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Meet Kim Goodin from Marram's Support Team

Meet Kim Goodin fromMarram’s Support Team

By Sue Burgin

She’s tall, statuesque almost, always smiling and has a great collection of outrageously colourful earrings - think Annie Lennox of Eurythmics fame.

But my quest was to go beyond the obvious and find out what makes Marram’s Support Team member Kim Goodin tick.

I’m always surprised at the twists and turns an interview can take when you get someone talking about their lives, but I didn’t envisage an interview with Kim would end with us both singing Cliff Richard’s Devil Woman, you know, the one with evil on her mind.

The best popstar ever!

Yep! Bar none according to Kim. “I still listen to him. I really like his energy, his story, his christianity. I read his autobiography and watch all his interviews,” she says. “ I had his calendar on my wall and still remember vividly Mum and Dad taking me to see him in concert at the Michael Fowler Centre in 1988.”

So where did it all begin?

This self proclaimed Kiwi was actually born in England.

Kim arrived in New Zealand in 1981 as an 11 year old with her mother father and brother and settled in Papakowhai north of Wellington. She laughs as she remembers how 18 months later the family packed up and returned to the UK, uncertain about the decision they’d made.

“However as soon as we touched down at Heathrow Dad said he knew we’d made the wrong decision. It was an expensive way to make our minds up.” Three months later they were back. “I still like to look back at the old photos of distant relatives, and visit the old country, but I’m a Kiwi now,” she says.

“Family is everything for me”

When asked about what’s important to her, Kim is adamant it’s family. “We’re a small family but we live close by and they’re at the centre of everything I do.” Family consist of husband Shane, daughter Daisy, Beans the Cat and her

Mum, and brother’s family. “I love nothing better than time spent with my teenage daughter Daisy and Shane, walking on the beach, having coffee or icecream and oh yeah, I love shopping with my Mum.

Love blooms in the workplace

Work is also something that gives Kim great pleasure. She’s been working at Marram in various guises for 22 years. After leaving school at 17 she went to work at the ANZ bank. “The banks at the time were going round colleges recruiting young staff, so along with several friends I signed on,” she says. Unbeknown to her, Shane her future husband also signed on, but they didn’t actually meet until they attended the same new entrants course.

She wasn’t impressed on that occasion but when they met again a couple of years later their love story began. That was 30 years ago so I had to ask about their winning formula. “Selective hearing and listening skills,” she jokes. “But seriously we’re a good team. Our strengths and weaknesses balance each other out. We click.”

Her happy place. Kim (left), daughter, Daisy and husband, Shane.

The Marram years

Like so many of Marram’s staff Kim’s a long stayer. Twenty two years long in fact.

She started in a part time position in an office admin job, but once her foot was in the door Kim moved on to do property management working with the volunteers and looking after the holiday homes. The arrival of Daisy saw Kim reduce her hours and join the Support Team allowing her to better manage home and work life. Kim says her parents also worked for Marram for a few years as volunteers at Marram’s Plimmerton holiday home.

When asked about what keeps you in the same job for 22 years Kim was clear.

“It’s the employer. Who you work for. What that organisation represents. Marram looks after us.”

What lies ahead Kim?

A trip back to Blighty for Christmas 2023.

“We havent been back since 2018 when we took Daisy for the first time. It was fabulous. I wrote ahead to the occupiers of my old childhood home who agreed we could visit. I also took Daisy to the Reserve where we played as little kids and was thrilled to find the initials carved into a tree by my brother and me were still there."

"And more fabulous holidays in Marram holiday homes."

Kim says she’s pretty much visited every site over the years.

Oh and baking in her brand new kitchen in the process of being installed as we spoke.

Cheers Kim we’re all looking forward to tasting the delights you produce in that lovely new kitchen.

Her happy place: Kim Goodin (left), daughter Daisy and husband Shane.

Photo: Destina Munro


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