to at least $200 million invested in developing countries, Rampolla says. That’s a point of pride for Rampolla. “One of my struggles has been balancing my interest in business and my belief in the good that business can do with social responsibility,” he says. “In a way, I feel like we’re trying to cross that gap with ZICO.” — Nicole Sweeney Etter

William Stemper, Eng ’77, was elected to the Cabrini College Board of Trustees. He is president of Comcast Business Services at Comcast Corp. in Philadelphia.

1978 Kathy Campbell, M.S.A., M.P.A., R.N., Nurs ’78, Grad ’81, is chief nursing officer at McLaren Greater Lansing (Mich.) Hospital. She has more than 30 years of health care experience and has worked in many positions at hospitals and health care systems around the country. Frances (Agnew) Richards, Sp ’78, authored the e-book You Know You’re Phat When. She also released two songs, Got Phat Burn That and Phat Ya’ll, to go with the book. She received her doctorate in business from the Jacksonville (Fla.) Theological Seminary. Ignatius Yuan, Arts ’78, is senior vice president and general counsel at Enterprise Bank & Trust in St. Louis.

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Kerry Donley, Arts ’79, was recognized by Senior Services of Alexandria (Va.) for his community service. He and his five daughters also received the Generations of Giving Award for their volunteer and philanthropic works in Alexandria. Steve Laraway, Law ’79, was named trustee of the year by the Minnesota Hospital Association. He has served on the St. Cloud Hospital Board of Directors since 2005 and has been chair since 2011. Bridget Smith, Sp ’79, was promoted to vice president of marketing and administration at the Bank of Oswego in Portland, Ore. She received her master’s degree in speech from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, where she was a lecturer and professional development trainer.

1980 Michael E. Fitzgerald, Jour ’80, received the American Academy of Osteopathy’s Academy Award for his 32 years of work on the publications of the American Osteopathic Association. It’s the highest

honor awarded to someone who is not an osteopathic physician.


Nell Jackson, Arts ’80, graduated from the Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis of New Jersey, where she is on the faculty. She also maintains a private practice in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in Bernardsville and Summit, N.J.

Jay Rothman, Arts ’82, was named a 2013 leading lawyer by Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. He is a partner in the Milwaukee office of Foley & Lardner LLP, where he specializes in corporate law and mergers and acquisitions.



Jon Drummond, Jour ’81, is director of external relations for Discover Financial Services, the parent company of Discover Card and Discover Bank, in Riverwoods, Ill. He is responsible for the company’s public and media relations.

Shauna (Pasrich) Baldwin, Grad ’83, won the 2012 Anne Powers Fiction Prize from the Council for Wisconsin Writers for The Selector of Souls: A Novel.

Kay Nord Hunt, Law ’81, received the Distinguished Alumni Citation from Gustavus Adolphus College. The award recognizes “outstanding and exceptional achievement, such as to bring unusual honor to the individual in his or her field of endeavor.” She practices law in Minnesota. Julie Santapoalo, Jour ’81, is vice president of corporate communications and training at Generac Power Systems Inc. in Waukesha, Wis.

Daniel Key, Arts ’83, was sworn in as a municipal judge for Prairie du Chien, Wis., in May 2013. He is proprietor of the Key Law Firm, LLC. Brian Mulligan, Jour ’83, is vice president of business development and marketing at W.H. Bass Inc., a national contracting and building group based in Johns Creek, Ga. He oversees client relations, business development and marketing.


♥ Jim Beck, Eng ’84, Grad ’00,

Was wearing a @MarquetteU T-shirt at

Whole Foods & was stopped by the kindest alum that hasn’t been back to MKE since she graduated in ’63. ST UD ENT AARON MAYBIN ON T W ITTER

and Linda (Schumacher) Beck, Nurs ’82, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. They live in Wixom, Mich., where he works for the Ford Motor Co. and she works for the Visiting Nurses Association. They have three children: Alyssa, Nathan and Joshua. Steve Cuccia, Arts ’84, was promoted to general sales manager at WKBW-TV in Buffalo, N.Y., where he has worked for eight years.


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Marcie Eanes, Jour ’84, was invited to share selections from her poetry book, Sensual Sounds, at the House of Poetry Program at Baylor University. David Kucera, Bus Ad ’84, of Chicago, is managing director and head of the structured products group at Capital One. The group provides non-recourse and recourse financing to owners and managers of financial assets throughout North America. Timothy J. Sullivan, Jour ’84, was appointed as the U.S. magistrate judge for the District of Maryland.

1986 Agbai Obasi, Law ’86, published his first book, Financial Independence, in 2009. It’s an inspirational book that challenges people to take action to achieve financial independence, especially in countries with developing economies. Jim Seavey, Jour ’86, received highest honors from the College Sports Information Directors of America and Eastern College Athletic Conference Sports Information Directors Association. He is director of sports information and compliance at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and lives in Bridgewater, Mass.

1987 Ernest de la Torre, Bus Ad ’87, was named among the top 25 interior designers in America by Elle Décor. This is the second time he made the list. His design of an apartment in Soho, N.Y., was featured in the August 2013 issue of Architectural Digest.

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Memory keepers These alumnae from 1963 came from around the country, spent two years in “O’D” and two more in a house on Highland Boulevard. But their friendship is lasting a lifetime. Five reconnected at Alumni Reunion Weekend 2013, the last stop of many reunions beginning in 1987 and continuing every three to four years to the present. They’ve enjoyed whitewater rafting, biking on the beach, trekking through ruins and touring national and historic places. They cherish every memory made and hope to make more, according to Becky Becker Stacy, Arts ’64. Marquette Magazine congratulates Stacy, Diane Deneen Spanier, Judy Hancock Casper, Maureen Weitekamp Conboy, Sue Gorman Lehr, Carol Wolkerstorfer Loomis, Jane Depies Eisenach, Marilyn Chapin Massey and recently deceased Gayle Hillenbrand Henion on their forever friendship. Send us your two-minute story! Email us at

Anne Maloney, Grad ’87, was promoted to chair of the philosophy department at St. Catherine University, where she is a professor. She is also a founding member of the Siena Symposium for Women, Faith and Culture, an institute housed at the St. Paul School of Divinity in Minnesota. Guy N. Maras, Arts ’87, was elected the 124th president of the Union League Club of Chicago. Robert Mullen, Sp ’87, graduated from the Leadership DeKalb (Ga.) community program, which explores and addresses Metro-Atlanta regional issues and civic responsibility and engagement.

1988 Charles Alexander, Grad ’88, was one of four members appointed to the California Physician Assistant Board by

Gov. Edmund G. Brown. He is associate vice provost for student diversity and director of academic advancement at the University of California, Los Angeles.


James Casey, Grad ’89, received a certificate of commendation from the State Bar of Wisconsin for his article “Jury Service —  Through an Attorney’s Eyes,” which was published in the September 2012 issue of Wisconsin Lawyer.

1990 Brian Hacker, Comm ’90, is a media relations specialist for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in Charlotte, N.C. Ann Peru Knabe, Arts ’90, Grad ’12, was promoted to colonel in the U.S. Air Force. As a reservist, she serves as

a public affairs officer at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.

1991 Patrick Lofton, Grad ’91, is executive vice president of the National Catholic Educational Association, the largest private professional education association in the world. It is located in Arlington, Va. Dr. Monica Migliorino Miller, Grad ’91, wrote her fourth book, Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars, which details the history of the prolife movement. She is an associate professor of religious studies at Madonna University in Livonia, Mich., and co-founder of the Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom. Cari Noga, Comm ’91, published her first novel, Sparrow Migrations. It was a semifinalist in the 2011 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest.

1992 Timothy Jacobson, Law ’92, accepted a ClearMark Award of Distinction on behalf of the Mississippi Valley Conservancy of La Crosse, Wis., for its 15th-anniversary magazine Conserved. He is the organization’s executive director and helped produce the publication. He also received the Communicator Award of Distinction from the International Academy of Visual Arts for the same publication. John R. Mazzitello, Eng ’92, received his M.B.A. from Argosy University. He is public works director and city engineer for Mendota Heights, Minn., where he lives with his wife, Lari Anne, and daughter, Kyria Lea. Jeff Peelen, Arts ’92, was named national practice group chair for the Quarles & Brady LLP Public Finance Practice Group in Milwaukee.

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1996 Colleen (Carroll) Campbell, Arts ’96, received an honorary doctorate of communications from Franciscan University of Steubenville in Pittsburgh.

Honored & excited to return to

@MarquetteU today as a guest speaker

for the second time. Always happy to

serve my alma mater!


John E. Zummo, Arts ’92, joined Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC and practices in the firm’s Chicago office.

1993 Deirdre D’Aniello, Comm ’93, is a publisher at Cygnus Business Media for Green Industry PRO and Yard & Garden magazines and Previously, she worked at Penton Media in Chicago for 17 years.



Heidi Beckman, Arts ’94, Grad ’96, ’00, authored Pocket Change: Using the Science of Personal Change to Improve Financial Habits.

1995 Garrett Lafferty, Bus Ad ’95, relocated to the Pacific Northwest and is vice president of purchasing for CCI Solutions in Olympia, Wash.

Matthew Carstens, Comm ’96, is vice president of digital networks at the Chicago office of Silver Chalice, a digital sports media company. Previously, he worked in digital and video production at ESPN, Intersport and more. Elizabeth Carolyn Miller, Arts ’96, is an associate professor of English at the University of California– Davis, and is serving a three-year term as chair of the department. Matthew Scott Niederjohn, Ph.D., Eng ’96, Grad ’98, is an adjunct instructor of economics in the Marquette College of Business Administration. He received a semester-long Fulbright to teach at the University of Luxembourg.



Marquette sweethearts Mike Nadel, Jour ’82, and Roberta (Palenica) Nadel, Jour ’83, celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. The two met after he was named managing editor of The Marquette Tribune and hired her as sports editor. They fell for each other the following autumn and have been together since. Roberta is a pediatric nurse, and Mike is a freelance writer. They live in Matthews, N.C. Are you celebrating a milestone event? Tell us. Send a picture to

♥ Look for more Marquette sweethearts!


Fall 2013

Cmdr. Timothy B. Wilke, Bus Ad ’96, along with others on the USS Freedom, supported an amphibious assault exercise with Marines from the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard the USS Tortuga.

1998 Scott Smith, P.E., J.D., Eng ’98, is the Midwest regional director and a vice president for CHA, Inc., an engineering and construction management firm with 51 offices.


Joseph Miotke, Law ’99, was named a Wisconsin IP Star for 2013 by Managing Intellectual Property.

2000 Christina (Schultoff) Fernandes, Comm ’00, published Passion in Paradise: Modern Day Catholicism in Goa, the final project for her master’s degree from the University of Westminster in London.

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She and her husband Glen, Bus Ad ’01, live in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Andrew Jaspers, Arts ’00, was ordained to the priesthood in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.


From engineer to elite cyclist

Kathleen Thompson, Comm ’01, was featured as a local expert on binge eating disorders on the TV show Great Day St. Louis. While on the set, she met another graduate from the J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication.



Jim Stemper, Eng ’09, didn’t choose the

typical path of an engineering grad.

Instead, he followed a road he hopes will lead to the Tour de France. Stemper started racing after he bought a road bike with his high school graduation money. Today, he’s a professional cyclist for the U.S.-based 5-Hour EnergyKenda racing team.

How did he become an elite cyclist in a place with long winters and no


“I may hold the record, to this day, of number of times ridden to Concordia

and back on Lake Shore Drive in Milwaukee,” Stemper says. “I may also hold the record for hours on a trainer in a Marquette dorm room.”

Unsure about spending the rest of his life as an engineer, Stemper

accepted a teaching job after graduation — then turned it down when he was offered his first professional racing contract. Since then, he has competed in the Tour of California twice and even raced in Spain. But those glamorous locations don’t exactly come with a glamorous lifestyle. Stemper hasn’t earned much from cycling. He makes ends meet by tending bar, waiting tables and even … bottling horse polish?

“If I don’t make extra money each month, I have visions of big dudes

in suits named Fannie and Freddy showing up at my door,” he jokes.

Stemper embraces a minimalist lifestyle and owns no more than he

can fit in his Toyota Matrix.

“Glamorous? No,” Stemper says. “Great stories? Absolutely. Challenges?

Every day. Happiness? Definitely.” — Chris Jenkins

Regina Dixon-Reeves, Ph.D., Jour ’02, presented “One Size Won’t Fit All: The Need for Diverse Mentoring Models In and Beyond Academic Medicine” at the Bowman Society Lecture Series for the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. Lt. Ivonne Lopez, Nurs ’02, participated in a 72-hour system evaluation of a chemically hardened expeditionary medical facility at Naval Weapons Station Cheatham Annex in Williamsburg, Va. This evaluation allows medical personnel to operate without having to wear protective gear.

2003 Cindy Salm Bauer, Arts ’03, graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin with board certification in allergy and clinical immunology and internal medicine. She accepted a position as the first allergist employed by the Phoenix Children’s Hospital. She and her family reside in Scottsdale.

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Stacy M. Dooley, Arts ’03, received her juris doctorate from the California Western School of Law and passed the California bar exam. She is an associate at Farmer Case & Fedor in San Diego. Zachary A. Dooley, Eng ’03, completed his master’s degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Southern California. He is a senior biomedical research engineer at Nuvasive in San Diego.


Ryan Bigney, Arts ’04, was ordained a Catholic priest in Irving, Texas, on April 6, 2013. John Meuler, Arts ’04; Alli (Quandt) Meuler, Arts ’05; and Andrew Welhouse, Arts ’04; attended his ordination. Melissa Blair, Law ’04, works in the banking and creditors’ rights group of O’Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong & Laing S.C. in Milwaukee. She assists secured and unsecured corporate or individual creditors and other entities with her work on commercial loans, leases and other obligations.

Roger Decker, Eng ’04, is a project engineer for Manhard Consulting Ltd., a civil engineering firm headquartered in Vernon Hills, Ill.

Maria (Dendromiris) Watson, Grad ’04, is alumnae director of her alma mater, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School in Milwaukee.

Rebecca Noonan, Arts ’04, received a Tower Award, in the category of education, from the Louisville (Ky.) Presentation Academy, which honors women leaders in their fields.


Travis Parkinson, Bus Ad ’04, is director at DaVita Healthcare Partners and leads its international marketing and U.S. physician marketing organizations. He also earned his Executive M.B.A. from the University of Denver Daniels College of Business. John Schulze, Law ’04, is chief legal counsel for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Tiffany (Soukhaphaly) Stephenson, Comm ’04, is a member of the ShelterBox Response Team, a group of highly trained volunteers who deliver aid to survivors of natural and other disasters around the world.

Sometimes I think, what if I went to a big state school? But then I get worse feelings when I think about not going to @MarquetteU #MUlove ST U D ENT FRANCI S LANDOY ON T W ITTER

Suzy Finn, Comm ’05, was named executive director of Young Professionals of Wichita in Kansas. Steve Fisher, Bus Ad ’05, is a pricing specialist at Wixon, a manufacturer of seasonings, flavors and technologies for the food and beverage industry in St. Francis, Wis.

2006 Melissa Huerta, Grad ’06, is a pre-doctoral fellow at the Institute for Latino and Latin American Studies at the University of Connecticut, Storrs for 2013–14. Dan Piessens, Grad ’06, was named a Microsoft Corp. Patterns & Practices Champion. One of nine recipients, he was chosen for his work advising Microsoft users and sharing his practical experience to improve software projects. He works for Centare, a technology consulting company headquartered in Brookfield, Wis.

2007 Greg Entwhistle, Arts ’07, earned his master’s degree in public policy from the Georgetown Public Policy Institute. Justin Peterson Dux, H Sci ’07, was one of 194 students to receive a doctor of medicine degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin at its annual commencement exercises.


Fall 2013

Thomas Villanova, Bus Ad ’07, is an associate client adviser at JP Morgan Asset Management in New York.

2008 Christopher M. Arndt, H Sci ’08, was one of 194 students to receive a doctor of medicine degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin at its annual commencement exercises. Michael Francis Girolami, H Sci ’08, was one of 194 students to receive a doctor of medicine degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin at its annual commencement exercises. Jonathan Schmidt, Comm ’08, was promoted from a comanager at Express Co. in New Jersey to a store manager of Aldo Shoes Co. in the New York/New Jersey district.


Julia Evans, Comm ’09, is Chicago community manager at Grind, a collaborative workspace in Chicago. Patrick James Lehman, H Sci ’09, was one of 194 students to receive a doctor of medicine degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin at its annual commencement exercises. Nicole (Schahczinski) Mardak, H Sci ’09, earned her doctor of optometry degree from the Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago and was awarded membership in Beta Sigma Kappa and the Tomb and Key honorary societies. She plans to practice in Atlanta.

Jennifer Stopka, Comm ’09, won a silver ADDY for her work on Street Soccer’s IPLAYFOR campaign. She is a copywriter at Publicis Kaplan Thaler in New York.

2010 Courtney (Sampson) Arango, Comm ’10, is press secretary and social media manager for the Indiana Senate Majority Caucus. She also graduated from the nationally renowned Richard G. Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series, a program designed to recruit and train women to serve in elected office.


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Here’s the scoop Wedding cake is lovely, but Kopp’s custard would be altogether cooler, particularly if the flavors were a blend of the betrotheds’ best picks.

But would Kopp’s consent to mix what is already

perfection? As Erik, Arts ’00, and Julie Heinrichs, Arts ’99, planned for their wedding in 2004, they had to pop the question.

Kopp’s said, “We will,” and scooped the perfect

nuptial flavor: Aloha Turtle, a blend of Turtle Sundae, which is Julie’s favorite, and Erik’s pick, Macadamia Nut. “The leftover first anniversary pint,” Julie says, “was much better than old, freezer-burned wedding cake.”

Send us your two-minute story! Email us at

Michael (Mick) Cannon, Arts ’11, received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship and is working in Thailand. He earned his master’s degree from Arizona State University and worked as a Teach For America corps member in Phoenix. Melanie Hochschild, Comm ’11, was promoted to account coordinator at Mueller Communications Inc. in Milwaukee. Steve Lynch, Eng ’11, is the announcer for Marquette volleyball home games. He has been a back-up announcer for the team since his sophomore year and serves as a member of the College of Engineering Alumni Board.

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Katherine Rae Schuster, H Sci ’09, was one of 194 students to receive a doctor of medicine degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin at its annual commencement exercises.

Elmhurst (Ill.) College Division of Student Affairs.

2012 John Forristal, Comm ’12, is an account coordinator at Mueller Communications Inc. in Milwaukee, where he works with the firm’s client teams to draft and edit communication materials, assists with media relations and event planning, and coordinates marketing and public affairs efforts.

2013 David Fleming, Arts ’13, and Jacqueline Washburn, Arts ’13, are teaching English as a second language in Taiwan for a year, living in a community that speaks primarily Mandarin. Meghan Pirics, Arts ’13, is a first-year law student and plans to earn certification in sports law along with her juris doctorate. Curtis Taylor, Bus Ad ’13, is working on his master’s degree in a student affairs program at the University of South Florida in Tampa, where he supervises the university’s Greek village. Arica VanBoxtel, Comm ’13, is a digital campaign coordinator for the National Republican Senatorial Committee in Washington, D.C. She is responsible for designing digital creative pieces, coordinating online advertising campaigns, and writing copy for emails and social media outlets.

Dan Statter, Bus Ad ’11, was named coordinator of the

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in memoriam

Donald M. Rowe, Arts ’46, Med ’51

William A. Samuelson, Bus Ad ’50

Lois A. Raniszewski

Ralph E. Brownlee, Bus Ad ’47

Richard H. Sanborn, Arts ’50

Haataja, Dent Hy ’55, ’65

Betty J. Brueggemann

Joyce L. Hartzheim

Thomas A. Lauer, Bus Ad ’55

Harder, Arts ’47

Vaccaro, Nurs ’50

John J. McCormack, Bus Ad ’55

John S. Stehlin, Med ’47

William E. Williams, Jour ’50

Michael A. Ruvolo, Arts ’55

Annette M. Mayr

Gerald A. Flanagan, Sp ’51, Law ’54

George S. Bradley, Grad ’56

Fiskow, Bus Ad ’48

Ambrose A. Gerlikowski, Bus Ad ’51

Robbi Gandini

Wesley J. Gorder, Eng ’48

Samuel A. Graziano, Arts ’51, Med ’54

Castleberry, Grad ’56

Conrad A. Klimisch, Eng ’34

Donnarita P. Burke

Richard D. Heis, Arts ’51

George F. Flynn, Med ’56

Walter J. Heinrich, Bus Ad ’35

Hernandez, Nurs ’48

William J. Kaffer, Eng ’51

Eileen C. Kennedy, Grad ’56

Mary B. Wendt Riedl, Law ’36

Mercedes H. Hurley

Daniel N. King, Jour ’51

Thomas M. McCarthy, Eng ’56

Mary Ann Grobe

Hughes, Arts ’48, Grad ’50

John J. Reichl, Eng ’51

William P. Garrity, Arts ’57

Scheuerell, Dent Hy ’37

Helen L. Murphy Marker, Arts ’48

Theresa Grimm

Earl H. Jansen, Eng ’57

Michael J. Czernecki, Arts ’38

Genevieve W. Ryan, Arts ’48

Steinacker, Nurs ’51

Thomas L. Keaveny, Eng ’57

Robert E. Gilka, Jour ’39

Robert F. Wolf, Eng ’48

Chester B. Wells, Eng ’51

June R. Redell Kesseler, Arts ’57

John J. Hohler, Arts ’40 C.C. Seitz Jacob, Nurs ’40

The Marquette University community joins in prayerful remembrance of those who have died. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Constance M. Terry Kramer, Dent Hy ’40

Eternal rest grant unto them, Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

Frederick A. Druse, Arts ’41,

Dent ’42, Grad ’75

Orville N. Strachota, Bus Ad ’41 James C. Templeton, Bus Ad ’41

Victor L. Zwaska, Arts ’51

Patrick E. Sloan, Arts ’57

Fridl, Bus Ad ’49

Mary E. Boland Cobb, Arts ’52

Shirley F. Forster

William R. Fritsche, Bus Ad ’49

Edward F. Feffer, Bus Ad ’52, Grad ’58

Van Driel, Arts ’57

Robert W. Gesell, Eng ’49

Charles D. Kramp, Bus Ad ’52

Grant C. Beutner, Grad ’58

Douglas E. Hay, Eng ’49

Louis W. Mische, Bus Ad ’52

Mary E. Burns Dolan, Grad ’58, ’63

Anita L. Hebert, Nurs ’49

Alvin J. Porter, Eng ’52

Lawrence J. Frederick, Eng ’58,

Jack M. Israel, Jour ’49

Marjorie A. Sackett

Phyllis M. Ashley

Tossenberger, Arts ’52

Louis K. Fuller, Jour ’58

Edith M. Blersch Mantel, Arts ’43

Kimmey, Arts ’49

Jerry L. Walbrun, Bus Ad ’52

Carlton A. Sterr, Bus Ad ’58

Sanbo S. Sakaguchi, Med ’43

Robert H. Kusserow, Eng ’49

Robert A. Andersen, Bus Ad ’53

John H. Compall, Bus Ad ’59

Howard R. Steinmann, Bus Ad ’43

Frank E. Scheele, Bus Ad ’49

Daisy P. Pang Dung, Nurs ’53

Eugene R. Crabb, Eng ’59

Margaret A. Coffey, Arts ’44

Peter A. Schneider, Eng ’49

Lyle A. Klein, Arts ’53

Ralph R. Graber, Eng ’59

George C. Dean, Eng ’44

Daniel J. Andrews, Eng ’50

Harold C. Milnes, Arts ’53

Donald H. Janke, Eng ’59

Joy S. Lang Filak, Sp ’44

Marion M. Burghardt, Sp ’50

Robert E. Reagan, Dent ’53

Joel E. Jobst, Arts ’59

Mary Murphy, Arts ’44

M.J. de Marinis, Dent ’50

Donald G. Steffes, Law ’53

Andrew C. Klaczynski, Med ’60

Lucille Walsh, Dent ’44

Leonard C. Donohoe, Bus Ad ’50,

Neal M. Strouf, Arts ’53

Sigrid E. Dietrich

Francie Luke Silverman, Jour ’45

John R. Wierman, Grad ’53

Schellinger, Bus Ad ’60

Anita C. Steiger, Arts ’45

Clement B. Glowienka, Eng ’50

Robert W. Janasik, Bus Ad ’54

Jordan M. Weigler, Dent ’60

Theodore H. Braam, Eng ’46, ’48

John M. Grogan, Bus Ad ’50, Law ’53

Richard D. O’Brien, Dent ’54

Jeanne M. Concannon, Grad ’61

James E. Foley, Eng ’46

Cornelius E. Reardon, Eng ’50

Vincent F. Baldassari, Jour ’55

Thomas F. Mich, Arts ’61

Roderick G. Rohrberg, Arts ’46

Theodore E. Roblee, Arts ’50

Thomas J. Bath, Bus Ad ’55

Mary C. Rydzewski, Bus Ad ’61

J.P. Devine, Med ’42 Francis S. Hochrein, Bus Ad ’42 Gertrude A. Brown, Grad ’43 Lester G. Fenlon, Eng ’43 Eugene J. Fons, Bus Ad ’43,


Marguerite H. Hessburg

Law ’48

Fall 2013

Law ’52

Grad ’68

Robert A. McLaughlin, Arts ’72

William C. Derrickson, Dent ’62

Richard W. Double, Law ’73

Barry E. Rohan, Jour ’62

Michael F. Formanek, Bus Ad ’73,

Carol A. Hirschel

Slipper, Bus Ad ’62

Roger S. Kopac, Arts ’73

Donald H. Wimmer, Arts ’62,

Richard B. Steybe, Bus Ad ’73

Joan F. Anders Wold, Sp ’73

Grad ’66

||| I N

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David L. Counsell, Bus Ad ’62

R E M E M B R A N C E |||

Grad ’79

Barbara A. Barsul, Med Tech ’63

Verna M. Heuvel

Michael C. Collopy, Med ’63

Bressers, Grad ’75

John N. Groff, Grad ’63

Robert J. Dempsey, Eng ’75

Robert J. Hanson, Eng ’63

Kenneth R. Sachtjen, Dent ’75

Anthony J. Mensah, Grad ’63, ’68

John Z. Rader, Bus Ad ’76

Janice V. Van Wormer

Thomas R. Schramm, Grad ’76

Godfrey, Grad ’64

William A. Huth, Grad ’77

Kathleen P. Scotellaro

Joyce I. Dunn Jones, Grad ’77

Pluth, Arts ’64

Edmond J. Vaklyes, Law ’78

Daniel R. Riedy, Grad ’64

William R. Carey, Jour ’79

John P. Marchant, Grad ’65

Thomas R. Druggish, Grad ’81

Edward V. Theisen, Grad ’65, ’73

John F. Monahan, Arts ’82

John R. Heckel, Bus Ad ’66

Jeffrey A. Nelson, Bus Ad ’82

James J. Marek, Eng ’66

Shawn P. Feeley, Arts ’83

Panteles C. Vlahavas, Eng ’66

Linda M. Heinen

Jane G. Gramling Carlin, Sp ’67

Glembocki, Law ’83

John P. Keenan, Bus Ad ’67

Georgia Pappanastos, Arts ’83

William R. Kleis, Arts ’67

James S. Smith, Arts ’86

Ralph E. Kobb, Eng ’67

Mary H. Kenney Kluth, Nurs ’87

Evelyn A. Lamsarges

David C. Locke, Eng ’90

Koepsel, Arts ’67, Grad ’69

Laura M. Carlsen Young, Arts ’91

James K. Kopp, Bus Ad ’67

John F. Monroe, Eng ’92, Grad ’94

Carol A. Ludorf, Jour ’67

Michael T. Sterchele, Bus Ad ’92

Albert W. Nottoli, Dent ’67

Kristine E. Miller, Arts ’93

Seymour L. Pikofsky, Law ’67

Mari Jo Jacquette, Law ’95

Patricia M. Daly, Arts ’68

Michael A. Cary, Grad ’98

William R. Wuerl, Arts ’68

Sara M. Halpin Scarlato, Grad ’99

Duane H. Allman, Grad ’69

Scott J. Rudolph, Eng ’03

David C. LeBeau, Arts ’69

Andrew R. Meyer, Grad ’05, Eng ’06

Gerald S. Lemke, Bus Ad ’69

Kayla M. Murphy, H Sci ’12

The university mourns the death of Dr. Georgia Pappanastos, Arts ’83, who taught at Marquette for 25 years. She served as assistant chair and later as chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. She retired in 1994 as professor emerita. Pappanastos lived in Montgomery, Ala., where she was an active member of the Greek Ladies Philoptochos Society (Friends of the Poor). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel headline read “Thomas Robert Bausch wanted Marquette students to make business life reflect values,” and those words characterize the impact of the former dean of the College of Business Administration. Bausch earned his doctorate at Indiana University and held positions on the faculties at John Carroll and Bradley universities before joining Marquette as dean in 1978. He served in that capacity until 1993 and then continued teaching until 2010. He is survived by his wife, Bernadine; eight children; 17 grandchildren; other family and friends. Trustee Emerita Mercedes Hurley Hughes, Arts ’48, Grad ’50, died in June. She was elected to the Marquette University Board of Trustees in 1987 and served until 1998, when she received emerita status. Hughes supported various academic efforts on campus, including establishing the endowment for the Rev. George V. Coyne, S.J., Annual Lecture in Astronomy and Astrophysics housed in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences. She also was a donor to the Tolkien Archives Fund established by the late Richard G. Blackwelder. Hughes is survived by two daughters and six grandchildren.

Gregory J. Russo, Dent ’69 James M. Kormanik, Eng ’70,

Grad ’74

Carl A. Zeno, Grad ’70, ’76 Kenneth E. Noble, Bus Ad ’71

Marquette Magazine


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of the Les Aspin Center for Government and works for the Department of Homeland Security. She works for the National Federation of Independent Businesses. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE


Bridget (Greenwald) Sloane, Comm ’97, and James Sloane, July 14, 2012 at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church in Lake Geneva, Wis. The bride’s father is Thomas Greenwald, Law ’70. Many other alumni attended. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Melissa Nasticky, Nurs ’97; and Trisha (Gauerke) Frederick, Comm ’97, Arts ’97.

Robert Cooper, Arts ’04, and Jessica Irving, Comm ’05, Oct. 6, 2012 at Trinity United Methodist Church in Chico, Calif. He is a proud alumnus

T WO - M I N U T E

Sarah Wilson, Bus Ad ’03, Grad ’07; Margaux (Lember) Colburn, H Sci ’04; Emily (Deimel) Hernandez, Comm ’06; and Peggy Sue McNulty, Grad ’05. Marie (Derdzinski) Cardenas, Bus Ad ’06, Grad ’10, and Efren Cardenas, Jr., Bus Ad ’07, Aug. 11, 2012 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Wauwatosa, Wis. The reception was held in the Alumni Memorial Union’s Monaghan Ballroom. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Jane Derdzinski, Bus Ad ’08; Michele Derdzinski, Comm ’12; Molly Kean, Comm ’06; Caroline Madormo, Nurs ’06; Antonio Chavez, Arts ’04; Kevin Konieczka, H Sci ’08, PT ’10; and Ismael Cardenas, Bus Ad ’04.


Roommate reprise


Ken Derdzinski, Arts ’51; Philip Hesselbein, Bus Ad ’58; Larry Kean, Bus Ad ’74, Grad ’09; Jane Kean, Nurs ’74; Tony Baker, Grad ’12; Jill Stanchfield, Grad ’11; Jenny McGaver, Comm ’02, Grad ’10; Tom Gessert, H Sci ’12; Ray Auth, Bus Ad ’06; Abby Auth, Bus Ad ’06; Nikki Hertel-Mierose, Arts ’06; Peter Hertel-Mierose, Arts ’06; Laura Lanzerotti, Bus Ad ’06; Mackenzie Fleming, Comm ’05; John Meuler, Arts ’04; Alli (Quandt) Meuler, Arts ’05; Karen Swiat, Eng ’06; Chris Hoff, H Sci ’06; Tim Petrie, Bus Ad ’06, PT ’08; Carlos Delgado, Arts ’02; Dana (Reamy) Vega, Bus Ad ’06, PT ’09, Grad ’12; Marcos Vega, Bus Ad ’06; Luis Guevara, Bus Ad ’11; Elizabeth Locher, Arts ’06; David Ziegler, Bus Ad ’06; Emily (Markowski) Ziegler, H Sci ’06, PT ’08; John Weasler, Bus Ad ’06; Patty (Losch) Weasler, Nurs ’06; Daniel Rivera, Arts ’07; Elizabeth (Villareal) Rivera, Bus Ad ’03; Leroy Ramos, Arts ’06; Paoloa Mariscal, H Sci ’12; Manuel

Carrasco, Arts ’10; Irma Leticia Munoz, Ed ’12; John Kozlosky, Bus Ad ’02; Tim Nichols, Arts ’06, Law ’09; Faith Stockhausen, Nurs ’07; Kathryn (Mescher) Glafcke, Comm ’06; Melissa Beresford, Law ’11; Mayra (Regalado) Cardenas, Grad ’07; Chris Hernandez, Arts ’02, Grad ’10; Mike (Michael) McHugh, Bus Ad; and Elizabeth Mueller, Bus Ad ’06.

Brendan Raught, Bus Ad ’07, and Maureen (Hultgen) Raught, Comm ’07, April 6, 2013 at Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee. The reception was held at the Milwaukee Athletic Club. The couple lives in Chicago, where she is a group marketing manager for Orbitz Worldwide and he is a manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Katie (Lewis) Blouin, Arts ’07; Samantha Stilp, Arts ’07; Monica Kuhnert, H Sci ’07; Matt Blouin, Bus Ad ’07; AJ Manas, Bus Ad ’07;

Freshman roommates Rob McNamara, Bus Ad ’83, Law ’86, and Ernie Watts, Bus Ad ’83, parlayed a friendship formed in McCormick in 1979 into a family act. “Rob and I roomed together in 425 both freshman and sophomore years. He was the best man in my wedding (to Barbara Dybicz Watts, Bus Ad ’83), and I was the best man in his wedding (to Kate Horning McNamara, Arts ’84),” says Ernie.

Their daughters, sophomores Clare

McNamara and Molly Watts, are keeping the tradition alive. “They have known each other since infancy and got re-acquainted prior to arriving on campus freshman year. They quickly bonded and decided to room together in Schroeder this year,” says Ernie. “That makes it Watts and McNamara together again on campus 34 years later.” Send us your two-minute story!


Fall 2013

Email us at

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SHARE THE MOMENT Marie (Derdzinski) Cardenas, Bus Ad ’06, Grad ’10, and Efren Cardenas, Jr., Bus Ad ’07, Aug. 11, 2012 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Wauwatosa, Wis. See a Flickr gallery of newlyweds at marquette. edu/magazine, and consider sharing a wedding moment with Marquette Magazine. Spottswood Photography. Please obtain permission before sending professional photos.

Aaron Thiry, Arts ’08; Corey Kirichkow, Bus Ad ’07; John Kowalski, Bus Ad ’07, H Sci ’09; and Alex Beil, Bus Ad ’07. Danielle (Doucette) Weinkauf, Bus Ad ’07, and Logan Weinkauf, Arts ’06, Aug. 4, 2012 at St. Patrick’s Church in Falmouth, Mass. The couple lives in Boston, where he is an attorney and she works in marketing for Staples Inc. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Jake Prucha, Bus Ad ’06; Mark Romie, Arts ’06; Dan Willems Van Dijk, Bus Ad ’06; Timothy Pierce, Eng ’06; and Rachel (Hoover) Kvasnica, Bus Ad ’07. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

A.J. Smyth, Bus Ad ’06; Drew Garceau, Eng ’06; Christopher Bolle, Eng ’06; Megan Wise, Bus Ad ’07; Meghan Morrissette, Arts ’07; Michael Cerveny, Arts ’07; Ashley Beckner, Bus Ad ’07; and Andrea (Natvig) Romie, Comm ’08.

Ryan Dulde, H Sci ’08, Dent ’11, and Lauren (O’Neil) Dulde, Nurs ’09, at Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee. He is a dentist in Hales Corners, Wis., and she is a cardiac nurse at Froedtert Hospital. The couple lives in Brookfield, Wis.

is a PA in emergency medicine at Aurora Sinai Medical Center. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Rachel Brubeck, Comm ’08; Michelle Andres, Bus Ad ’09; Parampreet Sidhu, Arts ’09; Ryan Bratt, Eng ’12; and Andrew Rodda, Bus Ad ’09.


Kelley O’Neil, Ed ’11; Kathleen Marsaglia, Nurs ’11; Sara Nielsen, Nurs ’09; David Stoffel, Comm ’09; Alex Hansen, Eng ’10; Joe Lorbert, Bus Ad ’11; Frank Karioris, Arts ’08; and Tyler Nielsen, Bus Ad ’09. Erick Bratt, Bus Ad ’09, and Erin (Camargo) Bratt, H Sci ’09, Grad ’10, July 7, 2012 at Fox Point Lutheran Church in Fox Point, Wis. The reception, attended by 30 alumni, was held at Coast in Milwaukee. The couple lives in Milwaukee. He is a purchasing manager at Weil Pump Co. Inc., and she

AnnMarie Britten, Nurs ’09, and Matthew Egan, Eng ’09, July 20, 2013 at Immaculate Conception in Traverse City, Mich. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Marcy Farrell, Nurs ’09; Mary Beth Sheehy, Nurs ’09; Libby Casey, Bus Ad ’09; Brian Daniele, Bus Ad ’09; Dan King, Bus Ad ’09; Joey Powers, Bus Ad ’09; John Dritsas, Comm ’09; Zach Quick, Comm ’09; and Brian Loffredo, Bus Ad ’09.

Nicholas J. Giuliano, Bus Ad ’09, and Nika M. (Grabavoy) Giuliano, Arts ’09, Sept. 2, 2012

at Annunciation Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago. The reception was at the Drake Hotel. Several alumni were in the wedding party and attended. The couple resides in Chicago. Jourdan Huys, Arts ’09, and Jeffrey Hall, Arts ’09, May 24, 2013 at Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery in Milwaukee. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Rachel Goyette, Arts ’09. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

Thaddeus McGuire, Arts ’09; Ray Schmit, Arts ’09; Sarah Roberts, Arts ’11; John Marston, Comm ’09; Maureen Murray, Comm ’11; Jennifer (Baumgardt) Havel, Grad ’03; Kelsey Lawler, Arts ’09; Adam Buettner, Bus Ad ’09; Christina Brueck, H Sci ’09, Grad ’11; Megan O’Boyle, Arts ’09; Maria Novotny-Jordan, Arts ’09; Kevin Jordan, Eng ’10;

Marquette Magazine


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Elizabeth Hall, H Sci ’12; Joe Odere, Arts ’11; Meredith Claeys, Eng ’10, Grad ’11; and David Kruse, Arts ’10. Matt Krimmer, H Sci ’09, PT ’11, and Nicole (Purcell) Krimmer, H Sci ’09, October 2012 at St. Patrick’s Church in St. Charles, Ill. The couple lives in Wauwatosa, Wis., where he is a physical therapist and she is a pediatrics resident.


Mike Laabs, Bus Ad ’09; and Aly Purcell, Comm ’11.

Jake Brull, Bus Ad ’12; Chris Mohorek, Arts ’08; Bethany Biaggio, H Sci ’12, Grad ’13; Julie Caan, Comm ’12; Michele Derdzinski, Comm ’12; and Maria Sapienza, Comm ’12.

Mike Bolz, Arts ’09; Allison Bresnahan, H Sci ’09, PT ’11; Marie Coffey, H Sci ’09, PT ’11; Laura Dillon, H Sci ’09, PT ’11; Mike Girolami, H Sci ’08; Catherine (Cable) Heger, H Sci ’09, PT ’12; Matt Heger, Bus Ad ’09; Megan Heinecke, H Sci ’09, Grad ’10; Bobby Immen, Bus Ad ’09; Katie (Scannell) Immen, Arts ’09; Ben Ingraham, H Sci ’09; Josh Iwen, Eng ’03; Tim Keefe, Eng ’10; Gretchen Mitchell, Nurs ’11; Michael Nothnagel, Comm ’09; Kathy (McCarthy) Nothnagel, Comm ’09; Allen O’Connor, Eng ’10; Katie Paulius, Bus Ad ’09; Amy Petraglia, H Sci ’09, PT ’11; Maria Rose, Nurs ’11; Erin (Schlect) DeJarlais, H Sci ’09, PT ’11; Tracy (Karnthaler) Thode, H Sci ’09, Grad ’10; John Wright, III, Bus Ad ’11; John Wright, II, Sp ’82; John Wright, Arts ’57; and Mary Beth Wright, Arts ’82. Current students Angela (Zapf) Laabs, Courtney Wright and Dan Wright also attended. 1st Lt. Kyle Werner, Arts ’11, and Magdalyn Morrissey, Dec. 29, 2012 at Holy Ghost Church in Wood Dale, Ill. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

John Conway, Arts ’10; 1st Lt. Abigail Kassulke, Nurs ’10; 2nd Lt. Michael J. Schumer, Arts ’11; 1st Lt. Jason Richmond, Eng ’11;

Fall 2013

Allison (Prosen) Mohorek, H Sci ’12, Grad ’13, and Ronald Mohorek, H Sci ’12, July 28, 2012 at Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee.




1st Lt. Shelly Schneider, Nurs ’11; 1st Lt. Anna Semmelroth, Nurs ’11; 2nd Lt. Laura Schumer, Arts ’12; Anthony Nicholson, Arts ’13; Kalyn Richmond, Bus Ad ’13; Brennan Abrahamson, Arts ’14; and Joey Lemons, Arts ’14.

Lindsey (Burleson) Ray, Eng ’13, and David Ray, June 16, 2013 at the Villa Terrace Decorative Art Museum in Milwaukee. The reception was held at Pier Wisconsin at Discovery World. The couple lives in Pewaukee, Wis. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Meghan Pirics, Arts ’13; Arica VanBoxtel, Comm ’13; John Dunlap, Bus Ad ’11; Jared Fedota, H Sci ’12; and Brian Konyn, Bus Ad ’12. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

Michelle Gallagher, Eng ’09, Grad ’11; Jim Gallagher, Eng ’10; Erin Howard, Nurs ’11; Jim Love, Comm ’13; Kelly McDonnell, Eng ’13; Derek Merten, Bus Ad ’12; Bekah Newman, Arts ’13; Emily Schroeder, Arts ’13; and Alice Williams, Nurs ’11.


Rolf Breen, Eng ’90, and Kerry Ann (Karrels) Breen, Nurs ’90: son Benjamin Frederick, Sept. 7, 2012. He was 7 pounds, 14 ounces and 20 inches long. The family lives in Grafton, Wis. Paul Gage, Bus Ad ’92, and Jennifer Gage: daughter Landry Lyn, Sept. 13, 2012. She joins brother Lawson, 3. Nicole (Gattone) Castagna, Comm ’94, and Christian Castagna, Comm ’94: son Nicholas Joseph, Dec. 28, 2012. He joins sisters Natalie, 4, Lauryn, 12, and Juliana, 15. Gregory DeMarco, Bus Ad ’97, and Meg DeMarco: son John Paul, March 2013. He joins siblings William, Teresa, Peter and Michael. The family lives in Virginia Beach, Va. Jennifer (Gruber) Hoyer, Jour ’98: son Ian Anthony, March 16, 2013. He was 9 pounds, 8 ounces and 23 inches long.

Kathy (MacGuidwin) Sisson, Comm ’03, and Brian Sisson: daughter Corinne Marie, Oct. 3, 2012.

Jennifer (Chisholm) Hughes, Comm ’01, and Jason Hughes: son Carter Winston, Jan. 29, 2013. He was 9 pounds, 13 ounces and joins sister Ainsley, 4, and brother Henry, 2. The family lives in Texas.

Lisa Ward, Comm ’04, and Aaron Ward, Eng ’04, Grad ’11: daughter Sarah Helen, April 18, 2012. The family lives near Charlotte, N.C.

Brad West, Comm ’01, and Elizabeth West: daughter Madeline Rose, March 13, 2013. She joins sister Olivia.

Marie Rossi Hotchkiss, Bus Ad ’05, and David Hotchkiss: daughter Adriana Denise, May 17, 2012. She was 7 pounds, 13 ounces and 20 inches long.

Sylvia (Konopka) Wrobel, Eng ’01, Grad ’03, and Derek Wrobel: son Sebastian John, Oct. 1, 2012. He was 5 pounds, 15 ounces and 19 inches long. The family lives in Southern California.

Lisa (Papajcik) Luczyk, Comm ’05, and Justin Luczyk: son Justin “Jack” Michael Luczyk, Jr., March 25, 2013. He is the couple’s first child. The family lives in Carlsbad, Calif., and she is president of the Marquette Alumni Association’s Club of San Diego.

Monica (Chmielewski) Hendricksen, H Sci ’02, and Matthew Hendricksen, Bus Ad ’02: daughter Eleanor Mary, March 14, 2013. She was 4 pounds, 14 ounces and 18.5 inches long. She joins brother Ethan.

Katria (Kangas) Strauch, Bus Ad ’06, and Branden Strauch: daughter Noelle Elsie, Feb. 2, 2013. She arrived just in time to celebrate the men’s basketball tournament in her Marquette gear.

Lindsay (Littler) Antikainen, Arts ’03, and Michael Antikainen, Law ’05: son Carter Thomas, March 28, 2013. He joins brother Ian and sister Harper, both 4. The family lives in Aurora, Ill.

Sarah (Roose) Croke, Arts ’99, PT ’01, and Andy Croke, Eng ’00: daughter Catherine Elizabeth, March 26, 2013.

Sara (Ziolkowski) Bredeson, Arts ’02, and Ryan Bredeson: son Emmett Ryan, Dec. 13, 2012. He was 7 pounds, 10 ounces and 20 inches long. He joins sister Izabella, 4.

Sarah (Steinhoff) Krukowski, Comm ’99, Grad ’07, and Shane Krukowski, Grad ’07: daughter Emma Dale, June 13, 2013. She joins sisters Gracie, 6, and Claire, 3.

Chris Palen, Eng ’04, and Mara Palen, Arts ’04: daughter Avery Louise Palen, June 19, 2013. She was 7 pounds, 6 ounces and 20.5 inches long.

Andrew Sajdak, Law ’07, and Natalie Sajdak: daughter Amelia Elizabeth, April 2, 2013.

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Phillip Blonn, Grad ’01, and Christine (Schulusky) Blonn, Arts ’03, Grad ’05: daughter Sophie Marie, May 1, 2013.

She was 7 pounds and 20 inches long. Lyndsie (Schwanebeck) Schultz, Comm ’07, and Michael J. Schultz, Arts ’07, Grad ’09: daughter Tessa Ellen, Sept. 2, 2012. She was 6 pounds, 5 ounces and 19 inches long. Kathryn (Ruffatto) Allen, H Sci ’06, and Robert Allen, H Sci ’08, son Miles Robert, May 7, 2013. He was 7 pounds, 19 inches and is the couple’s first child. Riad El-Azem, Arts ’09, and Samantha El-Azem, Arts ’09: son Declan Hisham, May 17, 2013. He was 6 pounds, 15 ounces and 19.5 inches long. Sarah McCracken, Comm ’09, Law ’12, and Andrew McCracken: son Declan Montgomery, April 19, 2013. The family lives in Eau Claire, Wis. Katharine (Nelson) Suwalski, Arts ’10, Dent ’13, and dental student Lee Suwalski, Jr., daughter Elisabeth Ann, June 17, 2013. She was 8 pounds, 4 ounces and 19.5 inches long. She is the couple’s first child and granddaughter to Nichols L. Nelson, Arts ’79, Dent ’84.

Words can’t describe how excited

I am for Marquette basketball.


Marquette Magazine


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letters to the editor The article brought back memories of lunch-time Mass in

St. Joan’s, an outdoor liturgy for the first Earth Day, and informal,

sit-on-the-floor liturgies in Merritty. T H E







schools and forgot about the importance of one of them until now. I had neglected the Catholic element as is present at Marquette. The other school is the Medical College of Wisconsin. Surprisingly, my prior undergraduate school was Loyola University, La., a great Catholic school. The Catholic element was and is essential for my spiritual well-being.

2 0 1 3

Do this in memory of me A look at how Vatican II reforms changed worship on campus






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7/2/13 10:33 AM

In memory of me The article brought back memories of lunch-time Mass in St. Joan’s, an outdoor liturgy for the first Earth Day, and informal, sit-on-the-floor liturgies in Merritty. Re: the picture of the campus ministry staff on p. 19, however, the young man standing next to Maureen Lynch isn’t Vernon Gregson. Bob Doran can probably supply the right name. BILL LOEWE, GRAD ’74

This is the heart of my memories of dear Marquette. Though a graduate student in philosophy from ’67 to ’72, the liturgies on campus and at the Carmelite chapel nearby moved me to a deeper commitment to our faith. What a great university. BLANCHE PREMO HOPKINS, GRAD ’69, ’74

I was moved by the article. I graduated from two medical


Fall 2013


Great article. It is worthwhile to always keep in front of our minds the grace shed upon us by the Fathers of the Catholic Church who orchestrated the changes instituted by Vatican II in our church, and articles like the one above remind us what is possible in our church. Peace. CHUCK RADLOFF, BUS AD ’56

Highlight the positive The summer 2013 Marquette Magazine is outstanding both in the written word and the visual array of photos and graphic design. I was especially moved by the article “Turning Tragedy Into Triumph” that described how Pardeep Kaleka, Arts ’95, turned his father’s tragic death into a movement to combat the destructive force of hatred. Keep publishing articles like this that highlight the positive ways in which Marquette alums are putting


the Jesuit influence to work in our families, our work places, communities and, ultimately, the world. MARY LOU TOPA GIBSON, JOUR ’61

Training journalists for today I hope other Marquette Magazine readers will notice the rich irony that surfaced in the last issue. First, in the letters to the editor, we read the complaint that Marquette’s journalism school was wrong in partnering with those “activist” liberal publications, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and The New York Times. What business did the school have in training journalists to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable? A few pages earlier we met Mary Schwager, Comm ’93, who puts into play the values and techniques she learned at Marquette: investigative reporting that resulted in tougher regulations on medical marijuana, a piece that improved 911 calls and probably saved lives, and winning 12 Emmys. “I feel Iike I can really make a difference in this world when I’m uncovering things in stories people don’t want you to find out.” — Just so, Mary. PAUL C. O’SHEA, JOUR ’57

I wish to thank Dr. Muehleis for expressing his concerns related to the more recently defined mission of the school

of journalism. Dr. Slattery was gracious in her response. Dr. Muehleis has touched on something that affects more than a single school or department at the university. When words like “social justice,” “diversity,” “change,” “inclusive,” and “welcoming,” etc., are so frequently used, perhaps we should not assume all define them the same way. As a college philosophy teacher, I enjoy assigning Plato’s dialogues. … He asks the movers and shakers in Athenian society to carefully define the terms they toss around so easily. …Today, perhaps Socrates would ask: What does “social justice” mean as opposed to justice itself? What does “diversity” mean? What does “tolerance” mean? What does it mean to be “inclusive?” Are some viewpoints more welcome and included than others? What does “promote change” mean? What does “faith” mean? Faith for its own sake? Wouldn’t it be helpful to take a serious look at what our words mean? After that, we can change the world — in one way or another. RON MCCAMY, GRAD ’96

Love the magazine and your extensive coverage of both classmates and issues. As a MU journalism grad, I must take issue with a critical look at MU journalism by a dental alum. Dr. Muehleis says steer-


I was gratified to read the letter from Dr. Peter Muehleis regarding his skepticism of a new direction that the school of journalism is taking in its new role of fixing the world. He has hit the nail on the head with his final comment, “most 20-year-olds do not have the world view and background to be able to weigh different points of view, and for a university to steer them into activist journalism at that age is at best malpractice.” The direction that FixesU is taking Marquette is of great concern to me. I have a continual fear that the direction is indoctrination at the expense of education.

Where is the balance that illuminates the fixes that did not work as elucidated by the likes of Thomas Sowell’s journalistic efforts in the book, The Housing Boom and Bust, or J. Kenneth Blackwell’s Rebuilding America, or Randall O’Toole’s Best Laid Plans — all of which discuss how fixes are often serious failures?

(Honish) moved Real Chili to Wells Street in 1967 (not ’76 as your article indicates). He opened in January of ’67 and, due to the Great Chicago Blizzard, the stools for the restaurant were in a truck somewhere in Chicago. He opened anyway and for a few weeks we all stood while eating his chili.



Strides for peace

I enjoyed your “Hunger games” article in the current issue but wish to point out that Real Chili was located on Wells Street long before 1976. During the summer of 1966, I participated in a week-long program for high school debaters in the old Speech School on 15th Street. After catching our first lunch or two at Father Mac’s grill in the basement of the dental school, we went looking for variety, found Real Chili on Wells Street and ate there the rest of the week. When I enrolled at Marquette in 1968, I introduced many old and new friends to Real Chili, eating there at least once a week. Francis (“Frank” to some) and Marion Honish took great care of us, she during the day and he at night. Thanks for the memories.

My wife, Ede, and I are well aware of the great strides the Center for Peacemaking has made under the able direction and guidance of Father Simon and Patrick Kennelly. Marquette University should be proud of the efforts to promote nonviolence in our war-torn world. CHUCK RADLOFF, BUS AD ’56

Missed Simon and Garfunkel I remember when this concert was held during my freshman year. One of my biggest regrets since then is that I did not bother to attend it. Did not know until this article that they were hired under their original name as “Tom & Jerry.” That is a nice piece of Marquette history!




GRAD ’72, ’83

Real Chili is great wherever located but curiosity drew us to consult The Marquette Tribune archives for specifics. We found articles reporting Real Chili’s moves throughout the years. It seems alumni sat at the counter and ordered bowls with the works at a number of locations: 1425 W. Wisconsin Ave. (site of the Jes Res now) initially; 1510 W. Wells St. from 1966–76; and

Real Chili’s real start I received my Marquette Magazine today. In the “eats” section you point out that Real Chili began in 1931 in the basement of the Jesuit Residence. At that time it was actually a hotel, then later turned into a women’s dorm called Heraty Hall. Francis

class | notes

ing students into activist journalism could be malpractice. Journalism chair Dr. Slattery responds very well, but I’d like to add some perspective after decades of work from the Midwest to the Alaskan Arctic. We came out of Marquette with a strong focus on accuracy and getting the true story, no matter how difficult. That is why we were out there — certainly not for large salaries. In radio journalism, I remember calling officials late in the evening and early in the morning to make sure, double sure, that everything was accurate. And not to be swayed by pressure or larger news operations. Of course, reporting stories on the government, corporations, etc., can help us maintain our democracy. But our directive was always to get the facts, to be accurate and to help readers, listeners and viewers get a better handle on their community, country and the world as a whole. And once that is done, then take time for a little sleep.

1625 W. Wells St. starting in 1977. Our conclusion: As long as Marquetters know where to find this historic favorite today, we’re satisfied.

Two-minute readers Your two-minute stories are a great feature. … A word from a 1956 graduate, your respect for your Marquette education will intensify as you proceed along your career path, and your appreciation for your Marquette culture will compound and grow as you use your Marquette education to help shape our world and our future. CHUCK RADLOFF, BUS AD ’56

We welcome your feedback on the contents of Marquette Magazine. All letters considered for publication must include the sender’s first and last names. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and will print only letters that are thoughtful and relevant to the contents of the magazine. Write us at: Editor, Marquette Magazine P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 Email us at:

Marquette Magazine



A graduate student and young alumnus recently shared photos he

Tilling the soil

took during a trip to Ireland. Stunningly sharp images of the ever-green Irish countryside, wandering sheep, cathedral ruins and tall crosses were common.

In his travelogue, he highlighted a dozen or more sunrise and sunset

shots. Strong rays emanating from the setting or rising sun broke through mountainous cloud formations. “God rays” the young man called them …  his favorite images.

St. Ignatius realized

his lively imagination gave him insights

about God and he encouraged those on retreat with him

exploring faith together

to plumb those


Fall 2013

depths as well.

What does it take for people to use their imaginations to turn natural

phenomenon into metaphors for God? St. Ignatius realized his lively imagination gave him insights about God and he encouraged those on retreat with him to plumb those depths as well.

Imagining God reaching down to touch the earth and humanity

through the rays of the sun is not a new idea. Artists have used that imagery for centuries.

Yet, concrete imagery often helps the human mind. Early in the

Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius suggests that imagining God looking at you, gazing at you with love, desiring a relationship with you is a way to deepen your faith and know of God’s presence in your own life. God deeply desires us to be happy and loving ourselves.

So often as human beings we think of God looking at us with judg-

ment and dissatisfaction. St. Ignatius believed God looks on us with deep and abiding love, as we know exists when we are in deeply loving relationships. God wants a relationship like that with us. At the same time, as we are loved so intensely by God who wants nothing but the best for us, so, too, we are called to love deeply and want the best for those around us in our families, friends, work environments, neighborhoods and cities.

Our faith depends on building a community of love and compassion.

“God rays” not only emanate from the clouds but also from the hearts of people, extending out with warmth and light in a sometimes dark and cloudy world. Dr. Susan Mountin, Jour ’71, Grad ’94, director of Manresa for Faculty, helps us till the soil of faith in a quarterly column on Ignatian values.


T 2





The dedicated members of Marquette’s 2013 President’s Society have generously supported the university’s efforts to create new possibilities for our students, our community and our world. Through the strong annual giving of these individuals and organizations, we are able to pursue academic excellence and strive to be among the most innovative and accomplished Catholic and Jesuit universities. These bold pursuits, as we fulfill our mission of educating students for a life of leadership and service to others, are possible only because of the generosity of the university’s alumni, parents and friends. The President’s Society recognizes and honors this special group of benefactors whose gifts demonstrated significant commitment to the university during the past fiscal year. Membership includes those who made new cash gifts, payments on pledges, matching gifts, gifts of stock and gifts-in-kind from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. Members receive special benefits, including public recognition through the Honor Roll listed here and online at It is one way we show our deep appreciation for the commitment and unselfish support of our 2013 President’s Society members.


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“Over time, I’ve come to understand why people give back to their alma mater. My degree is held in the same high regard as it was 30 years ago. It is important to reach back and help others just as we were helped, especially for ethnic minorities. If not for the financial support from the Educational Opportunity Program, it would have been very difficult for me to finish my education. At Marquette, we learned that any system is only as strong as its weakest link, and we must always work to make the least among us as strong as they can be.” BR UCE S PANN, ENG ’ 8 0 — LALUMIER E-LEV EL MEMB E R

BUILDING STRENGTH GIVING LEVELS The President’s Society recognizes four giving levels for gifts totaling $2,500 or more in one fiscal year. The levels are named after four early esteemed presidents of Marquette: Rev. Stanislaus P. Lalumiere, S.J., Level President, 1887–89 $25,000+ Rev. Alexander J. Burrowes, S.J., Level President, 1900–08 $10,000 – $24,999 Rev. James McCabe, S.J., Level President, 1908–11 $5,000 – $9,999 Rev. Peter A. Brooks, S.J., Level President, 1944–48 $2,500 – $4,999

Young alumni who have graduated in the past 15 years become members by meeting graduated giving levels specific to their graduation year: Rev. Peter A. Brooks, S.J., Level for Young Alumni $250+ for 2009–2013 graduates $500+ for 2004–2008 graduates $1,000+ for 1999–2003 graduates




3M Company A-dec Wylie* and Elizabeth Aitken Akamai Physics, Inc. American Orthodontics Corporation Suzanne Bouquet Andrew* and Louis J. Andrew, Jr.* Stanley J.* and Barbara A.* Andrie Anonymous Michael* and Debra Ansay Ansay & Associates Arrupe House Jesuit Community Ayco Charitable Foundation Helen Bader Foundation Baird Foundation Deborah Beck* and Frederic Sweet John Becker* Regina* and Brian* Bergner Christopher* and Kristen Bergstrom Bergstrom Corporation Charles* and Amy Billerbeck Barbara* and Anthony* Binsfeld Natalie A. Black* and Herbert V. Kohler, Jr. Bleser Family Foundation BMO Harris Bank Elizabeth Boland Brady Corporation Brady Corporation Foundation

Mrs. Edward Brennan Eileen Brennan and Daniel Naumann Frank G. and Frieda K. Brotz Family Foundation Gerald Buldak* The Burchill Family Burke Foundation Mary Elizabeth Burns* Thomas H. Burton* Estate California Community Foundation Catholic Community Foundation Todd* and Theresa Connell Connell Orthodontics S.C. Constellation Energy Group Foundation Cottrell Foundation Covenant Healthcare Foundation Thomas Curran* Elizabeth* and Jon* Cyganiak Deloitte Foundation Delta Dental of Wisconsin Dentsply International John (Bill)* and Mary* Diederich Robert A. Dietmeyer* Estate William K.* and Jean Downey Julianna Ebert* and Frank Daily* Bob* and Kim* Eck Elizabeth* and Theodore Eckert Laura and Theodore Eckert Theodore Eckert Foundation Ray* and Kay* Eckstein Ray and Kay Eckstein Charitable Trust Aly El-Ghatit*



Judith* and Richard* English Marlene Esser Exchange Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Charitable Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Bernice Fabian* Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust Robert* and Maryellen Fettig Julie J. Flessas* Marta Flores-Munoz* Follett Higher Education Group Amy Fotsch* Dick Fotsch* Geri Fotsch Fotsch Foundation Patricia* and Peter Frechette Kevin* and Sheila Frisinger Thomas* and Joni Gannon Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation GE Foundation GE Healthcare Thomas* and Nancy Geldermann General Electric Company Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. John Goelz* Janet Goldberg John* and Maureen Golinvaux Greater Milwaukee Foundation Frank Rogers Bacon Fund Gertrude M. Speer Fund Walter and Olive Stiemke Fund Gilda and Robert Wren Scholarship Fund Robert Greenheck*

Gus Anda, Inc. Tim* and Nancy Haggerty Marguerite* and Sydney* Hambling Gael Toohey Hanson* and Theodore Hanson Janet and James Hartman Philip* and Claire Hayes Wayne* and Doris Hellman Gordon Henke Family Foundation Mary E. Henke Don* and Fran Herdrich Herdrich Charitable Trust Jennifer and Robert Hillis Cindy* and Paul* Honkamp John* and Susan Honkamp Michael R. Honkamp* Josephine Honzik In memory of Charles* and Joan Horngren HR Green Dorothy Huber Ralph Huiras Foundation, Inc. Hydrite Chemical Co. Instrumentarium Dental Donald Iselin* J. F. Brennan Company Jim* and Lucy* Jacobson Karen Jahimiak* Patricia Jakus* The Jesuit Community at Marquette University Erica P. John Fund Johnson Controls Foundation KBS Construction Inc. J. J. Keller Foundation In honor of Patrick J. Kelly Robert* and Mary Kemp

* Denotes Alumni

William A. and Paul A. Ketterer Foundation James* and Bettie Keyes Jeff Kiernan* Scott* and Mary Beth Kilrea Barbara* and Dennis* Klein Dennis* and Pam Klumb, Jr. Kohler Company Kohl’s Corporation KPMG Foundation B. Bruce Krier Billie and Dr. Michael* Kubly In memory of Marguerite Kubly John* and Marilyn Kucharski Rick* and Cynthia Kushner V. Clayton Lafferty* and Beverly Hokenson Lafferty* Jeffrey* and Casey Lang Michael Larson Dean Laurance* Colleen* and Patrick* Lawton Robert* and Jacqueline Leonard Jackie Ennis Lewis* Carl* and Catherine Loeser Matt* and Beth Lucey David* and Patricia Ludington Judy* and John* Lynch John* and Mary Madden George Magovern, Sr.* Louis Maier, III* and M. Jean Maier Marcus Corporation Foundation Markos Foundation Susan* and Charles* Marks Marquette University Golden Angels Network Faye McBeath Foundation Patrick* and Sally McComis Marilyn McGill* Dr. Michael* and Kathleen McGinn Alfred* and Georgia McGuire James* and Janet* McKenna Kelly* and Jim* McShane James Meier* Susan* and Scott* Meinerz Daniel* and Betty Merkel Merkel Foundation Inc. Steven Michels* Midwest Dental Military Order of the Purple Heart Service Foundation John* and Katherine Miller Miller-St. Nazianz, Inc. Dr. Jeff* and Beth* Moos Mary Jo and James Mueller Maureen* and Richard* Mullaney

National Philanthropic Trust Northwestern Mutual Foundation Jerome* and Susanne Oksiuta Kevin O’Malley* and Marcia Steyaert* Opus Foundation The Opus Group ORMCO Orthodontics Donna O’Rourke James* and Maike O’Rourke Ervin “John”* and Barbara Pierucki Gene and Ruth Posner Foundation Melinda* and Richard* Poulton John Reilly* Joan R. Ricci Charitable Lead Trust Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation Doug and Lynn Roberts Elizabeth* and Scott* Roberts Janet Rolfs Thomas J. Rolfs Foundation Paul* and Kathleen Roller William* and Susan Rose Kathleen Ruehlow Anita* and Louis* Rutigliano Jim* and Tracy* Ryan Terrence* and Sally Rynne Paul* and Pat* Sackett Saint Scholastica Academy John* and Betty Santi Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation Deborah and James Schneider John A.* and Rebekka E. Schneider Virginia* and George* Schneider Tom* and Carolyn Schoenauer Schoenauer Family Foundation Adrian* and Sally Schoone Cathy and Kevin Schroeder Justin Schroeder Memorial Foundation Scott Schroeder* Christina* and Paul* Scoptur Joseph* and Margaret Serletti Yvonne and James Sexton Richard* and Dolores Shantz Janet and Frank Shibilski Meg* and Dick* Sibbernsen Elizabeth* and Nicholas* Simons Cyril E. Smith Trust John* and Janet Smith Robert Sobczak* Jason* and Kimberly Spacek

| NAMES in bold denote young alumni who also qualified for membership at the Brooks, McCabe, Burrowes or Lalumiere level.



2013 Bruce A. Spann* Spinal Cord Injury Sucks, NFP ST Paper, LLC Mary Ellen* and Scott* Stanek Mary Staudenmaier* Alice Stayer Mary Louise Stern William Stout* STRATTEC Security Corporation Robert J. Sullivan Family Foundation Timothy C. Sullivan* Summit Dental Management, SC Mary* and Christopher* Swift Chuck* and Karen* Swoboda Teresa and William Szymczak Rupika and Sahil Tak Mary* and Michael J.* Tatalovich Cherryl T. Thomas* Olive I. and Eunice J. Toussaint Foundation, Inc. Tri-County Community Dental Clinic In memory of Lowell Turriff Lowell Turriff Foundation U.S. Bancorp Foundation Uline William* and Annie Vander Perren Rhona E. Vogel* Vogel Consulting Richard* and Kathryn Voigt Ralph L.* and Rose Marie Wabiszewski John Wakerly* Walton Family Foundation Todd Wehr Foundation Thomas* and Suzanne Werner Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare James Wheeler, Jr.,* and Virginia Wheeler Lisa* and John* Wilson David* and Sharon Winkler Wisconsin Energy Foundation Joseph and Vera Zilber Family Foundation Kathleen and Ronald Zupko


BURROWES LEVEL $10,000 – $24,999

Carl Abraham* Adreani Family Foundation Gerard Albanese, Jr.,* and Kathleen Albanese American Hospital Association American Transmission Company Karen and Stanley Andrie Nancy* and Joel* Andryc Anonymous Gus* and Sandra Antonneau Frank App* Nicholas* and Brenda Ashooh Jeffrey* and Mary Lou Austin Joan Bathon* Michael* and Paulette Baus Beer Capitol Distributing, Inc. Joseph* and Catherine Bennett Robert* and Darlene Berdan Jack* and Carole Berg Richard* and Suzy Berghammer Thomas Berghammer Gary* and Mary Bettin Win and Don Biernacki William* and Laura Bird BMO Harris Bank Wealth Management Charles* and Tommie* Bohl Margaret* and James* Boyle Helen V. Brach Foundation Mark* and Karen Braden James* and Mary Braza Catherine* and Robert* Brehm Daniel* and Victoria Brennan Suzanne* and John* Brennan, III Laura* and Brian* Brewer Bridgeman Foods II, Inc. Arthur Bruen, Jr.,* and Louanne Bruen Frederick* and Carrie Buri Elaine Burke* Cynthia* and Gerardo Caballero Guy* and Kay Campbell Daniel Casey* and Dolores Connolly Cedar Street Charitable Foundation William Cherek* William Cherek Foundation Gary* and Helen Coates Charles* and Miyako Cobeen


Molly and Robert Cohen Rob and Molly Cohen Family Foundation Commercial Horizons, Inc. Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region Community Foundation of Central Illinois Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin, Inc. Consolidated Construction Co. Construction Forms, Inc. Construction Supply & Erection, Inc. Marion L. Cosgrove Foundation Crivello Carlson, S.C. Veronica and Brian Cummings Paul* and Kim Dacier Dalco Metals, Inc. Steven J. Dapkus, Jr.* Paul Davis Charitable Fund Inc. Jacqueline Dee* Mona* and Joseph* deGuzman Denise* and Charles Deibele Karen and Michael Derdzinski Camille Devaney* Judith* and Thomas* Dincher Patrick Di Stefano* Cynthia* and Jayson* Edwards Emerson Leon* and Ramona English Ann and David Erne Ernst & Young Foundation Michael* and Donna* Farrell John Fedders* Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel and the FDCC Foundation

Constance Ferguson* Thomas R. and Constance C. Ferguson Foundation John* and Barbara Schade* Ferraro Jo Ann* and John A.* Fiorenza, Sr. First Choice Dental Group First Choice Ingredients, Inc. John Grant Fitch Scholarship Foundation Fleck Foundation Michael Floyd, Jr.,* and Patricia Floyd Daniel* and RoseMary Fuss Marguerite Gallagher* and Thomas Stilp* Calvin Gander* Agnes* and David* Garino George* and Anna Clair Gaspar Joseph* and Nancy Geenen Julia* and Robert* Girsch Eugene* and Beverly Gloudeman John Glowinski* and Stacey Stocker Glowinski* William* and Colette Goldammer Goldammer Family Foundation Joyce and David Gonring Google Inc. Robert* and Toni* Gorske GRAEF Great Lakes Commercial Sales, Inc. Greater Milwaukee Foundation George and Margaret Barrock Scholarship Fund


2 01 3





“I found it pretty easy to start giving to Marquette because it is an excellent Christian, academic, Division I university that matches well with my support of St. Marcus, a Lutheran elementary school. Our students should be in colleges that continue to feed the strong roots structure developed in their earliest years. Marquette offers the character- and person-building environment needed for their ongoing development.” B . B R U C E K RI E R, L A LU M I E RE - L E V E L M E M BE R

FOSTERING CHARACTER Alfred J. Buscheck Memorial Fund Donald J. & Katherine R. Duchow Fund Robert G. and Evarista Hammond Scholarship Fund Journal Foundation/ Walter Jay and Clara Charlotte Damm Fund Ted and Arleen Koenigs Designated Fund Kopmeier Family Fund Irene B. Millermaster and Ralph A. Millermaster Fund Mary L. Nohl Fund David C. Scott Foundation Fund Harry and Martha Walsh Fund Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek Charitable Fund Dan Griffin Nancy* and David* Gruber Gruber Law Offices, LLC Anne* and Alex* Guira James* and Marylou Gutmann Monica* and Timothy* Hanley The Harley-Davidson Foundation Maureen and Robert Hart Christine* and Robert* Hau Sharon and Tom Haverstock Dr. Jay Hazen* Heartland Dental Care Joan* and Leo* Heiting Pamela* and Kenneth* Heller Margaret and George Helow Family Foundation, Inc.

Michael* and Jolene Henke The Herzfeld Foundation Mary* and Gregory Hill Mitzi* and Bernard* Hlavac Dr. Norman E. Hoffman and Margaret M. Hoffman Mark* and Janet Hogan Dr.* and Mrs. Daniel Holzhauer Ralph Houseman* Ellen* and Leslie Huber Mildred Huck Patricia* and Robert* Huffman, III Hurlbert Family Foundation James R. Imhoff Jr.* J & L Foundation J. M. Brennan, Inc. Darren* and Terry* Jackson Lawrence* and Kathleen Jacques Jerome* and Joanne Janzer Stanley* and Cynthia Jaskolski Edna Jensen* Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation Jeff* and Sarah* Joerres Johnson Controls, Inc. Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence Kalmbach Publishing Co. Sally* and Alan* Kastelic Craig* and Wendy Kasten William Katt, Sr.* and Gloria Katt Marissa* and Jeffrey* Keesler Keesler Orthodontics SC Maureen* and John* Kelly Deborah* and James* Keppler

* Denotes Alumni

Michael Kinateder* Russell* and Jean Kittleson Susan* and William* Klapper, Jr. Tracey* and Richard Klein Dorothy Klofta* Dorothy Klofta Education Foundation Inc. Lloyd Klukas Lisa Ann Koenigs* Roberta* and Claude* Kordus Mrs. Joseph W. Kosewicz Kozlowski Family Charitable Trust Jacqueline* and Thomas* Kramer Rosemarie* and William* Kraus Arthur* and Meljay Krause Krause Family Foundation, Inc. Joseph Kromholz* and Marjorie Stoneman Ronald* and Sally Kujawa Kujawa Enterprises, Incorporated Ladish Company Foundation Tia* and Colin* Lancaster Mary Jo* and Donald* Layden, Jr. Deanna and Brian Leadingham Leib & Katt, S.C. Marcus A. Lemonis* Donald* and Janet Levy Levy Foundation Matthew* and Tracy Liepert Paul Lipton Marlene* and William* Listwan Dennis* and Patricia Long M&I Foundation

Jane* and Michael* Malone Julia* and William* Malooly John M.* and Lorelle M.* Manion Dawne* and Ray* Manista Albert Manna* Mark Travel Corporation Dean and Mary Ann Martinelli Peggy and Gary Masse Wesley Matthews, IV,* and Pam Moore Rita McClone John* and Christine McDermott Richard M. McDermott* Jane McDonald Black* and Archie Black, III* Irene* and Don* McGovern Patti and Jack McKeithan Valerie* and Donald* McNamara Robert Meersman* Katie and John Mehan Archie and Viola Meinerz Family Foundation Timothy Merry* and Paula Loftus-Merry Elizabeth* and James* Mezera Michael Best & Friedrich LLP Ruth Michels Michels Corporation Elizabeth Miller* Nancy* and Henry Mills, II Mills Fleet Farm Bridget Moen Motor Castings Foundation Cecelia* and Daniel* Mullenbach James* and Christie Mulligan Joan* and (James*) Mulligan Patricia* and Jon Murnik

| NAMES in bold denote young alumni who also qualified for membership at the Brooks, McCabe, Burrowes or Lalumiere level.



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“Marquette provided me with a scholarship to pursue my dream of a Jesuit and Catholic education. Without a kind university benefactor, I would never have been able to leave Zanzibar, Tanzania, to fulfill that dream. The Jesuit priests and lay professors who taught me have had a great impact on my life. In gratitude, my wife and I established a scholarship for deserving students in need of financial aid to pursue their dreams.” TON Y, ARTS ’ 66, GR AD ’ 68 , AND AMITA ANTAO — MCCABE-LEV EL MEMBERS

PURSUING DREAMS Ellin and Dennis Murphy Susan* and Robert* Murray Anne* and Waleed Naqi Leo Nash* Robert* and Jill Neimon Monica (Mooney)* and Gerald Nilles Bob* and Kay Noel Andrew Nunemaker O’Connell, Tivin, Miller, and Burns, LLC Judith* and Peter* O’Hagan Ronald O’Keefe* Thomas* and Ruth O’Malley O’Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong & Laing S.C. Matthew O’Neil* Oral Surgery Clinic of La Crosse Janis Orlowski* and William McNulty* James O’Sullivan Dana Outhouse* Marianne* and Christopher* Palen Mary and David Parker Lindsey and John Pauly Joseph Pavletich, Jr.,* and Beth Pavletich Bartley Pell Erik Pell* Pentair Beverly* and Neil* Peterson Anne* and Paul* Petitjean John* and Lynn Pfefferle Pfefferle Management Sandy and Scott Pietila Daryl Pilgreen* Thomas A. Plein Foundation LTD


PNC Paul* and Diane Porretta Timothy* and Barbara Poser Robert Potrzebowski, Jr.,* and Maggie Potrzebowski Susan and Daniel Powers Dawn and Tom Precia PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Albert* and Theresa Provenzano Francine* and Gregory* Purcell Walter* and Gloria Quigley John and Mary Raitt John and Mary Raitt Charitable Trust Kristine and James Rappé Linda Raymonds* Raytheon Company Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren sc Mary Kay Ring William* and Margaret Ring Lee Riordan* Wayne* and Muriel Robins Rockline Industries Shelagh* and Stephen Roell Betty Roeming Randy* and Mary Rudolph Lydia Runkel Milton and Mary Rusch Daniel* and Mary Ryan Wayne Ryan Ryan Foundation Ryan, Kromholz & Manion, SC Ryder System, Inc. Joseph* and Anita Sabatino Joseph and Anita Sabatino Charitable Fund


Sandra* and David* Sachse Janet* and James* Sartori Sartori Foundation Inc. Sartori Healthcare Foundation Debra* and Paul* Sauvage Jeane Schmidt* Robert* and Mary Schneider Joseph Schoendorf, Jr.,* and Sally Schoendorf Sarah* and Mark* Schoenfelder Robert* and Josephine Schrimpf Bill* and Lee Schroeder Robert* and Constance Schwaab Mark* and Karen Schwei Jay* and Sara Schwister Karen A.* and Edward J.* Scott Meg Shannon-Stone* and John E. Stone James* and Kathleen Simon Joan* and Richard* Smith Onnie Smith* Patrick* and Lindsay Smith Amy* and Patrick* Souders Karen* and James* Spella Stackner Family Foundation Donald Stanek* Erin* and Peter* Stanek Frank L. Steeves* George and Mavis Steil Charitable Fund JoEllen* and John* Stollenwerk Tom* and Nancy* Strassburg Rhonda and Steven Stratman Jane* and Jim* Strenski David Sullivan, III,* and Gioia Riccio

Kimberly* and Owen* Sullivan Cindy Susienka* Larry and Cindy Susienka Family Foundation Mary and Stephen Tardella Michael* and Susan Thelen Lee Thomas, Jr. Kathleen and Frank Thometz Kathleen and Frank Thometz Foundation Barbara (Weeks)* and Mark Thompson Peter* and Linda Thompson Mark* and Grace Thomsen Roger* and Susan (Sonnentag)* Thrun Stephen L. Tierney* Michael* and Laura Timmis Philip* and Sandra Tobin Daniel Tranchita* Todd* and Eva Treffert Patty and John Treiber Bernice Treis* Charles* and Merilee Turner David & Julia Uihlein Charitable Foundation US Charitable Gift Trust Teresa Van Horn Robert* and Sandra van Schoonenberg Eric* and Wendy Van Vugt Richard* and Gail Verch Stephen Victor, Jr.,* and Carolyn Victor Lorri* and David* Wanserski Wells Fargo Foundation Joseph* and Ann Wenzler Joseph P. and Ann Wenzler Family Foundation



West Bend Mutual Insurance Company Dannel Wielgus* Howard L. Willett Foundation Elaine Winkelman* Wisconsin Academy of General Dentistry Wisconsin Dental Association Foundation Todd Witte Wilfred Wollner, Jr.* Allen* and Barbara Wood Angie and Richard Workman Howard Wurgler Gregory* and Linda Yagodzinski Joyce* and Erik Young Dr.* and Mrs.* Gerald Ziebert Anne Zizzo* Zizzo Group Marketing + Public Relations + New Media Gordon Zunker*

MCCABE LEVEL $5,000 – $9,999

Abbott Laboratories Fund Joan and Richard Abdoo Acoustech Supply, Inc. AGC Education and Research Foundation Karlyn* and Ryan* Agnew Linda and Barry Allen Linda and Barry Allen Foundation, Inc. Alliant Energy Foundation Rana* and Jeffrey* Altenburg

Dr. Barry* and Ms. Micki Alter American Dental Partners Foundation Russell and Lori Anderson Anonymous Antonio* and Amita Antao Gregory* and Cindy Archambault Ardmore Associates Betty* and Thomas Arndt Association of Corporate Counsel America– Wisconsin Chapter Kathryn Atchison* Fredrick* and Kay Austermann M. Bonnie Axthelm Charitable Foundation Nancy Axthelm Badger Alloys Donald* and Mary Kay Balchunas Roland G. Balg Charitable Trust Kathryn and Robert* Ball, II Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. James* and Barbara* Barrett Patrick* and LuAnn Bartling Mari-Jo* and Paul* Batchelor Baton Rouge Area Foundation Betty* and Peter* Bell Charles* and Kirsten Bell John* and Karen Bender Anthony Berndt* Paul* and Susan Bernstein Charles* and Rebecca Besser Bluebird Rental BMO Harris Bradley Center Lisa* and Thomas* Bolger Robert* and Carole* Bonner

* Denotes Alumni

Cathy* and Robert* Bordeman Mark* and Lori Boutelle Kevin B. Boyd* Lumina* and Patrick* Boyer Bradford Renaissance Portraits Corp. Patricia Brannan* and Robert Davis Beverly* and Joseph* Braun Elena Braun* Anne* and John* Brennan Mary Jo* and Joe* Brenner Brookdale Senior Living Inc. Susan Buckingham* and John Dwyer, Jr.* Judith Bultman* Patricia* and Fred* Bureau Burleigh Family Foundation Burlington Lumber Company Robert Burris* Kathleen* and Jim* Caragher Roch* and Jane Carter Daniel* and Barbara Casey Caterpillar Foundation Catholic Community Foundation Catholic Financial Life Robert* and Judy Chmielewski Eric* and Tracey Christophersen Christine* and Mark* Ciborowski Leah and John Collins Community Foundation of New Jersey Michael* and Jane Connor Mary Corcoran* Courtier Foundation, Inc. Colleen* and Robert Cowen Randall* and Kathleen Crocker Nancy Crowley Thomas Crowley* David Cullen Mary* and William* Cullinan James* and Deborah Cunningham Paul Curran* and Gail Carlson Nicholas D’Agosto* Eva Dahl and Barry Blomquist Jean* and Fred* Darlington, III Cory* and Mary Beth Davis Paul Davis Restoration Stephen Delahunt* Kenneth G. Dellemann* Dental Forum of Milwaukee Dental Health Associates, Ltd. Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation

Margaret* and Thomas* Digenan Lee Ann* and Michael* Dillis Peter* and Mary Diotte Cheryl* and J. Robert* Doherty James Dorow* Dow Jones News Fund Donald* and Nora Dreske Dan* and Mary Druml Dublin Contractors, Inc. Margot* and John* Dunn Susan and Timothy Durtsche Caryn* and Donald Easterling Easton-Bell Sports, Inc. Eaton Charitable Fund Albert J. and Flora H. Ellinger Foundation J. Michael* and Joan* End Enviro-Safe Consulting, LLC Equitable Resources John* and Kathy Ernster Extendicare Health Services, Inc. F.J.A. Christiansen Roofing Co., Inc. Laurence* and Elizabeth Fehring Thomas* and Suzan Fehring Kristin* and Peter* Ferge John* and Karen Finnerty Richard* and Debra Fisher Foley & Lardner LLP Elizabeth and Michael Formella Thomas* and Dea Fotsch Anita* and Michael* Fountain JoAnn and Dale Frederickson Kelli Gabel and Craig Karmazin Deborah and Thomas Gannon Mary Ann* and Michael* Ganzer Carol* and Carlos* Garces Kathleen* and Dean* Garstecki Joanna Geldner Silverman* and Alan Silverman General Mills Foundation Michael* and Lynn Giffhorn Marla and Lawrence Gilbert Franklyn* and Anne Gimbel Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown LLP Colleen* and Matthew* Glisson Ronald* and Joyce Goergen Gonzalez & Goenaga, Inc. F. Xavier Gonzalez* and Marisol Casas Arsuaga David Gould* Sandra* and Dennis* Grabowski

| NAMES in bold denote young alumni who also qualified for membership at the Brooks, McCabe, Burrowes or Lalumiere level.



2013 Anna and Raymond Graff Leo* and Jean Gray Greater Milwaukee Foundation Doris I. Earnhardt Fund Judith Keyes Family Fund Virginia and Joseph Mallof Family Fund Moore Oil Company Foundation Nonprofit Management Fund Paraclete Fund Gertrude and Eric William Passmore Fund Schaus Family Fund Victor Vega Educational Fund Clifford J. and Victoria M. Zahn Fund John* and Sharon Grignon Joan Grogan* Michelle* and James* Gross Anne Gunderman Amie* and Brandon* Hahn Susan (Bolger)* and H. Jeffrey Hamar Barbara and David Hammer Doris* and Charles Hand Robert* and Heidi Hanley Jerry* and Robin Hanscum Robert Hansen* Michael* and Sandra Harsh Andrew* and Christen Harwood Mary Pat* and Dan* Hawley Paul Heaton* Heaton Trial Law, S.C. Evan and Marion Helfaer Foundation Elizabeth Heller Heller Foundation Janet* and Michael* Helminski Ramona* and Bruno* Henke James Hill, Jr.,* and Pamela Hill DeEtte* and Robert* Hoch, Jr. Mary* and Ted* Hodan Jean and Charles Holmburg Wayne* and Mary Holt Holt Family Foundation, Ltd. Gerard Holton Gerald* and Ann Hopfensperger William Hughes, III,* and Peggy Hughes Michelle and Ken Hush IBM International Foundation Illinois Tool Works Foundation


Immaculate Conception Parents Club Christopher Impens* Integrated Risk Solutions, Inc. Michelle* and John* Irving JPC Foundation J.P. Cullen & Sons Jackson Lewis LLP Michael Jassak* Betty* and Joseph* Jauquet Dr. William* and Mary Jo (Repp)* Jesenovec Patricia* and Daniel* Jessup George* and Sondra Juetten Steve* and Nancy Lee Kailas Saburo* and Joyce Kami Joseph M. Kane* Jane* and Lawrence* Kean Mary* and Timothy* Keane Colleen Kennedy and Thomas Kelly, Jr. John Conway Kennedy* Kenosha Community Foundation Francis W. and Frances M. Kerscher Foundation Michael* and Cynthia* Ketter Judith Keyes* Jeffrey Kieckhafer* Karen Kindel* and Robert Hussinger Richard* and Jeanne Kitz Jamie and James Kitzinger Barbara* and Michael* Klein Kurt Klitzke Luther* and Doris Kloth Thaddeus Knap* Audrey* and Scott* Knoll Ronald Kollmansberger* Richard* and Mary Komorowski Craig* and Karen Koshkarian Kristie Kosobucki* Eugene* and Catherine Kroeff Thomas Kuesel* LaCrosse District Dental Society LaFave Family Fund Dean* and Tamara Laing Catherine and Eric Lamb Michelle Lamers* Leah Lampone* Marco Lancieri Jerome Lang* Edwin* and Margaret Langhenry Courtland* and Patricia Larkin Patricia Lasky* Matthew Lautz


Joell* and Elmer Lehman Mary Lehman-Panek* and Richard Panek* Samuel Leib Therese* and Mark* Lenz Gordon J. Liebl Kevin* and Peggy* Long Camille A. Lonstorf Trust Todd* and Jennifer Lopez James* and Sharon Low Denis Lynch Steven Madsen* and Rebecca Porter Marybeth Anzich Mahoney Robert* and Kathleen* Mahoney Virginia and Joseph Mallof Marcus Theatre Corporation Ludgardis S. Marxer College Education Trust Fund Nancy Mathiowetz Daniel* and Mary McCormick McCormick Law Office David* and Julie McDermid Jennifer McGaver* Jay* and Lisa* McKenna Rob* and Kate* McNamara Timothy McReath* McShane Construction Corporation McShane Foundation Patrick* and Piper Mehigan Donald Mertz* Suzanne* and Lyle Meyer MGR Foundation Nicole* and Todd Michaels Ronald* and Kathleen Mohorek Rose A. Monaghan Charitable Trust

Bob* and Chrissie Monday Kathleen Mooney-Cahill* and Edward Cahill Patrick* and Kristina Morton Julie and George Mosher Gene* and Marge Murphy Mariah* and Brian* Murphy Susan Murphy* Josephine and James Myers Raymond* and Mary Nass Mark Nelson* Michael Nelson* Gale and Donald Nestor Roland Neumann, Jr.,* and Marie Neumann Don Neureuther Hanna and Bob Nevins Todd* and Camille Nicklaus Northwestern Mutual Matthew* and Constance Noyce Nu-Art Dental Laboratory, Inc. Susan* and Richard Nuccio Paul Oberbreckling* Kathleen* and James* O’Connell Laurie* and James* Odlum Randall and Pamela Oehldrich Monica* and William Oliver Barbara* and Bruce* Olson Stephanie* and Brian* Olsson Ortho Organizers Orthodontic Specialists, S.C. Patricia* and Thomas* Packee Jeffrey Pakula* Debra* and Richard* Palmer Ralph Pamenter* Elizabeth* and John* Park Pamela Parker and William Donaldson


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“Neither of us graduated from Marquette, but in 2010 our daughter transferred to Marquette and our family quickly became fans. Molly has taken the Jesuit charge ‘to light the world on fire’ seriously as a proud member of the Class of 2013. Why do we give? Helping others makes us feel good about ourselves, and Marquette stewards our financial support wisely for the incredible bunch of young women and men in its care.” LI N DA A N D K E V I N M U L L A N E — BRO OKS - L E VEL MEMBER S

HELPING OTHERS Bob* and Sandy* Pavlic Gail* and John Paul* Perla, Jr. Alma Peters* Van-Anh* and Michael* Peters Dale* and Isabel Petranech Margaret Pfeffer/Misey Trust Pharmacy Healthcare Solutions Phillips-Van Heusen Foundation, Inc. Physical Therapy Student Council Thomas* and Susan Piskorski Pitney Bowes, Inc. Robert* and Anne Pochowski Ildy and Skip Poliner Dennis* and Kathleen Pollard Susan and Thomas Popalisky Frederick* and Linda Prehn Gerald Prout Kalynne* and John* Pudner Michael Quartana* Racine County Dental Association Thomas* and Roxie Radmer John T.* and Judith Quella* Randall Susan and Stephen Rathford Michael* and Margaret Rauenhorst Susan* and Daniel* Real Mary* and Patrick* Reardon Kathleen Redmond* Alicia* and Myron Resnick William Rieger* Michael* and Melissa Riley Thomas* and Sharon Roman Brendan* and Kathleen Rowen Russ Darrow Group, Inc. Aileen Ryan*

John* and Melissa Rydlewicz John* and Ana Maria Sadowski Mary Pat* and Dennis* Sage Victor* and Terina Salerno Sanofi US Sargent and Lundy LLC Scott Scampini* and Mary Wendt Brian* and Gwen Schaefer Richard* and Catherine Schallhorn Cynthia Schaus and Roger Schaus, Jr. Robert* and Darryl Schilli Paul* and Nancy Schlagenhauf Michael* and Eileen Schmalz Thomas* and Judith Schmid Andrew* and Lyssa Schmidt Andrew J. Schmidt Charitable Fund Richard* and Nicole* Schmidt Walter* and Nancy Schmidt Val* and Sheri Schnabl Andrea and Rodd Schneider Richard Schoenecker* Edwin* and Carla Schoenenberger Don Schoonenberg Louise and Jeffrey Schrank Margaret* and Carl* Schrank Jennifer* and Brian* Schreiber James* and Paula Schubilske Sealed Air Corporation Thomas* and Barbara Searle Sentry Insurance Foundation Robert C. Siegel* Margaret* and Marvin* Simon Patrice* and Jon* Sisulak, Sr. Brett* and Debbie* Skarr

* Denotes Alumni

Matthew* and Lindsay Slaggie Slaggie Family Foundation Amy* and John* Sloane Rosemary Smith* Sarah* and Benjamin* Somers Joan and Michael Spector Douglas Stadler* Roger* and Ginger Stanek Mary Beth Stanton* and Cristine Doran Louis Staudenmaier, Jr.* Pamela* and Joseph* Stiglitz Doris* and William Stilwell, III Charles Strassman* Jane Street* Christopher* and Ann Swain Ernest Szabados* Target Corporation TE Connectivity Ltd. Texas Instruments Foundation Elizabeth and John Thometz Geoffrey Thompson Tito and Sandra Tiberti Foundation Sharon Tiedge* and Brian Redding* Kay* and Joe* Tierney, III Mary Alice Tierney Dunn* Carlye and Timothy Tomczyk Lori* and Charles* Torner TOTAL Mechanical Karyn* and Timothy* Trecek Peggy* and Ron* Troy David* and Susan Tulbert Derek Tyus* and Sandra Scott-Tyus Maria Ule* Verizon Foundation Dawn and Jeffrey Vilione

Mary* and Robert Voelker James* and Yong Voigt Norman* and Alicia Volk VWR International, LLC Thomas Walker, Jr.,* and Allison Walker James Waltenberger* and Antoinette Hernandez Waukesha County Community Foundation Claudia* and Brent* Welke Emily (Kittler)* and Brian* Wensel William Wertz* Kathryn* and Bernard* Westfahl Weyco Group, Inc. Ann Marie Wick* Kurt* and Maureen Widmann Brian* and Judith Wier Mark Wiesman* and Julie Tolan John H. Wild Family Trust Daniel* and Kristen Williams Frank* and Inge Wintersberger Wisconsin Workers Compensation Forum Barbara Witkiewicz* Duane* and Margaret Wolter Penelope Wong and Tim Kochis Charitable Foundation Robert* and Geralyn Wright Michael* and Eileen Yelovich Dr.* and Mrs. Robert D. Zelko Gerda and Ernest Zeller Annette* and J.J. Ziegler Leo Zoeller* and Diane Markgraf

| NAMES in bold denote young alumni who also qualified for membership at the Brooks, McCabe, Burrowes or Lalumiere level.



2 013





“We have seen time and again how a Marquette education contributes to and influences the development of ‘whole’ people. Living in New York for the past decade, fellow alumni have become some of our best friends, colleagues and business partners. We’ve found that Marquette’s Jesuit mission lives on long past any graduation date. We remain inspired by our fellow Marquetters and the university’s positive trajectory.” SA R A H , B US A D ’ 02 , A N D BE N , BUS A D ’ 9 8 , S OMER S — YOUNG ALUMNI MEMBER S AND MCCABE-LEV EL MEMBE RS


3M Foundation Roger* and Joan Abbott Albert Abena* Accenture Acquity Group Barbara* and J. Rodger* Adams Robert* and Margaret Agnew Marie* and Paul* Akre Thomas Albiero* Alpha Sigma Nu, Inc. Anonymous Todd* and Kristin Armstrong Ascend Real Estate Group LLC Aspen Dental Mary Ann Austin Deborah Bailey Marna and Chris Bame Bame Foundation Penelope* and Edward* Bancker, Jr. Alison Barnes Susan* and Charles* Barney Joseph* and Barbara Barrett Michael* and Mary Lu Barron Cynthia* and Dale Bauer Ned and Helen Bechthold Colleen and Brent Bechtle Barbara* and Thomas* Behl Clarice* and James* Belling William Bendt* Jeannine* and William* Bergs David Berther Cary* and Steve* Biskupic


Tom* and Geri Bitters Diane and Daniel Blinka Christine* and Michael* Blonski Aaron Blum Leslie* and Erin Blum Marcia* and Jimmy Bogle Patti* and Bart* Bohne Steven* and Kris Borkenhagen Sean* and Carole Bosack Jose A. Bosio Arthur Bowman, Jr.,* and Debra Bowman Eda and Dennis Braun Julie* and Robert Breshock Briggs and Stratton Corporation Foundation Thomas* and Valerie Bruett Matthew* and Lori Brumbaugh Stephanie* and Brian* Brunkhorst Carol and Brian Brush John* and Joan Brusky Richard* and Yvonne Brusky Joan* and James* Buehler Timothy* and Ruth* Bultman Paul Burbach, Sr.,* and Catherine Burbach Allen Burbey* John Burke, Jr.,* and Murph Burke Burke Properties Therese* and William* Burkhart Stephen* and Susan* Burlone William Burns, Jr.,* and Nancy Burns Gale* and David* Busemeyer Cabintree of Wisconsin, Inc. Daniel and Margaret Callahan Elizabeth* and John* Callan


Christopher* and Kelly Calvelli Jane* and Patrick* Carlin Eugenia and Michael Carter Mary* and Michael* Casey M. Sandra Casper* and David Adamson Catalyst Foundation Kathleen* and Anthony* Cavalco Center for Dental Implants Patricia A. Cervenka Tracy Christman* Andrew Christopher* Todd* and Kim* Ciresi Jessica and David Clark Thomas Classick* Kristine Cleary* and Peter Coffey* Clinicare Corporation Carole* and Dennis* Connor James* and Susan Conrardy Greg* and Diane* Conway Robert J. and Loretta W. Cooney Kathleen Uruba Corydon* and James Corydon Angela* and Mark* Cotteleer CQC Holdings LLC John* and Michelle Cracraft Rosemary* and Charles Crawford Mary* and Mark* Curran Greg* and Jodie Curtis John* and Shirley Czajka Catherine and Thomas Czech Christine* and Richard Daignault, Jr. Richard Daignault, III* Christopher* and Lisa Dalton Ellen Daly* Patricia* and Daniel* D’Angelo

Deb and Jim Davis Joi Davis Charlene and Oliver DeGroot Daniel* and Sarah DeGroot DeGroot Family Foundation Mary Ann Deibele* John Deinlein* James* and Patricia DeJong Donald Delebo* Thomas R. Delebo* Shirley and William Dentinger, Jr. Francesca DeRose* and David Barnes* Michael* and Kathleen Devitt Direct Supply, Inc. Mary DiTolla* Jean* and Andy Dole Matthew Domski* Robert* and Sharon Donohoe Elizabeth Doolittle* and Thomas Schuerman* Donald* and Josephine Dougherty Bernard Dowling* Kristen* and Michael* Doyle William Ryan Drew* and Mary C. Cannon Judith* and Martin* Drinka Mary June and James Duca John Terence Duffey* and Diana Duffey Daisy Pang Dung* Patricia* and Michael* Dunn Patrick* and Virginia Dunphy Jaculin* and David* Dupree Jim* and Cheryl Dupree Geoffrey* and Lisa Dybas Harold E. Eisenberg Foundation



Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Lisa* and Kenneth Ellis James* and Sandra Engel Mary Kate* and Stephen Engel Ann Engelkemeir* and James Moyer* Rosemary* and Roger Enrico Enterprise Holdings Foundation Scott H. Evertz* Rita Fagan* Jennifer* and Joseph Fahey Louis* and Katherine Fava Mr.* and Mrs.* Daniel G. Feder Nancy (Morris)* and Thomas* Feit Margaret* and Michael* Felber Michael* and Andrea Ferris Cheryl Figg and Stephen Franzoi Bill* and Claudette Finke Robert* and Arlana Fischer Michelle* and James* Fitzpatrick Robert* and Rosemarie Fitzsimmons Bernard Flatley* Kevin* and Susan Flynn Sharon* and Robert* Flynn Donna Rae* and David* Foran Janet* and Robert Frederick Marilyn* and Thomas* Frenn Christine* and LG* Friedrichs, Jr. Lynn Friedrichs* Ann and Andy Friesch James G. Fritsche* and Colleen McAllister Fritsche Gail* and Stephen* Froehlich Patricia* and George* Frommell

Peter* and Michele Frommelt Christopher* and Christina Fugman Fulcrum Foundation Jeffrey* and Kathleen Fuller Fusion OEM G.O.T. Partners Michael* and Cynthia Gallagher John Garvey* Frances Gautieri Brown* Phyllis and Clement Gebo Carol and Paul Gehl Geiger Family Foundation Jeffrey and Susan George James Ghiardi* Laura* and David* Giesen Gary* and Bronwyn Glojek Ann and Mark Gmach GMDA, Inc. Carol Goeckermann David* and Jane Goesch Stephen* and Anne Marie Gonczy Steven Gorski* Stephen* and Bernadine Graff Sara* and Louis* Gral Joan Caresio Grassman* Greater Green Bay Community Foundation Greater Milwaukee Foundation Otto Borchert Family Fund Cecelia A. Borenitsch Fund Michael and Patricia Dunn Fund Bernardine and Stephen Graff Fund Journal Foundation/Donald and Barbara Abert Fund

* Denotes Alumni

Journal Foundation/Ione Quinby Griggs Journalism Scholarship Fund Journal Foundation/Francis D. and Jane Keogh Kelly Fund Journal Foundation/Jack and Eileen Koller Fund Journal Foundation/Donald and Eleanor Massa Fund Journal Foundation/Harvey and Geraldine Schwandner Fund Dorothy M. Mundschau Fund for Women’s Higher Education David C. Scott, Sr. Marquette University Scholarship Fund Dr. Nick J. and Fay K. Topetzes Education Fund William H. Wasweyler Fund Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Education Foundation Martin* and Beverly Greenberg Law Offices of Martin J. Greenberg, LLC William Greenwood* Renee* and Paul* Griepentrog Karl Gross* Grunau Company Amy Guidry Kerry* and Michael Guthrie Ray Habelman, Jr.,* and Staci Habelman Hager, Dewick & Zuengler, S.C. Neil Hamilton* Julie Hanley Sue* and Bill* Harnett Michelle* and David* Harrington Denise Harron* and Donald Linneman* Jeanie Hart-Grunau and Paul Grunau Kathleen and Michael Hart Joseph* and Mary Hartl Clifford* and Susan Hartmann Jeffrey* and Diana Hartnett Steven Hein* Lisa* and William Henk Joseph* and Geraldine Herberger Mark* and Cis Holzhauer Julie Ziegman Hood*

Anne* and James Horner Patrick Horning* Virginia and John Horning Peter* and Jeanne Hosinski Jeanne Hossenlopp and Dan Pautz Richard* and Eugenia Hoy Donald* and Joyce Huml Robert Ippel* J&L Foundation Donald* and Diane Jacquart Jessica* and Benjamin* Jagoe Robert* and Christine Jahncke Jim* and Elizabeth Jameson Patricia* and James* Janz Anne* and Edward* Jarosz Kathleen and Richard Jensen Robert* and Carlotta Johnson Tracy* and Jeremy* Josetti Jeffrey* and Susan Just Justinian Society of Lawyers Wisconsin Chapter Bradley J. Kalscheur* Lisa* and Paul* Kanning David* and Donna Karp Joellen* and James* Kaster Timothy Kellen* Mary and Ted Kellner Jessica and Michael Kelly Nancy and Leon Kendall Maureen* and Mark* Kenfield Suzanne H. Keohane* John Kerscher* and Sandra Bucha James* and Lia Kieckhafer Judith* and Joseph* King Marcia* and John* Kircher John* and Mary Klein David* and Diane Klimisch Patricia and Philip Kohls Jack* and Eileen Koller David Kolpak* Lisa Konieczka* Patricia* and John Konkel Lee and Benedict Kordus Louis Korompilas Jamie* and Mary Kowalski Eugene Kralicek* Patricia* and David* Kraninger, Sr. Jacquelyn* and Gary* Krawczyk Douglas Krueger* Kimberly* and Brandon* Krugman Shelley Kuehneman* Lee* and Eileen Kummer Ladky Associates Foundation

| NAMES in bold denote young alumni who also qualified for membership at the Brooks, McCabe, Burrowes or Lalumiere level.



2013 Jane and Ronald LaFever Sharon* and Sean* Lafferty Dale* and Sandra Landgren James R. Lang* Samantha* and Daniel* La Nuez C. Larkin* Julie* and William* Ledger Miana and Long Lee Anne* and Ronald* Leggio Beth and Brian Lemek Nancy and Edward Leonard Anne Lessl Bernard* and Mafalda Levernier Ben* and Janice Levy Donald* and Kathryn Lewandowski Liverpool Carting Company Denise and William Lobb Lord’s Dental Studio, Inc. Laura and Robert Love Ginny* and Ray* Lovett Anne and Fred Luber Anne and Fred Luber Foundation Mary Beth* and Patrick* Lucas Nicholas Lucas, Jr.,* and Christine Lucas Phillip* and Theresa Lucas Franklin Lyons John* and Beverly Mack Mary* and Mark* Madigan Madison Community Foundation Madison Endodontic Associates, S.C. Therese Mahoney-Ogden* and Peter Ogden Constance* and James* Maloney Jerrilyn* and John* Maloney Dalarie Manda Lorry and Tony Mandolini Gina* and Guy* Maras Jeanie* and Frank* Marinelli Kristen Maskala* and Monte Smith Wally Mason and Judith Sasso-Mason Mary Ann* and Richard* Mathews Colleen and Paul Mayer Kathleen* and Vincent* McAvoy Michael McChrystal* Elizabeth* and Adam* McCostlin Mary Pat* and Richard* McDermott William H.* and Lois J.* McEssy


William H. & Lois J. McEssy Foundation Patrick* and Laura McGartland Celagrace* and Mark McGuire Christopher S. McGuire* Carol* and Paul* McInerny Deborah McKeithan-Gebhardt* and John Gebhardt Patrick* and Pamela McKenna Janet and James McMahon Meg* and Todd* McMahon Wendy Jo and Dirk McMahon Kathleen* and Hugh* McManus Maribeth* and Daniel* McNally Emily* and Truman* McNulty Donald and Lorena Meier Foundation Blythe and Michael Meigs Marcia Mentkowski Metalstamp, Inc. Karen* and Michael* Micallef Anthony* and Leone Michel John* and Margaret Michl Microsoft Corporation Midwest Promotional Group Paul Milakovich* John Miley* Julie and Chris Miller Kathy and Mark Miller Mark Miller* and Joan Ravanelli* Miller Thomas E. Miller William* and Jo Anne Miller Robert Mitchell* Terri Mitchell Arnold* and Freda Mitchem John F. Monroe, Jr.,* and Rosemary Monroe Molly* and Jeffrey* Morris Karen Morrison-Huebner* and Stuart Huebner* Motorola Solutions Foundation Joseph Motz* Noelle Muceno* and James Niquet* Barbara* and Donald Mueller Judith* and Charles* Mulcahy Linda and Kevin Mullane Michael* and Emer Mulvihill Charlene* and Robert* Muren Dennis and Ellin Murphy Foundation Mary* and Daniel* Murphy Pamela Murphy Raymond Murphy, Jr.,* and Amy Barefoot


Mary Ellen* and Frederick* Muth, Jr. Keith G. Myers* Louise* and Robert* Natrop NCHM Charities Philip* and Michelle Neary Kent Nelson Meg (Brzyski)* and Duane* Nelson Nichols* and Patricia Nelson Michael* and Dorine Nemoir Thomas* and Gloria Nesbitt Mary Louise* and Gerard* Neugent Richard Neureuther Thomas* and Joan Neuschaefer Walter F. Neuschafer Charitable Lead Annuity Trust New York Life Foundation NFPA Education and Technology Foundation Mary* and Robert* Nirschl Mary* and Thomas* Nolte James Noonan* and Dana Levinson Shari* and Robert Noonan Steve* and Kristi Nooyen Dr. Theodore J. Nord* and Catherine A. Nord Andrew Nunemaker Foundation, Inc. Kathy Nusslock* Lois* and William O’Brien Kathryn and Joseph O’Connor, Jr. Julie* and Hugh* O’Halloran Omaha Community Foundation Mark O’Meara, Jr.,* and Kristine O’Meara John Orlandini* Othmar Group LLC Michele* and Kevin* Owens Pabst Farms Development LLC

Robert Pacheco* Paula Papanek* Leslie and Jon Paparsenos Rudolph Pasquan* John Patterson* James Pauly, Sr.,* and Mary Jo Pauly Richard* and Mary Ann Pedtke Patricia* and Duane Pellervo Lois M. Pence* Charles A. and Marilyn J. Perry Susan M.* and Curtis A. Perry Kyle Persohn* John* and Anita Peterson Tamara and Paul Petricca Phalanx Capital Management Edward* and Kristie Piasta Thomas* and Terese Pierce Keith* and Tracey Pinsoneault Gail* and Michael* Polzin Carol Porth* William Portz, Jr.,* and Susan Portz Stephen Pouliot* Patrick Pralle* Violet Preston Principal Financial Group Foundation PTK Sales LLC PVH Corporation Stephanie Quade* Patrick* and Brenda Quick John Quilter* Virginia Quirk Mary* and Barry* Quirke Janet Raasch* and Kevin O’Connor* Stephanie* and Kevin* Race Steven* and Stacey Radke Walter* and Roanne Rebenson Richard L. Reichenbaugh* Thomas* and Tammy Reitz Mary Ann* and Greg* Renz


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“Love is shown more in deeds than in words.” ― St. Ignatius of Loyola

WITH GRATITUDE Patricia* and Ray* Reuter Robert Rice* Daniel Riedl* Susan Riordan* and Frank DeGuire* Judith* and George Rios Ronald and Linda Ripley Georgette* and Tim Rippinger Ruth* and Warren Ritter Peter* and Peggy Roan Sarah* and Joseph* Rock Margaret Roedel* Dr.* and Mrs. Henry F. Roepke Corinne* and Michael* Roffler Andrew Rogers* Carissa* and Robert Rollins Kristina* and Paul* Ropella George* and Peggy Rosecky Jay* and Tracy Rothman Joseph* and Pat Rotunno Robert Rudman* and Jennifer Elling Bob and Mary Jean Rumer Phil Runkel* Mark Rusk* James Russ, Sr.,* and Judy Russ Stephanie* and Patrick* Russell Elizabeth* and Stephen* Ryan, Jr. Thomas St. John* and Micaela Levine Saint Paul Foundation Susan* and Gregory* Samuels Pamela Scarberry* Kathleen and Arthur Scheuber Lewis* and Danielle Schoenwetter John Schoonenberg* Thomas* and Jane Schrimpf Eleanor* and Harold* Schroeder Kristin* and Ryan Schultz John Schumacher*

Emily* and Gregory* Schumacher-Novak Janet* and Ronald* Schutz Thomas Schwendler, Sr.,* and Rosemary Schwendler Patricia* and John* Scotellaro Roger* and Margaret Sharpe Dr. Paula Sherman Crum* William* and Laurel Shiel Helen* and John* Shiely Christopher Shulick Colin Shulick Mark Shulick Matthew Shulick Scott* and Lisa Shulick Sigma Theta Tau Daniel* and Janice Silvestri Julie* and Timothy* Simmons Marguerite Simmons John* and Regina Sinsky Joseph* and Alice Skorcz Mary and George Slater Billie Jean Smith* Kathleen Smith* Noel Smith Richard Smith* Ronald Smith* John* and Joanne Sorenson Janell* and Andrew* Soucheray Spann & Associates, LLC Ruth* and David* Springob Sprint Foundation Staff Electric Co., Inc. Jeffrey Stanislawski* Stephanie* and Jake* Stefan Anton Stepanek* Christopher Stevens* Karen Stevens* Mary Lu* and Charles* Stewart James* and Leslie Stollberg Mary Kay Strachota* The Streiff Speer Society for Apical Excellence

* Denotes Alumni

Kenneth* and Karen Streit Daniel Sullivan* and Vlora Elmazi Geraldine* and Lawrence Sullivan Marcia* and James* Sundeen Gerald* and Judith Sylvain Sheila* and John* Taphorn Kathy and Robert Tatterson Amy* and Timothy* Theisen Peter Thimm* Janice Thimmesch* Michael D. Thometz* Bonnie Thomson and Donald Callahan Mary Ann Tilk* Mary* and Norbert Tlachac Mary Tobin* Charles* and Maryanne Torner Benjamin Tracy* Janetta Trotman* United Technologies Universal Electronics Paul* and Nancy Vander Kelen Corinthia Campbell Van Orsdol* Jon* and Joan Varner Hildegaard Verploegen* Joseph Villmow* Vilter Foundation Gail and Jerry Viscione Kenneth W. Voss* Benjamin Walsh Judy* and Warren* Wanezek Warren Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates Karin* and Kirby* Watson Waushara Dental Associates Jason Weiner* Paul* and Karen Weinewuth Mary* and Alan* Weingart Conrad* and Mary Weinlein Darlene Weis*

Mary Margaret* and David Weiss Janice and William Welburn Judith Welsh* Anna* and Russ Werner Robert* and Lee Werner Ross* and Julie Werner Jude* and Nora Werra Gordon* and Kathleen Westphal Gregory* and Ellen Weyandt Robert F.* and Barbara M.* Whealon Whirlpool Corporation Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S.C. Jacqueline* and Matthew* Wieck Christine Wilczynski-Vogel* and James Vogel* David Williams* and Karen Andresen Joseph Williams, Jr.,* and Anne Martin David Willy* Wisconsin Association of Worker’s Compensation Attorneys Christy* and Kyle* Woitel James Worfolk Laura Worfolk Stephen Worfolk Jerome* and Suzanne Wren Maureen Wright* Catherine Young* Kenneth Yunker* and Susan Mackowski Katherine* and Matthew* Zahner Joseph Zidanic* P. Wayne* and Patricia Ziebell Tricia* and Michael* Zielinski Jacqueline* and Stephen* Zimmer Craig* and Tracy Zoberis Philip* and Jeannine Zwieg

| NAMES in bold denote young alumni who also qualified for membership at the Brooks, McCabe, Burrowes or Lalumiere level.



NEW FOR 2013


Alissa* and Daniel* Abelson Anonymous Brian Anstiss* Robert* and Jennifer Braasch Julia* and Raymond* Bucheger Daniel Cellitti* Allen Chew* Jennifer* and James* Connelly London* and Timothy* Cooper Nicholas D’Agosto* Brigid Dolan* Jason Ehtessabian* Todd* and Toni Filter Daniel Geigler* Colleen* and Matthew* Glisson Steven Gorski* Elizabeth* and Justin* Griffith Kerry* and Michael Guthrie Trisha* and Jeremy* Hahn Andrew* and Christen Harwood Rebecca* and Jonathan Hirsch Francis* and Linda Horning Mark* and Sabrina Huntoon Kevin Indrebo* Lisa* and Paul* Kanning Kelly* and Benjamin* Koch Elizabeth* and James* Lange Julie* and William* Ledger Katherine* and David Lucey Erin* and Troy* Martell Jennifer McGaver* Karen* and Michael* Micallef Kelly Miller* Jessica* and Theran* Motl Michael Neufeldt* Amy* and Matthew* Neururer Bridget O’Connell* and Dan Hable Nina* and James* Olson, Jr. Stephanie* and Brian* Olsson Dana Outhouse* Edward* and Kristie Piasta

2013 Bridget* and Daniel* Pudi Maura* and Jay* Rabideaux Bryon Riesch* Phillip* and Emily Rinzel Kristin* and Jeffrey* Schmitt Sarah* and Mark* Schoenfelder Jennifer* and Brian* Schreiber James Schulte* Kathleen* and Paul Shane Patrick* and Lindsay Smith Sarah* and Benjamin* Somers Christine Spella* Mary Beth Stanton* and Cristine Doran Stephanie* and Jake* Stefan Peter Thimm* Danny Thomas* Michael D. Thometz* Michael Thompson* Jacqueline* and Matthew* Wieck Andrew Wiers* Tricia* and Michael* Zielinski

CLASS OF 2004–2008 $500+

Karlyn* and Ryan* Agnew Emili Ballweg* Lara Baus* Craig Benton* Patrick Biernacki* Timothy Bolger* and Kate Norton Patricia Boyer* Elena Braun* Mark Breen* Steven Briggs* Allen Burbey* Justin Bushweiler* Kathleen Conroy* and Michael Slupik* Richard Daignault, III* Elizabeth DeLuca* Rosamaria* and Travis* Diener Matthew Domski* Erin Fallon* Kathleen* and Thomas* Gannon Brandon Giles* Jenna* and Sean Glazier Adriana* and Cesar Gonzalez Amie* and Brandon* Hahn Otto Heck*

Elizabeth Howayeck* Clare Kennedy* John Conway Kennedy* Michael Kinateder* Cory Kirchen* Kristie Kosobucki* Kimberly* and Brandon* Krugman Samantha* and Daniel* La Nuez Robert * and Dawn Mallof Ryan Maloney* Erin* and Andrew* McArdle Brant* and Marissa McCartan Elizabeth* and Adam* McCostlin Patrick McFadden* Daniel Merkel* Robert Merkel* Elizabeth* and Kevin* Meyer Andrew Nosbusch* Ashley* and James* Packee Chad* and Jenna* Pahnke James Pauly, Jr.* Teresa* and Michael Pavelich Eric Pearson* John* and Brenda Perry Aaron* and Meghan Peters Joann* and Matthew* Pitton Keith Rocheck* Elizabeth* and Stephen* Ryan, Jr. Molly* and Zachary* Savage Emily* and Steven* Schultz Emily* and Gregory* Schumacher-Novak Peter Schunk* Alexander Senn* Elizabeth* and Andrew* Sharos Matthew* and Lindsay Slaggie Ronald Smith* Matthew* and Natalie Soper Erin* and Peter* Stanek David Stanton* Daniel Suhr* Maura Sullivan* Brooke* and Jesse* Thomas Joseph Villmow* Alison* and Matthew Walsh Stephanie* and Robert* Walton Margaret* and Charles* Weber Rachel Weiler* E. J. Whitney Wilson* Kristin Klima Witt* and Jonathan Witt*

CLASS OF 2009–2013 $250+

Tina Aiello* Michael Angeli* Anonymous James Brennan* Ellen Carlson* John Carruthers* Rodolfo Chavez* Shawn Davis* Elizabeth Driscoll* John Dunlap* John Feeney* Louise Gebel* Aaron Gember* Abigail Gilsinger* Paul Hale* Alexander Hansen* Lauren T. Havey* and Dan Tyler* Tara Holderness* Paige Jorgensen* Andrew Kaczmarek* Timothy Kellen* Ashley Kennedy* Kurtis Keuter* Joseph Kohut* Margaret Krusing* David Kuester* Steven Lynch* David Martin* Wesley Matthews, IV* Allison McBride* Kevin McGinn* Anne Mongoven* Ashley Niedringhaus* Allen O’Connor* Laurie Osman* Bethany* and Matthew* Peters Aurora Prehn* Jason Rae* Michael Riopel* Vanessa Sauk* Sarah Schmidt* Andrew Sinclair* Christina Starkey* Samantha Toigo* Christopher Toth* Andrew Verchota* Michael Ziegler*

or for more information about the President’s Society, contact Haleigh Johnson, donor relations officer, Special Programs and Stewardship, (414) 288-0391, FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THE HONOR ROLL



* Denotes Alumni

from the archives

Students sign up for classes in the Old Gym, circa 1972.

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