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20 years in the Marram waka

According to statistics released three years ago only a quarter of employed New Zealanders stay in a job for 10 years or more, so that puts Marram’s Product Manager Debbie Shute in a very exclusive club.

On the eve of her 20th anniversary working for Marram, Content Editor Sue Burgin set out to discover what it is that keeps someone in the same job for 20 years, particularly someone who freely admits she prefers the company of dogs to humans.

Debbie still remembers very clearly the day she first walked through the door of the Marram office in February 2002 to start work in the sales and marketing area.

‘It was terrifying” she says, “Returning to work after four years at home with my baby wasn’t easy. Thank goodness I had my Mum to help on the home front because things weren’t so flexible in the workplace 20 years ago.”

The fact she hasn’t walked out the door 20 years later, suggests Debbie found in Marram, job satisfaction that eludes three quarters of the population according to that 2018 survey.

“I like to get the job done. I like to do the research, check out what the competitors are doing and find solutions. Change doesn’t frighten me and looking back I feel proud of the many changes I’ve helped shape along the way.” And Debbie also credits the people she works with. “We’re a small team of dedicated people who just get on with it no matter what’s thrown at us,” she laughs.

A couple of bosses get singled out as Debbie casts her mind back. “Dionne Goodgame who believed I could do the job at the start, and current CEO Glenn Clark who allows me to get on with the job.”

So let’s talk about that Debbie

“Well, let’s start with the Marram story – what’s not to love about that. A community that grew over 75 years, based on kindness and caring for the health and welfare of employees, and believing in the product, is a big part of job satisfaction.”

She says the ethos of employees being treated well and rewarded for the work they do is important to her and central to her longevity with Marram.

Debbie likes to be challenged and says her 20 years with the trust has thrown her plenty of those.

20 years of achievements to be proud of

Hands down the thing Debbie’s most proud of is her role in the introduction of pet-friendly holiday homes. No surprises there with this passionate Cynophilist.

She also rates building and acquiring new holiday homes fairly high on the list.

“I’m particularly proud of my role in the Ohakune and Martinborough builds, and more recently Wanaka and Queenstown. I love the whole process.”

As the needs of holidaymakers have changed over the years, Debbie says she’s worked on changing the Marram homes from cottages into well appointed, homes the community can enjoy.

Work done on keeping the healthcare benefits relevant over the years is also high on the list.

“We’ve introduced new products, consolidating and updating the benefits, and made changes to make it easier to understand and request them.”

Looking to the next 20 years – what lies ahead?

Two words dominate according to Debbie. “Climate change.”

“With sea levels rising, some properties may have to go. I think we’ll see more homes but in fewer areas. People’s expectations may lead to a facility management model with more apartments and city homes. Sustainability is no longer just an option and will shape the future.”

But one thing will not be negotiable she says waving her arms in a very firm negative, the price.

“Price is central to everything, always has been. Marram’s about value for money. The pressures will go on but that’s my bottom line.”

Finally – on that all important worklife homelife balance

It’s something Debbie’s been working on a lot since the COVID pandemic started changing the way Marram and thousands of other businesses work.

"That balance is increasingly important when your lounge becomes your office.”

No surprises again that Debbie credits her beloved dogs and an understanding husband with achieving the perfect balance.

In her spare time Debbie trains and competes in agility events with three of her dogs. Matriarch Jess has retired.

“I’ve been passionate about dogs all my life. Dogs don’t care what you look like, they don’t answer back and they’re always really pleased to see you.”

So Debbie, on behalf of all your colleagues at Marram congratulations on 20 years and all you’ve achieved. Ka pai!

And if it all ‘goes to the dogs‘ in the future we know you will be more than happy.

Deb pictured with Twist and Swifty.

Jess (back) and Drift

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